• Published 30th Nov 2014
  • 951 Views, 9 Comments

Darkness - SuperFandomBrony

Most of us are all afraid of the dark, but not all of us are. When one embraces this darkness, he is sent to another world. A land full of ponies. But there is something wrong, his heart might become darkness itself.

  • ...

Alone, Not So Much

Author's Note:

I switched back to first person.
Thanks to y'all that faved me.
Comment and Review.
And most of all...
Spread my story.
Have a good read.
Also, you better look forward to the next chapter. (Hint Hint Hint)

*Knock knock knock. Knock knock knock.* I hear a rapping at the door. *Knock Knock Knock*. "Uggg," I groan, I was soar every where and I have a horrible headache. *Knock Knock Knock.* And that just makes it worst. "I'm coming," I shout, just making it worse. Getting up, or flopping to the floor. I walk, crawl, to the door. I open it to a surprise. Instantly I was on my feet, even though I already was, and slam the door in her face. I then locked the door with all two locks. Running, I come to Liel's room, I shake him awake. "Wake up!!!" I shouted in his ear.

I felt his hoof smack into my face, "Mommy, it's Saturday. Let me sleep in!" he whined in his sleep.

"I'm not your mom, and it's Sunday. That's beside the point, come on, hurry." I urged him.

Liel opened one eye. "Ugg, what have you done this time." he voice was horse and annoyed.

Get it, horse.

Anyway, "I'm so sorry, come on, I led them here. They are here right now," I scrambled frantically.

"Calm down," he said "who's here, what is happening.

"The Element of Magic, and if she is here, then the rest aren't far behind."

"WHAT!!!" he was out of bed and locking the door.

Looking around, I found away out. "The window!"

"Good thinking, but what about you?" He is such a nice friend, isn't he.

"Umm, could you drag me along?" I ask, thinking on my hooves.

"If you weighed nothing." He responded.

"My magic, magic makes you weigh nothing right?!!?"

"Yes, could you last for a few minutes?"

"I can only try."

"Then it's our only shot." Quickly, he got a bed sheet and tied it around me and him. Just them, we herd a burst at the door.

"No problem darling, I had that," we herd a voice from the living room space.Flinging the door open he pulled us through. I rapped myself in my aura, and we were off. This wasn't easy, but wasn't hard. Well it would be if I wasn't flying. What I did was push my magic from my horn to my body and lifted myself up, but that took magic energy, and to keep it, you had to concentrate. Now imagine doing that while moving. And the movement changed things. After about three minutes I was out of energy and my magic slipped. We came tumbling through the air. I closed my eyes, waiting to feel a splat on the pavement. *Splash, we fell in a river. My river. The one I made last night. Quickly I swam up. I took in a few great breaths of air, before falling on the pavement.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Looking up, I see the Element of Loyalty hovering over me. Using all the magic I had left, I pushed at her mind. Making it hard to stay afloat. To keep open those heavy eyes. She soon floated down to the grown and was sound asleep, and so was I.

Waking up, I feel soft. Like I was surrounded in a cloud. Waking up, I found I was in fact, under a cloud. In a bed. Surrounded by mares. I looked back at the cloud, which seemed to be weaved with other clouds to make a solid cloud. Then back at the mares. Blanket. Mares. Blanket. Mares. I through the blanket up and on the mares and dashed out of the bed. Looking around I found the door, and started to run towards it. I was almost there when I felt an aura against on my hooves pick me up and drag me back. It was only my back hooves, so I pulled and resisted. Farther. Farther. But I failed. I wound up back in the bed, and I felt something cold on my hooves. They seemed oh so heavy. Then something on my horn. It felt, like I was being held down. The blanket was put back over me. "Now listen," I herd Celestia's voice. "We are here to help."

"I don't need help, and I don't want it either." I struggled one again, still failing.

"We're not trying to hurt you, you need help." Magic (Twilight) told him.

"Lies. You're lying to me. Just like the shrinks, maybe I'm not crazy, you all are," I shouted at them.

"What in does that mean," I heard an accent ask. Probably Honest, ha liar.

"Exactly," I respond. Then what did I do next. I changed, into a human. The darkness coated me and I grew/shrieked. The cuffs were on my wrists, ankles and around my neck. My wrists and hands were too small and they slipped off. Using my hands. I pushed with my magic. I was able to get Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, and Laughter to sleep before Magic slammed my back into the wall.

"JUST LISTEN TO ME!!!!!" she shouted. "I would like to be your friend, come back to ponyville with me, and let's have a talk.

"What about Liel," I ask.

"He is in the other room asleep." Celestia told me.

"You let him go right when he wakes up and we have a deal," I told them.

"Very well, so it shall be."

Hours Later

"Welcome to ponyville!!" the mares shouted around me.

"I'm sleepy, let's go to sleep." I respond to them in a board manor.

"You'll be staying with me and Spike, good?" Magic informed me.

"Fine Magic, just don't try anything," I told her with a cold voice.

"You know, I ha--"

"You act like I care," I said, cutting her off.

"Ugggh," she groaned. "Follow me." With that she set off.

Down the street, turn, down another street, turn again. This continued until we came to a big oak tree. It was obviously made with magic. Walking inside the tree turned out to be a library. A pretty big library at that too. "Hey Twilight, is that you?" I hear a voice call out. I soon see a purple reptile with green spikes walking on his hind legs. He stopped when he noticed me, "Whoa Twilight, who this. Bringing home some stallions I see," this young creature said in that kind of voice.

"No spike, this is Luna's new student," Magic informed him, ah yes, so regal, I thought. "And quite annoying at that." she said, more as a side note.

"Well nice, to meet you, I am spike, a dragon." Apparently, it was important to inform me he was a dragon.

Normally, I would be head over heels over a dragon. They were my favorite side project back in the human world, but right now, in this land, I could care less. "You also act like I care." Ha, clever wit.

"Wow, I understand everything now." He said in that mystic, far away, little kid voice.

"Spike, please, not now. Could you just shelve the books that need shelving?" She asked him.

"You act like I care," he responded. Man, he is immature.

"Hey," I bark, flowing shadows out my mane, giving me that creepy look. "That is my thing." I said in my dark voice.

"Yes sir," he jumped, running down and grabbed a book, then running somewhere else.

"Sir," I muter to myself, "I might like the sound of that." Turning towards Magic I ask, "and where will I be sleeping?"

"Spared bedroom. I'll show you it." We walked down up, then down, and places like that, until we came to a door, which led to a bedroom. The bedroom was a nice bedroom, with a window. "Goodnight," Magic said, and closed the door. It was sunset, and that was it. A few minutes later. I was asleep in bed.

You think you can escape us, I herd a voice in my head. You think that by being near nice people that we can't get you, but you're wrong. We will always find you, in the dark. There was a sinister laugh and I awoke with a start. It's just a dream, I tell myself, just a dream. Calming down, I walk out of my room to see that everyone is still asleep. Looking outside, I see that it's just sunrise.

*Pat* *Pat* Pat* I heard the sound of someone coming down the stairs. Looking up I see it's Magic. "We need to talk," she stated.

"You act like--" I was cut off.

"No more of any of that crap, not listen now or just go off." She snapped.

"Ok, bye," I said, getting up to leave.

"Wait wait wait. Could you at least listen?" she asked.

"Fine, five minutes," I told her.

"Ok, look, the reason we did that was because we only knew have of the story. Celestia half. We acted without though and I'm sorry, can we just start over?" she asked with a pleading look on her face.

"You're an idiot, you know that,"dejected look, "there are always more than to sides to a story. Luna's, my friend's, mine. But fine, hello, I am Daniel." Encouraged look.

"Hello, I am Twilight Sparkle."

"So what now, Miss Sparkle?"

"Well, I would like to know, how did you make that bridge, also that suit. I was told you didn't come in that suit." Well, what a starter.

"I have no idea how I made them. They were just there. The bridge, I though, no I knew, was solid, and then it was. But on the topic, how do you wash clothes and yourselves around here?" I've been needing this information.

"I have a spell for clothes, and the bath in the last door on the left, away from your bedroom." She gave me a smile:twilightsmile:. Quickly, I switched to both human clothes, took them off, and turned back into a pony. That's when I realized that all of us that aren't outrageously fancy are naked, or just have hats or small stuff on.

Getting over my insecurity, I walked down the stairs and asked Twilight to wash these. Got to the bathroom, started the water, and as a pony, relaxed in the water. Soon, I was clean, I dried myself off, and stepped out the room. Going down the stairs, I told Twilight that I was going to be "friendly" and walk around town. Quickly I left.

Now I know I had a bad dream. And it's never a good idea to go into the woods that a dark a scary. But you gotta understand, all of those quality's just made me want to go in more. So, I entered the awesome forest, and was in the dark. Soon I found a mystic hut, and looking through the window, I found a zebra that was cooking things in a giant pot. So, I knocked on her door. Soon she opened up, and said, "In the deep dark of the woods, who is this lucking without a hood."

"Rhymes are so cool. I am Daniel, and I am the new to this place, and I would like to ask entry into your home?" She let me in and I sat next to the pot. "Umm, this smells good, may I have some when you're finished."

"You may yo. I think you will like it, it is gumbo." So we sat and talked. I told her my story, she told me hers, and I had made a new friend. She told me how she was a pariah by stupid ponies. She understands me. It was sunset, so I left. I got back to the library as the moon came up. Soon Twilight was updated on my events, and I went to bed. But before I did, I looked at the moon. Then one that I would stay up late for. Just because it was the moon, and I liked it.

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