• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 1,357 Views, 30 Comments

A Silver Lining for Derpy - Teyeson Bee

Her whole childhood, Derpy had been ridiculed because of her deformity. Dark clouds had surrounded her. All she needed was a Silver Lining. For even the smallest bit of light can snuff out the dark.

  • ...

You Are Never Alone

It didn't take long for news to travel across the school about Silver's death. Some didn't believe it at first, and then they saw Derpy. Her old sulking ways said it all for them. Almost all of Silver's classmates came to the funeral, and after that, the school seemed to shine a little less bright. It seemed that Silver had made a difference for so many others at Cloudsdale High, even if some of them didn't realize it until after he was gone. Of course, no one was as affected by it as Derpy. Everyone knew how close the two were, so they couldn't help but feel the pain coming off of the pegasus-girl after it happened. The principal noticed this as well, and gave Derpy a week off from school to recuperate. It didn't matter to Derpy. It didn't matter if she was given a week or a month. Nothing could fill the hole in her heart left by Silver.

Derpy had never felt so alone in her entire life. She would occasionally get classmates come to her door with their condolences, some baked goods, and even a hug from some of them. It was nice, but the hugs she got just couldn't compare to the ones she received from Silver. The warmth of the embrace, the way she felt so secure; they just couldn't be replaced so easily. Derpy spent her days off just laying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about the times she had with him. She would occasionally try to think of something joyful, like what Silver taught her, but every time she tried, the memories of Silver would just remind her of how he looked when he died, and it would drive her to tears. There was something else just as bad; Derpy was slowly starting to descend into depression once again. She hadn't felt her depression since before she and Silver shared backstories, but she could feel it coming back. Though she tried to fight it, the more sad memories that came to her, the more her depression would creep up little by little, and Derpy never felt more afraid. What if it would change her again like it did before? She lost her mom, and it changed her. She gained a great friend, and that changed her even more. So losing that great friend after not even a year? The depression had no better time to change her.

As the week winded down into the weekend, a sudden realization came to Derpy that she would have to go back to school! What would go down if she did? Would things continue as they have been, or would things go back to the way they were oh so long ago? An image of Rain mocking her came to Derpy's mind and she shuttered at the thought. As Derpy lay on her bed that Saturday night, a million thoughts and fears rushed through her head at once. How was she going to have the courage to come back at Rain's assaults? Would anyone stand up for her, or would they go back to ignoring her? Though she tried to think positive, the creeping depression kept pushing bad thoughts into Derpy's mind. It was all so much that Derpy couldn't get to sleep. She just stared at the ceiling as the thoughts barraged her mind. But as time moved on, sleep and Derpy had finally found each other, and she closed her eyes, and started to dream.

Derpy was standing on the sidewalk in front of the school. Derpy looked around as she wondered, "How did I end up here? I don't remember coming to school..." As she looked around, she noticed that a few yards in front of her were Rainbow Dash and Blossomforth, waving and smiling to her.

"C'mon Derpy!" Blossom shouted. "Let's go hang at my place!"

Derpy smiled slightly as she started to walk. But as she took her first step, she tripped on her leg and started to fall. Everything seemed to go into slow motion as Derpy's body fell towards the sidewalk. As Derpy landed on the pavement, everything, to Derpy's horrible surprise, shattered. It was as if everything around her was made of glass. All that was left was a black void with the shards of scenery floating around. Derpy, still with all fours on what used to be the ground, looked around. All she could see was the collage of shattered scenery and an endless black background. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out in a mocking tone, "Well, well. It looks like Derp-face broke the school again! This is what happens when you let a cross-eyed bull into the china shop."

A sudden outburst of laughter rang out around Derpy, though she couldn't see anybody. Suddenly, Derpy began to fall into the black abyss, and her wings wouldn't move. As Derpy fell, all she heard was the loud, endless echo of laughter at her. Though she covered her ears, the sound bored its way though with no problem. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Derpy landed on the ground, or what she thought was the ground. As she got up, she noticed that she was still in a black void. She looked around at the emptiness, and saw a figure, shining a few yards from her. The back was turned, but Derpy could tell that it was a woman. As she tried to examine the figure from afar, Derpy couldn't help but notice that it looked very familiar, like...

"Mom?" Derpy said aloud. She ran towards the figure, with a smile forming across her face, hoping that it really was her mom. As she approached it, she place an arm on her shoulder and started to turn the figure towards her. "Mom! I can't believe it's really-"

As Derpy finished turning, her eyes grew wide and her smile completely disappeared as the figure was indeed her mom, but she didn't look happy to see her. On the contrary, she looked absolutely livid. "M-Mom?" Derpy cautiously asked. "What's wrong?"

"YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!" her mother screamed furiously. The force of the scream was so great that it pushed Derpy back a few yards. When Derpy got up, her mother was gone, but her words still echoed around her, "You broke your promise." Tears began to fill Derpy's eyes as she looked around.

"No!" she shouted. "I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to break my promise! Please don't leave me again Mom!" Suddenly, Derpy realized that her voice sounded younger. She looked down at her body and noticed it LOOKED younger. It almost was like she was back in middle school again, back when the taunting began. Suddenly, Rain's voice was heard again as her began taunting.

"Look out everyone! It's the walking catastrophe!" said the cocky voice as the laughter continued. Derpy, having been overwhelmed by what was happening, started to run. Though no matter how fast she ran, she just couldn't get away from the barrage of insults that penetrated her mind.

"You're really pathetic Derp-face!"

"You'll never get any boyfriends with those freakish eyes!"

"You should try out for the circus!"

"You're a freak, and you'll always be a freak!"

As the insults continued to rain down, a chorus of a taunting rang out over that, as hundreds of students' voice shouted out, "Derp-face! Derp-face! Derp-face!" over and over again. Derpy covered her ears, but it did her no good. The insults just kept coming. Derpy stopped and dropped to her knees, still trying to cover her ears as tears ran down her cheeks. Suddenly, it seemed that all the sound had stopped, and Derpy looked up. As she looked around, she saw, standing a few feet from her, a full-body mirror. Derpy got up and cautiously walked towards it. As she neared the mirror, she noticed her reflection starting to appear as she got closer. When she stopped right in front however, what she saw made her scream!

On the other side of the mirror was her reflection, but it looked so different. Her hair was matted down to the sides and drooping. Her eyes looked dead with large bags under them. Her skin was completely pale and even sickly-looking. She was wearing a dark gray t-shirt, and the most horrendous part was that her arms were covered with scars, like she had just gotten 50 paper cuts. Derpy looked at the horrific figure in front of her as the figure mimicked each of her movements like a regular reflection. As Derpy examined the reflection, a horrible thought came to her. "Is...is this me?" she asked aloud. As soon as she asked that, the reflection changed completely as its mouth curled into a devilish smile.

"It WILL be!" the reflection responded in a sinister voice that was not at all Derpy's. Suddenly, the reflection began to crawl out of the mirror as Derpy fell back with terror. As it crawled out, the reflection, once looking like a depressed Derpy, morphed into a large shadowy figure. It's body was completely black and smokey, like a shadow, but it's head still retained Derpy's look. As the creature grew in size, Derpy found herself shuffling back, being unable to stand. She eyed the beast with complete fear as it looked at her with an evil grin. "Join with me Derpy! We will be one once again!"

"No!" Derpy screamed out. "NO! Not again!"

"You won't have a choice this time!" growled the beast as it stepped towards the shivering pegasus-girl. Derpy continued to shuffle back, but soon bumped into a black wall. She was cornered with no where to go. All she could do was watch in terror as the beast neared its target. "You will be mine again!" the beast bellowed as it leaned over Derpy. Pure terror was what Derpy was feeling, and there was no way out of it. She was alone in a black void, with depression about to take over her once again.

All she could think to do at that point, was cover her face and scream, "SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEEEEE!"


Derpy opened her eyes as she saw the beast staring up at a bright blinding light with disgust. Derpy looked up herself to see the light shining down between them. As a figure lowered itself down between her and the beast, Derpy tried to see who it was, but the light was too bright. All she could see was a bright silhouette, shouting at the beast. "She doesn't need you anymore! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" As the figure spoke, Derpy noticed that the beast was wincing and falling back, screaming and shrinking until it was gone in a blinding "poof." Derpy covered her eyes to guard against the flash, and when it had subsided, Derpy opened her eyes to see an outstretched hand, and a smiling face looking down at her. He was a pegasus-boy, looking to be around her age, with shaggy silver hair and yellow eyes, like hers. She also noticed that he only had one arm as she took his hand and helped her up. As he spoke, Derpy had the strange feeling that she had seen him before.

"You ok?" asked the boy.

"I'm fine, thanks," Derpy responded. "I'm Derpy. Who're you?"

"The name's Silver Lining," replied the boy. "It's a good thing I was around. That monster almost got..." Silver stopped as he noticed that Derpy had started sobbing. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"My mommy's gone," Derpy replied as she sniffled, "and I'm all alone. I'm a freak!"

"You're not a freak," Silver calmly responded.

"Look at me!" Derpy scolded as she pointed to her eyes. "I have a lazy eye and it makes me clumsy!"

"Well I have one arm," Silver retorted, pointing to his shoulder stub, "and it makes me...uh...not left-handed!" Derpy couldn't help but giggle a little at the comment. "Ah, you have a nice smile," Silver stated nicely.

"Yeah, well there's not much to smile at," Derpy responded sadly as she sat down. Silver walked over and sat down beside her as she continued to sob quietly.

"Y'know, I was in the same boat you're in," Silver quietly said. Derpy looked into his eyes. "I thought that there was nothing that could cheer me up. That is until I was told to stop focusing on the bad, and think about the good!" He turned to Derpy with a smile. "What good things happened in your life Derpy?"

"I don't remember any," Derpy quickly responded.

"C'mon!" Silver encouraged. "Think hard! Think of one good thing that came out of your life." Derpy sighed and closed her eyes. She began to try and think of a better time, but nothing was coming to her. She closed her eyes even tighter, but still nothing came. Suddenly, as Derpy was about to give up, a voice rang out in her head.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't tell who it was. As she tried to concentrate on the voice, an image suddenly popped into Derpy's head. It was the image of her, older, in front of a school, standing in front of...a bully, it looked like, but what was her name? Rain! The memory came back as she remembered the bully was named Rain Storm. And standing between her and Rain, standing up for her, was a tall pegasus-boy that looked suspiciously like...

A different image soon flashed in her head. It was her and that boy, sitting in a cafeteria, eating and laughing. Another image. It was her, hugging the boy and crying into his shoulder. Another image. Her and the boy talking in class. Another. Her and the boy exchanging Hearth's Warming gifts. Another. Her and the boy dancing to beautiful music. Another. Her and the boy kissing. With each image, a feeling of familiarity poured into Derpy. She had seen these scenes before, and whatever the case, the boy in the shots was the cause of her happy thoughts. Another image shifted as a slightly sadder scene came up. It was her, hugging that boy in a hospital bed, and she was crying. As Derpy began to wonder why this was a happy moment, she then heard her in the image say,

"I love you, Silver Lining."

At that statement, the name started to echo in Derpy's mind. Slowly but surely, the memories started to flow back. Everything she had went through, every good, every bad, every loving memory; returning. And one name in particular rang out in Derpy's memory, a name that turned out to be her happy thought.

Silver Lining.

As Derpy snapped back into what was happening, she saw that the small boy had disappeared. As she got up and looked around, she looked over to her side and saw something that made her smile. There was Silver, fully grown, smiling, and waving for Derpy. Within a flash, Derpy was wrapped around Silver's body, enjoying the warm embrace once again. As she broke the hug, the two looked into each others eyes with a warm smile.

"Hi Derpy," Silver said softly. "It seems you are back to normal." Derpy quickly looked down at herself and realized that he was right. She was back to her original age. "But I can also tell that something's troubling you."

"Oh Silver," Derpy sighed as she hugged him again. "I don't know what to do! I'm supposed to go back to school on Monday, but how can I? How can I go back out there and continue being the bubbly girl I was without you around? I...I feel so alone!" Silver broke the hug and looked into Derpy's tear-filled eyes.

"You're never alone Derpy!" he calmly responded. "Do you remember what I told you? Though I may not be with you physically, it doesn't mean I'm not with you spiritually. As long as you remember me, I will always be with you in your heart. And as for the going back to school, you can still make a difference out there Derpy! You can go back with your head held high, and bring joy to others!"

"But HOW?" Derpy asked.

Silver chuckled as he continued, "Derpy, you have a very special gift. A gift to make others smile just by being you. You've had this gift long before I came around. Your bubbly attitude and optimistic behavior towards your 'quirky' antics make others smile. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean you have to stop. There will always be people who have depression in their lives. People who have been to Hell and back with what they went through, and some of them on the verge of suicide. All they need is a little 'bubbly' in their life. Who better to give the bubbly than someone who has been there before? That's what I did for you, right? My time may be up, but your time," Silver lifted Derpy's chin and wiped away her tears, "is just beginning! Be an inspiration to the people around you! Don't let depression get you down. Remember, you are in control. If you want to be positive, then shout it out loud and proclaim it to the world!"

Derpy, glued to what he was saying, nodded and wiped another tear from her eye.

"And don't let me passing stop you from living your life!" Silver continued. "Make more friends, hang out, find yourself a great guy who loves you for you! There IS one out there Derpy. You'll find him."

More tears came to Derpy's eyes as she nodded again. "Alright. I will," she said, "but just know that I will always love you, Silver!"

"And I you, Derpy," he responded with a smile, "and don't ever forget; You are NEVER alone!"

"He's right," a feminine voice calmly said.

Derpy jumped at the voice and looked around. She swore that she had heard that voice before. Finally, she caught sight of the source, and Derpy started to cry all over again. Blueberry Muffin, Derpy's mom, was smiling beside her.

"MOM!" Derpy screamed as she embraced her mother. The old feeling of her embrace came back and Derpy couldn't help but cry. "Mom, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I broke my promise!"

"Derpy dear," Blueberry said calmly. "You didn't break your promise. You just forgot about it for a while, that's all. You still can keep it." She broke the hug and looked Derpy in the eyes, wiping away her tears. "The very first time I held you in my arms, I couldn't help but smile. I knew that my baby was going to grow up into an encouraging young woman, and I was right! Go out there and make a difference Derpy! I'll be with you. Always have been, always will be."

Derpy smiled and dried her eyes. "Thanks mom," she said with a sniffle. Suddenly, everything started to go fuzzy around Derpy, like the image was fading. She looked to her mom and Silver, who were also fading. "What's going on!?"

"Looks like you're waking up," Silver said.

"NO!" Derpy shouted. "Don't leave me!"

"We'll never leave you Derpy!" Blueberry said. "We'll be looking out for you, always!"

"How will I know?" Derpy asked hastily.

"Do you know that moment when the sun is barely peeking out from behind a cloud?" asked Silver as his voice began to fade. Derpy nodded. "The bright line that surrounds the outline of the cloud will be me. Whenever you see it, know that that's me, looking out for you!"

"Alright," Derpy called out, "and I promise, truly promise, that I will not sink back into depression! I WILL be positive! I am NOT ALONE!" Silver and Blueberry smiled as their bodies faded away. And as Derpy began to stir, she heard both Blueberry and Silver whisper,

"I love you."

Derpy's eyes flew open as she sat up in her bed. Her head was covered with sweat, and the bottom of her eyes felt as if she had just cried a river. After getting a hold of herself, Derpy just sat there in bed, a million thoughts thinking about what she just went through. "If it was a dream," she thought, "then that means it wasn't real. But it FELT so real. What if it was real? No, dreams can't be real...can they? How do I know? How do I know that it wasn't just another dream?" As she sat there thinking, Derpy couldn't help but notice that a stream of sunlight had come through the window. Curiosity got the better of her as she got out of bed and went over to the window. She peeked out up at the sky, and what she saw made her eyes go wide and her jaw drop.

Outside her window, the sun was just barely peeking out from behind an average-sized cloud. The effect of the sun from behind made the cloud look dark in the middle, but along the outline of the cloud, there was a bright line that traced around the cloud, making the color look...silver. A smile came across Derpy's face as tears filled her eye once again. Silver WAS looking out for her, and she will NEVER be alone. As Derpy stared at the cloud, a new hope began to build inside of her. A hope for a better future. The optimism was coming back as the depression shrank into nothing. The bubbly attitude started to take over. Derpy now knew what she had to do. She wasn't going to go back to the way things were. She was going to remember the good that came out of her life. She was going to remember that her mom and Silver were both looking out for her.

Derpy decided that Sunday would be used for re-training. Preparing for ANYTHING the world had to offer her, using all the methods her best friend taught her. Things were not going to be the same. As Derpy walked away to prepare, a new positive attitude filling inside of her, all she could think to say was,

"Thanks Silver. I love you too!"