• Published 18th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 10 Comments

my dear Carla - GamingBrony101

can a pony and a changeling really get along?

  • ...


Watchman gained consciousness, barely being able to open his eyes at the sight before him. He was fully awakened by a hoof to the face, knocking his head to the side. He was bound in chains to a chair, struggling to break free. His struggles were met by another hoof to the face.

''Stop struggling or i'll give you a reason to squirm!'' Commanded a gruff voice. Watchman looked up, meeting his gaze with the muscular changeling glaring at him with it's uncaring, unsympathetic malice filled eyes. It's eyes glowed bright green as it spoke in an aggressive tone. ''I'll ask you one, last, time.'' Watchman looked at him blankly. ''Where are you holding the rest of our men?!'' the changeling demanded. Watchman spat at him

''Even if i knew, you think i'd tell you?!'' Watchman answered, giving the changeling his most intimidating face.

''Bring in the blade!'' The changeling screeched. Within seconds another changeling came in carrying a jagged, rusted knife using his magic. The changeling snatched the blade and lowered it to Watchman's throat. ''This is your last chance'' the changeling hissed. Watchman glared back.

''You don't have the balls''. With lightning fast movements the changeling rammed the blade into watchman's rear leg, causing Watchman to scream in pain but he silenced himself quickly, shouting through gritted teeth.

''It'll only get worse!'' The changeling laughed as he slowly drew the knife out, making sure watchman was in the most amount of pain possible. Watchman winced in pain but tried to keep silent. ''I'll tell you what, you have one more day, after that, you die!'' The changeling exclaimed as he knocked Watchman out. He'd been in this prison for how long again? Days? Weeks? Months? He could no longer remember.
Watchman was awoken by the soft voice of another pony telling him to wake up.

''Hey!'' ''Hey you!" The voice echoed in his mind as he attempted to get to his hooves, but stumbled due to the injury in his rear leg.''Damn it!'' He heard the voice exclaim quietly. ''Alright, come to me and i'll help you out''. Watchman sat there for a moment, before asking

''Who are you?"

"A friend" Replied the soft voice. Watchman came to the conclusion the voice was female and began dragging himself to the cell door. "Quiet! We don't want them to hear us!" The voice whispered. Watchman heard the cell door creak open slowly and felt a hoof on his shoulder.
"Come on! Hurry up!" The voice commanded quietly. Watchman looked up as he lent on his savior's shoulder. She had a yellow coat, green eyes complete with a green mane and tail. ''Names...Carla'' She said slowly.
"I assume you're Watchman?" Watchman nodded his head as they slowly began walking through the cell blocks.
"Don't worry about the guards, all of them are busy outside doing drill practice". Watchman nodded, not sure if he should ether speak up or stay quiet. Soon enough they made it out of the prison and Carla went off to fetch a cart. Watchman climbed into the back of the cart, resting on the hay laid out as Carla dragged it along. For the first time in weeks, Watchman could rest easy.
Watchman awoke to the feeling of being touched, he started to move but Carla's voice stopped him.

"Easy, easy. Just checking you over". Watchman relaxed, wondering who Carla was, how she knew his name, or what it was she wanted. She clearly knew where and how to find him. His thoughts were interrupted by Carla's voice. "You seem to be in good health, but with that nasty stab wound you won't be going anywhere." Watchman looked at her as she walked away. Her cutie mark was that of a disguise mask. He was wondering how she could have got that when suddenly she turned back around with some brandy and bandages. "It's not the best but i need to disinfect that wound and bandage it up." Watchman finally spoke up.

"Who are you exactly? How did you know where to find me?" Watchman asked in a gruff tone.

"Oh i er....was keeping a close eye on the prison" She finished slowly. Watchman gave her a suspicious look, tilting his head.

"Who exactly are you working for?" Watchman asked inquiringly.

"The royal guard of course." She answered quickly.

"In what regimen-aaaaarghh!" Watchman shouted as the feeling of brandy followed by bandages on his knife wound.

"Sorry. you were saying?" Apologized Carla

"In a regiment?" asked Watchman, looking into Carla's eyes for signs of lying.

"Er..yes" Stuttered Carla

"Who is your commander?" Watchman asked in a dull tone.

"Shining armor?" Carla answered looking nervous. Watchman looked deep into Carla's eyes before speaking in an aggressive tone.

"Shining armor isn't a commander" Watchman said as he lent in. "He's the captain of the guard" Carla looked anxious, her eyes darted around the room. Then she made a mistake. she used her magic to lift a lamp up gently, with the intent of knocking out Watchman with it. To her horror, her use of magic had made her eyes glow green. Emerald green. Changeling green. Watchman tried to tackle her but his injured leg stopped him. Carla recoiled backwards and struck Watchman with the lamp on the back of his head. Watchman fell to the ground, with his consciousness drifting away. The last thing he remembered was a flash of green and a voice say

"I'm sorry".

Watchman awoke on a bed, with his forelegs and hind legs bound, and a cloth over his mouth. Carla walked in, not even bothering to hide the fact she was a changeling. She looked at watchman through her captivating emerald eyes, with the light of a different lamp shining off of her black carapace, her insect-like wings were pressed flat on her back.
"Hey" she said slowly as she stalked into the room. "I just want to explain myself, then i'll take the rag out of your mouth. Okay?" Watchman growled through the rag. Carla began her explanation. "I hate this war. I never did agree with what our two species do to each other, because now all we know is genocide." Watchman didn't move, only stare at her with an intimidating look. "I couldn't stand them torturing you, so i had to step in." Watchman's gaze became less aggressive as she continued. "I'm sick and tired of every pony thinking changelings are heartless, love thieving monsters!" Carla shouted, a saddened look on her face. "all we ever do is fight each other, and i can't stand it. So i'm going to prove we can get along as a species." She looked at Watchman, who was now laying on his side, a thoughtful look on his face as he watched her. Carla moved onto the bed and pulled the rag out of watchman's mouth. At first, watchman didn't move. Instead look at her with questions gathering in his mind.

"How can you expect the deeds of the few to outweigh the deeds of the many?" asked Watchman.

"The same i hope the few will not be held responsible for the deeds of the many" answered Carla.

"So why do you hope for your deeds to change our view on your species?" Questioned Watchman

"I'm working on that, but first, i need one of you to trust me" Replied Carla.

"I'm guessing i'm that one?" Quizzed Watchman

"yeah" confirmed Carla.

"how do you expect to gain my trust?" Asked Watchman

"I don't expect anything from you, i only want you to listen." answered Carla.

Watchman sighed. "I may not understand why you helped me, but if you are willing to do good then i'll help." Watchman continued. "But first, let me free" Carla looked at him with suspicious eyes, but then decided he meant no harm. She put him on his stomach and undid the bindings on his forelegs, pinning him down with her weight as she did so.

"Promise me you won't go crazy?" Carla asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"I won't, i promise"

Watchman answered calmly. Carla put less weight on him as she undid the bindings on his rear legs and slowly eased the weight off of his back.

"Easy big guy" she remarked as she got off of him. Watchman rolled onto his back and got a clear look at Carla. Her eyes were naturally captivating, as changelings needed to have hypnotic eyes to put their prey in a trance. Carla blinked at him. "see something you like?" Carla asked in a teasing manner.

"No i just..." stammered Watchman.

"Just what?" said Carla in questioning manner.

"Never mind" Watchman replied quickly. Carla gave him a kind smile before saying

"I guess i forget what it is i do" Carla sighed, looking at the blue eyed white coated stallion on her bed, his blue mane and tail shimmering in the light. for an earth pony, he was quite handsome in appearance. Watchman chuckled quietly

"I've never looked a changeling in the eyes before." said Watchman.

"Probably because if you did you'd become hypnotized!" Chuckled Carla in return.
"So why did you join the royal guard?" Carla questioned. It was her turn to interrogate now.

"I joined the guard because Equestria needs soldiers. With the threat of a war rising we need every available pony to rally under the flag." answered Watchman.

"So how did you end up in that prison in the first place?" quizzed Carla, with a confused look on her face.

"I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. We were patrolling east of a town called Ponyville when we were ambushed by some changeling drones. We put up as good of a fight as we could, but all of us were killed with the exception of me". answered Watchman

"And they tortured you?" Carla asked in a sad tone

"Yes. They thought i knew where some of their men were." replied Watchman

"And did you?" Carla questioned, looking up from her Hooves.

"no. but they didn't care did they? they just wanted me to die slowly." Watchman answered in a clearly angered tone.

"I'm....sorry." whispered Carla softly.

"Don't be. If it wasn't for you i would be dead." replied Watchman, in a calmer tone.

Watchman sat up on the bed and winced due to the pain in his leg.

"Easy there big guy, you still can't walk on your own. It'll heal in a few weeks." Carla placed a foreleg on his chest, gently pulling him back down.

"Well what do you expect me to do? I need to get back to Canterlot!" Asked Watchman.

"Relax until it heals" Answered Carla in a matter of fact tone.

"What do you just expect me to lay here?" Watchman said in an agitated tone of voice.

"Mostly, yeah." Replied Carla.

"You can't be serious!" Exclaimed Watchman as he sat up. Carla went in front of him and pushed him back down, pinning him down with her weight.

"Look, i know this might be a problem for you but please just relax for a few days? Then you can move about.'' She noticed Watchman was staring into her eyes blankly. Temptation flooded through her to kiss him, but she knew what would happen. She knew if she did she wouldn't be able to....stop herself. ''But he's so laid back, and he kind of does owe me something in retur-stop it now" she thought to herself. ''Just a...a little nibble....." she thought to herself as she had Watchman in a trance. She lent down and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Immediately she felt his strength flow into her as she kept kissing. Her mind wanted to stop, but her body didn't. She kissed more passionately as she felt more of his strength flow into her, using her tongue to explore his mouth. The two of them lay there, kissing for a while, before Carla came to her senses. She broke the kiss, a trail of saliva between their lips, panting with pleasure. She wiped away the saliva as Watchman came to his senses.

"Wh...what happened?" Watchman spoke slowly, looking around himself. "Why are you on top of me?" Watchman said with a hint of worry in his voice. Carla's eyes were glowing brightly, her carapace was shimmering.

"I...i did what a changeling does best." She said in a sorrowful tone. "I was so hungry, and you were so willing i...just lost control" She finished. Watchman looked at her with caring eyes.

"It's alright" he said. "I don't mind."

"You...you don't?" Asked Carla, partially surprised.

"No. if you need to feed, go ahead." Said watchman in a caring tone.

"You're sure? I don't want to hurt you is all" Replied Carla in a worried tone.

"Carla if you need to then go ahead. I'll give you a heads up if i start to feel off." Concluded Watchman.

"Okay then..here we go." Whispered Carla as the kiss resumed. The kiss became more and more passionate and eventually watchman began to run his hands down Carla's back, feeling her carapace. She moaned into his mouth as she in return began to lock her tongue with his. The two battled but eventually watchman gave in, allowing Carla full access to his mouth. He felt her hips tighten around his as pleasure shot up his spine. Carla was using her weight to make sure watchman couldn't get on top, even though he was sure he didn't want to. Carla broke the kiss, panting. "I..love...you..." She whispered into his ear, nuzzling his neck.

"I love you too" whispered watchman as they both lay there for a while, before falling asleep in each others embrace.

Author's Note:

this is my first fanfiction so any honest opinions are welcome