• Published 5th Oct 2014
  • 415 Views, 1 Comments

We'll figure it out somehow - Techy

On a day like any other, something unexpected happens and a man named Jim must find a way to send his new friend back home.

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It just keeps getting weirder...

Jim sat there and waited for the mystery mare to awaken. He waited for a while but got tired and went to bed on the couch. When he awoke he checked his bed and she was still sleeping. Jim decided to wait until she awakens. He had kept pinching himself and gently poking her just to make sure this is real.

Jim knew that eventually she would wake up and that he just had to wait, but this was getting ridiculous. Luckily He didn’t need to wait anymore, because she started shuffling around and groggily opened her eyes… And then she screamed. ‘She can scream? But, why is she so quiet?’ He wondered. Jim was so distracted with having her in front of him that he didn’t even consider what would happen when she woke up.

‘At least no one will knock at the door because they heard a scream. So that’s good luck, I guess.’ Jim thought while staring at the yellow pony in front of him. He quietly waited with a bit of concern as she finished her nearly silent scream.

She was now backed up into a corner, trying to hide behind her flowing pink hair. ‘Wow, she must be terrified.’ Jim thought grimly. “Hey, don’t worry,” He said, “You’re ok.” She peaked out from behind her hair at that, but quickly hid again. ‘Well, it’s progress.’

“I’m not going to hurt you.” Jim said. A moment after he said that she looked at him again. Jim smiled at that, finally he was getting somewhere. ‘If she can scream, then maybe she can talk. She did seem to understand me, and it wouldn't be the weirdest thing that's happened lately.’ Jim thought. He then said, “Do you have any idea how you got here?” She had a look of what seemed like confusion on her face for a moment, but then shakes her head no. “Well I don’t know how you got here exactly, but what I do know is that some lightning somehow struck in my house,” She started to get concerned, “And after the smoke cleared I found you lying there unconscious.”

That did it for her. She gasped and started to look guilty. “I’m sorry.” She said in a small quivering voice.

‘Whoa, so she can talk? Well that would probably help in finding where she came from.’ “Hey, hey, it’s ok. My home is, for some crazy reason, perfectly fine. Well except for a big burn mark in my carpet, but I covered that up with a towel for now,” That seemed to calm her down somewhat, but she still had a guilty expression on, “Hey stop worrying about it. We’re both ok, as far as I can tell, and I can get my carpet fixed. You were asleep for a while though. I was wondering if you wanted a snack, or maybe some breakfast.” ‘If she talks and acts like any other person then I’m going to treat her like one.’

“Ok… if that’s alright with you.” She still had a quiet voice, but Jim could tell she was warming up to him.

“I’ll be right back then. Oh, I just remembered, do you want to meet my cat Milo?”

“Sure, if that’s ok.” She said with a tiny smile.

‘This is crazy, or I’m going crazy. Did I hit my head harder than I thought?’ Jim then got up and walked out of the room in search of his cat. He found Milo sleeping on the couch. “You’re such a lazy cat.” Jim said to him. He only got a meow in return once he picked his cat up and walked back to the bedroom. “Here he is, just let me now if you need anything while I make some breakfast for the both of us. Would you like some pancakes?”

“Oh, yes please.” The Pegasus said as she started petting Milo.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes with the food then. Like I said before, come let me know if you need anything else.” He said as he left. Jim left his bedroom door cracked open so she could open it easier. He proceeded to the kitchen and grabbed the pancake mix. He would always make himself pancakes for breakfast whenever he could. He cooked everything perfectly and made a small stack of pancakes.

Once that was finished with, he set the table for two and walked back to his room. “Hey, breakfast is done. It’s set up in the dining room. Just follow me.” Jim said as he watched the pony get up and follow. He only now got to see her stand at full height, but she only came to Jim’s stomach. He watched her look around in fascination at his home as they walked to the table.

Soon they sat down and started on their meal, which she loved. “Do you like it?” Jim asked.

“Yes, this is wonderful. Thank you.” She said with a smile.

“You’re welcome, and I’m glad you like it. My mom is the one that taught me how to cook almost everything I know, and how to make it perfect,” He replied, “But what are we going to do after this?”

She looked confused and said, “What do you mean?”

“I mean how we are going to get you back home?”

“Well, can’t you cast some type of spell to send me back?” She said with a bit of concern.

Jim gave a little laugh at that, “Sorry, but I don’t think it’s that simple. I don’t think magic exists here, and if it does exist then I don’t think anyone knows how to use it.” Jim said sadly.

“So I might be stuck here?” She said with worry, “You don’t know any way to help?”

“I’ll help you in any way that I can, and maybe we can find something that can help, but I can’t guarantee anything yet. Where do you come from anyway?”

“I’m from a place called Equestria. Have you heard of it?”

“Sorry, but I’ve never heard of it. I don’t think that’s even on this planet.”

“Oh my goodness, that’s pretty far isn’t it?” She said with worry.

“Don’t worry, if you could come here, than there should be a way to send you back too.” Jim said reassuringly.

“Oh… I don’t even know you’re name, but you would still do so much for me?”

“Of course I would help. And in case you’re still wondering my name is Jim.”

“My name is Fluttershy. There is something that I’m still wondering though.”

“What would that be?” Jim said confused.

“Are you going to eat that?” She says as she points to the left overs of Jim’s food.

When Jim looked at Fluttershy’s plate there was nothing left but some syrup and a few crumbs. “Wow, you really liked those pancakes. Here, you can have the rest.” Jim says, as he passes his plate to the eager Fluttershy’s hooves.

“Thank you.” She says, as she gobbles up the pancakes.

“You’re very welcome.” Jim says with a laugh. He then got off of his chair and grabbed Fluttershy’s empty plate while she ate Jim’s leftovers and walked to the sink to let it soak along with the pan he used to make the pancakes. Once Fluttershy was done eating, Jim grabbed the plate along with the utensils and put them all in the sink to soak. “Hey Fluttershy, you don’t have anywhere to stay, so I was wondering if you wanted to live here until you can go home?”

“Oh, my goodness, I don’t want to be a bother or anything.”

“Actually, you might have to stay here. A lot of people might freak out if they see you and probably call the cops or something. Pegasi only exist in mythology here,” Fluttershy was now getting concerned, “I don’t want to worry you though, because there’s a small chance that something like that would happen unless we did something really stupid,” That seemed to calm her down a bit, “I would never let that happen in the first place though, especially to a friend.”

“Thank you, so much.” She said with a thankful smile.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door that made them jump. “Hey Jim, It’s Zach, I brought some extra movies for our movie watching tournament tonight. And I swear I saw some lightning strike near here. Did you see it?” Zach said from behind the door.

“Oh, no…”

Author's Note:

I hope this story is coming along ok. Hopefully it will only get better as I write it.