• Published 8th Aug 2014
  • 486 Views, 2 Comments

Meeting the lord of the Eternal Realm - The Red Chronicler

Introducing another one of my characters that I have yet to write who gets a visit from everypony who comes to his home dimension and total randomness ensues.

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Ch2 AppleJack

Ch 2 AppleJack

AppleJack made her way over to the library to visit her friend Twilight. But when she entered into the library, she saw Twilight mulling over some strange crystal that was sitting at her desk. The farm pony was not sure what her friend was doing but was certain that whatever it is, her friend would be obsessing over it day in and day out.

“Howdy Twi,” AppleJack said, startling the mare into almost dropping the mysterious crystal onto the ground.

“Whaaaaa… oh AppleJack it’s you. You startled me.”

“Sorry sugarcube, what is that yer messing with there?” AppleJack asked, curious as to what was so interesting about a simple crystal. But as she took a closer look, she noticed that it was much different than other gems that she was used to seeing. In fact, she never recalled ever seeing a crystal that appeared to have what looked like a large cluster of stars in the form of a galaxy.

“Oh, this little thing, well to make a long story short I may have stumbled upon an entrance way to another dimension, and the guardians there aren’t that threatening. Anyway one of them allowed me to study this crystal, he said that it was called a transdimensional warp crystal, or TWC for short. And by the way, the one I talked to is a biped who calls himself Lord Eternis and his companion is some sort of dragon bearing the same name as him, though without the ‘Lord’ part. And the place was amazing, it was a dimension that went on forever and mrfff…” Twilight muffled as she was interrupted by AppleJack placing her hoof to her friend’s mouth so she could think strait and stop the mare from rambling.

“Sorry Twi, as interesting as it sounds ah think ya may have lost it there.”

Twilight shoved AJ’s hoof away from her face and replied, “Well sorry, but you’ll believe me when you suddenly find a white door standing in the middle of nowhere where it shouldn’t belong. And how do you explain where I got this crystal from. I still haven’t figured out how it works and Spike had suggested me to give it to Pinkie Pie. But I have an odd feeling that it might be a really bad idea. By the way what brings you here? You don’t normally visit me unless it’s important.”

AppleJack sighed, “Yes sugarcube, it is important. You’ve been locked up in your home for at least three days and all your friends are worried about you.”

“Oh, has it been three days, I’m sooo sorry. I guess this crystal had taken up much of my time and I didn’t realize, despite the fact that it has some unique properties that I have yet to discover. I think I can take a break from studying it for now,” Twilight sighed in defeat, knowing that whatever she said her friends would make sure that she didn’t obsess over something after the ‘Want it, Need it’ incident.

“Alright sugarcube, just make sure that ya take some time to rest. We don’t want our friend to collapse on us ‘cause she didn’t get enough sleep. Ah’m gonna head of to the farm and harvest some more of mah apples. Bye Twi.”

“Bye AJ, just be on a lookout for any white doors that might appear in odd places.”

AppleJack rolled her eyes, “sure thing Twi,” After that she left the library she headed off to Sweet Apple Acres to harvest the apples.

Three hours past as AppleJack returns home and gets to applebucking the trees. As she came back to the house she noticed something strange on the side of the family barn. Getting a better look, she finds a door a few feet up on the side of the barn house.

“Well ah’ll be, it’s that door Twilight mentioned earlier. Ah guess she wasn’t lying about there being a door being placed at odd places.”

To be sure that she wasn’t being tricked, she looked on the inside of the barn where the door should lead out but only found an empty wall. As she went back she took note that the door was still there.

“Well, ah guess ah’ll have to give Twilight an apology for not believing her about these weird doors. Wonder if it’s true that it goes to another dimension that Twi had talked about. Only one way to find out,” at that AppleJack began stacking hay to a point to where she could reach the door.

After stacking six bales of hay she was able to reach the door, which appeared to be sideways, “Now why in Equestria would somepony put a door here like this. Ah better hope this isn’t Discord’s doing, ah’ve got a right mind to buck him if he were fooling around with Twilight.”

She then opened the door and her jaw dropped at what she saw.

“Woah, Twilight really wasn’t kidding about some weird dimension that could be accessed by a door like this… hold on.”

AppleJack looked carefully at the marking at the top of the doorframe had the door been standing up straight. She took note that the symbol appeared as an hourglass placed over what looked like a spiral galaxy. Cautiously she stepped into the strange unnatural place and took note of the small floating islands that were everywhere she looked and the strange crystals that seemed to be similar to the one at Twilight’s house.

“Well, it seems I have yet another visitor. And it would appear that the door was a bit crooked in placement.”

Startled, AppleJack spun around to see who had spoken only to see a stange hairless monkey with grey hair on his head and what appeared to be an ageless face.

“Hey now, do I look like a primate to you?” The stranger asked.

Stunned, AppleJack could only say, “Uuuuuuuuhhhh.”

“Sorry, I do believe that you’re one of Twilight’s friends correct. And I believe that your name is AppleJack correct?”

“Now how did ya’ll know who I am? Did Twilight tell you about us?”

“To answer your second question, no she did not tell me about you. As to how I know, let’s just say that being the Lord of the Eternal Realm as well as being the Lord of Time and Space lets me know everything and anything about individuals from different universes. Though there are some universes that I prefer not to divulge any information to.”

“Well, ah guess ah should’ve had Twilight tell me more about this place. Ah’m guessing that yer name is Lord Eternis. Do ya think ya’ll could tell me more of where we are?”

“I guess you didn’t let Twilight tell you about this place. Alright then, this is known as the eternal realm, a dimension that extends forever and connects different universes and multiverses together. And these islands are the only things that populate this realm. And I’m guessing that Twilight had already told you about the crystals.”

“Yeah, a little. Now what is with these doors? Twilight told me a little about them and ah didn’t believe her until ah saw one of them on the side of my barn facing sideways.”

“As you may have guessed, that isn’t an ordinary door. I can’t tell you exactly why the door appeared the way it did, nor can I tell you who it was that placed it there. I can only assume that whatever is going on is that I’m going to have quite a few visitors from your kind over the course of time. And I believe that with your friends I am going to get visits from them in the same order that Twilight had when she first came to Ponyville. And after that, I may have visits from other ponies as well.”

“Now how do ya know about that? Oh, wait, if ya’ll are the lord of this place and that this place connects other universes together, does that mean that ya’ll can see events that happen in those universes?”

“Yes, that is correct. I am able to see all these events due to the fact that I have the power to control time and space, which are needed in order to keep balance to this dimension.”

“Now why do ya need to do that? It’s not like this place is going to come apart if you stay away from it for too long.”

“The problem is not with the fact that this place would fall apart with my absence, but is that the universe that I go to will unravel should I stay there too long. The same applies to my companion as well as my personal weapon, which I have allowed Lord Elemental and his host to be able to wield.”

“And what exactly is this powerful weapon?”

“It is called the ‘Graviton Hammer.’ And as the name suggests, this weapon is able to affect gravity in a way that it can cause massive damage to anything and everything that it is used on, even a planet. However, it can never be wielded by those that do not have the ability to control two different concepts that control everything that exists in these alternate universes.”

“And what are these…” she never got to finish as a screeching sound broke out. Both AppleJack and Lord Eternis looked to see the dragon Eternis coming towards them.

“Eternis what’s wrong?” Lord Eternis said, wondering what has his dragon so concerned until he heard a choir of voices in the distance.

“What’s making that noise?” AppleJack asked nervously.

“Oh no, AppleJack, I’m afraid this conversation is over. It seems some seagulls from the Finding Nemo universe have found their way into my realm somehow. You need to leave, unless you want them coming into your universe and giving your people headaches.”

Deciding not to ask, AppleJack raced off to the door she had come from while hearing the voices of the birds saying: mine mine mine mine mine.

As soon as she jumped out through the doorway, the door slam itself shut and disappeared in a flash, leaving a dazed mare lying on the ground with her head buried in the dirt.

“AppleJack, why are ya lying on the ground like that?”

AppleJack looked up to see her sister AppleBloom looking at her quizzically. “It’s a long story. C’mon, let’s head back inside and ah’ll tell ya about it later.” And with that AppleJack and AppleBloom went back inside their home as sun began to set.

Author's Note:

I really hope I didn't mess up with AppleJack. As for those seagull, I honestly have no idea why I decided to put them in there. Please please please let me know in the comments about how I did and what I should change. Anyway, I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to do Rainbow next so that one might be interesting to write, though not as much as when I get to Pinkie Pie's visit.