• Published 24th Sep 2014
  • 343 Views, 11 Comments

Clash of Alicorns, Battle of the Brothers - LightningBlade

Volcano Saber. now calling himself Dire Saber, decided to kill his own brother and take over Equestria, Lightning however escaped and tries to defend Canterlot with his bare hooves, will he succeed ?

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Chapter 6: The Amulet of The Dawn and Night, Sun Beam and Moon Glace.

Lightning woke on his bed, Luna slept beside him, holding his hoof. He remembered he channeled the aura into the armor and the blades, but he didn't remember anything else that happened last night. His body still ache after extreme usage of his aura, he sat up and stroked Luna's hair, he thought "She must have took care of me when I fainted." Luna woke up, tired, she asked Lightning,

"Are you alright? You were fainted for 2 days, I was worried."

"What? 2 days?" said Lightning surprisingly.

"Master Yang says you used too much aura, but your amulet can help you regenerate your aura fast, don't worry."

"I am, if I can't get ready, how can I defend Canterlot?" Lightning was getting concerned in his skills.

"You just need more practice, but first you need to rest."

"I've been resting for 2 days, I need to practice now."

"You lie down and rest mister." said Luna with a rising tone.

Lightning sighed, and lay down. He noticed Luna was tired, and he asked if Luna needs rest.

"I'm fine, besides, who's going to take care of you when I'm not here?"

"Are you calling me a baby?" Lightning asked.

"No, I just... want you to recover quickly and to prevent you from pushing yourself too hard."

Lightning gone silent and slept. Luna lay beside him.

Celestia and Master Yang talked in the court about Dire's army and his weakness. Dire has more soldier than they do, and Dire has almost no weakness, his only weakness, is fighting without his saber. His saber was crafted by his master, deadly, and one weakness in that saber, it's only deadly with aura, if Lightning could hold on until Dire is tired, he could defeat him, but it seemed impossible, Dire can fight on for days, Master Yang seen it before.

"It could work, if we weaken him." said Celestia.

"Think about it, who else can match against Dire? I'm too old for this, and Master Yin, I'm sure he won't be fighting." said Master Yang.

"Master Yin?"

"My rival. He's the Master of the Swords. He only fights if I join the battle, so, I'm afraid I can't go berserk."

"Guess you guys really like to fight."

"Not really, I prefer writing books now, I won't live long, maybe I'll write something to Lightning, he's been my student since he was able to hold a blade." Master Yang took out a picture, it was Lightning and him, Lightning was just a filly when his father left him and his brother, he treated him like his own son, and he knew that one day, he'll leave him.

"My father left me and Luna when she was a filly too, and you've underestimated me Master Yang."

"Underestimate how? I doubt that you could hold a dagger properly, no offence."

"I know how to use a spear, one of my father's subject taught be how to use them, for safety reasons."

"Well, could you show me how you use one? This might be a game changer, if he allows you to fight beside him."


"He doesn't like anypony being involved in his faults."

"I see, well that depends, if he says no, and if he gets into trouble, I will not stand aside waiting him to die."

Celestia showed Master Yang her skills, and it wasn't all bad, but she lacks one thing, she doesn't have an amulet, nor the knowledge on how to channel aura into her spear, normally aura users use swords, blades and daggers, but this was different. Master Yang took out his box and gave Celesta an amulet, The Amulet of the Dawn, Sun Beam. Master Yang taught her how to channel aura into her weapon, and she was able to do it in an instant, unlike Lightning, Celestia is a alicorn, which means she has more aura in her body, more aura means you learn faster.

"Fascinating, I never seen anyone besides Lurcy could learn that fast."

"I told you, you underestimated me." Celestia gave him a wink.

"Haha, seems like you're right, I have underestimated you."

Suddenly, a group of assassins opened the front door, some guards were badly injured but some didn't make it.

"We are the Assassins Of The Royal Cliq, and our master have send us to assassinate you and your sister, prepare to die under our blade." one of the assassins said.

Master Yang drew his blades and said, "10 against 2? Seems like a fair fight, for an old stallion."

"Well then, lets not keep you waiting." the other assassin said.


Everyone looked upwards, it was Lightning, his armor and blades filled with electric aura, and he was back in shape.

"Finally, after 2 days of resting you're back you lazy dumb." said his Master.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Clips."

"How dare you insult our guild? You will parish, like the princesses." said one of the assassins.

"I've been looking forward... to tear you your wrenched guilt apart." Lightning eyes glowed.

One of the assassins rushed at him with his short sword, but Lightning stepped aside and stabbed him in the back, which killed him instantly, his wound didn't bleed, but the inner part of it vaporized. Lightning taunted and said, "Who's the next one who will die under my blade?"

All the assassins rushed at Lightning together, and yelled "Till the last drop of our blood!" Lightning was so fast he took another life before they crossed blades, one was hidden behind Lightning and he threw a knife at Lightning, Celestia blocked it with her spear, and throw her spear into the assassin's neck, it vaporized the assassin, The battle was soon over, some died without even experiencing the pain. and some fled, Lightning and Celestia didn't even break a sweat .

"I never thought a princess like you could fight with a spear."

"You too have underestimated me."

"Sister! Are you all right?" Luna rushed in and asked with concern, she was in her armor and her sword drawn.

"I'm all right." Celestia hugged her younger sister.

"Well I suppose you can control the aura now Lightning?"

"Not for...long..." Lightning stumbled. Luna hold him from falling.

"You need more practice, and Celestia will be fighting by your side." said Master Yang.

"I suppose it's fine, but I don't want to risk your life."

"I will risk my life for my kingdom, and my friends."

Lightning has no more argument to go on, so he accepted it, Luna on the other hand could use sword, Master Yang taught her some basics, Luna learned slower than both of them, but after a week, she finished her training. Master Yang suddenly forgot, she doesn't have a amulet, which would render her useless. But surprisingly, Lightning has one.

"I'm sorry Luna, guess you can't fight with them." said Master Yang.

"Aw, I thought I was going to get one." said Luna sadly.

"You already have one." said Lightning pointing at her lucky charm.

"It wasn't a lucky charm, it's The Amulet of the Night, Moon Glace."

Will Celestia and Luna be able to assist Lightning in his fight with Dire? Their new amulets might help, but will it be enough? Or are they just simply, useless weapons?

To be continued...