• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 595 Views, 1 Comments

An Underground Mission! - tmz112

Ponies versus Diamond Dogs, who will win!

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Chapter 3: Attack

Truestrike did her best to focus and keep up with the group but other things were on her mind. The constant threat of Diamond Dogs kept her on her hooves and if she managed to forget about them for even just a moment, her fears would bring the thoughts back in an instant. Though the menacing creatures were the main thing on her mind, something lingered in the back of her mind. For some reason, she couldn't get the black pegasus out of her mind. Perhaps it was because that she was the first to even notice Truestrike or that she was the only one who really cared. Maybe it was her beautiful emerald eyes...

Truestrike shook her head as the thought entered her mind. She did her best to forget it and stay focused. She sighed heavily and began to look around at her surroundings, as dull as it was. The only things she had been seeing for the past hour of walking with her squad were rocks, dirt, and high ceilings. She had hoped to see some jewels perhaps but knowing the Diamond Dogs, they would of taken them already.

Her gaze shifted to the ponies to her right. All of them looking forward, so focused and so serious. 'So boring.' Truestrike thought. She glanced at the unicorn at the front with his horn glowing, providing light. A unicorn was assigned to each side of the group so they wouldn't just be wandering around in the dark.

Truestrike, getting restless, decided to try to start a conversation with the large stallion next to her.

"So...how about that ambush?"

The stallion kept moving forward and that's where his gaze stayed as he replied.


Truestrike sighed and tried to further the conversation.

"So, I didn't catch your name."

The stallion kept his gaze in the same direction.


Truestrike smiled, finally making progress. Normally, another pony however would ask the other's name right back.

"Do you care to know my name?"

Ironhammer replied back coldy.


Truestrike's smile dropped into a frown as she realized the stallion didn't want conversation but she did.

"Oh...well it's Truestrike."

Ironhammer didn't seem to notice. She knew that they were all military ponies but that didn't mean they all have to be antisocial.

Truestrike heard a slight giggle from above and looked up to see Ravenheart hovering above her. She smiled and landed between Truestrike and Ironhammer. She turned to the stallion.

"Ironhammer, take my position in the middle of the group."

Ironhammer saluted and shifted into position. Ravenheart laughed and turned to Truestrike.

"Not the most talkative pony, eh?"

Truestrike, feeling down from the previous conversation, only nodded in response and kept her eyes forward. Suddenly, she felt Ravenheart bump her flank playfully with her own. Truestrike quickly looked at Raven, a big grin on her face. This made Truestrike slightly blush and she let out a slight chuckle.

"Looks like you're not a very talkative pony, either."

Truestrike's blush faded and she smiled at Ravenheart.

"Sorry Raven, just fe-"

Truestrike was interrupted as Ravenheart put a hoof up and a serious look came upon her face.

"That's Commander Ravenheart to you, soldier."

Truestrike's smile faded at this and she quickly look down.

"Oh, sorry, Commander Ravenheart."

Truestrike felt the pegasus nudge her. She looked up and saw her leader laughing madly.

"Hahaha! I'm just messing with you Truey."

Truestrike smiled at the nickname and laughed as well. She also felt relieved. She thought she had lost the only friend she had made on this journey.

"That wasn't funny!"

Ravenheart continued to laugh.

"Than why are you laughing!"

Truestrike rolled her eyes playfully.

"Okay, I guess it was kind of funny."

The two continued walking with their gazes forward. Slowly, the laughter died down and Truestrike sighed. With the laughter gone, the fears came back to Truestrike's mind. Her content smile was replaced with a depressed frown and a worried look in her eyes. Raven immediately noticed and looked at Truey with concern.

"So, we've got time if you still want to talk."

Truestrike looked up and a small smile formed.

"Well, I-"


A pony yelled from the front of the group and the soldiers stopped. Ravenheart sighed and began to walk to the front. She turned back as she walked and mouthed a 'sorry' to Truestrike. She nodded sadly in response and stood there, horn still lit.

She looked forward and saw the reason. There was a normally-sized wooden door in front of them encrusted with jewels of all types. A lit torch was on both sides of the door, lighting their current space so the four unicorns turned off their lights.

Ravenheart nodded to a heavily armored stallion and he nodded in return. He walked forward and clumsily opened the door with his hooves. As the door opened, it revealed a dimly lighted room. He looked back at Ravenheart and she waved her hoof at him, motioning him to continue.

He walked into the room and looked around. He looked back at the group and nodded.

"It's clear!"

The group filed into the room. The room was indeed dimly lit and was rather large. There were many piles of rocks scattered throughout and there was also another door up ahead. The group began to move to the next door but that's when things went to hell.

The ground beneath them and the walls around them began to shake and a rumbling sound started. Everypony, knowing what was about to happen, shifted into fighting stances. Earth ponies unsheathed their swords and held them in their mouths. The only earth pony not to have a sword was, surprise, Ironhammer. He had, you guessed it, an iron hammer held in his mouth. The pegasi lept into the air and readied their bows and swords. She saw Ravenheart wielding a sword in each hoof, a bloodthirsty look on her face. Unicorns began charging their spells as was Truestrike, a massive bolt of green fire materializing from her horn.

Before the Diamond Dogs attacked from the ground and walls however, groups of them popped out of the piles of rocks. They began chucking heavy stones at the ponies, hitting several of them and sending them to the ground. Quickly realizing the strategy, the ponies charged at the rock throwers. Just as they did however, more Diamond Dogs came out, bursting out of the dirt and stone around them.

After losing a few ponies to the surprise of the attack, they fought back and the Diamond Dog causalities began to add up. However, every time one would die, two more would pop out. Ravenheart slashed from the air, taking out many of the vicious monsters. Ironhammer fought fiercely, swinging his hammer around in a circular pattern, taking out dogs as they tried to attack him.

Truestrike, however, was not fairing well. The Diamond Dogs, this time, decided to attack the unicorns first so they could more easily deal with the others without magic flying at them. Truestrike was attacked furiously by the creatures and her magic began to ware down. As she fought off another wave of Diamond Dogs, she was quickly rushed by more. She needed a moment to rest and with her last bit of energy, her horn became engulfed in emerald magic. She released a spell and a large ring of green fire surrounded her. She collapsed to the ground, the fire giving her a minute to rest without interference from the Diamond Dogs. However, she wouldn't get that minute.

A Diamond Dog sprung up from the ground beside her and she looked at it with terror. A bloodthirsty grin was on its face and eyes full of hate and craziness looked at her. The dog swiped at Truestrike and its claws sunk into her side. She cried out in pain as blood started to ooze from her wound. The Diamond Dog stood triumphantly over her and laughed madly. She tried to crawl away from the monster but the pain was too much. She looked up and saw the dog raise its claw, this one going for the kill. She could only look in terror as the claw began to come down on her. Before it could make contact however, a black blur saved her.

The Diamond Dog flew through the air into the fire after being powerfully air bucked by Truestrike's savior, Ravenheart. The Diamond Dog got up, screaming in pain and desperately charged at Truestrike. Before it could reach her though, its body finally gave up and collapsed, dead.

Truestrike, however, was about to join the creature in death. She laid there, her side oozing blood. Her vision began to fade and she saw a pegasus frantically shake her. She barely her the pegasus' cries.


Truestrike could make out tears flowing from her commander's eyes. Ravenheart spoke again, this time her voice trembling.

"Please Truey, don't go! Come on Truey...please."

Truestrike's last thought before slipping from the world of consciousness was of Raven, happy she finally had found a friend who not only cared, but was one of the most beautiful ponies she had ever seen