• Published 24th Aug 2014
  • 589 Views, 10 Comments

Musings of the Mundane - Thak

When we aren't looking, what happens to those we care about?

  • ...

Guardian of the Night

I watch her sleep, as I have done with countless ponies before her.

I stand vigil every night; the darkness bothers me not.

A soft sigh escapes her lips as she rests; her golden coat rises and falls with each breath. Her dreams are pleasant, and she is smiling.

Oh woe is me! To be so close to my true love, and yet to never know her embrace!

All I want is to touch her, to feel her. To lay on her soft fur as she caresses me gently. To watch that cascading pink mane flow gently around me like a waterfall.

How I would bask in that luscious mane! That primrose perfection! Oh, Fluttershy! Never has there been a more perfect word to describe such a beauty! Pink, in every sense of the word!

What I wouldn’t give to spend just one of these cold, dark, nights wrapped lovingly in your embrace! To feel the fires of passion and love instead of the bitter chill of loneliness.

Alas! Such is not my fate! Forever shall I guard the night; never sleeping, ever watchful. Alone I must protect you, for there is no other to share this burden with.

A time long past, my sister performed this duty. Every night, she watched you sleep. Yet she did not love you the way I do, Fluttershy. She did not see the real you. Nor did I, at first.

But your gentle, soothing touch banished the darkness within me, and I once more felt life return!

Once more, a light shone within me! No longer was I cold and unfeeling. No longer was I banished from existence, never to be seen again.

Oh Fluttershy! I desire so much more than this! So much more than being a silent guardian to you; protecting you from your greatest fears. So much more than only comforting you in the dark of night when all your worries come crashing down around your head.

Tis of no use, I’m afraid. Destiny has fated me to standing here beside you instead of resting in your gentle caress.

Tell me, dear Fluttershy; do you think on me when we’re apart? I would burst were it the truth, but I know deep down such is not the case.

Often times I have seen you with your friends. I’ve seen you share in the joy of their laughter; each peal ringing out through the cottage, banishing your fears better than I.

I’ve watched, helpless, as fate reared its ugly head and dealt you blow after blow. Each struggle weighed heavily on you, and I tried my best to ease your suffering.

Poor, poor Fluttershy! How you’ve suffered! No pony could dream of taking on the enormous burden you have. Yet you did not complain!

You struggled on, my little pony, and you held your head high through all of it. I was so proud of you on hearing that you faced down a dragon! I wept with you when you said good bye to the breezies.

After every trial and tribulation you grew, Fluttershy. You grew, and my love for you grew as well.

I know not what the future holds, my love, nor do I wish to. Our time together is very short. I shall remain, alone and forgotten, long after you have ceased your last breath.

The world will move on. Fillies and colts will wither and die; new ponies will be born to take their place. Foals will enter this world kicking and screaming, and the aged will leave with scarcely a whimper.

Dear Fluttershy! I do not want to live in a world without you! Without your gentle kindness, your generous heart. How do I go on knowing that I will never be able to gaze onto the face of an angel when you have passed?

Had I the power I would make you immortal! A golden light to shine down on this world! A beacon of hope for all souls, that they may know kindness, and love.

Shine, my garden of love! Spread your joy and happiness forever!

I look down on my love, and I am once again rendered speechless. Her soft, voluminous mane covers her face, and I desperately yearn to brush it away. No hair, or blemish, or mask should ever hide that sweet, beautiful smile from the world; nor her caring blue eyes.

Her eyes!

Her eyes are open and she’s staring right at me!

How could I have not noticed? I’m so stupid!

I keep myself as still as possible. She’s blinking a few times, and it looks like her eyes are trying to get adjusted to the small amount of light leaking in through the window.

I’m frantically scanning through my brain, trying desperately to come up with something to keep her from spotting me. From discovering that her guardian angel watched her sleep. Oh Sweet Celestia, what a fool I was!

A silent padding coming into the room saves me from discovery. Fluttershy turns her head at the sound, and she sits up quickly.

I can see the concern in her eyes, and I want nothing more than to reach out and comfort her; to let her know it’s going to be alright. That I’m here for her, no matter what.

But I don’t. It’s not what my destiny holds. I can’t reach out and comfort her no more than I could raise the sun.

As the small, white bunny bounds onto the bed, I watch her cringe, pulling the blankets up to her face. After a moment’s pause, she relaxes as she can now make out the small shape of her pet rabbit sitting on the bed. His body trembled in the moonlight, and he tentatively approached the now calm mare.

“Oh Angel Bunny! Did you have a nightmare again?”

Oh that voice! The finest choirs throughout all Equestria were as nails on a chalkboard to her sweet voice!

Silently, the rabbit nodded, and made his way to the top of the comforter. He inched ever closer to that beautiful pegasus, and stopped. In the darkness he turned towards me, and with an accusatory finger drew her attention to my silent form.

I watched her fumble around in the darkness, reaching out towards my position. I dare not move for fear of causing panic, and I shook when her hoof finally touched me.

Such gentleness! Even for some pony who must be afraid as she was, her soft, gentle caress was everything I hoped it could be! I cared not for being discovered; I was finally in the loving embrace of my mare!

I felt heat rise in me; a fiery passion I had experienced before, but never quite this intense. My love burst forth in a blaze of glory, shattering the darkness and bathing my golden goddess in a glow.

“Don’t worry, Angel. Mr. Lamp will keep us safe tonight.”

So I shall, my love. So I shall.

Author's Note:

So this was going to be a short one shot to get my mind off of things, but I had a little too much fun with this.

So an idea hit me for part two, and I couldn't resist.
