• Published 23rd Sep 2014
  • 2,375 Views, 27 Comments

New World, New Bonds - Rhino

A Froakie, a Honedge, and a Riolu all end up in Equestria when Lord Arceus decided to perform his grand migration. The first two were adult humans, the last was just a young wild Pokemon. Now the three find themselves seperated from all they knew.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Plan

The next day, things have gotten much calmer in the house that now contains six beings: a pony, a water frog, a doglike fighter, a floating sword, a living tree, and a tiny candle. While not the most normal of households, it sees a normal start to this day nonetheless, with everyone waking up one by one in their own sections of the house.

Casey and Liu took the guest room again, Liu in the bed and Casey leaning in a corner, and Anya has joined them by falling asleep on the desk in the room. Midnight and Ryan took the mare's room again, and lastly, Harold simply planted his roots in the yard outside and went dormant like an ordinary tree.

The Riolu wakes up first, eyes blearily blinking open. They soon focus, and he uncurls himself, looking around for the briefest of moments. He slips off the bed, silently padding out the room and down the hall.

He enters the foyer, making a beeline for the pot by the door. Laying on his stomach, he brings himself closer to the lump in the soil, whining quietly. "...why do you take so long to grow?"

When the plant makes no response, another one does, looking through a nearby window. "Growing takes time. For people, Pokemon, and plants."

Liu jumps at this, his fur standing on end until he sees the Trevenant. "Oh, good morning, Mister Harold." He stands up and pulls the door open, stepping outside into the calm air. "Sorry I woke you up."

He chuckles. "I have been awake for a while now, Mister Liu. Grass types often grow tired as soon as the sun goes down, and are awakened not long after it rises. Do not worry." He smiles. "So you are growing a plant?"

"Yes." He glances back before closing the door. "Miss Midnight found an oran berry yesterday, so I planted it... with her help, of course..." He starts to make his way around the house, close to where the living tree is.

"I am sure it will grow in time," Harold says simply. "You just have to be patient. As my old master once said; 'To wish for a faster result is to wish for an incomplete one'."

"...my mom said something similar." He sighs, stopping by a flat rock and leaping onto it. "She was smart like that." He raises his paws, slowly pulling and pushing the air.

Harold watches with curiosity. "Exercising, I presume?"

"I did this with mom..." He slowly turns, lifting a leg as he brings his paws above his head. "It helps to calm one's mind... and strengthen one's body..."

"I see... forgive me for not joining you, but, well..." He chuckles a bit at his own attempt at humour.

Liu pauses, looking up at him with a sheepish smile. "Sorry... am I being too inconsiderate?"

The tree blinks before chuckling again. "Was just a joke, young one. I apologise; Master Casey's sense of humour has rubbed off on me over the years."

He tilts his head, confused. "I'm... not good when it comes to jokes..." Sighing, the jackal continues his exercises. "Mom also said I'm too serious... like dad..."

"We all take after our own parents in some way." The Trevenant nods. "Simply to have them is a blessing many take for granted..."

The jackal stops his motions, as if flash frozen. His arms slowly lower to his side, and his head bows. "...Mister Harold... how long have you been with Mister Casey?" He looks up to the taller Pokemon with misty eyes.

Harold blinks his eye before answering. "I first met Master Casey about eight years ago, but I did not join his team proper for another year."

"I see..." He chuckles dryly, getting down off the rock and sitting down, resting his back against it. "...may I please hear how you got to be on his team?"

"He and my former master met up when Master Casey was in Kalos looking for a job." He sighs as he remembers. "My former master did not tell him, but he was growing ill... seeing that Master Casey already had other well-trained Ghost Pokemon, he offered to trade me for a simple Gastly. As far as Master Casey knows, even now, that was just an everyday trade to improve both teams."

"...trainers trade their Pokemon?" Liu tilts his head to one side, confused for a moment, before shaking it and gesturing to him. "So, you joined his team about seven years ago through a... trade... do you ever miss your old master?"

"Every day." Harold nods slowly. "But had I stayed with him, I'd just be a wild Pokemon eventually... something I was not prepared for."

"...I'm sorry for your loss..." The jackal slowly stands, shaking himself off. "...but I'm glad you at least have someone you care about."

The tree smiles. "As am I, for you."

"I..." He sighs, trailing off as he starts for the inside. "...say, do you know how to raise berries well?"

Curious at the reaction, Harold follows along, electing to ignore it for now. "Plant it somewhere where it gets a good amount of sunlight, water it every day, and don't let other people or Pokemon trample it."

"...so inside isn't a good spot for it?"

"In most situations, no. But oran berries do not require as much light as others, and too much could cause them to dry up. Simply leaving it by a window or the door will be enough."

"Oh. Thanks, Mister Harold." He steps inside, picking up the little watering can near it. "And... how much water would you say it needs?"

The Trevenant watches through the doorway; while he could fit inside if he turned, he doesn't want to unnecessarily use up space. "Oran berries require more than most, but don't do too much. Just pour some on, and I'll tell you when it is enough."

He nods and starts to pour, but suddenly jumps, glancing up the stairs in confusion. A few seconds later, he shrugs and resumes, picking up the fallen watering can to sprinkle the buried seed.

Harold, for his part, ignores the jump and focuses on the plant. "That should be enough for now."

Liu nods and puts the tool down, looking at the moist soil. "...how long does it normally take to grow?"

"Berries are fast growers. The day after tomorrow, the plant itself will be fully grown; the next day, it will sprout more berries."

"That's great!" He chuckles, stepping towards the door and holding out a paw. "Thank you for all the help, Mister Harold."

Smiling, the tree takes his paw gently and shakes it. "It was my pleasure, Mister Liu."

In another part of the house, a haunted candle opens her eyes with a tiny yawn. Her flame flickers to life from the dull-glowing ember it had been. Lifting off the table, she looks around, finding the Honedge of the house to be the only one besides her in the room. Finding not a single problem with this, she floats over to him.

"Casey..." Her tone is light, still happy with being reunited with her friend. "Wake up..."

A slight groan comes from the sword as his eye flickers open. "I'm up, I'm up..."

She tilts her head at him. "It's still a bit different to see you without a face to express yourself, but somehow I do think this suits you."

He yawns a bit despite lacking a mouth, finally recognizing the one who woke him. "Morning, Anya."

Laughing a bit, her flame flickering as she does, she smiles at him. "Good morning to you, too."

He floats up from his spot against the wall, ribbon stretching out to the side the way one would stretch their arms. "Sleep well?"

She nods. "Cozy home, knowing where some of my friends are, no wild Pokemon around... I slept like a hatchling."

"Good to hear." After finishing his wakeup routine as well as he can as a sword, he glances to the door. "Not much noise going on... either everyone's being quiet or they're still asleep."

"I guess so." She floats over to him, taking a spot next to his hilt. "How have you been taking all this?"

"Eh, not too badly. Sudden life-changing situations were almost a weekly event for me before, so this isn't as out of the blue as it is to some." He flicks his ribbon. "The transformation was the oddest part, frankly. But I'm getting used to it."

She watches him, nodding. "I'm glad... I was worried when I figured out we were all separated."

"Yeah..." Casey sighs. "So was I... still am, for the others. At least you and Harold are safe, though."

"I wonder where the others could be... do you think they're all in the woods?" One hand goes to her lip as she thinks.

He hums. "Possibly... it'd make things easier, that's for sure."

"Yes... we need to get our family back together. The few we already have make things worlds better." She looks pointedly at him as she smiles.

Chuckling, he pats her with his ribbon. "Agreed. Come on, let's go check on Harold and the others."

Staring at his ribbon a moment, she then smiles, rubbing one handle of his hilt with a hand. "Let's."

In the master bedroom of the home, another Pokemon opens his eyes. It's when he tries to move that they shoot open, darting down to the black-coated hoof curled around his body, hugging him to the chest of the mare next to him and supplemented by her wings doing the same.

"She’s a cuddler..." He says quietly to himself. "Well... this is slightly awkward. Though it's also soft and warm."

The pegasus sighs blissfully, nuzzling the top of his head as her embrace shifts around him. She's almost curled around him at this point, her tail barely touching his foot.

Unable to move even a little, the frog sighs and settles in. Thoughts of trainers who likely did this with Pokemon like Ninetails or something settle in, reminding him of nights camped out back on earth. He shakes his head a bit as memories of sleeping while sitting against Geyser's surface. "Better not dwell on that... it'll just depress me until we find him."

It is at this point another warmth appears, gently pressing against his forehead.

Looking upwards, he tries to figure out what it is. "What now? She's already pretty much enveloped me." To his surprise, this leads to the mare kissing him, humming brightly afterwards as she returns to nuzzling. Ryan's mouth flaps open and closed a few times, his brain not quite able to comprehend what just happened. "...what..."

"So soft..." She giggles, holding him closer, her tail brushing up along his back.

"Ack! I know I like cuddling, but sheesh!" The Froakie croaks, literally feeling like the mare is all over him. "I wonder if this is what eggs feel like..."

The door opens, and a blue head peeks in. "Good m-" He stops mid-sentence, staring at the scene before him, baffled. "...Mister Ryan? What are you doing with Miss Midnight?"

Quickly realizing what this could looks like, the Froakie speaks quickly. "She apparently gets very affectionate in her sleep. I find myself trapped and comfortable at the same time."

"Oh." The Riolu scratches his head with a paw. "I thought you finally got together... anyways, I wanted to ask what you wanted for breakfast..."

"Cereal should do fine, but what did you mean 'we got together'?" He tries to look at Liu as best he can, but half of his vision is constantly black from fur or feathers.

"Nothing, Mister Ryan!" He dashes out the room, leaving the two of them alone once more. At the same time, the mare turns onto her back, straightening out while still gently holding the frog to her chest.

Sighing, Ryan starts the arduous process of slowly wiggling himself upward out of the mare's grip while trying not to wake her. Less than an inch at a time, he gradually works to free himself.

Halfway through his escape, she decides to nuzzle at his belly, giggling brightly. "Come back to bed... silly..."

One hand claps over his mouth as he holds in his laughter, being ticklish. The other hand braces next to her on the bed, trying to raise his stomach out of her reach. Midnight nips his belly before turning onto her side once more, holding him close to her face like a pillow.

Another tapping at the door indicates another arrival, this one being a familiar Honedge. "...do I want to know?"

Ryan flops down, the mare's head still shoved against his abdomen. "She gets clingy, it seems..."

"...nope, I don't." Rather unhelpfully, Casey immediately leaves.

"Damn it..." The frog sighs as he contents himself to a position much more awkward and less comfortable than his previous one.

With a groan, the mare wakes up, pulling away and sitting up. "...next time, I won't have pizza before bed..." She looks over, smiling warmly at the frog. "Morning, cutie. Sleep well?"

"Yes, though waking up was a bit odd," he replies truthfully, knowing she can't understand him.

She slowly stretches, sighing blissfully and grunting as she pops her back. Getting off the bed, she turns to look at the frog, her gaze going to his belly. "...are... are your burns better?"

Blinking, he looks down, seeing only the barest discoloration where there was much yesterday. "Wow... almost completely gone. It's always amazing how fast Pokemon heal."

"...since you aren't shaking your head, I'll assume you feel better." Midnight smiles, walking over and gently nuzzling the top of his head. "I'm glad to hear that. I'd hate it if someone tried to hurt you... any of you."

"Very heartwarming," a voice comes from the doorway. "When you two are done, we're waiting downstairs."

"Whatever you say, grumpy." She turns to the door, nodding towards her back. "You coming, Ryan?" Nodding, he hops onto her back, noticing his aim is better than it has been.

"Good." Casey turns to head back down the hallway. "There are a couple things we need to discuss."

The mare follows the floating sword, doing her best to not make her passenger lose his balance. When they get downstairs, they find the other Pokemon all around the living room. Harold, who floats about an inch off the floor beside the couch, glances to the mare and smiles. "Good morning to you, Miss Blitz."

"Good morning, Harold, but please, call me Midnight. And please be careful about your leaves while inside." She looks around at everyone gathered there, an eyebrow raised. "So... what is there you need to discuss, Casey?"

Casey floats over to Anya on the couch and settles in beside her, while Harold tries to subtly check his leaves for any loose ones. "Yesterday, we found two of my team. Four are still somewhere out there, and furthermore, I'm not the only one looking for someone." He nods his sword to Liu. "The kid here still has his parents somewhere out there. And the frog has his own friend to find. While I'm grateful to you for helping us find Anya and Harold, we're not even close to being done looking."

"We do not need to rush, necessarily," Harold adds, though it is hard to tell if he's directing this towards Midnight or Casey. "I am certain the rest of the Pokemon can take care of themselves for a little while, so there is no need to panic. In addition, we still don't know where to look next."

The Honedge nods with his body. "Yeah. The forest was a good start, but I can't sense any other Ghost-types around there. And anything outside of Ghost, Flying, Poison, and Bug types would stick out in a dark forest like a sore... um, hoof."

"If your friends aren't near here, Mister Casey," Liu pipes up from his spot by his pot. "Then... what does that mean if we have to go out of this place?"

"It means we have to go somewhere else and look," the sword responds. "Just grab a map, figure out prime places to check, go there, search, and come back here before we rinse and repeat until we have everyone."

"Should we try to search the rest of the forest first since it is close by?" Ryan offers. "You said anything out of the ordinary spectrum of forest types should be easy to find, right? Maybe we just haven't looked in the right parts yet."

"That will be unnecessary," Harold replies. "Before I located all of you, I searched the forest myself in my own way. I looked through the 'eyes' of every tree around; there was nothing out of the ordinary, besides Anya. That is how I found you in the first place."

"Not to mention obviously we'd know if they were just in town," Casey adds. "I'm sure we can all put ourselves in the shoes of our teams - or parents - and figure out where they would have gone."

Liu scrunches his muzzle up, trying to think a bit as the mare exits the room. "...I think mom would be somewhere warm... and high..."

Ryan adds to that from where he had jumped onto the back of the couch. "Geyser, unsurprisingly, would like a large amount of water. Preferably somewhere where he has options of either submerging himself or sunning himself whenever he wants. It wouldn't be a lake though, he likes moving water."

The mare enters the room as he finishes, a rolled up piece of paper under her wing. She places it on the coffee table and unfurls it, then turns to the sword and tree, smiling warmly. "So... where do you think your friends could be? There's several places around Equestria that could house such... diverse creatures."

Casey looks over it. "Well... this is a new map to us. Not really sure what these places are like... can you direct us to any watery, warm, or creepy places?"

"Well..." She points to a spot near the center. "There's the scariest cave in all of Equestria..." She moves her hoof along the surface. "And we're here. It'd be a day away on foot, maybe a few hours by train... but if you want watery places..." She moves it slightly up and to the left. "There's always Neighagra Falls. It's only a few hours away, if I remember correctly."

"Perhaps Neighagra Falls would be the best option for a first expedition," Harold suggests. "As for this 'scariest cave'... we could go there second. I would suggest walking over the train, however; aside from being cheaper, most of us are used to long travels on foot. Or whatever we may have instead of feet."

"Such as floating?" The mare giggles, shrugging. "I think that's fair. Anyways, you said warm, right?" She points to a sandy part of the map. "There's always Appleloosa."

Liu climbs onto her back, resting his paws on her head as he peeks over it. He frowns, shoulders slumping. "...but that doesn't seem very high..."

"Appleloosa would still be a good choice, if that's a desert and not just a colouring error," Casey adds. "Chief's part Ground-type. I left him alone once when in Kalos, and he walked to Route 13. Across the region, and I had to go hunt him down." He sighs. "Not fun."

"So Chief would likely be around that area," Harold adds. "That is three of our still-missing friends whose locations we have potentially narrowed down, plus however many of Master Casey's team may be in this cave."

"I agree, though I hope you boys don't mind if we stop by here?" Midnight taps the mountain range just to the south. "If we're possibly going clear across the country, I'd like to be well rested enough to do so... and there just so happens to be a hot springs in these mountains." Unnoticed by her, the Riolu's ears perk up at this. "It's great for relaxation, from what I've heard."

"Fine with me." Casey nods. "Any other creepy places we can keep as backup if the cave doesn't have what we're looking for?"

"...not really..." She nervously laughs. "Sorry, I'm not quite up to date with scary or creepy locations around Equestria..."

He sighs. "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, I guess..."

"Probably." She lets the map go, letting it roll back up as she turns to Harold. "So, big guy... I hope you didn't mind sleeping outside, last night."

"It was no problem at all." He chuckles. "Many Pokemon and even trainers are used to sleeping outdoors. Not to mention my biology is more than just appearance; I can survive in the same environments a tree thrives in."

"...I hope that desert won't prove a problem for you, then." She looks to Casey, but her growling stomach interrupts her. Blushing brightly, she gestures towards the kitchen. "So... anyone hungry? I can go make some breakfast, if you'd like..." Casey just glares at her. "It's not my fault my stomach growled..."

The candle floating next to the sword looks between them. "Is there a problem with breakfast?"

Casey just grumbles and floats off, leaving Harold to try and field the question. "Master Casey is... not yet fully acquainted with his new form. From what he has told me, eating is something he has yet to discover how to do."

"Oh... I'll have to see if I can show him then. I can't have him being grumpy." She floats out after her friend.

Liu watches them leave before turning to the tree. "Mister Harold... about Miss Anya..."

"Hm?" The tree looks to him in curiosity.

He scratches at his head, trying to find a way to word it. "Does she... no, never mind. It's a silly question."

"Mister Liu, I have heard my fair share of 'silly questions', and have always done my best to answer them. I shan't stop now." He smiles. "What is it?"

"I... need to know a bit more before I ask." He simply shrugs, sheepishly smiling. "I hope that's alright."

The tree hesitates before nodding. "Very well. But please let me know when you've decided to share. I do not like thinking others may have a problem with my team." His voice is more serious than normal for the last sentence.

Liu's eyes widen, and he flails his paws briefly in panic. "It's not a problem - I promise!"

"Good." Rather than continue the conversation further, Harold turns back to the mare, voice normal again. "So, Miss... Midnight. When do you wish to leave?"

"I think we should prepare for anything we may encounter, first." She taps her chin, closing her eyes as she thinks. "Medicine, food, maybe a tent... I'd say tomorrow at the earliest."

"Here's hoping Casey doesn't throw a fit about the delay..." Ryan mutters as he looks down at the map, trying to judge distances and how long each journey will take.

"If you're worried about grumpy, then don't." Midnight giggles, rubbing the obviously tense frog's back with her wing. "We'll likely be going on one long trip to all these places, so I don't think he'll mind in the long run. Besides, we're going to the falls, first." She shrugs, looking to the glass on the table by the map. "That place is the closest... and I think that milk's for you, cutie."

His head instantly turns, spotting the glass. In the blink of an eye, he is chugging it down.

"Sorry that's all I could get you, Mister Ryan." Liu sheepishly shrugs. "I don't know what cereal is..."

"Milk is half of cereal, and the most important part, so this works." He chugs the rest, sighing contently afterward. "I'll explain cereal when we get to the kitchen."

"Alright, so..." Midnight trails off, looking up at the tree in her living room. "...I'm sorry but... what do you eat, exactly?"

"Sunlight, water, and sometimes berries if need be." He chuckles. "Sometimes souls too, but only for dessert."

"...I'm going to ignore that last one for the sake of my sanity." She shakes her head, then points to the kitchen. "Well, I have some berries, if you'd like them. Nothing from your world, if what the others said is true, but they still taste delicious."

"Thank you, but I will be fine for now." He nods.

"Okay, then. I'll be right back, after I get myself some breakfast." She waves as she exits the room, leaving the three Pokemon around the small table.

"Casey? Where are you?" Anya floats down the hall, her flame casting dancing lights on the walls as she moves.

"In here," the sword calls from the bedroom he and her had slept in the night before. Inside, he has simply gone back to leaning against the corner.

When she sees him, she floats over, concerned. "Casey... is this about the food thing?"

"Me leaving? Yeah. I'm not brooding about that if that's what you mean." He sighs. "I just wanted to be alone for a bit while everyone else chowed down and planned everything."

"You know, I could always just show you how to eat like a Ghost-type if it'll make you happy." She holds out a hand.

He blinks. "...no offense, but are you sure you'd know how Honedges are supposed to? I mean... you have a mouth. I don't."

"That doesn't mean I have to use it." She smiles at him. "Besides, some of our other family members don't have a mouth either. Let me go grab something, and I'll show you." She floats back out of the room.

Casey blinks again before floating up off the floor, but not moving, instead waiting for her to return.

She returns quickly with a couple of berries held in her arms. "These should do nicely."

He tilts his body the way one tilts their head. "...what do I do with them?"

"First you pick it up." She holds one up in her hand, waiting for him to do the same.

Slowly, he lifts a berry up with his tassel. "Okay...?"

"Now, the trick, as odd as it may seem, is just to not think about it and let your body do what it will." She shows him the berry, chars it slightly in the flame on her head, then moves it towards her mouth. Even though her mouth doesn't open, the berry seems to turn slightly transparent before continuing into her. She licks her lips, "Hmm... that'd be great with a little sugar."

He blinks. "...now that you said not to think about it, I can't not think about it."

"Well, the other option involves concentrating on the part of us that makes Normal-types and our own unable to touch each other then wrapping that around the food you want, but really..." Humming, she taps her mouth. "Come on... what's a good way to put this... Ah! Think of it like throwing a piece of food in the air, opening your mouth, and closing your eyes."

"Usually that was something small like popcorn..." he mutters, but sighs. "Why couldn't I have been a Gengar or a Banette or something?"

She huffs, floating closer to him. "I think you're great just the way you are."

"You say that, but less than a hundred hours ago I was a human, and you seemed to like me then." Shutting his eye, he tosses the berry into the air, aiming where his mouth would be... and it just bounces off his blade.

Stifling a few giggles, she clears her throat. "I think you're thinking about it too much. Here..." She picks up one. "Try again, and I'll throw it to you, I just won't tell you when."

He sighs. "Fine..." His eye shuts again and he waits.

She tosses the berry lightly up and down in her hand. "You know... I wasn't kidding about saying I like you this way, but that doesn't mean I didn't like you as a human too."

He pauses before replying. "I don't get it."

She blinks, frowning a bit sadly. "It's not that complicated..." She tosses the berry at him as she senses him about to reply.

"You're saying tha-" He gets cut off as the berry suddenly disappears into him, and he makes several coughing noises... before remembering he doesn't have a throat. "...okay, that worked."

She giggles. "So... people just have to throw food at you when you're talking? That sounds fun for them, but maybe not for you."

"I'll figure out how it works sooner or later..." He groans. "Great... now that one thing's down, my stomach's back in action... getting back at me for two days without eating..."

"Want me to feed you more?" She raises the rest of the berries.

He shakes his head. "I'd rather try to practice it myself... thank you, though." He reaches out with his tassel to pat her.

She leans into the pat, tilting so that he doesn't hit her flame. "You're welcome."

He chuckles. "So, how are you handling all this? The new world, and me being in a new body?"

"It's all... different." She drops in height a bit. "It's a bunch to get used to, all at once. But... it doesn't seem like anything bad."

"Yeah. Things are tough to adjust to, but once we have everyone, it'll be just like old times... but with less training and more relaxing." He sighs as he thinks about it, moving over to 'sit' on the bed.

She tilts her head, her expression neutral as she floats over to him once more. "You mean... we don't have to fight anymore?"

He pauses. "...I can't promise that... you saw in the forest, some wild Pokemon aren't gonna listen to Arceus. And some humans here might be like me and not really be purely innocent... but we definitely won't have to fight as much."

"Well, I guess that's something." She gets next to his hilt, patting him. "I guess this is sort of like a new start, huh?"

"Seems like it..." He goes quiet.

Her pat becomes a gentle shake. "Casey? You okay?"

"Yeah..." He sighs. "...this... this is permanent, you know... it's kind of finally hitting me that this is our life. I'm a sword, we're in a world of ponies... no more battles, gyms, teams... no more nothing. Just... living here, doing nothing."

"Don't think of it as nothing, think of it as having the time to do what you want." She floats in front of his eye, trying to cheer him up. "That doesn't sound so bad, right?"

He rolls his eye. "Yeah, if what you want to do isn't 'become a better trainer'."

"Well, there's nothing really saying you can't." She looks uncomfortable at her next words. "Pokemon naturally fight... and will probably continue to do so. You can help them train... and even train yourself. Your 'team' will just be your friends instead."

The sword notices her uncomfortable appearance, and before responding, he gently wraps his tassel around her like an arm. "I'm not going to make you fight, Anya. Or anyone else. Once we have everyone, we can just relax. I wasn't saying it's a bad thing; just that I'm gonna have trouble getting used to it."

"I can help you..." she murmurs as she leans into the ribbon.

"Why? You don't need to worry about me." He chuckles. "Just take care of yourself and enjoy not having to fight. I can handle my own problems. Always have."

She frowns. "You don't have to though... not when you have others."

"So you'd rather I chuck my problems off to you to solve?" He would raise an eyebrow if he had one.

Her eye narrows, one hand poking his steel. "Cooperation, teamwork, support. Not. Alone."

"'Teamwork' didn't exactly spell good news last time I trusted it," he spits back with a narrowed eye of his own.

She backs off, looking down. "You trusted us... you trusted me..."

Sighing, he pulls her in closer with his ribbon. "Sorry... we're just arguing about nothing here, really... I appreciate your concern, but getting used to this world isn't gonna be easy, with or without you... I mean, it's definitely easier with you, but I imagine even a year from now I'll wake up expecting to have four limbs and six Poke Balls."

She gives a small smile. "You could become an Aegislash to get arms, get some rocks and we'll paint them white and red."

He laughs at that. "Wouldn't be the same, but thanks. For now I just need the group of you around me and some time to get used to my sword-ness, and I'll be good as new."

Smiling happily once more, she nods, hugging his ribbon. "Okay."