• Published 4th Nov 2011
  • 1,956 Views, 88 Comments

Resistance: Equestria - Evowizard25

One man held a device that he thought could turn the world in humanity's favor. But something went wrong. And now, an terrible war is brough

  • ...

A New World. A New Body?!!

The world came back into focus. His vision was blurry at first, but it cleared quickly. For some reason, only two of his eyes were working. The Advanced Hybrid shook his head. 'What happened?' He thought, growling slightly, feeling a dull pain coursing through his body. His mind was foggy. He was having trouble piecing the previous events together.

But that wasn't the only thing. Something was missing. It then came to him. His eyes widened so much, that they looked like they'd pop out of his skull. 'The song!' He couldn't hear the Chimera horde. It was silent. Deathly silent. This had never happened to him before. He could always hear it. But not now. It was almost like it didn't exist here. A feeling of abandonment and loneliness took him. He let out a small whine. 'But this planet is ours.'

He tried to stand up, but his legs gave in. Something was off with them. They didn't feel right. Actually, nothing seemed to feel right. Especially, his arms. They just felt…He quickly brought his right arm up and stared at it. It wasn't an arm, it was a…a…He didn't know what to call it. It was just another leg. 'Impossible.' He shook it about, trying to see if it would come off. Eventually he stopped waving and tried standing up a few more times, before he got the hang of his new legs.

The Advanced Hybrid noticed a small pond. He licked his lips, ready to saturate his thirst. He slowly made his way over to it, careful not to trip over anything. When he got to the edge, he leaned down to take a sip. He then stopped dead still. Right there, in the pond, was some sort of horned creature. It a snout filled with flat teeth. Its black mane hung over its grey body. A pair of a golden eyes stared up at him. He snarled. His killer instinct flared up. He raised his front leg, but stopped. The creature in the pond did the same. He then looked at his hoof and then to the reflection. The Chimera moved his arm again, which the creature copied.

Suddenly, he realized something. This was his reflection. 'No! This cannot be me. I'm a Chimera. A Chimera. Not this…this…thing.' He shook his head furiously. 'Something's wrong. So very wrong.' He looked down at the reflection and growled deeply. "Stop it!" He yelled. But the reflection stayed the same. "Stop lying." But it continued showing him that same form. His left eye twitched, as his body shook. Something snapped inside. An emotion, something he never felt before, took him. Utter rage! He roared and struck the water furiously. Again and again, he struck it, wanting the image to go away. But it stayed, no matter how many times he tried. No matter how much he didn't want to accept it. After several minutes of this futile struggle, he gave up. He then sat down at the edge of the pond.

The former Chimera just stood there, watching his reflection. 'Why?' He asked himself. His mind racing with thoughts and ideas, which he never thought would happen to him. 'I've changed.' He thought. 'Is this another part of my evolution? Is this a new strain? Or was it…' He snarled, shaking in anger. 'The humans! They did this. I should have known. Those blasted pests have been plotting some new weapon to unleash on us. But it didn't work. I'm still here and I'm still fighting.'

The last thing he could remember before waking up here, was seeing that human pointing its gun straight at him. He thought it fired. It seemed like the human did. He heard the blast, which was louder than expected, and his whole world went white. 'Maybe I'm dead.' He thought. 'Maybe that human did strike me down.' He growled, unable to stand the thought of being bested by a human. 'Or maybe I survived and they molded me into a new strain.' He had to admit, he liked that idea better.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard something rustling behind him. 'Humans.' The Advanced Hybrid stayed completely still. His new ears swiveled on top of his head, towards the area. He had to admit, he liked this new feature. His hearing was much superior now. When the noises stopped, he pinpointed the exact spot the new comer was.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped to his feet, turned around, and pounced onto his foe. The creature yelped in pain as he landed on top of it. A deep throated growl escaped his lips, as he peered down at the individual underneath him. It snarled back at him, its teeth bore in defiance. It was the same type of being he was. A four legged creature of some sort. It had a grey coat, with a black mane, but lacked the horn he acquired. It even had a Hedgehog grenade like mark on its rump. But that wasn't what intrigued him. It was the two golden eyes that perked his interest. The same familiar eyes that he'd seen all his life. His own eyes.

Slowly, he calmed his mind and took in its appearance. When he did, he could actually feel something. Something from the being underneath his feet. It was a connection. That same old familiar connection. His eyes widened. 'He's one of my own.' Quickly, he got off it. The moment he did, it got to its feet and took a fighting stance. It was ready to fight. Fight and kill.

"Report." He commanded. He knew that his own kind would listen to a direct order. 'If not,' He thought. 'Dinner time.' The other Chimera just looked at him, not changing from his fighting stance. "I said report." It cautiously stepped down from its stance and looked at him. Studying him as if he was a threat. "I am your commander and I order you to report."

Immediately, its eyes widened. It stood at attention. "Infantry class of the Chimera horde, reporting." He said.

"What is our present location?" The Advanced Hybrid asked.

"No clue, commander." The Hybrid responded.

The Advanced Hybrid shook his head. "I didn't expect you too." He said. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something in the sky. He wasn't sure what it was, but they were heading straight towards them. He turned to face them, bearing his teeth. The other Chimera saw this and did the same. It wasn't long before he could make them out clearly, thanks to his keen eyes. 'Why do I have only two now?' They looked just like them, except these had feathery wings. He calmed down and motioned for the other one to do so as well.

The fliers soon touched down and bowed their heads. "Sniper division reporting." The lead one said.

The Advanced Hybrid noticed that they looked rather beaten and bloody. "What happened?" He said.

The winged Chimera looked away. "We had a little…confusion." He said.

One of the winged Chimera tried biting one of others wings. The other turned its head and hissed a warning. The Advanced Chimera growled. "We will have none of this." He scolded. They complied and looked at him. "Now, did you find any others?"

The lead one nodded. "Yes," He said. "We have a few more fliers, horned ones, and ground dwellers, coming this way."

"Good." The Advanced Hybrid said, nodding his head. 'It's already shaping up nicely.' He thought. 'Now to find our command post.' "Now, we're getting somewhere."

"We also spied a few others." The winged Chimera said.

His ears perked up when he heard that. "What do you mean 'others'?" The Advanced Hybrid said.

The winged Chimera grinned. "Food." He simply replied.

The Advanced Hybrid grinned as well and looked at the avian ones. "Then prepare the troops." He said. "The prey won't catch itself." The avian Chimera nodded in acknowledgment. The other chimera growled and licked their jaws in hunger.

'Things could get better.' Then, the Advanced Hybrid spotted his Bullseye sitting on the ground not far from his location. 'Okay, now they couldn't get any better.' He wondered for a second why it was here and not his armor. But those thoughts only lasted a second. He trotted over to it and reached over with one of his new limbs. He then noticed something odd. He had no fingers! He couldn't pick up his trusty weapon. His eye twitched, fiercely. He had that weapon with him his whole life. Every single day he would go out and practice with it. It was as dear a thing as a Chimera could have. And now, in this new form, brought on by humans, he couldn't use it. He growled deeply, a deadly glint in his eyes. 'THEY WILL PAY!' "Have someone grab our weapons!" He yelled furiously, startling the Chimera around him. "We aren't leaving them behind." He then lowered his head and gripped his beloved gun in his teeth. Now way was he letting any of the others get their hands on it. 'Do any of them still have hands?'


A splitting headache was Gregory's morning wake up call. He groaned. His first thoughts, when he started to awaken were, 'Am I still alive?' His continuously throbbing headache confirmed his existence. With that small tidbit, he could sigh in relief. He brought his hand to his head and rubbed it. "I'll be feeling this for a while." He said, out loud to himself. "Man, oh man. I must have guzzled down a whole six pack." But something was off. He continued rubbing, but rather slowly for another moment. 'Okay, why can't I feel my fingers?' He thought. He then moved his hand in front of his head. What he saw was the most shocking thing that he'd ever lay his eyes on. His hand was a hoof! 'A hoof? Why a hoof? Wait.' He then stood up and paced around in a circle, inspecting himself. After a moments study, he sat back down. 'I'm a pony…WHAT?' Thousands of reasonable explanations resounded inside his skull. 'I'm dreaming. Yeah. That's it. This is just one big dream.' He then raised his hoof to his head. 'But why do I ache? If this was a dream, I wouldn't feel a thing. Especially this horn on my head.' He stopped right all movement. "I have a horn…and I'm a pony…Yeah, this all makes logical sense." He rolled his eyes, while gritting his teeth. "I mean, the machine was designed to…" His eyes flew open. "THE MACHINE!" He scrambled about, looking for the device. He kept stumbling over his new legs.

Gregory searched for what felt like half an hour, before he gave up. He huffed in exhaustion. "That's just great. The machine is gone. I'm alone. And now, I'm a pony. This is sounding like one of those fairy tale stories I read as a kid."

Just then, he heard something groan. His muscles tensed, ready to take him as far away from here as possible. 'Please don't be a Chimera. Though, if this is some crack pot fairy tale, it's probably a dragon…I don't give a damn which. I just want out of here.' After a moments wait, his curiosity got the best of him. Slowly, and cautiously, he made his way over to the sound. Once he was close enough, he hid behind a tree. He closed his eyes and took a breath. 'Okay, just a small peek.' He looked around.

What he saw was vastly different than what he had expected. A brown coated, black mane unicorn lay in the field. 'A unicorn.' "Of course." He groaned. "It's a unicorn, just like me. It all makes sense. Like a bullfrog riding a tricycle." He walked over to the downed creature and looked down at it. As he did, he noticed a red test tube mark on its rear. 'Some type of brand.' "Hey, are you okay?" He then reeled back. "Wait! I'm talking to a unicorn…This shouldn't make any sense. The next thing you know, some Chimera ponies are going to show up."

"Don't move, or this will be more painful than it needs to be." A voice resounded behind him.

Gregory turned around. What he saw were a bunch of unicorns, Pegasus, and simple ponies, standing around him with menacing stares. But what really caught his eyes were their golden eyes. 'Aren't those the same as… ?' "Me and my big mouth." He said facehooving.

One unicorn walked straight up to him. He was a little larger than him, so when he stopped, he looked down at Gregory, with a stern glare. "Before I kill you, tell me…whatever you are, how did you turn us?" He said.

Gregory was silent for a moment. "I don't know." He said, in a small voice. It was pierced by his evident fear.

"Don't know?" The Chimera unicorn said, growling. He bared his teeth in a menacing snarl. "Turn us back."

"I don't know how…Wait! You can talk?" Gregory said. His scientist part inside him was intrigued. If these Chimera could talk, he could learn so much. He could learn everything there is to know about them. The secrets of the Chimera would be at his fingertips, or hoof tips now. He could save Earth, he could…

He was cut off from this train of thought, when one of the Chimera ponies rammed right into his side. Shortly, he was pinned down, with those familiar hateful golden eyes staring down at him. Except, this one seemed different somehow. This Pegasus, as hard as it sounded, seemed feminine. "Now," The Chimera unicorn said, walking over to him. "I want you to turn us back now, or we'll just have to kill you now."

"But I told you already." Gregory said, hoping he could explain himself to them. "I don't know how this happened. The machine wasn't supposed to do this. It was just a prototype."

"Machine?" The unicorn ears perked at the word. "What type of machine?"

Gregory thought for a moment. 'I didn't know Chimera were curious.' He thought. 'You learn something new every day.' "Just a teleporter." He said. "That's all."

The Chimera unicorn looked around at the others. "Teleporter?" He said, as though the word was foreign to him. 'It probably was.' "I do not know what a teleporter is?" He then shook his head and growled. "This is pointless. Change us back."

"I can't." Gregory said.

"I'm tired of this foolishness, human." He said. The unicorn glared down at him. "You deprive us of our song."

Gregory was silent for a moment. "Uh, song?" He asked, but immediately cringed when the Chimera unicorn shoved its horn close to his face.

"The song that commands us. The song that unifies us. The song we have known and shall know all our lives." The unicorn stomped a hoof onto the ground. "I will hear it again. And no human is going to stop me from getting it." Just then, a low chuckle could be heard. The Chimera unicorn looked over at the downed unicorn. He strode over to him. The Chimera looked him over. Soon, the chuckle turned up a notch. Then, it went into straight up laughter. Hysterical laughter. The Chimera unicorn snarled. He turned to Gregory and pointed a hoof to the laughing pony. "What is this? What is he doing?"

"He's laughing." Gregory risked telling him. 'Well, he'll die happy.' He thought, bitterly.

"I do not like this 'laughing'." The Chimera unicorn said, slurring the foreign word. "I demand you stop." But the unicorn didn't pay a single bit of attention to him. Instead, he kept on laughing. "I said stop." He continued on. The Chimera started kicking the unicorn's body, but he didn't seem to care, just reveling in his own mirth. "I command you to stop this, you inferior creature."

"How does it feel?" The unicorn finally spoke up. The Chimera stopped kicking. The unicorn turned to look at him. "How does it feel to have things out of your control? To have your world turned upside down."

"But I'm standing straight up." The Chimera said. He leaned his head to the side. "I am not upside down."

"Just answer the question." The unicorn demanded. Gregory gulped. This guy was just asking for it. Talking like that to a Chimera. That was just plain suicide. 'Though, something seems familiar about him. His voice sounds oddly familiar.'

"I shall not take orders from you." The Chimera unicorn snapped. "I am bred to be the most efficient killer in the whole horde. You…You are just some plain, disgusting creature that dare not walk the world alongside us."

"You wouldn't let us." The unicorn said. 'Wouldn't let us?' Gregory quirked an eyebrow, before studying the unicorn some more.

"I will have no more of this." The Chimera unicorn said. He turned back to his cohorts. "Kill them and spare me the leftovers."

Gregory gulped. "But you can't just do that." He said.

"I can and I will." The Chimera unicorn said, standing proud.

"But if we die, you will be stuck like this." The unicorn pointed out.

The Chimera unicorn stopped in his tracks. Slowly, it turned around. The piercing golden eyes studied them for a couple of moments, which felt like an eternity. "Then you will live until we are Chimera once more." He said. "Bring them with us." He walked off. The others gathered together around him.

The Pegasus flew off of him, letting Gregory up. He hurried over to the downed unicorn. "You have no idea who you just pissed off." He whispered.

"Oh, Gregory." The unicorn said. "You know me." He stood up, but fell down onto his front legs.

Gregory's eyes widened. "John?" He said. "Is that you?"

"Who else could it be?" John said.

Before Gregory could say another word, two ponies and a Pegasus came over to them. "Move it." The Pegasus said, snarling down at them. "We don't have all day."

Gregory looked away from the Chimera pony and then spied something familiar. Just a short distance away, Jessica's doll lay on the ground. 'Well, that's helpful.' He thought, reminding himself of John's little episodes. He walked over and picked it up the toy. He then leant it to John.

John's eyes widened and he snatched up the little doll. He held it close to his body. "Thank you." He said.

Just then, one of the Chimera ponies growled, pushing Gregory forward roughly. "Get moving." He said.

"Yes, sir." Gregory whimpered out, before moving on.


Bon-Bon huffed in agitated. 'One late book.' She thought, heaving in and out from all the walking she had to do. 'I had to walk all the way from Ponyville, to that silly little shack, just because I returned one late book.' Okay, she had failed to return several books in the past, but that didn't stop her from complaining. Though, Lyra would say differently.

Her muscles ached, as she carried the bag of supplies for Twilight. 'And might I add that that zebra was so creepy. This is the last time I check out anything from her library again.'

After another moments trot, the Earth pony began to sweat. Not just from exhaustion, but from fear as well. She didn't know why, but something just wasn't right with this forest. 'Much more than usual.' She thought. It felt like there was a pair of eyes watching her. Taking in her every movement. Bon-Bon wanted out of there at that very moment. Then, a strange and sickly smell caught her notice. It smelled like…like…death! 'Oh no, zombies.' She started becoming hysterical. 'This is just like that movie I saw. Lone, beautiful girl goes out alone and gets eaten by zombies. Alright, calm down. It was just a movie. It was just a movie.'

Then, she heard a small cricket chirp. Bon-Bon jumped several feet in the air. "I don't want to die a virgin." She yelled and started galloping off.

The mare ran and ran. She kept on running, until she stumbled onto some roots. The roots hooked her hooves and she went tumbling down and onto her face. She lay there, groaning. Finally, she got up and put a hoof to her head. "This is going to take one fine day at the spa to clear up." She wiped off the dirt from her face. But then, she heard something. It was the steady beat of some pony. She could tell the hoof steps were coming closer and closer. She started trembling, her knees shaking like small twigs.

Then, right in front of her, some distance away, came a large black, grey mane Earth pony. Its cutie mark looked like a hoof cracking open a skull, which creeped her out. He was the biggest pony she had ever seen, though Celestia could have been taller. His large golden eyes felt like they were piercing her soul. "Uh, hello there. I'm glad I found you." She smiled, wiping her brow. "You had me scared there for a minute." The stallion was silent. "Uh, like, I'm talking here." Again, no reply. "Are you like deaf or something? Cause we have a doctor who'd take care of that." She was only answered with a deathly silence. "Cha, then like, be that way."

Bon-Bon took a step away from him. The second she did, the stallion started pawing at the ground. Large amounts of air passed his nostrils, for which one could mistake for something like smoke. She could have sworn he looked like he was going to charge at her. 'But that would be so stupid, unless…' Her thoughts were interrupted when the stallion roared. Something, she never thought she'd hear from a pony. It then started galloping right smack towards her. She wanted to run but her hooves were stuck in place out of sheer fear. It wasn't long before the stallions head collided with her side. This sent her sprawling to the ground. She tried to get up, but the stallion grabbed her tail. He then, with ease, swung her right into a tree. She cried out in pain. The stallion did this another couple of times, before letting her fall to the ground. Bon-Bon laid there, tears streaming down her face. Her body was racked in utter pain. The next thing she saw was the stallion rearing on its back hooves, ready to crush her skull with his fore legs. "Please don't." She desperately cried.

Before the fatal blow could be made, a small brown Earth pony head-butted the stallion, sending it teetering over to the ground. The new Earth pony, which was obviously younger and smaller then even her, stood defiantly in front of her. She noticed that he didn't have a cutie mark, which she thought was strange. Though, today was filled with a lot of strange twists. "If you want someone to fight, then how about you fight me." He said. The black stallion roared and charged at him. The brown Earth pony nimbly jumped to the side, easily dodging him.

The black stallion stopped and turned around to face the young fighter. "Show me your moves." The Colt said, smiling. The colossal Earth pony pawed the ground and charged again. The colt dodged him once more and bucked him in the side of the head. "Falcon buck." The black stallion raised a hoof to its face, rubbing the bruise. The colt smiled. "Yes." The giant stallion growled and again charged.

The brown colt stood his ground, with his back to a tree. Bon-Bon looked on in terror. 'He's going to get himself killed.' She thought. But then, he surprised her. Right before the black stallion got to him, the colt jumped backwards. He cartwheeled in the air and landed on the side of the tree. The same second, the black stallion rammed its head into it. The colt then jumped onto the stallion's back and bucked him right in the back of the skull. "Falcon buck." The stallion roared before falling to the ground. The colt quickly got off, and smiled down in triumph, but it was short lived, as they heard a piercing shriek.

They looked up to see two grey, black mane Pegasi hovering over them. "Oh, that's just cheating." The colt whined. Bon-Bon just stared at him. 'Seriously!' The two fliers dove down, heading right straight towards him. The colt dodged them both on their first run. "You two couldn't hit the broadside of a barn." The Pegasi nimbly flew around the trees and tried again. Bon-Bon didn't know what to do. She doubted that the colt could take on both of them. So, she did the best she could. She looked around herself and grabbed the biggest rock she could and threw it at one. She got a lucky hit, as the rock smacked into the side of one of the Pegasus's face. It screeched in pain. In its pained state, it accidently slammed into the other Pegasus, sending them right dab into a tree.

The colt looked at her and smiled. "Thanks." He said. "Though, I could have taken them."

Bon-Bon smiled, rolling her eyes. "You welcome." She croaked out. Even talking hurt her dearly.

But there little moment of peace was short lived. The two Pegasi got back on to their feet. As well as the large stallion, who looked very peeved. They looked like they were going to go start the fight again, and the colt readied himself. "Round two. Fight!" He said.

"Stop!" Someone yelled. They all turned around to see a large group of grey, black mane ponies. 'Oh, great. More of them.' She thought. Two of them were brown, however. Like the smaller pony before her. The grey ponies around them seemed to be keeping a close eye on those two. The lead unicorn came over to them. He looked over her and the colt. Then, he turned to the other three. "Kill them." He turned back to the others. They looked like they were only happy to.

"Wait!" An elderly brown unicorn said, stepping forth past the other grey ponies. He had a little doll on his back. "You can't just kill them."

"Why not?" The grey unicorn said, glaring at him. "I spared your lives. Isn't that enough?"

"If you so much as harm one single innocent life, I'll take the only chance you have of going back to the grave." The brown unicorn said, looking at him with an equal glare.

The grey unicorn sent him a fierce glare, baring its teeth, before finally shaking his head. "Fine." He said. "We won't kill them," He then turned and walked on. "For now."

The elderly unicorn then walked over to her. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked.

"Like no." Bon-Bon said. She coughed violently.

The elderly unicorn frowned. "I'll just have to carry you, until we find someone to look after you." He said. He moved his head under her, careful not to pierce her with his horn. Then, gently, he scooped her up and onto his back.

"There's a town not far from here." Bon-Bon said. She knew she was risking a lot, but she was in so much pain. "They can help."


Back in Ponyville, another frantic struggle took place. An epic battle between good and evil, light and dark, life and death. A deciding moment in the history of Equestria, or rather, of all worlds. A mind blowing event with feats unimaginable by mere mortal minds. A place of extreme conflict that only the bravest or most foolish wanderer would ever venture forth into this…

"Aren't you over doing this a bit?" Pinkie Pie said, stretching out her neck.

Hmmm, sorry about that. A writer and his musings and all. Can't help that.

"Okey, dokey, lokey." Pinkie Pie said, smiling.

Carrot Top came in through the front door. The moment she did, her mouth dropped open. "HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?" She yelled.

"SURPRISE!" Surprise said, jumping out behind her. Carrot Top shrieked. Surprise just giggled at her antic. "Is everyone here so jumpy wumpy?"

"Nah, I saw Rarity jump twice as high once." Pinkie Pie said. "I think she thought Prince Blueblood was behind her."

Surprise gagged. "That meany pants would scare me too." She said. "Did you know that he tried to ask me out once?"

Pinkie Pie gasped. "No way." She said. "Tell me all about it."

"GET OUT!" Carrot Top yelled. The two bubbly ponies hopped out, giggling. Carrot Top slammed the door behind them. "As if I don't already have enough to do deal with Ditzy." Just then, the doorbell rang. 'Speak of the devil.' She turned around and opened it. And low and behold, that wall eyed friend of hers, Ditzy Doo, stood there. Her two daughters, Sparkler and Dinky, stood behind her. "Hi, Ditzy. What brings you over?" 'Other than to raid my fridge of course.'

Ditzy smiled. "Oh, I'm working late and since there isn't any school today, I was hoping if you'd babysit." She said.

"I'm not a baby." Sparkler said. Ditzy just ignored her statement.

"Well, can't Sparkler look after Dinky herself?" Carrot Top said, hoping to avoid any more interaction with her friend. She liked her, really. But yesterday was hectic and she wanted a day to herself.

"No." Ditzy said, her face showing a slight tinge of fear. "I'm not leaving my muffins alone by themselves."

"Mom," Sparkler said, walking next to her. "I can take care of myself."

"The world is too dangerous." Ditzy said. "You could get hurt."

"In our own house?" Sparkler said.

"I read somewhere that most accidents happen in the home." Ditzy said. Carrot Top shook her head. Ditzy was overprotective of her daughter's. Well, considering what happened to their father…I think it was justified.

"But Ponyville is like the safest place in Equestria." Sparkler said. "Nothing ever happens here." Carrot Top and Ditzy Doo just stared at her for moment. Finally, she conceded defeat. "Alright."

Ditzy hugged her. "Don't worry." She said. "One day, you'll take on this world all on your own." She gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She then hugged Dinky and kissed her forehead. "Now be good for auntie Top, okay?" They both nodded. "I'll be back this afternoon." She hugged them. "I love you two."

"We love you too mom." They both said, hugging back.

Carrot Top had to hold back tears. She always found it so touching when they did stuff like that. A real family. Oh, how she wished to a foal of her own and a stallion by her side. 'A big, strong stallion. Who's brave and true and so good in…' "Carrot Top?"

Carrot Top shook her head to get rid of the small fantasy forming inside. 'Not in from of the fillies.' She thought. She looked down to Dinky. "What is it sweetie."

"I'm hungry." Dinky Doo said.

Carrot Top smiled. "I know just the thing." She said, leading them inside.


I own neither Resistance, or My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

Resistance is owned by Insomniac.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro studios.

I do hope you enjoy this crossover of mine and if you any ideas, suggestions, or tips, please don't be afraid to contact me.