• Published 14th May 2012
  • 2,066 Views, 64 Comments

Chester the Cynical Adult goes to Ponyville - Bandy

Read the title, you dummies.

  • ...

Gay Horse Sandwiches

Well, finals are happening. But instead of studying for my English final, I wrote this. Because I'm an idiot.

"Wow. Just... Wow." Chester stared blankly at a pile of hay fries sitting in front of him. He spoke at the food like the thin strips of fried hay had just insulted his mother.

"Well, you wanted food, right? That's food." An obviously annoyed Twilight sat across from him.

"This is not food. This, my dear equine, is hay. I refuse to eat it." With this he promptly picked up the tray and threw it against tue wall, scattering the fries everywhere and leaving a deep grease stain on the point of impact. "Ba Ba bao!" He flexed in the wake of his miniature destructive rampage.

Twilight, however, was furious. "And why did you have to do that?"

He shrugged. "Why not?"

With an exasperated huff (one of many to be had today by the poor, poor unicorn), Twilight levitated a towel to the grease stain on the wall, silently praying for Celestia to get here and sort this whole mess out.

As luck would have it, she didn't have to wait long. A quiet knock in her door heralded her teacher, a curious grin in her face and a royal guard on each side, flanking her just in case.


"My dearest student."

They were well past the level of informality, and they immediately moved to embrace each other, warm smiles plastered across both their faces.

This was when Chester decided to pipe up.

"Oh my god, there is so much "gay horse" in the room that I could thinly slice it and put it into a sandwich. And you know what?" He stood up, easily dwarfing Twilight, and to a lesser extent, the princess. "It would taste terrible."

"So this must be the thing that you brought into existence with your trans-dimensional portal." Celestia shot Twilight a scolding look, causing the embarrassed unicorn to shrink away sporting a furious blush. "Twilight, once this-" she waved a regal hoof at Chester, "has been sorted out, I'd like to sit down and have a talk on proper use of your magical powers."

"But princess, I was only doing this because you told me to!"

Celestia smiled ironically, recalling her sister's grave warning only a short while ago. She could almost hear Luna's impending I told you so in her mind. "I know, Twilight. I just want to be sure that you know fully the expanse of your powers so that an incident like this won't happen again."

Celestia's tone was harsh, yet fair. "Ok... But for the love of Pete, can we do something about him?" She gestured to Chester, was was at this point well aware of their negative tones toward him.

"Hey, I'm right here you know. And my name's not Pete, it's Chester."

"Ah, I can see why you're troubled, Twilight." Celestia walked over to Chester, circling him, eyeing him with a scientific glance. "This human seems very... mean spirited."

"To that, dear pony, I reply: Fuck you." While Twilight recoiled at the senseless vulgarity, the princess stood her ground, not so much as batting an eye at the curse.

"Case in point. He's-"

"Your voice irks me greatly. Stop talking." Chester spat to the princess.

"Perhaps he's just trying to make himself feel better about some inadequacy-"

"If you don't stop talking, I will buy you a puppy, wait for you to fall in love with it, then murder it in front of you."

Now even Celestia was taken aback at his threat. "Surely, you wouldn't think to-"

"Show me the nearest pet store and we'll find out."

"Just let me finish!" Celestia's composure was a sail, slowly shredding in the storm of Chester's hurtful words.

"Nope. Speak again and I'll cum in your hair. I swear I will."

"That's it." With a burst from her horn, Celestia conjured up a roll of duck tape. Before Chester could run, she had swiftly clamped his mouth shut with a self satisfied huff. Chester fought valiantly against his oral bonds, but was simply no match for the magically strengthened adhesive.

As he began to roll around on the floor, muffled screams coming from his sealed lips, Celestia turned to Twilight. A grave look fell upon her face as she faced her student.

"Twilight, this is far worse than I could have anticipated."

"Oh no. What is it?" Twilight, for all her academic insight, had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"I'm afraid that that thing, Chester, may be far more powerful than any of us could hope to become in a thousand lifetimes. I can feel his power, Twilight." The princess shuddered as if a cold breeze had just ran over he neck. "The pure malice and hatred inside if him... It would be enough to match my own powers a hundredfold."

"Wait, how could that," she pointed to the pathetic mess on the floor trying futilely to remove his bonds, "be more powerful than you? It just doesn't seem logical."

"I know... I know. But I have seen into his soul, and there is nothing but pure madness. He has been completely corrupted by evil. He used hatred to give him strength, and now he's become impossibly powerful." Sh sighed warily, as the situation was slowly sucking the life out of her. "I only pray he doesn't know how to control it."

"So," Twilight began, "at any time, he could use the powers of hatred to overpower us?"


For a moment, Twilight thought she was about to be sick. "How... How could he possibly have become that spiteful? It just doesn't make sense..."

"Chaos in its purest form need not make sense, only chaos," Celestia echoed. "We need to get him back to his own world before he destroys ours, and the sooner, the better."

She turned to Twilight, who was still looking a bit dumbstruck at the drastic turn of events. "Now Twilight, it's imperative that you send him-" Celestia's gaze fell on a blushing Twilight, sheepishly distancing herself from her teacher. "You forgot the spell, didn't you?"

Twilight merely chuckled in response, levitating a book to her side as she did. "Would you care to start looking for a suitable spell, princess?"

A regal hoof smacked into Celestia's forehead, followed in rapid succession by a frustrated grunt. "What am I going to do do with you, Twilight?"