• Published 13th Dec 2014
  • 641 Views, 37 Comments

Five nights at Pinkie's 1 - Chamomile Tea

Pinkie Pie is having one of those hard working days, when Dash shows up showing Pinkie pie this 'new game', Pinkie proceeds on playing it, only leading to her certain demise.

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Chapter 1: Dashie's visit

Five Nights at Pinkie's.
Written by: XP "Laura Swietek" Gam3ers
Narrated by:
Chapter 1: Dashie's visit.
It was one of those days, the kind where you've worked harder than usual and your kindof rusty. But y'a know, those days are worth it, because they feel so rewarding when you goto sleep. Well, infact it was one of those days in Ponyville, It was now the evening and Pinkie Pie had just finished Equestria's biggest cake, sent to Celestia herself, but ofcourse, Pinkie needed help, which ment she did it with Mrs and Mr. Cake. But, for once, Pinkie was really tired, unlike her usual self where any job would just end with another one of Pinkie's parties. But no, that was it for Pinkie, she was partied out, just about ready to fall asleep in her comfy pillow. Then, she heard it, the same regular daily basis sound, knocking, except, unlike what you know, Pinkie Pie was getting the same visiter each day, that being Rainbow Dash, or as Pinkie liked calling her, Dashie. Pinkie had gotten, slightly annoyed about this.*Knocking*
Pinkie stood up slowly from her comfy bed and walked over to the door, hesitating if she should open it, she was quite tired, and out of her hyper active mood. But after she made it to the door, and put her hoof on the handle, she stopped, was she just going to pretend she isn't there? Pinkie thought about it, but then, she realised, Dashie was her Best friend, she couldn't do that, no matter HOW annoying it was, Rainbow Dash was still Pinkie's friend. Pinkie slowly, but carefully opened the door.

"Heya Pinkie! How y'a been?" Dash exclaimed.

"Tired.. It's been 'one of those days'"

"Well, erm, Pinks, I don't suppose you know why I'm her-"

Pinkie pie cut her off.
"Your here to show me one of those horror games, aren't you?"

Pinkie's light hearted smile soon turned into a bored, slightly annoyed smile.

"Heh, Pinkie, How did you kn-"
Again, Pinkie cut her off.

"Because, Dash, I don't mean to be rude, but it's reeealllllyyy super duper annoying having you come everyday! So can you maybe come,.. Weekly? Or something? Please?"

Dash thought about it, So many horror games have been sprouting round, so many to show to her best friend, Pinkie. "Fine, But Pinks, for that you actually have to PLAY these games, okay?"

Pinkie nodded

"Sure Dash, as long as it doesn't have talking cupcak-"

Dash interupted
"Is it okay if it has a cupcake with eyes that does completely nothing"
"Ugh... Sure, just, show me this weeks"

Dash pulled it out, it was burnt onto a disk, because the game wasn't made a 'disk play'.
"Here'ya go, pinks!"

Pinkie inspected it.
"Sure Dash, I'll try taking a few pictures in it"
She put it in her PonyBox1, and before we continue, I would like to tell you, yes, Magic has finally created consoles, Not powered by power, but by magic. It took a few seconds for the magic to detect the disk drive. Pinkie waited. And Dash left.

After about 2 minutes of the magical console to detect the disk, it rejected.

"But.. B-but.. Ugh, it failed, I wish magic could detect quicker"

Pinkie took it out, gently blew over it, and put it back in. This time, it strangely loaded in about 2 seconds, y'a see, These 'magic "PonyBox1's" ' are powered with weak magic, so it usually takes a while before the game loads, this was strange. Pinkie didn't mind and waited for the game to load, it took roughly 5 seconds, an okay timing, the menu popped up with a loud noise, Pinkie flinched back as she heard it.

"Just a game, Pinkie, Just .. a .. game"
She grabbed the wired controller, and sat down, ready to play.
'New game'. She pressed the button and it came up with '12:00AM - Night 1' Pinkie completed night 1, none of them moved.

"Heh, Silly Dashie! This game's not scary whatso ever!"

She continued, till night 5. Something was bugged in the game.. and night 5 somehow become 20/20/20/5? , Y'a may not know something, and that, by meaning Foxy is 5.

She began playing and just left her controller there, than, she heard it.. the moving.. She shut both doors and looked at her cameras.. They all moved. All except Foxy, which wasn't in Pirates cove, but, niether was he running. Pinkie looked at the door, and opened it, then checked the lights. There stood Foxy, Pinkie flinched back what seemed a metre. Then, the fox spoke.

"Listen tha'r Pinki. Y'a see, they're wantin' y'e ded, but I be tryin' to st'p 'em! I be tryin' t'a help y'e. Dun wory, I'll plunder on plannin' t'a get'cha out'a d'is mess... Ye'll be okay"

Foxy ended the message, walked off.. and it was silent further more the night. Except for the constant giggles and footsteps.. and the constant chanting.
'It's me'.. along with 'join us'.

The disc shot out of the PonyBox1 and blasted out the window, leaving the whole PonyBox to shut down. There she was in the dark room, she shrugged it off, but kept what the fox said in her head as she lay her head slowly, off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Currently the story is on a little hold, as school is in my way, and because school has slowly made me attempt suicide for how many people bully me, working on Chapter 2, the next few will take longer.