• Published 19th Oct 2014
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Stars of War - EquestrianKirin

It's been so many years since Equestria had been abandoned by Ponykind. The kind's only home was "Eclipse Compound", where a unicorn, named Waterstar, resided. Until one day, he and other ponies, was called out into the field, dow

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Chapter One

My head kept trying to block such a noise that is my alarm clock. I'm sure anypony would hate that alarm ringing if early. My hoof tried to find it, to turn off the cursed noise. I missed - knocked the clock on the floor - finally slam the alarm off. I'm no morning bird, but where I'm at, I don't have a clue when morning is at all. My only time I have is my clock, and anypony who even cares about that. My room isn't exactly family -orientated. In fact, it looked more like a jail cell, but with more necessity. Example; that darn clock, the mattress for my bed, even a personal add on that is a mirror. I had no choice but to accept the fact I'm awake, as bad as that sounds, and managed to walk over to the mirror on sore hooves.

In the mirror in front of me, I can see a young, blue unicorn. His mane was a bit smooth, mix of midnight and cyan blue, but only made shaggy by the case of bed head. His blue eyes were still groggy from the morning wake up call, but he'd gotten this before, and knew it'll go away after half an hour. His horn poked out rather freely from the mane, like a beacon. This unicorn is none other than me, and as the mirror shows, I'm a regular of a unicorn.

I just tried to comprehend if the unicorn is really me in the image for a good 5 minutes before I got bored of this pony in the mirror, and went to the door. As I was, I saw my cutie mark in the mirror, which was 3 stars: one big, two circling it. I have yet to understand what my mark meant, but I got other things to focus on right now.

"Okay, let's get this over with."

My metal door slid open with ease, as I'm seen by other ponies of the base. They're all going about already, Guess I'm later than I though. I got my eyes out the wall glass in front of me, seeing the sea of Luna's ancient stars, and earth in orbit below.

See, where I actually live is a gigantic space "city", created before I was born, called "the Eclipse Compound", EC for short. Why it was made, I have no clue, but I can ponder a guess. While I was a colt, any teacher I'd asked wouldn't say to me, but would come up with some story on Celestia creating the base as a new standard of living, or cuz there's so many homeless ponies, so on so forth. Seriously, some excuses I can't EVER imagine. I walked over to the boundaries that separated me from the space vaccum, a hoof resting on the glass. I can still remember when I was just a colt, my front hooves pressed against the glass as I stare off to the stars. Since I didn't had much to do, my own pony brain already worked out an idea that could pretty much end up as a panicking conspiracy, if I had the guts to share it. Of course, it's no secret now that planet earth looked more like a piece of dis colored play dough rolled in a ball, and everypony knew it's not home anymore. Nopony knew why though, which I conjured up an answer. By appearance of the earth's outer shell, my guess is that the windigo, a kind of horse arctic spirit, had gone A-wall, and froze the planet. At least it explained the colder poles, while the equator looked slightly normal. But, again, plenty of time later. Now I have to go off to the pain of trainees. The halls I walked through looked like some sort of sci-fi movie set, silver metal floor with snowy white walls and ceiling. Occasionally other ponies, mainly fillies or colts, walk by me but I paid them no mind as I trotted to the main hub of this space city.

The set of doors opened up for me and I got a huge eyeful of the area, which was the norm for me. Earth ponies, Pegasi, Unicorn, even Crystal ponies and Zebras were all shown before me, all busy doing who knew what. Honestly, it's rather odd for me that so many ponies can live in this kind of place. As I was examining the crowd, I've managed to find where I was supposed to be. In EC, ponies are assigned different training, depending on what race of pony they are. For me, I go for the magic ring to get training started.

After some trotting through pony groups and over metallic floors, I got into the main magic ring. A lot of unicorns were already there, gossiping over different subjects. Looks like this blue unicorn is sitting alone again. I got in my usual spot: the front of the platform. The room was fairly big, so space wasn't an issue. The ground was cold and flat, so comfort WAS an issue. I can see why these unicorns chitchat with each other, to ignore the cold floors. Looking up to the front of the training room, a huge, dark blue banner was hung from the top of the wall, to nearly touching the floor. On it, a huge picture of 2 different ponies. On the left was a old unicorn named Starswirl the bearded, and on the right, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Both ponies are so deep in magic, their special talents and cutie marks ARE to represent it. Probably that's why they're chosen for the banner in the first place, if anything. All I did was stare at the banner while the other unicorns blabbered in my ear for 10 minutes, until our instructor came out. The EC had a number of different instructors, most of them hardcore and tough. I guess I'm considered lucky since the group I got was being instructed by Commander Firebrand. I saw the red unicorn stallion march out in front of the crowd, namely me, and the crowds settled down almost immediately. Firebrand is a bit special for a commander, not as rough as the other instructors, but still has plenty of hardcore attributes. His red body, his yellow mane and tail, his cutie mark looking like some laughing mask of fire contribute to his name (that's my guess anyway, I honestly have no real clue).

"Alright, everypony! Roll call, wanna make sure y'all here!" Firebrand yelled. He'd probably had to in order to get the unicorns in the back, but MAN, he's loud when you're right in front of him. I had to take the full force of it, unfortunately. Seriously, I was surprised I didn't go deaf from Firebrand's expert work of the screech. I saw him back up, probably to get a better view of the crowd of unicorns. He began calling out names, half of which I didn't care for.

"Waterstar, know you're here," he said. Yeah he ALWAYS knew I'm here, I'm right in front of him! I didn't say anything as he continued, until eventually he got a rather annoyed look on his face. Here we go again, I already knew what Firebrand was gonna say as soon as his muzzle opened up, asking that question "Where Aurora Ignite? AGAIN?"
I swear, I hear that question once every week. And, as with every week...

"I prefer Mage."

And there is that calm voice we've been missing. Although it was nothing new, I still turned to see Mage walk up to Firebrand. If there's anypony, I believe, that earns the title of magic, it's her. Her glossy eyes took a glance in my direction as she passed me, leaving me confused, as she can do to anypony. Her mane was a deep purple, same going for her tail, but what always confused me was her Cutie Mark. It looked more ancient than modern, and it didn't make much sense to me. But then again, Mage alone is hard to get. She had that sorta "mysterious yet kind" persona, which to me, that meant making it harder to get her. But, I hardly knew her, so what did I know honestly?

"Mage, how many times have I told you to come into training ON TIME!" Firebrand snapped. I think that's his only MAIN trait of a commander he had.

"Silly colt, I've transferred, remember?" Page said, calm in her voice, despite being yelled at in the face.


"I told you last night, before you went to bed. I was transferred to a higher class, now I'm in mistress Cosmic's class." Then I see Firebrand rub the back of his head, embarrassed. THERES a trait no commander has: admitting that he screwed up, even if not directly.

"Oh, Right. Well, sorry Mage, carry on."

"Okay commander, have a good day." I then see the calm mare walk by me again, again, giving me a sweet glance with those glossy eyes. I swear, I never understood her with that. I kept a eye on her as she left the training room, but a red hoof, belonging to Firebrand, turned my head back to front.

"I know that's uncalled, but pay attention PLEASE."

The rest of the training session went on usually, given few tips, some practice runs, that sort of thing. What Firebrand would do was give us what he calls a "try it yourself" test, where he gives us directions without any demonstration (unless it involves anything with fire or weapon). Many mares and stallions handled it well, but, as usual, I'd got trouble. I was never good with magic, aside from focusing on one object to make it float, so mostly this training left me with just migraines and a dent in my pride. Firebrand didn't scold me AS MUCH as usual instructors, thank Celestia. But regardless, I was glad it was over and I could just crawl back in bed to try to get rid of my abomination. As I looked back to the window, my eyes, again, looked off into space. I was so occupied by the view, I had forgotten about my brain ache. My mind was too distracted by what could be down on earth to really care...but that was broken, as a group of ponies galloped past me! I bolted around as different ponies rushed by, same direction. Of course, I immediately asked "Where's everypony going?" But my answer came over a intercom, instructions as fallow:

"All equines, report to the commons immediately."

All equines? Right after training? That is something I had to see. My hooves made their motion, as my body fallowed the other ponies to the commons, which was the main area I had to go through earlier that day. Only now, the species weren't split up, instead, it was more of wherever you want. Apparently, all of the residents of the EC are present, including the various instructors, which there was about 9, 3 for each wing. One of which, was Firebrand, whom I noticed, looked just as confused as I was. Can't say I was surprised, after all, it is VERY rare to have this sorta meeting be held at all. With that thought floating in my cranium, I managed to find an open seat among the other ponies, most of which, I've never gotten to know. I didn't care though, what was gonna happen? My eyes set on the lead pony, whom began walking over to the main platform, as the ponies grew silent.

This much I knew: he is the leader of the EC. I wasn't sure if it was either from given royalty, or by pure default. That's because his forehead had a sort of cut or stub on it, once holding a horn. That, and his wings, made him an Alicorn, or he was, until he lost his horn in someway. How, I dunno, but he'd still remain the leader due to leadership and loyalty for all I know. And the fact he's still a Pegasus is even debatable, since his wings belong to a bat rather than a bird. After everypony calmed down, the leader began to clear his throat. Weird, even if I'm 20 rows behind him, I can hear and see him as if he was right in front of me.

"Attention. I suppose you're all wondering why I called you all here. Well, as you all know, our home on earth is no longer habitable for pony kind."

Yeah, tell us something we don't know. The windigo might as well freeze the whole bucking earth while they're at it!

"Our kind, whom still struggle down on earth, are being wiped out at an alarming rate. Our forces are in desperate need of more troops, against the deadly hordes of Sombrapods."

Sombrapods, a name that I've heard far more then I need to. I didn't heard of those things until I was old enough to begin training, and even that, I hardly knew much about them. All I did know by what I've seen in pictures, and in words by the commanders, is that they're some sort of subspecies of changeling, but they're much more ominous, and didn't appear, as far as I knew, until after pony kind had to evacuate Equestria. To me, that meant that they're the cause for pony kind to leave, as they had powers of both changeling, and that demonic unicorn known as Sombra, which I'm sure that's how their species got named after. At least I think that's what they could do, I never saw one, so how was I to know?

"So, everypony. Today, we come to the conclusion to call upon you, to join our fellow equine on earth, and help end this battle! I will call your names, who I call upon is granted the roll."

So that's it. The leader is gonna call us to earth? I thought "This should be good," as I listened to the Pegasus as he began calling names out.

"We'll start with Earth Ponies. Those going for the Earth wing are as fallows: Arrowhead, Thunder, lightning."

3 ponies I don't have a clue on. One looked green, thin, and a bit scruffy. The other 2 looked about the same except ones black, the other yellow. The 2 look-a likes seemed to look up to the green one. I didn't worry about it though as the leader continued.

"Next we have Pegesi. Those going for the Air wing are as fallows: Robin, Tiger Bolt, crescent."

Again, don't have much clue. 3 Pegesi flew over, one having no front hooves, which got some eye candy from the other ponies. And fallowing that pony: an orange zebra with wings, and a Pegesi version of Luna, pretty much. At that point, I lost much care in it, how did that involve me anyhow?

"Then we have the Unicorns. Those going for the Magic Wing are as fallows..."

Here we go.

"Crystal Snow."

Don't have a clue.

"Aurora Ignite."

Too obvious, she's too good in magic.


...what?...me? I thought I would go faint just hearing that, why-no, HOW?! I'm terrible at magic, and he chose ME to go? I just sat there, in a state of disbelief, before I felt my tail being pulled by a particular unicorn's magic. I tried to fight it, but I saw Mage pulling me along pass the crowd, until I was in line with the others. What the buck was I in for? Mage sat down next to me, after the feeling of being drafted passed by me, with her signature calming grin. I knew she'd done something to get me in, but turned my attention to the other unicorn, whom I assumed was Crystal Snow. Mainly a crystal unicorn, nothing too odd for her aside of that. The leader turned to the commanders and instructors, but the nine of us were moved off from the other ponies by some of the leader's guards. I still wasn't sure how I was chosen, but my questions I'd figured, wouldn't get answered until later.

With the eight other ponies, I continued walking down the halls, not talking very much, unlike the other ponies. Some engaged in small talk, though the twins, whom I figured were Thunder and Lightning, I thought would NEVER shut up. I found myself walking next to the green stallion, whom I saw had an arrow cutie mark on his flank. I Got the idea on who that was easily, but I didn't talk to him, as we're walking along. On my other side, was a grey wall of metal, nothing too special about that. Apparently, it was fascinating to me, cuz it was all I was looking at the whole time. My ears kept picking up talk from the others, but I kept my muzzle shut, I wasn't good in talk anyway. That went on for what felt like forever until I felt the hoof of the stallion next to me.

"You alright?" He asked. I try not to act like I was listening to the wall for a reply or something. His voice was English, but he had some sort of rough tone in his voice.

"I'm fine," was all I could say. I felt a bit uncomfortable with the situation, and apparently, he knew that as he nudged me.

"I know it's a bit new for you. Waterstar, is it? But you better get used to it. This is our team now, and there isn't any choice."

I simply gave a huff and replied "...you sure know a pony by their look, don't you?"

"Well you were dragged outta your seat when your name was called, a bit obvious really. By the way, names Arrowhead." Figured much. All I gave was a simple nod to Arrowhead and turned away. Like I said, wasn't good at social stuff. I looked ahead and saw Mage ahead of me, talking to Crescent. I dunno how she's done in terms of friends, but at least she's talking. I'm lucky to keep up a conversation with anypony, let along Arrowhead here. My attention kept going to the flying pony, the one without any front legs. What happened to that pony to make it so crippled? My pace quickened so I could see the problem, but the pony, I guess, saw me, since the Pegesi started to flutter away from me. Oh well, maybe next time...whenever that would be.

I didn't realize how fast we're going until I ended up bumping into Arrowhead. Turned out, the group stopped in front of...a wall. Yeah, nothing special, just a blank wall. I didn't exactly get it until one of the guards gave some sorta knock code onto the surface. I didn't get what's going on...until the doors opened! Despite had being the back, I tried to get to the front to see where we're at. I never saw that room before, and apparently, neither did the rest of the group. It looked so...well...high-tech, all sorts of buttons blinking on a nearby control panel, and what appears to be a large pod, equally tech in appearance. The guards ushered us inside that pod, which was surprisingly roomy for holding 9 ponies at one time.

"What is this thing?" I heard somepony asked, who I dunno. I simply went to the back of the pod, laying down, as I heard a guard say "This is a transportation chamber, It'll allow all of you to travel to earth safely. Good luck, ponies."

I felt quiet as the guard closed the door, our last chance to get out and back in the Eclipse Compound. I didn't know if I should be excited or scared that we're going down to somewhere none of us had any experience in. My instincts told me to be afraid, and all I could do was close my eyes until we've landed "safely".

I guess I must've fell asleep for awhile after, cuz next thing I knew, my eyes woke up to a pony right in my face! That pony in question was Mage, this time with Luna 2.0 (I mean Crescent). I didn't want to open my eyes until we landed, but apparently, that couldn't wait.

"...Can I help you, Mage?" Mage gave me a comfortable smile, and looked over to the glass right next to me.

"I wanted you to see this. I know you always like looking off into space," Mage said. Two things. One: how the heck did she knew? Second: I only liked looking at space from where I KNEW I wouldn't risk falling into it. However, I had nothing better to do, so I conceived to her. I looked out to the, well, darkness of space. Weird, I'd thought space looked more pleasing then black. Sure, there were a few stars, but that's about it, far as I can tell. I turned away from whatever was left of space, to see the others. Some were asleep, probably waiting to land like I was, some were gazing out the windows in the pod, like Mage was. The only voices I've heard were from Thunder and Lightning, both seeming were chatting on what's gonna be seen when we arrive. Guess that made sense, but I dunno, talking about sightseeing on a military business wasn't exactly the main thing to think about. But, I knew better than to interrupt or butt in so I didn't bother to talk. I laid back down to go back to sleep, but right before my eyes could close, a small twinkle caught my eye. It looked like one of the stars at first, but it grew a bit quick for a star...and it was heading right for us!

"Guys? Guys!" I yelled, mainly outta fear. The first to notice were Thunder and Lightning, whom rushed to me. They were just as frantic as I was, as I assumed they saw it too.

"Did you see that?!" Lightning yelled.

"Yeah I saw that! Any ideas what to do?" Before anypony can answer, suddenly my ears felt like they were being stung! A crazy mic noise blasted in the pod, that of course awoken the rest of our fleet, all were in agony, covering their ears. I personally felt sorry for the pony with 2 hooves, she couldn't block out the sound at all! I had to do something, so I trotted over and covered her ears. It was the least I could do.

"Thank you," she said to me. I simply nodded and went through another 20 seconds before it finally faded away, and a voice came over in place.

"Attention, comrades! We will be landing shortly, so bunker down, and brace the incoming G forces."

Oh no, that can't be good. I quickly laid down next to the wall, waiting for the impact. I saw some of the other ponies do the same just before I heard something go off...the pod is being pulled into earth! I could tell cuz the Gs began effecting me after a minute, the pressure was REALLY pushing onto me! Every second that ticked away, pressure was pulling on my body, as if it was trying to rip my skin off! My eyes could barely open, but I was slightly able to look outside, as we entered the atmosphere. I coulda sworn, our pod was burning from the gravitational pull! The sky began to turn from black with stars, to blue with clouds, as our Pod began to close in. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, just waiting for that powerful landing...it never came. Our troop calmed down, as I saw Crystal Snow, and Mage look out our window. After finding my feet, I too, went over to see what happened, along with Thunder and Lightning.

"What's going on, Mage?" I asked.

"We're here, Waterstar." Mage replied. It only took one look for me to be convinced, as I noticed Pegesi gripping onto the pod, all which straining to slow the fall. I couldn't tell exactly how many were trying to stop the thing, but it was enough to slow the fall to a crawl, which impressed me quite a bit. Everypony was up in arms as the pod was, hopefully, set down on the ground. None of us bothered to move until a Pegesi opened the door out. The smell of fresh, cooling air, filled the pod, and my muzzle got the scent first. It was accelerating! My ears picked up action going on outside, and my hooves started trotting out in front of the troop. Here we were, the new troop compound.

"Welcome home."