• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 385 Views, 2 Comments

The Oldest World - Midnight Sprint

The Six take a short camping trip to a distant land, but end up going much further than expected.

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Chapter 1: Graywing

“I think it’s a good idea to get out and have a little campin’ trip, for once!” Drawled the vocally upbeat Applejack. “The last time I had a chance to get out and about like this was… well, when Rarity an’ Rainbow Dash here took that little trip with the young’ns on the mountain!” The girls trotted along through a distant trail in the woods, far from their usual route, as guided by the ever-prepared Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow Dash spun around in the air, as the ponies who were grounded, including Fluttershy of course, proceeded on hoof. “Yeah,” Dash added, “That was great for some touchy-feely bonding and all, but it’ll be good to have a trip like this without having to filly-sit anyone.”

“I thought you liked spending time with Scootaloo?” Fluttershy questioned in a feebly curious voice. Dash rolled her eyes, and hovered above the reserved Pegasus. “Well, duh.” Dash explained. “ The kid’s got skill. Like me, but little! I’m just saying, it’s good to have just us older ponies, ya know? We can take care of ourselves with OUT keeping an eye on a handful of little rascals.” Rarity released a sound of agreement while nodding her head gracefully. “Especially little balls of energy like the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They’re lovely little fillies, when they’re not running amok.” She detailed, being sure to emphasize her love for the little ones, but noting their ability to be more than a little bit zealous.

Pinkie Pie pranced along the side of the group, bouncing with anticipation. Camping wasn’t exactly an exciting prospect, but when Twilight mentioned marshmallows over a campfire, the sugar-charged pony had sprung right into action, packing a bag of exclusively campfire related treats and snacks. “So, where exactly are we going, anyway? It’s been a long walk already!” The bouncing pink Earth Pony questioned, hinting at just a wee tone of boredom. Twilight smiled, shaking her head. “Oh, Pinkie. Camping is about enjoying nature, and getting out of the town. We should enjoy the walk as much as the destination!”

Pinkie’s expression rolled into something resembling contemplation, as Twilight continued. “I asked Princess Celestia what parts of the wilderness would be beautiful to visit, and be safe. The map is tucked away right now, but the place she suggested is apparently quite nice. Celestia said if we follow this trail, we’d find a small lake with some waterfalls near the inlet. We’ll know we’ve missed it and gone too far if we find a big canyon where the land gets all dry.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed at Twilight’s leanings towards a perfectly safe trip, while Fluttershy vehemently insisted that the safe way was the best option. This lead to a rather lengthy and colorful debate on adventuring versus quiet relaxation as a means of a vacation. The team was mostly divided, with Pinkie staying out of the conversation, as she was of the belief that as long as they had their marshmallows, nothing else really mattered. Applejack, on the other hand, joined with Dash, and admitted that the point of camping was ‘to rough it’, as Rarity would have it phrased.

“Twilight, you sure we don’t need that map out?” Applejack inquired, expressing a certain degree of skepticism. The group approached a clearing that overlooked a long and wide valley. The young princess smiled and nodded. “I would say we’re doing alright, wouldn’t you?” The ponies bounded towards the edge of the area, which overlooked the valley below. The cliff face was abrupt, but the face wasn’t so steep as to cause a significant degree of concern. They all expressed their amazement at the landscape in one way or another.

“This really was a lovely place to visit.” Rarity spoke. “And we’ve only just arrived!” The others agreed, while Fluttershy hung around by Twilight Sparkle. The Pegasus noticed her alicorn friend visibly pondering over something. “Is something wrong, Twilight?” A moment rested between the question and its answer, as Twilight stared out over the terrain. “Not really, Fluttershy. But I just don’t remember seeing any waterfalls or lakes or rivers. Do you?”

The six assembled together, realizing that they hadn’t noticed any of the landmarks they had been told about. Rainbow Dash was the first to attempt to make the situation into something better. “Well, we were looking for adventure, right?”
“Some of us, anyway.” Rarity replied coyly, toned with the slightest air of amusement.
“Right.” Dash finalized. “Anyway, the whole point was to get out somewhere new. So let’s just roll with it!”

“I gotta admit,” Applejack started, “Even I’m thinkin’ that it might not be the best idea. Even with a map, wouldn’t it be better to know where we are so we can get back out again?” The ponies seemed to unanimously agree with Applejack’s reason. Pinkie Pie suggested that the two had reasonable points, and that a compromise might be a prudent decision. Naturally, it fell back down to Twilight Sparkle.

“Well… those of us with wings could fly around and try to get an idea of the terrain before setting up a camp.” Twilight began. “At least for one night to see how it goes. What do you think, girls?” There was a short period of discussion, before the ponies finally agreed on the short-term plan. Fluttershy’s ears perked, and she leaned her head gently towards the tree line. “Do you hear that? I think there’s a stream somewhere nearby.” The gentle Pegasus explained.

“Ah ha! That must be the water, right?” Rainbow Dash answered. “No doubt about it! Let’s go!” Twilight shrugged, and had to admit that it might be a good idea. “Well, locating and identifying bodies of water are generally very sound methods of learning the lay of the land, as well as where you might be.” The alicorn contemplated. “I suppose it is a reasonable decision.”

Applejack and Dash took the lead, with Twilight just behind, as the six ponies began their trek towards the sound of rushing water, just now beginning to slowly rise in audibility. As the ponies continued, they passed a noticeable change in foliage, where the normally very evergreen forest in question that they had been traversing, now slowly, but steadily changed into a lush environment. The trees appeared to be a healthy mix of species, some of which even Twilight hadn’t been able to identify immediately.

The snapping of the smallest of twigs alerted Fluttershy, who jumped and released the tiniest of yelps. Landing in Pinkie’s hooves, she blushed and set herself down, as Pinkie just smiled, completely used to this sort of thing. “What was that?” Rarity asked nervously, feeling safe with her friends, but taking the noise into consideration in the wild environment they walked.

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy answered quietly. She peered deep into the grass, and noticed a small fern plant rustling just a hair every now and then. Applejack trotted beside her. The farm pony trusted Fluttershy’s unrivalled adept nature with animals, but had also dealt with her share of problem critters, and thus stood prepared for anything just in case.

The other ponies too had accumulated behind Fluttershy and AJ, peering over shoulders to get a glimpse from a safe distance at what Fluttershy was investigating. “I wonder if it’s a bunny? Oh! Or maybe a great big bug?!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. Fluttershy shushed the party pony, and returned her gaze to the fern. The rustling happened once more, before the presence made itself known.

“OH MY GOSH.” Fluttershy exclaimed, attempting to surpsess her volume, regardless of how gentle her sound would have been anyway. “It’s… so… PRECIOUS!” The girls squeezed closer, eyeing the animal. A small, feathered head protruded from the leaves of the fern. The smallest of claws stuck out from the ends of slender, feathered arms, and from below the wide leaf, little bird-like feet could be seen adjusting stance left and right. The little bird-like critter slowly wiggled its way through the gap in the leaves, standing before the equines.

At its tallest, it was no larger than a small raven, and it’s form was covered in a coat of deep blue feathers, which in turn had been peppered in a mixed pattern of deep red and vibrant yellow. A minute, pseudo-crest of smaller feathers rested upon its head in a subdued orange. “Fluttershy, what… what is it?” Twilight inquired. Even she hadn’t seen such a thing in their world before. It seemed familiar, yet not entirely typical.

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof at the thing, which jumped and crouched near Fluttershy’s silently steady frame. Peering its head from behind her front leg, it eyed Dash inquisitively. Speaking, Dash scoffed with a voice of confidence. “It’s a bird. Duh.” To which Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. Rarity slowly stepped closer to Fluttershy, and tried to approach at a distance so as not to frighten it.

“Yes, we can see that, Rainbow. But what sort of bird is it? I don’t think I’ve seen feathers like this all on one adorable little creature, before!” Fluttershy attempted to interject quietly, as the group began postulating what the little one might have been. With one final “Excuse me.” at a volume loud enough to have been heard, Fluttershy explained her issue with the critter. She pointed out that the little animal resembled a bird in the extreme, but that there were a few discrepancies that suggested an almost reptilian physiology.

“Aha!” Twilight burst, the little animal now crawling up on Fluttershy’s wing, which she gently extended towards the ground. The critter snuggled up between Fluttershy’s wings on her back, and sat down. It took each of its own wings, one at a time, and began preening the feathers, as well as cleaning the tiny ‘thumb’ claws with care. “I think I know what it is!” Twilight continued.

The young alicorn scoured through her pack, and removed a book from it. Flipping through the pages, Twilight visibly compared the little one to images and paragraphs found within the binding. “Extradordinary!” She proclaimed. “This can’t be possible, though.” Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity stood expressionless, awaiting further detail as the young princess continued reading and comparing.

Dash and Applejack glanced at one another, offering similarly confused and borderline impatient expression. “Well? Are you going to tell us?” Dash spoke, breaking the silence. Applejack raised an eyebrow at Twilight in agreement, and continued watching the animal.

“It must be, but for one to be here isn’t just unlikely. It’s downright impossible!” Twilight stated. Applejack looked at the others, who were all equally confused. She approached Twilight and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “What’s impossible, Twilight?”
The purple pony looked Applejack in the eyes, followed by all looking to the critter. “It… It looks like an Archaeopteryx!”

Most of the group still looked uncertain. Pinkie, of course, was the first to speak. “Ooohhhh. An Archaeopteryx!” She glanced at the group, and seeing that they had no clue what was going on, Pinkie leaned in towards Twilight and spoke again. “Psst. What’s an Archaeopteryx?”

Twilight took a step forward, while Pinkie ever so slightly comically stumbled forward just a hair. “Girls, you don’t understand. If this animal is in any way related to an Archaeopteryx, it would have to be incredibly old!” Rarity and Rainbow Dash also stepped away from Fluttershy and the animal, and stood beside Twilight. “How old are we talkin’, here?” Dash asked first, while the fashionista follwed with an equally curious question. “Yes, is the little one dozens of years old? Hundreds, perhaps? Some manner of mystical bird?”

Twilight shook her head very seriously. “Not at all. What I mean is that the Archaeopteryx went extinct many, many millions of years ago. This… this shouldn’t be possible! How could one be here today?” The ponies looked nervously at the Archaeopteryx, which had now assumed a position between Fluttershy’s wings that looked unbelievably comfortable. Twilight thought about Spike, and how he used to be as a hatchling, and smiled.

“Honestly, everypony, from what I’ve read, Archaeopteryx was not the kind of creature that would be a threat to us. It likely would’ve eaten bugs, maybe other small things…” Fluttershy wasn’t paying much attention. She craned her neck to try and see what she could, though the angle made it difficult. “What’s your name, little one?” She asked the new friend. It made a gentle squawk that sounded reminiscent of a modern avian, but with a lessened chirp, and a bit more of a primitive trill. Regardless, the sound was unarguably adorable. “Okay then,” Fluttershy spoke gently with a smile. “Everpony, this is our new friend, Graywing.”