• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 493 Views, 12 Comments

Ponyville's new neighbour - Tecuro

Somepony new arrives in Ponyville. That shouldn't be a problem... right?

  • ...

Chapter 1

The sound of bird song floated through Twilight Sparkle’s open window and gently roused her from her sleep. Her eyes followed a thin ray of sunlight to where it was peeking through the curtains. She got out of her bed and made her way to the window then, using her magic, pulled back the curtains and basked in what she saw, the town of Ponyville in the small hours of the day; birds chirping happily in the tress, the first of the sun’s rays creeping over the hills and not one other pony in sight, and though a part of her regretted being awake so early on a day she had nothing to do, Twilight felt a wave of serenity wash over her.

Yawning deeply, Twilight made her way downstairs where she found Spike finishing his breakfast, an amethyst the size of a large orange.

“Good morning, Twilight!” he said upon seeing her, in his usual upbeat tone “how did you sleep?”

“Beautifully, thank you,” Twilight replied her feeling of contentment rising at his bright attitude “and yourself?”

“I can’t complain. I wish the birds would keep it down a bit though.”

“I think it’s a wonderful way to wake up.”

“I guess that’s true, still this was meant to be our day to lie in, and we’re up before anypony else!”

“At least we have the whole day to spend with the girls.”

“So what are you going to be doing with them today?”


But before Twilight could say another word, the peaceful and quiet atmosphere about the place was shattered by Pinkie Pie, or rather her shouting: “TWILIGHT!”

“I think Pinkie Pie wants to talk to you,” said Spike, rolling his eyes.

“What could she want this early?” Twilight asked herself as she opened the door, to see Pinkie Pie gallop towards her with a hysterical look plastered on her face.

Twilight was able to step aside just in time before a streak of pink flashed by her and crashed into a bookshelf, launching every book upon it high into the air and falling on to Pinkie with a resounding thump.

Chuckling slightly in spite of herself, Twilight made her way towards the small mountain of books that covered her friend when Pinkie exploded from the pile, grabbed Twilight by the hoof and took off towards the town leaving a confused and amused Spike to clear up the mess.

Eventually Pinkie came to a stop just outside Town Hall and crouched behind some crates and barrels staring intently into the distance, and looking as though she had completely forgotten that she had virtually kidnapped Twilight.

“What is it Pinkie?” Twilight asked, thinking this would be the only time she would be able to get a rational answer.

“Shhh! don’t let him see you!” Pinkie said, pulling Twilight to the ground while keeping her eyes locked on her target.

“Don’t let who see me?”

“Him!” Pinkie then gestured to a spot just ahead of them. Twilight peered over the barrel she was crouched behind and saw a stallion standing in the middle of the road, looking very lost.

The first thing Twilight noticed about him was his eyes; they were a deep shade of yellow, one might even go so far as to say golden. He was about half a head taller than Twilight and beefier than most stallions, though he couldn’t hold a candle to Big Mac. Above all Twilight hoped he would wash before Rarity saw him as, judging by his mane and tail, he had no idea what a comb was and his coat was completely caked in mud, so much so she couldn’t even make out his cutie mark.

“Who is he?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know, do I!?” Pinkie answered with a frustrated tone.

“So why are we hiding from him?”

“Because he’s new!” Pinkie half-shouted at Twilight, as though explaining how two and two made four, and slowly Twilight realised what Pinkie was hinting at.

“Are you planning to throw a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party for him like you did with me when I first arrive here?” she asked, hesitantly.

“Well duh!”

“And you want to spy on him because…?”

“Because I want to find out what kind of stuff his likes so I can throw him a party he’ll really enjoy!” Twilight felt a little hurt at this.

“You never did that for me.”

“What can I say? My technique has grown more refined,” Pinkie answered, shrugging her shoulders.

Twilight knew better than to hold a grudge over that so moved on to her next question “So why did you bring me here in the first place?”

“You’re a scientist remember! Scientists do things like this!” Pinkie said with a smile “You should probably do some research or something about science if you plan to study it!”

Twilight made a mental note to explain to Pinkie Pie exactly what being a scientist involved but figured it could wait “Pinkie, don’t you think it would be better if we introduced ourselves to him?”

“Oooo! Good idea! We’ll be able to find out his hobbies much easier if we conduct a more thorough and up-close examination! Now you’re thinking like a scientist!” Pinkie said ruffling Twilight’s mane, then happily trotted off towards the stallion.

“I’m so glad I’m making progress,” Twilight said sarcastically, following Pinkie towards the newcomer.