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Chapter 5: Graveyard of The Forgotten

Forsaken Forest -- Outskirts of the Forgotten's Graveyard -- Day 4

"This place sure is creepy...", Rarity said lowly, looking around her surroundings.

Around the entire group were very large, blackened, trees; drooping with many willow-whips and dying flowers. Along with that, the roots seemed to grow in only one direction: Towards the gate of the Graveyard.

"I.. C-couldn't.. Agree more!", Fluttershy said, shaking behing the Wario Brothers.

"Pfft. Me and Waluigi always go to spooky places. This is nothin'!", Wario said. His brother slapped him on the head.

"Waluigi and I, Wario..", Wario rolled his eyes as Waluigi told him this.

"Well, the only way out of the forest is through this graveyard. I'm sure if we just respect the dead and stay on the path, we'll be fine.", Twilight said, shakily, and slowly started to proceed through the gates.

"Yeah, girls, it's not that bad if we stick together.", Shadowflash said, proceeding behind Twilight.

Rainbow Dash soon followed, then Fluttershy, then Rarity, then the Wario Brothers, then Pinkie Pie -- with an obvious hop -- and then Applejack.

"Remember that song we had in the Everfree Forest, girls?", Pinkie Pie said, hopping forward with a large smile.

"Oh, yeah!", Fluttershy smiled, looking at Pinkie Pie.

"When I was a little filly and the sun was going down..", Pinkie started to sing with joy.

"I'd hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw", Twilight continued in a light toned voice.

"But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way; to deal with fears at all!", Pinkie Pie was now staring at the Graveyard of The Forgotten.

"She said: Pinkie, you got to stand up tall, learn to face your fears! You'll see, they can't hurt you at all, you just have to laugh to make them disappear!", Everypony, excluding the Wario Brothers, started to sing.

"GAH! I can't take it anymore! Shut up!", a loud voice called. Everyone hushed their song.

"You're singing has woken my eternal slumber! I'm trying to sleep, can't you see!?", a large, black, figure slowly walked through the gates of the graveyard.

Everypony was backing up in fear.

"I mean, you're good, but this is my home! Not a theatre!", as the figure went into, what there was of, the light, it had many distinct features.

First, his eyes were completely gone. Blackened soles in the sockets.

Second, his fore and rearlimbs were only bones.

Third, his mane was made up of cobwebs and rotted flesh.

Finally, he wore a large skull and crossbones symbol around his chest.

"W-we're s-s-sorry .. S-s-sir!", Twilight said, shaking as she saw all these features. The same was said for everypony else. Except the Brothers.

"Gah! Sorry isn't good enough! I'll have to show you a thing or two about sleeping! Don't you realise who I am?!", The 'skeletal' pony spoke in a, now, loud and booming voice.

"N-n-no!", Everypon cued in unison.

"I am The Fear! I sleep in this graveyard to make sure all those who visit have a little 'scare' when they arrive. But you idiots decide to 'sing'! So, I'm going to have to show you a lesson or two about waking dead.", With that, The Fear stamped his hooves onto the ground and it started to wrap around him

The rotted dirt and grass wrapped around his fore and rearlimbs, slowly sinking in, as if it was acting as skin. As this took place, his eye sockets started to glow a blood red colour. Large, jutting, spikes grew where his mane once was and the rotted ground finished forming around him.

"I will show you true annoyance, you fools!", The Fear said, in a low, demonic-like, voice.

"Wario, Waluigi, do something!", Twilight looked back at them. They stared at The Fear; trying to recall how they defeated something that couldn't die.

Dragon's Peak -- Unknown area -- Day 4

"So, Princess Celestia, what do you think your 'subjects' could possibly do to defeat me?", Clairvoyance asked as he looked through the large barriers.

"They'll use something you haven't thought of.", Celestia said calmly.

"Oh?.. Heh.. Funny.. I know what they're going to do..", Clairvoyance retorted.

"They're going to use humans to their advantage! Well, it won't work! Hahahahaha! I have already predicted their flaws. They'll die at the Graveyard of The Forgotten. Where my beautiful stallion, The Fear, will take care of them! Ohhh..! I can already hear their screams of terror!", Clairvoyance laughed as his shadowy figure turned about.

"I think you're wrong, Clairvoyance. In fact, I think they'll defeat them. Once they reach here, they'll send you to the moon. Or even better, banishment to the sun.", Celestia smiled cunningly.

"Bah! You're no fun, Celestia. Can't you ever enjoy life? Banishment to the sun is a little.. Over-rated, anyways. I prefer ruling your kingdom. Besides..", Clairvoyance moved closer to the barrier. Celestia could see his bright yellow eyes.

"You can't break out of that little cell..", Clairvoyance laughed loudly. It echoed throughout the 'cave' that they were in.

The Graveyard of The Forgotten -- Main Gate -- Day 4

"Wario, Waluigi, do something!", Twilight looked back at them. They stared at The Fear; trying to recall how they defeated something that couldn't die.

"Ha! You can't do anything. Giggle at this, pink one.", The Fear stared directly into Pinkie's eyes. Her face flushed red as she continued to stare into those soulless pits.

Memories of her childhood came to her. The moments of happiness and prosperity. It made her want to laugh. But, then, she noticed something. A large, headless, stallion. The stallion was roaring with anger and rage. This overcame Pinkie's ability to comprehend anything.

"GaaaaH!", Pinkie fell to the ground, trying to hide from something that wasn't there. She wouldn't budge for a second.

"Gahahaha! Who's next?", The Fear stamped over to Shadowflash.

"Nice, try, Fear.", Shadowflash darted in the air above him, looking away.

"Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.", Shadowflash laughed.

"You really think I can only do that, Blitzy?", The Fear grimaced.

The spikes that replaced Fear's mane jutted out further, revealing tentacles that held them down. They rocketed towards Shadowflash and wrapped around him; putting in the viper hold.

"Ack!", Shadowflash was pulled close to The Fear. Shadowflash closed his eyes, but the pressure of the grip made him stare into the gleaming red sockets.

He saw memories of the bullies back at the Academy. They were pushing him into lockers and beating him up. He was flooded with memories of the day at Cloudsdale; when all the fears of failing were once accommodated.

The viper hold was let go as he went into fettle position and hid from things that weren't there.

One by one, The Fear did this to everypony. The last two left were Waluigi and Wario.

"Now, then, you two.. I think I have something impressive for you..", The Fear's spikes dug into the ground, raising him into the air.

"Nothing will stop Clairvoyance. You'll fail your objective. Now then.. Hold still and this won't hurt.", The Fear slowly started to charge a black ball of light between his forehooves.

The black ball started to static into his palette bones, deep, up into his neck.

"Waluigi! The tennis racket!", Wario flipped open his saddle bag to reveal the tennis racket. They always like amusement when they travel. Before they left Ponyville, they got a tennis racket from Twilight.

"YEAH!", Waluigi grabbed it with his mouth, holding it firmly.

"A tennis racket?! Bahahahaha! That's rich!..", The Fear's ball of dark energy reached the size of a mini-van's tire.

"Time to die!", with that, The Fear launched the ball forward with amazing force.

The ball of darkness flew with increasing velocity and Waluigi readied himself. Flashbacks of playing tennis entered his mind. The epicness of defeating the Mario brothers and earning a gold medal. The awesomeness of becoming a champion and being cheered on by everyone in the crowds of the stadium. This built his adrenaline, and as the ball finally came to his racket, he swung.

The racket forcefully shot the ball right back at The Fear. It hit him directly in the face.

"GAH!", the ball of darkness warped around his face. Turning white.

"No!! This can't be happening!.. NO!!", The Fear dropped to the ground as his tentacles turned into ash.

The, now white, ball surged through his body, making him slowly glow.

"No!! I.. My.. Clairvoyance! Sa--", but, before he could finish, he exploded into a radiant rainbow; surging colour throughout the graveyard and forest.

Dragon's Peak -- Unknown area -- Day 4

"Clairvoyance, you're a nuisance, you know that.", Celestia stared into Clairvoyance's yellow eyes.

"Oh, yes, I know. It's fun. I'm sure Discord had a good laugh when he wrecked Equestria. I would too.", Clairvoyance chuckled.

"Now, the real question is, may I marry Luna? I thought she was the cuter of you two. She is quite dashing with her.. What was it.. Old English?", Clairvoyance inquired.

"Very funny. I don't think you'll lay a hoof on her.", Celestia replied in a strict, mother-like, tone.

"Oh, sorry, mommy. Didn't realise I couldn't date somepony.", Clairvoyance laughed again.

"You don't realise everything you're doing, do you? All of Equestria will suffer catastrophic events that will change the weather patterns. We could enter another ice age.", Celestia said with concern in her voice.

"Oh, I do realise that. But, I'm literally dead anyways. So, why not take down the rest of Equestria with me?", Clairvoyance snarled.

"Grr.. Clairvoyance, when I ge--", but, before Celestia could finish, a loud noise was echoed into the cave.

"Hmm?", Clairvoyance ran into the darkest of darkness. As he did this, a bright rainbow shot throughout the cave, blinding Celestia and Clairvoyance.

"GAH! What is this?!", Clairvoyance yelled as he moved back to the cage.

"Looks like Fear was defeated.", Celestia laughed lowly.

"GRRRR!", Clairvoyance hissed.

The Graveyard of The Forgotten -- Exit Gate -- Day 4

"We're sorry we couldn't stand up to him, Wario and Waluigi. All those memories.. They.. It was horrible. But.. How'd you defeat him?", Twilight apologized, and then inquired the Brothers.

"Tennis.", Waluigi answered.

"Tennis?", Twilight asked.

"Yup. Tennis. I smacked that ball that he threw and it hit him in the face. Then rainbows shot out of him.", Waluigi smiled with an evilish grin.

"Guess that racket came in hoofy after all.", Twilight smiled.

"Yes, yes, now let's leave before more freaky zombie ponies show up!", Rarity pushed the entire group out of the Graveyard and into the grassy/snowy outcrops.