• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 1,686 Views, 112 Comments

The Final Sunset - Wonder

What would Equestria be like if Twilight never existed.

  • ...

How darkness takes

Rainbow’s ears twitched. Someone was talking about her. She broke off from her conversation with Rarity and scanned the area around her. “Hey Rainbow!” She flew into the air and saw the mayor with Sunset, both were beckoning her over. She quickly flew to them and landed with a skid.

“You needed something?”

“As you can see, the bridge need to be retied. We need you to fly over there and fix it so that we can cross.” The mayor was the one who spoke.

“And you choose the perfect pony for the job. I’ll have it done in ten seco-”

“Yes, we get it Rainbow Dash, just do it please.” The mayor got a feeling of Déjà vu. The cyan pegasus saluted before flying down into the ravine. Seconds later she flew back up and landed on the opposite side, holding in her mouth a frayed rope.

As soon as her hooves hit the ground, she heard a mare’s voice echo out her name. Rainbow dropped the rope with a small gasp. “Who’s there?” The voice called out her name again. She got onto her hind legs and started punching the air dramatically. “I ‘aint scared of you. Show yourself!” The voice spoke again, this time coming from the fog to her left.

“We’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flier in Equestria.” She still couldn’t see anyone.

“Who?” Rainbow frowned.

“Why, you of course.” Rainbow’s ego jump up into the air, pleading for attention.

“Really?! I mean, oh yeah, me. Hey, you wouldn’t mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? ‘Cause I’ve been trying to get into that group, for like, ever.”

“No Rainbow Dash, we want you to join us. Three shadows appeared from the fog and revealed three ponies. Two colts and one mare in the middle. They skidded to a stop in front of her. “The Shadowbolts.” The two colts were dark grey in colour, while the mare a light grey. Each of them wore a black and purple uniform, with a skull symbol on their flanks. “We are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree forest and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria. But first we need a captain.” Rainbow’s eyes twinkled with glee, matching the giant grin on her face. Her ego was now the size of the moon. “The most magnificent.”




“Bravest flier in all the land.”

“Yes, it’s all true.”

“We need,” The mare leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You.”

Rainbow jumped into the air and used her wings to hover a few meters above the ground. “Woohoo! Sign me up.” She flew down to the bridge supports. “Just let me tie this bridge real quick, and then we have a deal.”

The mare flew right up to her face. “No! It’s them or us.”

“It shouldn't take this long to fix a rope bridge. What is taking her so long?” Sunset’s brow furrowed. She heard a loud cheer from across the gap. She peered across to the other side, but the fog was now too thick. “Did she fix it yet?” A gap in the fog appeared, revealing a grey pegasus mare in a dark uniform, leaning menacingly over Rainbow Dash. She was in danger!

The fog thickened again, hiding them from her sight. Sunset charged her horn, ready to fire. I just hope I remember where she was. She released a bolt of magic from her horn, into the fog.

Rainbow leaned back uneasily. Help Ponyville, or join a pro flying team? Have a chance at her life long dream, or help her friends?

"Well?" The mare leaned in further. Forcing Rainbow closer to the ground. Dash looked the mare in the eyes, still slightly nervous.

"You." The other mare grinned victoriously, her face was visibly brighter now. Too bright actually. Rainbow looked to her right just in time to see a bright turquoise pulse of magic pierce the fog. Rainbow jumped back instinctively, but The Shadowbolt leader was not as quick. She watched as the pulse of energy made contact with the mares face. The mare screamed as she was thrown into the wall of the castle, a contrail of smoke following her.

Rainbow galloped to her side. "Are you ok?" The answer was obvious. The mare was curled of into a ball, her hooves pressed against her face. Small trails of smoke came off her. "Stay right here, I'm going to get some he-" The Shadowbolt began to laugh. It started as a small snicker, then into a chuckle but soon evolved into a howl. How can she be laughing about this?!

"Your friend sure is powerful, isn't she?" The mare stood up, but still had one hoof covering the left side of her face.

"We really need to get you to a doctor."

"I have no need of a medic. Do you really think such a weak attack could harm me?" Rainbow cringed.

"That looks pretty painful to me. Seriously, you should get that checked out." Rainbow went over to the bridge and tied it up quickly. "I'm going to get you some help." She then jumped into the air and flew across the gap.

"NO!" The Shadowbolt leader yelled. "You are to stay here." Rainbow didn't hear her.

Rainbow burst through the fog, almost crashing into Sunset. "Sunsethurrymareinjured." The cyan pegasus pointed through the mist. "Something hit her, she's hurt."

"Slow down Rainbow." The mayor interrupted. "What is wrong."

"Rainbow slowed her breathing. "I was talking to this mare, she wanted me to join her flying team. I was about to say yes but then some light beam thingy, hit her in the face. Now she's hurt and needs help." Sunset shrunk away.

"How bad is she injured."

"I don't know. Her hoof was pressed against her face, but it looked bad. I tied the bridge, so the doctor can help, hurry."

"Well if the bridge is fixed, then we can send the whole town across."

The mayor sent across the doctor first, then soon the whole town followed. The bridge strained under the effort but surprisingly held together. When Sunset reached the other side, a circle had formed around the doctor and his patient. The mare was still on the ground with her hoof held against her face. The doctor was trying to get her to move it so he could help.

Rainbow pushed to the front of the crowd. "Is- is she ok?"

"I can't tell, she won't let me see her face." The Shadowbolt mare mumbled something. "What was that." Everyone went quiet.

"You want to see my face?" She spoke is a whisper. "So be it." The mare removed her hoof revealing black fur underneath.

The doctor moved his hoof toward her face. "Let me take a look at your bur-" He pulled back.

Rainbow flinched. "What's wrong?" The mare began to laugh.

"She isn't burnt. Her fur is black." He back away slowly.

"Looks like he figured it out first." A confused murmur spread through the herd. The dark mare got up to her full height, but somehow managed to get even taller. Her muzzle extended and her wings expanded. As her fur grew darker, her uniform vanished. Everypony gasped. Now in the centre of the crowd stood their foe, Nightmare Moon. Everyone was paralysed with surprise.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" Rainbow burst.

"What? Can't your rightful ruler walk through her own kingdom? Tsk tsk. I should be the one asking. Why are you all here, hm?"

"That's none of your business." Rainbow shouted.

Sunset recovered from the shock. "Where have you taken her!?"

Nightmare turned to face the unicorn. "Who?"

"Celestia! Where have you taken Celestia?!"

"I asked first, and I'll ask again, why are you all here?"

Pinkie jumped into the air. "We're throwing a party!"

"A party you say?" She grinned deviously. "Celebrating what, might I ask?"

Pinkie grinned nervously. "Celebrating, uh um."

Rarity intervened. "Celebrating you of course."

Nightmare Moon chuckled. "Do you really think I am blind to your plan. You foals. You think I don't know of what you are seeking." Everypony glared at her.

Applejack moved towards her. "Ya may know the elements, but that ain't gonna stop us from gettin' them."

"You seriously believe you can stop me. Well then go ahead, oh wait, that's right. You don't have the elements do you. Even your most powerful unicorn could barely singe my fur. You think you, a simple earth pony, can defeat me?"

"I'm not alone, remember." On cue everypony moved in on the dark mare, the unicorns readying them magic. Nightmare Moon looked around at the crowd. She was surrounded.

"While I would relish the opportunity to put you all in your place, I came her for a reason. And I am not leaving empty hoofed!" Nightmare Moon leaped forward and tackled Rainbow to the ground. Everypony galloped forward to stop her, but before anyone could get close, Nightmare Moon charged her horn and in a bright flash, they disappeared.

Author's Note:

Sorry if it was a bit short. I wanted to do more but I couldn't figure a way for it all to fit well.
As usual, please point out any errors.

Why did NMN take Rainbow? How will they get her back? And what has my evil plan for this story been the whole time?!

Find out in the next and Final chapter of, THE FINAL SUNSET. (Excluding possible epilogue.) :trollestia: