• Published 16th May 2015
  • 2,338 Views, 99 Comments

My Little Pony Dimensions - PhantomSage21098

a new threat has awoken. And it wants the multiverse, join Jacob and the main six, as they solve the mystery of the obscure events.

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Chapter 11: The World of Fire and Brimstone (Zoophobia)

Within the confines of her chambers, Starlight Glimmer set aside her cloak on the chair. 'The thing's been itching me all day.' she thought to herself, 'But I'm going to have to put it back on if I want to keep Kronus pleased.' Her room looked like someone royal were to sleep in, it had everything she had from her village and a few other things she never had, such as a shelf full of spell books. She then went over to the shelf to pick out a book, but something was in the corner of her eye. She saw that her cloak twitched a bit. She took a closer look at it then something jumped out of the cloak's pocket. It scared her for a brief moment, but she recognized what it was. It was the little mouse she found in that clinic. It quickly scurried away to find a place to hide. "Wait, I'm not going to hurt you." The mouse skidded to a halt and looked up and Starlight. "I promise I won't." The mouse then took a step closer to her and to Starlight's surprise.

"You really mean it?" The mouse spoke in a feminine voice. It took Starlight by surprise and she stumbled back and crashed into the bookshelf, causing all the books to pile onto her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." Starlight raised her head up out of the pile, surprised that the mouse was incapable of speech. "I know, how am I talking? Well, the truth is... I'm not a mouse." Then the most bizarre thing began to occur upon the mouse. It began to glow with a magical aura. Then it slowly began to grow, its fingers and toes merged into pony hooves, its fur then did a flowing movement until the spots were gone, pony mane then grew onto her head and her tail did the same. The aura died down and the mouse was then replaced with a beautiful, majestic unicorn mare. Her coat was white as snow, her mane was purple with a yellow streak, her eyes were green as the trees, and her cutie mark was pawprint within a right side up hoofprint. "My name is Cecilia, Mystic of the genetic code."

"You were the filly I saw in the picture back at the clinic."

"Yes. I made that when I was old enough to go to elementary."

"I need to tell your father about this." Starlight used her magic to fix the shelf and placed the books back, then she trotted for the door. Cecilia then stepped in front of her.

"You can't do that."

"Why? He would be thrilled to see his daughter again."

"He's not my father anymore." Starlight was shocked by what she said.

"Why would you say such a thing?"

"Kronus made him into one of his puppets. I remember it like it was yesterday. When he and his army invaded, I went to go hide in mouse form while my father stayed behind to fight back. The dark lord thought he could use that so; he infected him with his dark magic." Starlight was confused by what she was saying. "After our temple and village were sent into the dark dimension, I found my father only to find something horrifying. He tried to attack me, kill me if possible. He told me I have to be punished for being me."

"But why did you come here?"

"I want to escape. I can't stay here any longer. Could you help me?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Someone wanted her help. Back in the Equalist Village, nopony really asked for help. The reason is she only forced them into being equal. Ever since she had been here, in the temple, she quickly learned that they were the real monsters and her errors so soon. She was about to answer when a knock came from her door.

"Miss Glimmer," Said a voice from the door, "it's Judge Doom and theToon Patrol. Open up. I wish to speak with you." Cecilia acted fast, she shifted into her mouse form and went to hide under the bed.

"Uh, just a moment." Starlight said as she quickly slipped her cloak back on. She used her magic to open the door to a man in black, carrying a skull cane. As he entered, five cartoon weasels followed him in, each different from one another. "Hello, I'm afraid we never met before."

"We haven't. I'm Judge Doom, the jurist of Toon Town. These are my disciples, The Toon Patrol." A weasel in white with gold teeth came up to her.

"Smarty's the name, patrol leader's the game," he said in a Manhattan accent, then a weasel in green spoke up.

"I am Greasy, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said in a Puerto Rican accent. A Bluish-grey furred weasel came up to her.

"I'm Wheezy." he said in a raspy voice and breathed a cloud of smoke into her face. Starlight gagged a bit at the foul odor. "The one in the propeller beanie is Stupid." The guy he was mentioning waved over.

"That's not nice." Starlight said and Wheezy coughed a bit.

"No, that's actually his name. And finally, the one in the straitjacket is Psycho." The weasel he mentioned waved over to her and like his name... he looked like a psycho.

"Uh, a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm Starlight Glimmer, the sin of pride and the newest member of The Order of Sin." While she talked to them, Cecilia snuck out of the room and made her way through the corridors without being seen. She turned a corner and ran right inside of a giant, orange ghost. She was stuck inside the thing, but she could see through him and heard a conversation from it and three other ghosts.

"Oh, this is such a predicament." Said the orange ghost, "All this fighting is tearing me apart." After he said that, he literally split it in half.

"Get a hold of yourself, Clyde." Said a pink one in a female voice, "Betrayus or this Kronus guy doesn't know we help Pacums. But if they do, we're toast."

"How are going to warn him?" Asked the red one in a male tone, "This place is crawling with those things. In order to sneak around here, you have to be like a mouse or an ant. Any ideas, Inky?"

"Nothing, Blinky." Said the blue ghost. He was about to answer when a certain ghost came up to them. Betrayus.

"You four," He said, "I want you and a legion of ghosts to go and stop that prince."

"Yes, Lord Betrayus." The four ghosts simultaneously said then flew off the gateway, carrying the magic mouse with them.

World: Zoophobia

After escaping the close encounter with more enemies, the team decided to lay low for a while. They hid out in a department store. "The darn city is overrun with those monsters." Carrie said, "Why couldn't we just fight them instead of running from them?"

"Because," Jacob said, "I took a good look at Slappy and noticed that he looked like the version from the movie. Meaning that these are monsters that are actually from books. They are made of ink from a typewriter."

"They don't know that, Jakie." Pinkie said, "They could be from a different world other than the Goosebumps Movie. They could be from the TV show."

"If they were then they would look old-fashioned. The show was aired in the 1990s, so I'm pretty sure they are from the film." Damian was wondering about the store, basically where the comics are. He found one about an unreal version of his home, the underworld. He was too caught up in the comic to notice someone was watching him. While that was happening, Jacob looked around the electronics area to find a charger for his tablet. Luckily, he found one and also caught a glimpse at the person staring at Damian. "Hey, you!" Bad move. The person made a run for it. Jacob charged in pursuit. Though, while chasing him, Jacob took notice that the person was wearing the same hood as the person that shot him. Anger and revenge boiled within the teen, as he was getting closer and closer to his killer. He was about to grab him until he whipped out a wand and...

"Dapulso!" the figure said and it sent Jacob flying backward. Allowing the hooded man to escape. As Jacob got up, his friends, Damian, and Styx arrived.

"Who the hay was that?" Rainbow asked.

"Does he like parties?" Pinkie asked.

"Do you care about anything other than parties?" Styx scolded her.

"That was my killer," Jacob said.

"Woah, wait." Nate said, "That's the guy who killed you?"

"Are you sure, darling?" Rarity asked worriedly.

"I think." Jacob said, "He was wearing the same hood. Now, if you all don't mind, it's time for a little payback." Jacob popped his knuckles and left to go find the hooded man. He went down the row and found the storage area doors were still swinging. Meaning he went this way. Pushing the doors aside and getting his gun out, he was ready for a sneak attack. Jacob proceeded to go further within. What he found wasn't a hood guy, but a machine. It had robotic arms, a toolbox, it had a sign saying what it was. "Pack-a-Punch 2.0. It looks like a combo of two things, the Power to The People station from Bioshock and the original Pack-a-Punch machine from Black ops Zombies. That might be useful." Jacob looked down and saw a present you get at a birthday party. He picked it up and observed it. He noticed it had his name on it. It looked like a normal present, but what if it could be a king cobra, or a ticking time bomb, or a-

"Come on, Jakie Snakey, open it." Pinkie said as she cuts off his train of thought and scares Jacob.

"Pinks, are you trying to end me!?"

"No, silly, we haven't defeated Kronus yet. It's not the end of your story."

"Next time, I'm bringing someone else and it won't be you. Now go to a corner, you're in a time out." Pinkie left for the corner and Jacob opened the present and what he found was a new toy, if you know what I mean. "AWESOME!!! THE MAVERICK ASSAULT RIFLE!!!!!!!!!!" The group then arrived.

"What's with all the shouting?" Damian asked.

"I got myself a new weapon. The maverick assault rifle."

"Well, I hope you know how to use it." A new voice spoke, everyone looked to see four ghosts, each a different color. The red one continued. "You guys have company on the way."

"Oooo!! I'll find a sponge cake!!" Pinkie Pie said and left, everyone just stared at her.

"Is she always like that?" Fabian asked.

"Pretty much." Jacob replied, "Now, hello Inky, Blinky, Pinkie, and Clyde. Thanks for the news, we'll get ready." He then turns around and uses the Pack-A-Punch. Jacob placed his revolver on it and chose to upgrade the damage. As the machine worked its magic, Pinky (Pac-man) came up to him.

"How do you know who we are?" She asked.

"I met you and your friends before, but we've just met. That's all I can tell ya."

"Well, take this, Pac-man really could use the backup," Blinky said and hands him the world token to their world. The upgrade was finished and the machine shut down. Then the back door opened and Tentadora was there.

"This way! The Hell Gate is opened!" She shouted.

"Then let's get home," Damian said as he ran out the door with a few comics in hand. The group followed the imp. Behind them was a giant swam of Pac-man ghosts chasing after them. Up ahead was a stairwell leading into a lava creature's mouth. As the ghostly horde inched closer to the group, Jacob took the opportunity to try out his new weapon. He pulled it out and aimed it at the swarm.

"Say hello to my little friend!!" He shouted as he unleashed a barrage of bullets, hitting every ghost. As soon as he was at the top of stairs, the creature closed its mouth and the ghost swarms flew into the wall, splattering into slime.

Tentadora leads the group through the halls of the Hell Royal Palace to the throne room. It creeped out the outworlders, but not the ones who lived there. "I hope we aren't in trouble," Damian said.

"Your parents would probably have heard the news." Styx said, "They'd be relieved to hear that you're safe."

"Jacob, who is Damian's parents?" Blazeleo asked.

"Satan," Jacob answered as they entered the throne room.

"And who's that?" Rainbow asked, "Sounds like a weirdo."

"And who might be this weirdo?" Satan spoke up while sitting on his throne with his wife. She wasn't like her husband; she was like a canine with dark red fur and wore anti-Christ jewelry and a black crown. Just by looking at them, Jacob's friends were scared right then and there.

"You just had to ask, didn't you, Rainbow?" Jacob said, "You might want to excuse her, Satan, she's an egomaniac."

"I am not," Rainbow muttered. The queen stood up and went to Damian.

"Damian, my son, did those ruffians hurt you?" she asked worriedly.

"No, mom, they were protecting me," Damian answered. Satan approached Carrie and Fabian

"Tell me what was going on up there." He asked.

"Safe Haven was under attack by monsters from another world." She answered, "Ask Jacob, he seems to know more about those things." She pointed at the boy, who was admiring the obscure artwork. He approached him and was about to ask-

"I know what you're going to ask, your unholiness." Jacob said, "The monsters that Carrie was saying were from a book series called Goosebumps. It's an all-popular series from my world, but these are from the movie with the same title. Those things are working for a legion of bad guys, heck bent on merging the dimensions. They needed your son for some reason. Could you tell us where-" His sentence was cut when a guard came in.

"Your majesty," he stated, "You've been requested an audience with the Duke of Fire Hell. He wishes to discuss the demon gang in the west side of hell."

"Very well." Satan said, "We'll discuss matters later." Satan and his queen left the throne room, leaving the group.

"Well, at least we can relax for a bit," Jacob said.

"Agreed." Rarity said, "We've been on the run all day." Rarity then sat on the queen's throne and Styx didn't like that.

"Hey, get off there!" He shouted.

"Leave her alone, Styx." Jacob said, "We all need to sit down." Jacob turned to Satan's kid. "Damian, tell me where your father's halo is."

"Why do you want to know where it is?" Damian asked.

"I have a feeling that's why the villains are here. They tried to take a clock gear from the previous world, it seemed to be important somehow. They want to use the halo for something. Do you know where it is?"

"It's probably in the treasury."

"We'll head there once we're all well-rested." Then they heard the shrieking of a fashionista. They looked to Rarity and saw she was standing on the throne's arm, looking to the floor. "What happened?"

"A mouse!" she shouted, "It was a mouse!!"

"A mouse? Down here? I doubt that." Then he had second thoughts when he stuck his hand in his pocket n felt something tiny and fuzzy. He pulled it out by its tail and, as it turns out, it was a mouse with yellow, white, and purple fur. "Huh, what do you know. It really was a mouse. A cute one at that."

"Cute?! THAT'S A DISGUSTING VERMIN!!! Get rid of it!!" The mouse, or Cecilia, didn't like that comment and shot a hostile look. Jacob put Cecilia in his other hand.

"No way, I don't kill cute little things. It's not my style."

"Aww," Said Cecilia, "Thank you. That's very sweet."

"You're welcome," Jacob said to the mouse.... Wait. TO THE MOUSE!!?? The whole group screamed their hearts out at the sudden surprise and Jacob accidentally launches her into the air and the mouse quickly morphed into a female cat with the same fur colors as her previous form. and landed perfectly on the floor.

"That is the second time I got that reaction. This time, it was a whole group!" As Cecilia dusted herself off, she noticed that Jacob was staring at her. "Hello, my name is Cecilia. It's nice to meet you and all of you." She then turned to look at Rarity and gave her an unhappy look and had her arms crossed.

"Oh, uh hello there... sweet and beautiful thing." She said nervously.

"That's better." she said as she walked off. Jacob looks at her with his mouth ajar.

"Woah, that's cool." That was all he could say about her. Damian noticed he was acting weird as he stared at the new girl.

"Hey, Jacob," He started while waving a hand in front of his face. "You alright?" Jacob snapped out of his fantasy.

"Huh, wha?" He said, "Oh um, yeah. I'm great. Just dandy." Then, without warning, a huge tremor shook the entire palace. A little debris fell from the ceiling as the place trembled. The shaking then suddenly stopped and everyone recovered from it. "Do you usually get earthquakes down here?"

"No. We don't."

"Then we've got company." Jacob and the rest of the group then left to go find the halo.

Sometime later, the group followed the underworld inhabitants to the treasury. As soon as they arrived, they saw the guards fighting sack-looking creatures with big swords for their right arms and left legs. "Scarecrows. They're demons.

"But, aren't they supposed to be helping us?" Damian asked.

"Well, no. They are from another dimension with demons." Carrie whipped out her lasso and readied herself.

"Just say the word and let's get that halo." She spoke.

"I don't need to say it, I do it. CHARGE!!" The group charged in to help the guards out. Cecilia shifted into a small bug and flew into a scarecrow. The enemy then the beetles exploded into a cloud of colorful butterflies. "What a woman." Jacob then sliced and diced two of the enemies at once. Rainbow grabbed a spear and ran into a few of those scarecrows, implying them into it, and the beetles flew out and away. Carrie lassoed a blade off of one of the outworld demons and used it as her own. Pinkie threw pies at their faces, blinding them. This gives Fabian and Damian the chance to attack them. The captain the Hell Royal guard morphed both hands into scythe blades and lopped off some enemy heads. A large group surrounded Blaze, but that is nothing to worry about. He summoned his magic circle and cast a spell.

"Dragon's Fiery Fury!!" He shouted and unleashed an ocean of dragon fire, incinerating the demonic enemies. Some scarecrows retreated through a large pair of doors. Damian knew where those lead.

"They're headed for the treasury!!" Damian shouted as he ran for the door. The group followed the little imp into said room. Upon entering, they were met with mounds and mounds of gold and jewels. It was a sight to behold, but it was only brief. They saw the scarecrow's body, flattened on the floor.

"That's odd."

"What?" Fabian asked.

"It's been crushed."

"So?" Rainbow asked, "We can just get the halo. Easy."

"Your friend is on to something." Cecilia said, "I'm more concerned about what did that."

"Shut your mouth, lady!" Carrie said in a threatening tone, and Blaze pointed his weapon at the teacher.

"Watch your tone." he said in the same tone, "Her father, Dr. RNA, was a dear friend of mine."

"I thought that girl looked familiar." Said a new voice, they looked towards the halo, and saw that Slappy was clutching it in his wooden grip.

"How did you find us?" Jacob asked. Slappy cackled.

"I know you. I created you." What he said left everyone confused. "No, that line belongs to Papa." The lights went out for a brief moment, and Slappy was gone, including the halo. They looked around and noticed that they were moved into another room, the door behind them was buried with a giant mound of debris. They were trapped. Trapped with a demonic dummy. Then on the opposite side of the room, a gigantic figure emerged out of the darkness. It was a giant dragon with red scales and golden eyes. But Jacob knew this particular one.

"Smaug." he said.

"That's right." Slappy sits on Smaug's head. "Me and the big lizard are going to roast you alive." Smaug inhaled and unleashed a blaze of fire at the group, but luckily, they all dodged before they were roasted.

"We need a plan." Rarity said, "Anyone?"

"Well, dragons are tempted to treasure."

"That's going to be really difficult, we aren't in the treasury," Styx said. Jacob peaked from the cover and noticed giant statues of heads high on the walls, behind Smaug.

"Lightbulb just went off." Jacob said, "I got an idea."

"What is it?" Damian asks.

"Do your parents mind if I borrow some cash?"

"Well, I don't know." Smaug slammed his tail against the floor and made a keystone fall from the ceiling. Jacob ran over to activate it. It was The Locate Keystone.

Locate Keystone: Activated

When the keystone is activated, objects from other dimensions can be seen and pulled into the world. With the keystone activated, move around the environment and look for a glowing white object. When the object is located, stand near it and follow the button prompt, pressing the button repeatedly to fill the meter. Once the meter is filled, the object will tear through a portal and land in the area.

"Rainbow, I need you to carry me."

"Why!?" She asked.

"Cuz I need to find a rift. The rest of you distract Slappy and Smaug." Rainbow grabbed Jacob and flew into the air. Slappy and Smaug eyed the duo in the air. While the group below was throwing small debris at the dragon. The flying duo landed on the top of the statue and found a rift. It took him a moment to open, but when it did, a waterfall of gold poured out of it. It got Smaug's attention, He reared his head to look at the treasure. While he had his head there, Rainbow used a hammer she found and slammed it on the statue to make it fall on the dragon's head. They both rendezvous with the rest of the team as Smaug was recovering, they notice that Slappy was not on his back. He appeared from behind a pile of rubble with the same hammer Rainbow had.

"That'll teach you to make me into a flapjack." Said the demonic dummy. He charged at Rainbow Dash and swung at her like crazy. But she was too quick for him, she dodged him multiple times. Jacob took this opportunity to shoot the dummy. As soon as he fired, Sleppy flew back on impact and was buried under a pile of rubble. Then Smaug rose up from the destroyed statue with Slappy on his back. "Get rid of that rainbow chicken."

"With pleasure," Smaug said, then he breathed fire at Rainbow. She quickly flew up to avoid being cooked, but that was a mistake. Smaug snapped at her wing, breaking it. Rainbow fell and landed on Fabian and Tentadora.

"Rainbow, you alright?" Jacob shouted.

"No," She replied, "I think I'm out this time, coach."

"Darn." Cecilia then ran over to Jacob, making sure she wasn't eaten by Smaug.

"I can help." She spoke.

"Let me guess. You'll change into a bird and fly me to the next head statues so we can defeat the enemies?"

"Yeah. How did you know that?"

"I can study people's abilities."

"Ok. Now hold on." As Cecilia was changing, Pinkie Pie was shooting the villains with her party cannon. Jacob reactivated the keystone and Cecilia changed into a giant hawk. She took off with Jacob on her back. They soared to the next statue and found another rift. When it opened, it poured out gold from Treasure Planet.

"The loot of a thousand worlds." Smaug then went over to the next pile and tried his best to protect it. "Think you can be heavy?"

"Hang on." Cecilia then morphed into a giant version of herself and lands on stomps on the statue, breaking onto Smaug's head. She quickly morphed back into a giant hawk and flew back to the rest of the team. Cecilia morphed back into a cat, but just as she did, Slappy roped a cable around her neck, choking her. Jacob whipped out his sword and swiped at Slappy. He was sent flying towards another pile of rubble, getting buried. Smaug recovered and Slappy was on his back again.

"Maybe one more time will do the trick." Smaug used his tail to smash the keystone into pieces. "Not good." Smaug breathed fire and the duo dodged it behind a broken part of the ceiling.

"Now what do we do?"

"I think we'll fight them on their turf."

"I get you." Cecilia then touched Jacob and they began to grow. As they did, their bodies began to grow scales, wings, and dragon tails. Meanwhile, the others were trying their best to fend off the villains, but it's not looking too good.

"Had enough yet!?" Smaug shouted.

"Have you?" Jacob said as he sucker-punched Smaug in the jaw. The group and the villains saw two new dragons. It was Jacob and Cecilia and they were both full grown, Equestrian dragons. "Let's rumble." Cecilia then rammed into Smaug's gut and Jacob grabbed the dragon's tail and flung him over to the final statue. Smaug hit the wall, causing it to crack and making the statue fall on top of him. He was defeated. But Slappy on the other hand still had the halo, the smoke cleared and Slappy was standing over the defeated dragon.

"Slappy's not happy." He said as a rift opens above the villains.

"And neither is Jacob." The boy took the halo and knocked Slappy into the rift. "Stupid dummy."

"See you in the sequel!!" Slappy cackles as he and Smaug are sent through the rift. Cecilia hugged Jacob and they both shrunk back into their true forms.

"The best part about your powers is that our clothes come back when we change back to ourselves. I really like what you can do."

"Thanks, but you didn't use your magic," Cecilia said.

"I used a sword I summoned and a dodge ability. Doesn't that count?"

"Well, you seem to lack offensive powers." They then noticed the rift was about to close.

"Damian, you and the adults stay here and warn people about what's going on. Everyone let's head out of here." The team then dived into the rift and the teachers and Hell Royals left when Tentadora cleared the way out of the room. Damian looks back at the rift as it closes.

"Why did I feel like I met Jacob before?"

The gateway opens up and the team flew out and landed on a mattress to break their fall. Rarity and Pinkie carried Rainbow to a bed. Everyone looked worried at the sight of her.

"What happened?" Teresa asked.

"We faced off with a dragon named Smaug and a demonic dummy named Slappy." Jacob said, "You know, the usual stuff."

"Teresa?" Cecilia said, "Is that you?" The pony looked beyond Jacob to see the unicorn.

"Cecilia, you're alright." They then both hugged and Blaze came up and hugged them both. Jacob stood there, surprised by the recent actions the new guys were doing. Frostbite then came up next to him.

"I'm surprised that you've found a few of the Mystics." He said, "You going to head for the next world?"

"No, I'm going to hit the hay," Jacob said.

"Why are you going to hit hay?" Pinkie asked, "Aren't you exhausted from fighting Smaugy and Slappy?"