• Published 10th Aug 2014
  • 351 Views, 0 Comments

Dreaming Stars - FallingBlood

The life of Scout Sparkle and her friend Silver Dash. (This story is my little pony in the distant future.)

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Dreaming Stars

A mare's voice comes out of no where. "Do you ever get that feeling no matter how much you try that things will never go the way you want it?" The darkness turns too light revealing a young earth pony, her coat lightish blue, her mane and tail metallic silver, with a black ring around her neck. She is writing in her diary, laying on her bed. "I mean I've always tried my best but there were always consequences that never fancied me. Why can't one little thing go my way? Like how come I don't have my cutie mark? Don't I deserve one? Why do all my friends have one?" She sighs as she continues too write. "Maybe it's just me, but I know if I tried even more harder I can make my dream come true and find my special talent! Well anyway thanks for listening. Love, Scout Sparkle." She slowly closes her diary, putting it in her secret hiding place.

Her mother yells at her. "Scout! It's time for you to go to school, you don't want to be late on the first day do you?"

Scout groans from the idea of going back too school. She made her way too the kitchen where a purple alicorn was making her breakfast.

Her mother noticed her entering the kitchen. "Oh finally you're out of bed. I made you some toast, I have your saddle bag prepped and ready to go." Her mother kept yammering on and on, Scout just started eating her toast and not pay attention to her mother. "Scout? Scout!" Her mother yelled at her. "Were you even paying attention?" She asked.

"Mhmm." Scout responded still not paying attention. Her mother looked at the clock.

"Oh my, Scout look at the time. You're going to have too leave now if you're gonna make it too school."

Scout actual listened to her for once. "Alright mom." She grabbed her saddle bags and walked out the door.

Her mom yells "Good bye honey, have a good day at school."

Scout yells back. "Thanks mom, good bye." Scout makes her way on the dirt road too school.

Later, Scout finally arrives at school where she meets her friend a white Pegasus by the name of Silver Dash, her hair multi color like her mother's.

"Scout!!" Silver yells hugging her best friend.

"It's nice too see you again too, Silver." Scout says almost under her breath as she continues to be constricted by Silver's strength. "Silver, could... you... release.. me..?" Scout managed too get the words out.

"Hmm? Oh yea, sorry I forgot how fragile you are, Scout." Silver released her grip. "Soo, what did you do all summer?" Silver asked Scout very curious.

"Nothing, nothing at all..." Scout replied too the question. "What about you?"

Silver smiled. "Well of course I was in the Wonder Bolts summer training camp." She pulled out a badge that was given too her by the Captain who had been over the training. "As you can see I was rewarded for my flying talents." Silver had earned her cutie mark way before the summer.

"Ugh!" Scout groans. "Again with the cutie marks!" She slightly yells, aggravated.

"Oh I'm sor-" Silver was interrupted.

"It's alright, let's go inside before the bell rings. M'kay?" Scout suggested.

"Yea okay." Silver responded, as they walk in they schoolhouse.

The bell rings, the wedded Cherilee in a merry voice says. "Welcome class, I hope you're all as excited of the new school year as I am!" With a smile of excitement, she announces her new assistant teacher. "I am really excited for my new helper this year an old student of mine, Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom walked in the class room, she no longer has that big bow in her mane. Instead she has two ribbons near the tips off her pony tails. "Howdy, ya'll ah'm really glad to help mah old teacher, and really lookin forward ta helping every one of ya." Apple Bloom gave a warming smile. "Oh and ya'll can call me Ms. Bloom." She added.

Finally the clock struck three, the last bell of the day rang and Scout and Silver walk to Scout's house. "Mrs. Cherilee and Ms. Bloom seems really nice don't you think so?" Scout asked Silver.

"Yea, I really like Ms. Bloom she seems really cool." Silver agreed with Scout.

As they make their way to Scout's home, they were rudely stopped by the meanest, cruelest, and most spiteful pony in class, Diamond Jewel. Her coat is bright pink, her mane and tail is the shade of diamond blue, her cutie mark is just a green dollar sign on top a brown sack like her grandfather Filthy Rich.

"What are you doing on my road?" She said in a extremely snobby voice.

"It's not your road, Jewel!!" Silver snapped at her. "

I wasn't talking about you. I was talking too the blank flank next too you." She snorted laughing.

"You leave Scout alone, Jewel!" Silver growled.

"And you can stay out of my business rainbow hair." Jewel says thinking it would insult Silver.

"So what if I have rainbow hair? My mom has it." Silver becoming aggravated.

"Your mom? Oh you mean Rainbow Dash. That right?" Jewel glared.

"Yes, do you have a problem about it?" Silver more aggravated.

"I might, but what do you care?" Jewel said in a sarcastic tone.

"Come on Silver, let's go before something happens." Scout tugs on her front hoof.

"Alright Scout." Silver agrees with Scout, they both go on their way.

"That's right run away blank flank!" Jewel yelled at the top of her lungs. It bugged Scout but she didn't want no more to do with Jewel. The ponies continue their route to Scouts house.

They arrive to the house, Scout opens the door. "I'm home mom!" She yelled through the house, there was no answer.

Silver spoke up. "Scout is your mom home?" Asked the clueless mare.

"She's probably in the upstair library." Scout responded.

Silver looked confused. "Upstair library?"

Scout sighed. "Yes mom really likes too read." She sits her saddle bag next too the front door, Silver does the same.

"I still can't believe your mom is Princess Twilight Sparkle." Silver exclaimed.

"Yea, just cause she's a princess doesn't mean she's any different than any other pony." Scout said too Silver the same as she did countless times before.

"You're right, just another everyday pony like everypony else." Silver said pretty much mimicking her.

Scout plops down on the couch. "Home five minutes and I'm already bored!" She said in a throw pillow.

"Wanna go outside and do something?" Silver suggested.

"It's suppose to rain this evening remember?" Scout crushing Silver's friendly idea.

"How about we go read the latest Daring Do books?" She has another good suggesting.

"I'm not a big reader, but you go ahead mom has two copies of each book." Scout said not interested in reading.

"Nevermind then, mom and I were planning too read it this weekend." Silver remembered. "Scout are you feeling alright?" She said concerned for her friend.

"I'm just not in the mood to do anything, I guess." Scout replied. "I think its because of what Diamond Jewel said..." Burying her face in the throw pillow.

"Scout don't worry about her. She's just a bully bent on making anypony she can feel bad about themselves, so she can make herself feel better about her snobby life." Silver said trying too comfort her friend.

"Yea you're right." Scout smiled coming out of the pillow. "There is no reason too let it get to me."

A little later, the clock strikes six and the sky starts too darken cause of the thunderstorm that is too come. "Good thing I'm staying here for the night." Silver said happily. "I would of been drenched from the rain."

Scout laughs. "Yea you would of."

Twilight comes in the living room with a tray of sandwiches. "It looks like its gonna be a doosy out there." She sat the tray on the coffee table. "Dig in girls there's plenty." She said sitting on the love seat across from the girls. "How was school today?"

Scout replied. "It was awesome Mrs. Cherilee has a new helper Apple bloom." She said excited for the new teacher.

"Well she told us too call her Ms. Bloom." Silver added.

"Oh yea and on the way home we were being bullied by Diamond Jewel." Scout said after thinking about what else happened today.

"Oh my, well I'm going too talk too Mrs. Cherilee tomorrow. I hope she didn't bother you two too bad." Twilight said concerned.

"No not too bad." Both Silver and Scout said.

"Well, it's to good remember sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Advice that Scout and Silver will remember. "Thanks mom." Scout hugs Twilight.

"Yea, thank Princess Twilight." Silver said.

"Well it's starting too get late girls time for bed." Twilight hugs Scout and kisses her on the forehead. "Good night girls." She said.

"Good night mom." Scout said back too Twilight.

"Good night Princess." Silver said back as well. The girls head too Scout's bedroom and call it a night.

Author's Note:

A new chapter every Saturday or Sunday.

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