• Published 25th Sep 2014
  • 914 Views, 6 Comments

The Pegasi Tail - Ponyess

It all started out the one day I realize, there is more to my life and the world, then the Home I had been living in. I am Rainbow Dash, a Pegasus, I belong in the air.

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Curfew Lifted: 1

Author's Note:

Rainbow Dash's POV

I had never really thought of it, or been bothered by it, but I had never even thought of going out, until now. I slipped the quilt off towards the wall and slipped out of bed. Soon hearing the regular thuds as my hooves hit the floor. I knew it and expected it. Then I had slid the quilt back into place, leaving my bed made, after I had ruffled up my pillow, that is.

As a Pegasus Pony, I never really considered wearing much clothes. Even if I had the commonly accepted top and skirt, tailored to be comfortable on a Pegasus, just like myself, without getting in the way of flight. The tight fit and smooth, streamlined fabric did exactly that, it is merely a causal suit for a Pegasus to wear, without getting in the way.

Chizuko gave me an entire wardrobe full of garments, including both the skirts and tops, but also boots and googles, just like the once we all know they wear and use in the Wonderbolt troops. Oh yeah, there isn’t just the one troop anymore, there are a second and two reserve troops as well, these days.

Since I never had been outdoors before, I haven’t worn either the boots or the googles yet. Maybe today is when I am to try them on for my first time. I know I can go out now. As a Hologram, I could never venture out of range of the Emitter, simple as that. I know it now, because I am no longer a mere Hologram, but an individual, free to do as I please.

Once I had gotten out of bed, I walk over to the wardrobe and open the doors, only to see the full length mirrors on the inside of the doors, just where they had always been. I slip out of my skirt, then pull the top off of me, up over my head, before I slip them into the small space on the bottom of my wardrob, knowing fully well they are going off for washing. Then I pull out a new Skirt, looking critically at it, before I step into it, a hoof at the time, pulling it all the way up, feeling the integrated panties firmly around my hips. Then I pull out a Top, reaching hy hands up, before feeling the garment slide down comfortably, as easily as I had gotten used to, pulling it the last inch, feeling it slip into place.

Since I had planned to go out, I pull out a pair of Boots, looking at them, before I slip them on. I feel them stretch, in order to swallow a hoof at the time. It does feel a bit unaccustomed as I slip the boots on, but then I can safely forget wearing them, since they don’t really assert enough pressure for me to feel them, once they are on. I leave the googles where they lay, I don’t need them, they would merely look silly, if I wore them indoors. Wearing the Boots is a way to announce that I am finally ready to go out. At least, it is how I feel.

With the boots on, I close the doors of the wardrobe and walk to the door to my balcony, looking out for a moment, before I finally did open the door and stepped out. I love the scent of fresh air, the scent of grasses teasing my nostrils. The breeze in my mane feels great as well.

After a few minutes, my stomach reminded me of where I should be going, so I walk back into my room and close the door behind me. I still keep the smile on my face, from the new experience.

Now I walk to the door, open it and exit the room, before closing the door behind me, once more. From there I go to the stairs and walk down and continue to the kitchen, where I feel the lovely scents of a breakfast, readily awaiting me.

When I finally did get to the table, I could clearly see Soarin on his place, enjoying the Muffins and Cider our breakfast commonly consists of. Chizuko use to buy them at the Sugar-Cube Corner, a mere block away from where we live. She goes to the Sweet Apple Acres, every once a week, buying a fresh supply of Apple Jack’s Cider. I love her to bits for this. Just as I know Soaring love her for buying the Pies while she is over at the Orchard. We all knew how much he loves the Pies, but I can’t exactly blame him, not just because Apple Jack is a very close friend, which he had been since before I could remember.

I may know that both Soarin and I were born and raised in Cloudsdale, but that is way back, even before we met Twilight Sparkle. Oh yeah, she still do have her Library in the middle of town, just as Rarity runs her Boutique, not too far from there.

Once I see the Muffins and Cider, I hastened my steps to the table, slipping the chair back in order to sit down at my place. From there I slip it in under my rear, before I pick up the first Muffin and take a good bite, chewing contently, before I swallow it down with a gulp of Cider.

Chizuko always removed the peels from my Muffins, before she serves my breakfast, although she did the same for Soarin and herself too. I guess she prefers to do it that way, leaving the Muffins readily waiting for us to enjoy the treat. Naturally, she always buy her Muffins at the Sugar-Cube Corner, where Pinkie Pie sells them throughout the day, after she baked them, early in the morning. Unless she runs out of them prematurely, in which case she eagerly bakes more, just for the joy of selling them to any who feels like grabbing a bite, or having something to eat, at what ever time, for as long as she keeps the shop open, which is most of the day, most days, any day of the year. Even if there are a few exceptions, like Hearth’s Warming Eve.

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Comments ( 6 )

"Pegasi" is plural, not singular, and you misspelled "curfew" in the chapter title.

5054758 Thanks, nice to you you again, I haven't see you for a long time. It has been a while, hasn't it?
Ah, yeah. As in Rainbow Dash and Soaring?
Sorry about the typo, I'll fix that first thing.

Just curious, what brought you back to see this particular story?
Did I set off your 'Proximity-Alarm', or something?

Thanks again.

5055720 Actually, I was checking my feed, saw this, saw the typos, and corrected them before I realized it was one of your stories. Then it became clear.

Seriously though, you've published over fifty stories and you're still this bad? :rainbowhuh: You're not related to Cute Kitsune Kaydee/Cute Neko Hibiki/Cute Nightingale Stargazer/etc are you?

5056273 I guess I was triggering the Proximity Alarm, then.
If you are to truelly enjoy a story, you need to turn of these Editorials, or they will ruin every story you ever attempt to read. Is this by chance a work related 'Problem'?

Just curious, am I the only writer whose typos you see on the site?
I guess I do write a lot of stories, then consequently publish them at this site.

To the best of my knowledge, I am not related to any of them.
Since these most likely/ID's, I can't be certain.
If they were and simply forgot to mention they were here, for what ever reason, although I guess e are 'Closet Bronys', so we could hardly expect them to tell either of us who they are?


If you are to truelly enjoy a story, you need to turn of these Editorials, or they will ruin every story you ever attempt to read.

I don't think you understand. While it's possible for a novice to write an enjoyable story despite many errors (there are authors I follow closely on this site who have serious flaws when it comes to grammar and spelling), there's a point at which the quality of writing is so terrible that it's physically painful to read.

The quality of your writing is so incredibly bad, if I were your composition teacher, I'd be having a very long chat with your parent or guardian about all the Fs I'd be giving you. And when anyone attempts to give you criticism and help you improve, you blow them off with one of your half-assed "the problem isn't me, it's you" lines like you just gave me. You simply don't seem to want to improve as a writer, and that makes it exceedingly difficult to take any real interest in your writing.

If you were willing to accept criticism and work to improve, then I'd be willing to give you a fair shot. But that's not what you're here for. You're here for instant gratification. You're here to have people tell you how amazing and awesome you are. And I'm sorry, but you're neither of those things. You're a terrible writer who doesn't listen to criticism and doesn't try to improve. When was the last time you even opened a textbook or an online grammar/writing tutorial?

I promise you it's not just me, either. Ask any ten people on this site who aren't close personal friends of yours. At least seven of them will tell you the same thing I'm telling you. You need to work to improve your writing if you want anyone to take an interest in your stories. And I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing that in you, which, combined with your attitude, is why I'm not going to bother with you. If I saw any sign whatsoever of improvement from when you first joined the site, I might consider trying to help you. But you don't seem to want to improve. You just want people to smile and clap and say "Oh, that's good!"

5056570 I think it may be an idea, I got a look at some of the stories you are following? Maybe it could give me a deeper understanding of what you 'try' to tell me?

Maybe it is good you are not my teacher, then? For the both of us. On the other hand, maybe you could have tough me a few things along the way? I think we have a history together, with discussing among other things, this topic.
Do you mean to say, I have just brushed you of, all along, never picking up on anything you said? With the segment you highlighted, I must point out, you misunderstood what I said. I never meant to say that it is your fault, just that I thought you would enjoy reading more, if you did not automatically correct the spelling and grammatical errors, before you read the story.
I know I have problems with my writing, which is why I have to use the spelling and grammar aids to edit them out as best I can, before I openly publish the stories, which I go over, even after publication in order to weed out what I can pick up on, from time to time.

Even if I write my story for my own pleasure, it is pointless to publish on that basis, isn't it? I may enjoy to see others enjoy the stories, which is why I publish. If I was told a story is pointless, and it is the case, I would drop it. I have done it before.

I have been going over the grammar tutorial that came with the site, if that is what you mean? Otherwise, I haven't been studying these much as of late, in part due to the fact I left school a decade or two ago. If you go my my responses, or the older stories, maybe you could at least read a short story from a resent story, just for comparison?
If the votes is anything to go by, I would like to believe I have done at least some improvement, during my time here. Even if it may be more in atuning to the likes of the readers and marketing management?

Hmm, since you are taking the position of the one knowing everything, I find it odd how you start sentences with words like 'And' or 'But', which I was told shouldn't happen.

You know what, every writer would nothing more than to hear these praises. Just that most of us prefer to have substance behind the words. What ever your impression of me is, I am one of them, I don't enjoy to hear empty praises, just for the sake of it.

I don't know if I have any 'Personal Friends' on the site, for all I know, they merely follow me for my oppinions or they like the stories, either despite the errors you point out, or they never noticed them in the first place?

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