• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 543 Views, 13 Comments

Love/Blood Lust - OscornBrony

A human vampire turns up in Equstria and finds that he has no desire to leave... if he can survive.

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Chapter 2

Love/Blood Lust
Chapter 2

As the sun rose, six mares walked along the path that lead threw the Everfree Forest. Twilight Sparkle led the group followed by Apple Jack, Rarity, Pinky Pie and then Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash was flying overhead.

“So let me get this straight.” The apple farmer spoke up. “Were out here looken for some source of some kinda energy that we have no idea what is?”


“So how do we know when we find it?”

The leader of the party stopped, causing all the others to bump into each other to match her nonexistent speed. “Well… We find what looks unnatural.”

“Like the clouds moving themselves?” asked the farmer.

“Or the animals taking care of themselves?” Put in Rarity.

“Or the parties partying themselves!” The party pony jumped in.

“I… I guess you guys have a point.” The lavender mare thought for a moment with her and rubbing the back of her head. “The whole forest is unnatural. How can we find something strange in a strange place?... This thing is going to be impossible to find…”

“Found it!”

Everypony looked up at Rainbow Dash as she pointed over the trees to their right.

“How do you know it’s what we’re looking for?” Twilight called up.

“Come and see for yourself.” With that the flyer dove for a landing over the trees in the direction she was pointing.

The rest of the gang started off in the same direction, dogging trees, going around a patch of PoisonJoke, and too where Rainbow Dash was looking at a strange statue.

It stood about five and a half feet tall and wore a cloak and boots. The face was strange shape. It had ears on the side of its head and no muzzle, it was more flat the anypony’s they’d ever seen. The statue was also vibrating. Red light was swirling around it in a water fashion, starting from the eyes and flowing down and around the rest of its form.

“Yep… that’s it I’ll recon.”

A small crack opened on the stony surface of the face only the snap back shut and all the red light to flow back into the eyes and it became motionless.

“O…Kay…? That was more than a little creepy. Like something was trying to get out.” The cyan flyer said.

Twilight gave a small nod. “Yes, that is exactly what it seems. The question is, why did it stop when it started to break loose?” Twilight looked up to the sun shining overhead. “Apple Jack, could you get one of your carts over to carry this thing to Ponyville?”

The blond cowgirl looked confused as that, but nodded her head. “I reckon I could, but mind if I ask why we want to take it to town? It might me dangers. I mean… well, look at its teeth!”

The others all looked up and seen what A.J. was talking about. The creature was obviously an omnivore, due to its mixture of sharp, and flat teeth, but there were two teeth that stuck out. Literally. They resembled fangs more than teeth. They were about twice as long as the others and ended in sharp tips.

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sigh I let out the tenth mental sigh in just as many minutes. The cart they had set me in was rocking and bumping over every rock and dip in the ground.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problems with being in a cart. There was just a few problems with being stone. Like not seeing properly, everything I could see was dark, gloomy, shades like black, dark grey, and grey. Don’t get me wrong about those colors either, I love the darker shades, but it’s hard to tell the time of day like that. The sunlight really hurt when I tried to break out. There was also the thirst. Being stuck like this seemed to cause the lust for blood to rise up within me. I could feel my power grow, my strength rise, but I felt like I was going to go crazy without any sustenance. Apart from those I felt fine.

Soon I could make out the shapes of building around me, with more of the strange pony/humanoids. This did not help my thirst.

My ‘guides’ led me through the streets and stopped outside of a large tree. ’…or house? …Whatever.’ The deposited me facing the door as they swung it open and stepped in. I could hear what sounded like large, wooden, objects being shifted before they returned to me. Grapping me, the pulled me inside and set me up as a cleared spot against a wall in-between two bookcases. ’So it’s a library… in a tree. Trees inside of a tree. These are some weird pony/humanoids… I need to find out what they are actually called. Calling them pony/humanoids is only entertaining for so long.’

After some time of talking I was able to get their names down. The one with the funny hair and tail with a horn was Rarity. The horned book worm was Twilight Sparkle. The one wearing the strange had was Apple Jack. The one with wings and a stripped hair (Don’t ask me the colors, I’m color blind at the moment if you don’t recall.) was Rainbow Dash. The winged one with the hair covering half her face was Fluttershy. The dragon boy that was already at the library was Spike. And the completely normal one was Pinky Pie.

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About an hour passed and most of the others had left. All that had remained was Spike and Twilight.

Twilight had lit a candle and closed the window blinds ‘to cut back on distractions’ as she put it, and Spike had gone upstairs. Which left me, in the dark, with a single other individual, and an empty stomach. Plus the bit about my hunger giving me plenty of strength to quietly dissolve my prison.

The sound of my boots on the wood floor reverberated softly as I walked forward.

The lavender librarian turned at the sound to see me standing three feet away.


The cry was cut short as a gripped her mouth shut and used it as a handle to force her head back and I took a long waited drink. But as all think that are good seem to be, it was cut short.


I looked up to see Spike, the very angry dragon boy.