• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 2,376 Views, 37 Comments

Grim Encounters: Reality hits MLP - Moonreaper666

Spinoff to Ordos Yama's story. Several historical factions (some alt-history) make first contact with MLP. It doesn't go well.

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Story 1: Operation Nightfall, 2000 AD

“We will defeat the aliens, bring them to their knees! For this new planet shall be the next Gaia of humanity and the restoration of the Empire!”
Unknown Russian Soldier

Operation Nightfall: 2000 AD

The starry night sky fell on Canterlot. The capitol city lay resting, its habitants lay sleeping. The bustling city stays silent ‘till morning.

However, the night is still young. Unaware of the enemy that creeps into the city, the guards continue their mundane patrol: Their unwavering eyes looking carefully, but unable to see the invisible enemy hiding behind the forest.

“This is Sickle 1, Hammer Command over?”

“Da, I hear you comrade. Operation Nightfall is a go,”

Several guards are posted around the walls with another four guarding the main gate, their gold colored armor sticking out in the night. Suddenly, the guards were simultaneously killed, their heads exploding like a watermelon.

“Sickle team here, infiltrating the city,” said the leader of the twelve-man squad as they enter the city by climbing the walls

In the city, the guards were isolated; many of the patrols have only one pony, making it easier to take them out one by one.

“Its only midnight,” said one of the guards walking through an alley, “I wonder-“

One of the black ops soldiers grab the pony from behind, covering his mouth and then immediately slitting the throat with care, the ‘Royal Guard’ bleeding to death within seconds. The sounds of projectiles fired from silenced guns could be heard throughout the southeastern portion of the city.

Throughout the ordeal, the team was wary dealing with the Pegasi guards flying through the skies. Fortunately, the complacency of the city guards became their advantages as most of the guards on the ground do not used lanterns, making it easy to eliminate them without the Pegasi noticing. Any Pegasi stupid enough to land meets the same fate as their land counterparts.

After killing of over a hundred guards, and painting a-fifth of the city red, the Spec Ops team finally made it to the castle. They barely spend half of their ammunition.

The Black Ops team entered the castle and continued silencing the guards with machine-like efficiency. Every shot hits point blank in the head, every knife strike hitting a critical part of the pony anatomy and every guard eliminated with such speed and precision that none of the sleeping ponies in Canterlot are aware of the regime change going on this very night!

Twilight Sparkle slept comfortably in one of the castle’s guest rooms. She and her friends are sleeping in Canterlot castle for the night.

The unicorn woke up and step out into the hallway… (Yawns)

…and immediately felt blow to the back of her head, knocking her unconscious.

“Target C is captured,” said the Squad leader

“Roger that, all targets have been captured. Return to base, Mother Russia is proud of you. Your team has secure a brighter future for the Motherland,” said Command

As the team rendezvous and prepares to leave the castle, one last message comes from Central Command.

“Oh, you can loot the castle all you want. Our great leader, insist that you all be righteously rewarded!”

The black ops team leaves the city, with their ’prizes’ in tow. Artifacts of extreme importance are stolen as well. Their destination is Earth, the Russian spec ops arrive in Equuis using unknown ways.

Twilight wakes up, sitting in a chair, all four hooves tied up. Her blurry vision starts recovering allowing her to see the terrible situation occurring in front of her. The room was dark, aside from a single light in the center. In front of her lay a table and on the other side is a foreign bipedal creature standing up, both hands resting upon the object.

“Finally you’re awake,” said the Russian as Twilight tried getting out of the ropes that bind her

“Don’t think of using your pathetic magic,” the Russian said, “You’re in our world now. Plus, you don’t want to put your friends in any danger,”

The thought of her friends took out all her will to fight. Twilight simply sat and stared at her interrogator whom raises his hands in the air as the room began to be filled with light.

“Welcome to Russia. Welcome you’re new Overlords!”


Twilight finally was able to see the creatures face, the most notable aspect is his cold and calculative eyes.

"My name is Vladimir Putin, leader of the glourious country of Russia. If you want to save your friends you will do as I ordered,"

"Never! When Celestia hears about..."

"Did you honestly think we wouldn't take care of your pathetic princesses as well!"

Putin puts his hands on the remote and points at the right side, turning on several TVs.

"Oh CELESTIA!" screamed Twilight

There were seven TVs on total, showing her friends, Celestia and Luna in similar situations to her:

-Fluttershy has tears in her eyes, from the continous screaming from her interrogator

-RD is being beaten to a pulp, multiple bruises could be seen in her face and chest. To make things more horrific, both Princesses are forced to witnessed the brutality.

-Pinkie Pie and Rarity are behind bars, both having a gloomy face.

-Applejack is being tortured, she is set on her while water is pouring through her face which is covered in a white cloth.

"No please Stop! I'll do anything pleases!" Twilight is reduced to a crying slob

"Good," he speaks through the communicator in his ear, "That is enough,"

The 'interragations' ended.

"See, it isn't that hard. As long as you follow my orders your friends will live free lives under my country's.... protection,"

"Okay," said by Twilight unable to stop crying

"Good, first order of business is to remaned planet Equuis...

Putin raises his hands again

"To the name of GRAND MUSCOVIA!!!"

Author's Note:

Later stories would be much larger, when there would be actual battles instead of a coup.