• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 585 Views, 11 Comments

Sunday in my Quiet Mountain Town - overlord-flinx

Ponyville is a lively town; morning, noon, and night. So many characters with all different sorts of stories.

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POV Vinyl: Welcome to My Quiet Mountain Town!

Ponyville. Now, I want you to say that out loud right now. Ponyville. "Hey, everyone! I'm from Ponyville!". It sounds so stupid! I mean, who names a place Ponyville? It's... Pretty dang original if you ask me. It could've been named something worse like Buttcheeseville! Or Jump City. Something like that, you know? Not saying "Ponyville" is the best name, but you learn to take the good with the pretty bad after awhile.

Actually, Ponyville was named like that because -like- some hundreds of years ago, princess Celestia and her sister Luna found this patch of land between all these mountains. At first, as ALL the history books I could find so I could tell this story to you guys (you're welcome), the land was filled with just trees... Trees and horses as far as the eye could see! So Celestia was like: "Sis, we should totes live here". And Luna said: "Sup, I'm Luna. Let's do it". And do it they did! They brought all kinds of settlers, pilgrims, hobos, crazy hermits living out in the wilds, and whatever else they could get to rally behind them to this new land. You can guess what happened after that. You know, the boring building and cutting and building and planting and building and building--you get the idea.

When everything was over and done, all the horses had vamoosed for greener greens anywhere else. So, Celestia named the land Ponyville in honor of them... I guess no one took the time to tell her the difference between a horse and a pony. But whatever! She's the queen of Ponyville now along with Luna; so no one really wants to question her... Plus she's wicked powerful. I guess that comes with the territory when you can fly and use magic; it's kinda rare. I mean, I can use magic, sure. But only -like- little 'fwoosh's here and there... Magic ain't easy.

Hm? People can't fly? People can't use magic? Well, yeah. Of course they can't. But WE can. Celestia said that these lands were filled with this... stuff. Stuff that gives people power. But, no one really cares these days... A computer can do anything magic could do anyway, right? Tech just sorta put magic and flying back in the black lately, you get it? I mean, look at it this way: would you rather have sparks fly from your hands and risk burning stuff? Or, would you rather turn on the stove with gas? Seems simple to me... But, fuck, I'm just too lazy to learn how to use magic.

Octavia says that's a bad habit. You know what I think? Wearing too much clothes is a bad habit. Take that one to bed... What was I saying? Oh! Octavia thinks I'm lazy. Yeah, I am. But I can't waste my time learning avadakadava-or whatever like Twilight; I've got shit to do. If I don't take a nap under my sheets, who will? If I try and practice magic, who's gonna be the DJ of this town? No one! Why? Because I'm the only one who does those things. It's what makes me me.

...Makes me... Me... Hmmm... Now there's a crazy thought, Vinyl. What makes me me is me doing whatever me wants to do; you get me? So... What makes you you? And what makes them them? I know the answer, and so do you, but don't spoil my fun explaining it! It's story! Yeah, story. Everyone's got a story. I've got a story, you've got a story, Octavia's got a story, that story's got a story... Everyone's got one. Why? Because through our eyes, we're always the main character or something-like-that. You get it. Except... I know every story in town. I know AJ, RD, Rare, Flutters... I know everyone's story 'cause I live here and I know the peeps behind the stories. Fact and fiction; truth or dare... Dare's the opposite of truth, right? Whatever...

Point is, I know these stories... But you don't, do you? No. You just like to wait for the story to come to you. I can respect that. Lazy-man's way to getting to know people; respect. So -uhh- what day is it...? Sunday? Great! That's a great day to start on! How about you sit back, pull some popcorn, and maybe unzip your fly because we're about to dive into the world of this peaceful mountain town...! Could get a little steamy... Maybe... Don't get your hopes up... Eh, who'm I kidding? I hope we see something hot too. But I'm not making any promises. Ah, well... I'll make one promise. I promise we won't follow someone all day, alright? I mean, how boring would that be?

Who wants to see Rarity dressing up all day? Snore... Who wants to see Fluttershy pet a bunny for twenty-four hours? Zzzz... Twilight Sparkle counting out her book collection? You get the idea; there's a lot of boring things in this town. So, we'll just hop from person to person, mk? Buuuut... We may roll back to some people if their day's getting juicy, right? Yeah. Again, we don't want to miss people having sex or something... If we did, I would be acting like a bad host or something. At that point, it's my fault we're not having fun. And then you'll tell Octavia, and Octavia will say "stop taking people on magic adventures" blah-blah-blah. And no one wants that... Except for that guy in the back. He may want that... You sick fuck...

But who'm I to judge? I'm spending my day stalking people and listening in on their days. That's gotta point to some pretty bad life choices right there! Anyway, off we go. A lot of adventures and stories to be had. But -hey- what do you expect in this quiet little mountain town?