• Published 16th Apr 2012
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The Invention of The Wand - CoconutSwirl

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Chapter 1 [Impossible is Only a Word]

[First Pony]

As I put down my saddle bags that I dragged with me, I looked around the smaller room of my two roomed tree house. It isn’t exactly roomy as it could barely hold more than 10 ponies in it. And that’s if you had them all piled on top of each other. Its main purpose is to great any visitor I get, like I get visitors HA, so it’s not used often. The only real thing in the room is the door.

I picked a few things out of my bag. “One, phoenix feather… one litre of liquefied rainbow… urgh…” I think I’m going to be sick. “A unicorn’s horn and a string of wax.” I checked off my mental list. To be honest I didn’t think I would find a horn and I thought I’d have to kill for it but, my contacts caught wind of a recent dead unicorn and all I had to do was snatch the horn from the coffin and make a run for it.

I put these things on my back and left the bag by the door. I trotted over to a hole in the corner of the room and I jumped through it landing in my basement. Even though I don’t fly often wings are useful because if I were to use this kind of transport in my house without them the glass containing liquefied rainbow would’ve smashed on my back. But it only cracked slightly.

After recovering from the small fall I trotted carefully over to a workbench with a blueprint attached to the wall behind it and set down all my things so I could get to work straight away. I pulled out a steel frame from under the bench and placed it to the left of where I was working. “That’s for later.” I told myself.

I picked up the unicorn horn and placed it in the middle of the bench. “Now to drill a thin cylinder through it.” I seem to like talking to myself… maybe I’m just a bit of a loner? I shook my head. “Stop thinking of irrelevant stuff Coco or you’re going to ruin a chance to prove those sons of horse’s wrong.”

I pulled out a manual drill, because I’m not a unicorn I can’t get a magical one, and a metal clasp. I set up the clasp and put the horn in to that it was horizontal and pointing the opposite way away from me. Without a second thought I grabbed the drill and place in in the centre that I marked with a piece of lead. While I held the drill in place with my right hoof I reached over the bench to a hammer that was hanging on the wall, once I had the hammer in my left hoof I smashed the drill into the horn.

The drill made a satisfying crack, reminds me of when you stretch in the morning and you crack your bones, I looked at the drill and saw that it had gone in a couple millimetres maybe even a centimetre. I nodded for whatever purpose it does and put the hammer back to I could free my left hoof. With my left hoof I put it next to my right hoof to support the drill as I use my mouth to twist it so that I made a long clear cylindrical cut in the horn.

The horn was about the size of Princess Celestia’s own so naturally I wasn’t surprised when the drill stops pushing in because it hit the handle, and I still wasn’t all the way through. No matter though. I remove the drill and put it to the side, picking up the string of wax and the phoenix feather that I collected from Ponyville one morning, it was literally just lying there waiting to be picked up.

As I place the two items in the middle of the bench I notice that there were wooden shavings that weren’t there previously. “How odd…” I said. Brushing the shavings aside I placed down the two items with the phoenix feather underneath the wax so that the feather would wrap around it creating a cocoon for the wax.

This didn’t work out very well as the feather would keep unfolding and ruining the cocoon. I knew this would happen and it’s exactly why I bought the liquefied rainbow, it’s so delicate yet so sticky so it won’t break the wax or the feather, and rainbow has, magical properties so maybe it will help transfer the magical energy from my body into the horn.

My plan was to get a connection going on from my body to this horn so I could then use it as my own. The exact reason for the steel frame was so it would hold the horn to my head while the rainbow had dried. That’s if the horn will even respond to my will.

The light Celestia’s sun produced was now fading as it made way for Luna’s beautiful moon. I have to admit that I seem to have a thing for blue mares. Don’t know why though I just seem to be drawn to blue.

I pressed a button on the wall and the sound of a rock hitting a piece of metal resonated throughout the room. Damn it… I went for the button again, but this time I slammed the button with my hoof really hard. The same sound resonated through the room again but this time a candle flickered on.

Yea I bet I impressed you there, a button connected to a piece of flint smashing against steel to create a spark onto a candle I place there, one of my first inventions for my family which was stolen.

With new light I continued with my project. I grabbed the rainbow and poured it over the phoenix feather, which then folded into a cocoon all on its own. Smiling I picked up the very end of the cocooned wax and slid it into the horn… kind of dirty isn’t it? *SLAP* I hit my self with my left hoof. “Snap out of it Coco FOCUS!!” I yelled at myself as I slid the wax all the way in.

When the whole thing was in I looked at my hoofiwork and just before I was about to take it out and prop in onto my head the horn started to glow a bright pink and sealed up the hole in its base. “SHIT!” I ripped the horn out of the clasp and propped it on my head and did what the book on unicorn magic told me to do. A simple magical energy discharge spell.

As I held it there with my eyes shut I started to think all of this was a waste of time, until… Nothing. Nothing happen at all. Except… “GAH STUPID UNICORNS WERE RIGHT!” I Yelled and threw the horn over to the wall where it smashed and I trotted to my bed which was only a few metres away and I picked up a tennis ball I found and threw it at the candle out of anger.

The ball smashed the candle out, but not before smashing the glass of liquefied rainbow and spilling it all over the place. “Ah stupid ball doing shit I don’t care about.” I mumbled as I close my eyes and drifted into an angry sleep.

[Third Pony]

As Coconut’s Blood boiled and he though there was no hope in a Pegasus doing magic, the horn that he smash, glowed throughout the night and in the morning Swirl will find that sometimes, destruction is the pathway to construction.