• Published 12th Oct 2014
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Equestria Wars: The Magic Unleashed II - sonicdash123

An ancient threat emerges from the shadows at the human world and a battle of the bands has begun.

  • ...

Chapter 9: The Defeat of the Dazzlings

As the armored Charming Thunder made his way to the stage, he heard a crowd booing and saw the Dazzlings avoided getting hit by thrown vegetables. He then used the force to stop them from being thrown and tossed them aside. He noticed the pendants shattered on to ground and walked to it. He then knelt down and grabbed a shard as he said, "As I suspected. The source of your singing voices are these pendants of yours." Adagio got angry and started to charge at him. She was stopped when Charming Thunder grabbed her hand and shoved her back. Charming Thunder then took out a trigger which then caused the button to blink red. He then turned to the audience as the Dazzlings did the same as Twilight and the others made their way towards the stage. Charming Thunder then looked back at the trio to see Adagio enraged.

"All of this was your friend's fault," she said. She then started to yell as she swung some punches at Charming Thunder. He jumped back away from the strikes until he was cornered to the wall. He then grabbed Adagio's fist as she used her other hand to flick the trigger out of his hand. He then pushed Adagio back as she then grabbed the trigger and grinned menacingly. She pressed the button and fireworks began to fly out back stage. Charming Thunder's cape then turned into a swarm of bats as his bat wings popped out of his back. The bats then attacked the trio which forced them to run away. The bats then returned to him and reformed into a cape. Sunset Shimmer grabbed a shard of the pendants and looked at it.

"Guess that explains why these were so special to them," she said.

"Without those pendants and the magic you brought here from Equestria, they're just three harmless teenage girls," Twilight explained.

"Rainbooms rule!" Flash shouted as he ran in to hug Twilight. "That was amazing!" All except Charming Thunder giggled.

Trixie splits them apart and said, "You may have vanquished the Dazzlings, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She threw down a smoke bomb as a magic trick for disappearing.

As the smoke cleared Pinkie gasped and said, "She's gone!" She then took a long pause and saw Trixie climbing over a ledge. "Oh, wait. There she is."

Trixie then fell to the ground and shouted, "Trixie's okay!" Charming Thunder chuckled as he adjusted his glove.

"How did you do that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Do what?" Charming Thunder said.

"When the fireworks went off, your cape turned into a swarm of bats which forced the sirens to run."

"All part of my plan. The bats I do not know. Maybe it was the Equestrian magic in me."

"You know, Twilight is going back to Equestria soon," Rainbow said. "The Rainbooms could really use someone to help Fluttershy on backup vocals." Sunset grabbed a guitar and played a tune with it.

"I also play guitar," Sunset said.

"We'll see."

"Now since that is out of the way, I have a performance to prepare for."


The stage was setup for the special guest performance as the crowd waited. Twilight and the others were on the front of the stage with the crowd as Principles Celestia and Luna. "Ladies and gentlemen," Celestia announced. "After that stunning performance, it is our pleasure to welcome our special guest band; the Crystal Stars." Celestia and Luna then stepped off stage as music began to play from the other side of the curtain. The curtain opened to reveal Cadence and the others playing their song as Charming Thunder danced to the beat in front of the microphone wearing his regular clothes.

(Note: Sung to the tune of Aladdin's Friend Like Me)

Sung by Charming Thunder, Cadence, Soarin, and (Flitter and Cloudchaser)

Well I had about forty thieves
And about a hundred tales

But then he was in luck, 'cause up his sleeves
He's got a brand of magic that never fails
You got some power in your corner now
And some heavy ammunition in your house

Fireworks fired in the air as the song continued.

You got some punch, powers, yahoo and how
See, all he had to do was raise his arm and them this happened:

Lightning from my fingertips and telekinetic powers in my blood
Whenever there is trouble, I'm around
You ain't never had a friend like me

Life is sometimes like a restaurant and I'm your maitre'd
Come on its like lifting weights
You ain't never had a friend like me

(Yes, everyone, he prides himself to service
He's like a hero, a knight in shining armor)

When I see danger, its my job
To take care of the source of danger

Have some of Column A
And all of Column B

He is there to help you all
You ain't never had a friend like him

(Oh my. No no. My my my.)

Can your friends do this?

Charming Thunder lifted a random object with the force and placed it back on the ground.

Can your friends do that?

Charming Thunder shot lightning from his fingertips in the air.

Can your friends pull this
Out of your sleeve?

Can your friends go poof?

A cloud smoke appeared out of nowhere over Charming Thunder. As the smoke cleared, it revealed Charming Thunder wearing the armor but not wearing the helmet.

Well looky here
Can your friends go abracadabra, let 'em rip
And then make the sucker disappear?

Charming Thunder's cape turned into bats and they flew of his back. His bat wings magically appeared on his back as the music continued to play.

So don't just sit there slack-jawed, buggy-eyed,
I'm here to answer all your mid-day prayers,
You've got me bona fide certified;
You've got a friend to for charge d'affaires

I've got a powerful urge to help you out,
So what's the trouble, I really want to know?

You've got a list that's three miles long, no doubt,
Well all you've gotta do is rub like so, and oh

(Lightning from his fingertips and telekinetic powers in his blood
He is on the job)

You big nabob

(You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend)

You ain't never

Had a




Fireworks fired in the air as Cadence did his guitar solo. Charming Thunder grabbed Cadence's hand and danced with her as the music continued to play.

You ain't never had a friend like me

The song ended and the crowd began to cheer loudly for the performance.


Twilight and Charming Thunder along with the others were at the school's statue as Twilight, Charming Thunder, and R4 were about to say their goodbyes. " Sure wish you could stay longer," Applejack said.

"Me too," Twilight said. "But I have responsibilities in Equestria that I have to get back to. Its citizens need me. But now I can go through the portal whenever I need to. This isn't goodbye. It's just goodbye 'til next time."

"I'm going to miss you, R4," Fluttershy said as she hugged the droid. R4 beeped as his claw holding a rose popped out of head. She took the rose from its claw as it beeped a reply to her.

"He said that he will miss you, too," Charming Thunder said.


"Ready," Spike replied.

"Ready." Twilight, Charming Thunder, Spike, and R4 entered the portal together as they returned to Equestria.


After Charming Thunder and the others returned from the dimension, Charming Thunder looked at the same book that Twilight received a message from Sunset Shimmer as he read a letter that was meant for Twilight.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Missing you already, and I hope you'll be back soon. Things are definitely looking up for me here at Canterlot High. But I know I still have a lot to learn about friendship. Hope you don't mind if I write to you for advice when I need it.

Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.

P.S. Tell Charming Thunder that I miss him too.

Charming Thunder smiled as he closed the book and walked to the balcony where Twilight stood as she held their child. He looked at Twilight, then to the sunset, and then to Light who is sound asleep. Twilight then looked at Charming Thunder and nudged him as they both watched the beautiful sun set.