• Published 13th Aug 2014
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Celestia Wants to Date Twilight Sparkle - JKinsley

Twilight and Celestia don't have dates for Hearts and Hooves Day. Luna looks to change that, and Twilight and Celestia find the date to be more than they bargained for.

  • ...

The Cafe

Twilight shuffled self-consciously in her first-class seat. She looked around at the hoofful of other ponies in the carriage with her. A pair of stallions chatted away, paying her no mind. One of the pegasus mares was focused intently on her crossword puzzle. A young family was looking out the window, pointing at the passing scenery with a sense of wonder and amazement.

See, nothing to worry about, her inner voice chimed.

I know, she replied, but I still feel... odd, being alone on the train, in a dress, all made up, my mane styled, the whole nine yards. And I’m still anxious for this evening. I know it’s going to go well, but still.

Lost in thought, Twilight didn’t notice the train begin to slow as it approached Canterlot and the station. A loud whistle broke her from her thoughts. She looked up once more, glanced around, and noticed ponies grabbing bags and belongings. She had nothing but what she was wearing, so she simply stood up and waited for the train to stop.

OK, Twilight, you remember where The Kettle and Hearth is at. A few blocks from Pony Joe’s and the school. She set off, a bright smile on her face. Tonight... tonight will be wonderful. A night with just me and the Princess.

As she approached the cafe, she noticed a number of oddly-dressed unicorn stallions milling about. It was just past sunset, though the sky still glowed with brilliant hues of purple and orange. Despite the lack of sunlight, the stallions still walked around with caps and sunglasses. For a few, the hats fit so poorly that their horns stuck through them entirely. And then there was the wagon, unhitched, with tinted black windows.

Yes, this the place. And somepony in the guard must’ve insisted on Celestia’s regular compliment of guard ponies. And somepony, perhaps that same pony, thought it was a brilliant idea to have them dressed as “plain-clothes” guards. Ha! Twilight chuckled and rolled her eyes.

She still walked up to the wagon with a devious smile. She looked at her reflection in the glass, knowing full well a few guards would be watching behind it. She still had to give Rarity a lot of credit. Her mane was as expertly curled as it had been for the Royal Wedding and her normally plain eyelids instead shone with a brilliant silver eyeshadow. And, of course, the dress. The yellow-gold saddle had been adjusted to accommodate her wings, but the rest of it cascaded brilliantly around her. Blue with yellow lace trim. Had she not known better already, she would have sworn she felt like a princess.

She couldn’t resist teasing the guard, though, and wiggled her rump in the window, admiring how the fabric flowed. She gave them one last parting wink before trotting into The Kettle and Hearth.

As soon as she walked in, though, her jaw dropped. Celestia was already seated and waiting patiently for her. Sweet Celestia, she looks... Twilight’s thoughts trailed.

She looked for all the world like any other filly on a date. Her normally billowing mane was held back with a pair of delicate silver clips. Her ears were adorned with two rubies dangling from gold settings. Light pink eyeshadow, just a hint of lip gloss, and a touch of mascara framed her smiling face. Her normal regalia was replaced with a simple necklace showing her sun cutie mark. She put so much effort into blending in. It almost worked, too, but it was critically undermined by the fact that she stood a full head taller at the withers than anypony else and that she had a giant sun gracing her flanks.

Twilight picked her jaw up from the floor and trotted over to Celestia. “Wow, Princess, uh, Celestia, I mean. Um, you look... fantastic.” Twilight kept looking all over, admiring every single facet of the jewel before her.

Celestia smiled sweetly. “My, my, Twilight Sparkle. You look stunning as well.”

Twilight blushed furiously, positive that her coat was now red, not lavender. “Th-thank you, Princess,” she stammered.

Celestia just chuckled and gestured to the waiting pillow opposite her. “Come, have a seat. We’ll order some tea and see what else is on the menu that strikes our fancy.”

Twilight nodded and obeyed. She sat on the cushion and levitated the menu in front of her, hiding her still-flushed face. She took a few quick breaths to steady herself and read over the menu. Ooh, raspberry turnover! she thought. And black dragon pearl tea, too!

“I’ve made my choice,” Twilight said, lowering her menu. Celestia still smiled sweetly, that trademark benevolence shining like Luna’s most spectacular nights. “But first, what exactly do you have planned for the rest of the night?”

“Planned? Twilight, my dear, plans could not possibly do this evening justice. We’ll eat here, and then head to the gardens. And, once the night is truly in swing, we’ll go stargazing. Why not just live in the moment, if only for tonight?” She tilted her head. Her earrings tilted, too, and her mane slipped to the side, dangling along her shoulder, leaving her long, pale neck exposed.

You tease! Twilight thought, both for the lack of proper planning and the, ahem, display with the head tilt. “I... I think I would like that.” Twilight nodded and smiled.

“Excellent!” Celestia said. She flagged down a waiter, a unicorn stallion with a wavy brown mane, and placed her order for a key lime pie and white peony tea. Twilight ordered her raspberry turnover and black dragon pearls.

As soon as the waiter left, Celestia turned back to Twilight. “So, what has been going on in Ponyville? Have any of your friends got plans for today or this evening? I trust I didn’t impose?”

“No, of course not, Princess!” Twilight replied quickly, an eager smile on her face. “I, uh, normally don’t have plans for today, either, so it’s nice to be out. With you,” she added. She clopped her hooves together out of nervous habit.

“Anyway... Rarity and Fluttershy did their usual spa day and just indulged a little more than usual. Rarity said they were ‘going to buck the trend, as it were!’” Twilight said in a less-than-convincing impression of Rarity.

“Pinkie Pie is helping the Cakes run the shop today since they’re extra busy, and she’s a little disappointed she doesn’t have a date for today. Rainbow Dash got asked on a date by Big Macintosh, Applejack’s older brother. Applejack was less than pleased.” Twilight leaned in close and glanced from side to side. “Though, just between you and me, I don’t think Applejack is angry because Rainbow’s on a date with her brother,” she whispered and winked.

“Twilight Sparkle, such a gossip!” Celestia mocked. “Perhaps I should’ve brushed up on the latest happenings at the castle.”

“You asked!” Twilight shot back.

The waiter returned with two steaming cups of tea and their desserts. Celestia and Twilight both turned and thanked him, and he trotted away.

Celestia picked up her tea first and took a sip. “Ah, white peony. A personal favorite, if you’re ever in that region and would care to indulge me.” She winked.

Twilight then grabbed her cup of tea in her magic and brought it to her lips. She blew lightly and took a sip. “Mmmm!” she sighed. She closed her eyes, smiled, and savored the flavor. She opened her eyes to a raised eyebrow from Celestia and a knowing smirk. “Rarity’s recommendation. She says she special orders this blend because nopony will carry it locally. And she’s quite right. Notes of cocoa, surprisingly sweet for being a black tea. It’s just delightful!”

Celestia nodded slowly and sipped her own tea. “It certainly seems like she’s had quite the influence tonight, no?” She winked and glanced meaningfully at Twilight’s dress.

Twilight blushed lightly. “Well, yes, I do suppose I have her to thank for the dress. And the makeover. And the tea. But she’s just being a good friend, as usual. She was quite generous when she gave me this dress, obviously, but she shares such good advice, too.” Twilight chuckled, recalling her earlier discussion with Rarity. “Maybe I can pay her back by setting her up on a date with Princess Luna.”

Celestia almost choked on her tea and her eyes shot wide. “Oh, really now? Do tell.”

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth to stifle her giggle. “She mentioned thinking it would be nice to be swept off her hooves by royalty, and with her figuring you and I are a thing...”

Celestia nodded, but her eyes still betrayed her surprise at the sudden idea of a navy blue alicorn and light grey unicorn side by side.

“I’m sorry, Princess, but the look on your face!” Twilight laughed earnestly and tapped her hoof on the table.

Celestia rolled her eyes and joined in the laughter with a good-natured chuckle. “Twilight Sparkle, I did not take you for a prankster.”

“Well, yes and no.” Twilight wiggled her head, some strange combination of nodding and shaking. “Yes, Rarity did mention Luna as a potential date. But she mentioned it as part of her considering her other friends as potential dates, too.”

“You included?” Celestia asked with another smirk.

Twilight gave a small nod. “And I asked if it was because I became a princess. She said no, and I believe her. A lot of what she said makes sense. But...”

“You can’t help but feel that ponies will treat you differently because of your title and position,” Celestia finished.

Twilight frowned and her ears flattened. “Yeah, that covers it.”

Celestia scooted over and wrapped a wing around Twilight, pulling her close in a loose, feathery embrace. She rested her head on the top of Twilight’s. “How about, for tonight at least, you call me Celestia? We’ll forget the titles.”

“Celestia...” Twilight mumbled to herself. Her smile returned, and she gently nuzzled Celestia’s shoulder. “I would like that. And you can call me Twilight.”


A sudden rush of warmth came over Twilight as she took another sip of her tea and nibbled on her raspberry turnover. She shivered as Celestia’s down brushed along her own wings, tickling her. She settled into a peaceful smile and leaned against Celestia.

“Celestia... do you... no.” Twilight took a big bite of her turnover.


Twilight shook her head and smiled, then chewed and swallowed. “Maybe later.”

Celestia nodded and slowly sipped her tea, her eyebrow raised just enough to draw attention.

She’s not satisfied with that answer, and I know she’ll find some scheme to get it out of me. One way or another. I’ll have to be on my guard.

“Are you going to tell me this question of yours tonight?” asked Celestia. She took a bite of her pie and a sip of her tea.

“It’s hardly later.” Good avoidance, Twilight, she congratulated herself.

“True, which is why I asked in the time frame of ‘tonight’. If you’d like to wait, think on it for a little while longer, I’ll still be here.” Celestia smiled warmly and squeezed Twilight gently with her wing.

“Like I said, maybe later.”

“Very well.” Celestia let go and shuffled back to her original spot the table.

For Twilight, the warmth from Celestia’s side and her wing lingered, but not long enough. Twilight fidgeted with her hooves.

“Celestia? What is that you like so much about the white peony tea? What makes it special? And how many other teas have you tried?”

“Perhaps you would like a sip while I tell that story?”

Twilight nodded, so Celestia slid her teacup over to Twilight.

“White teas are my go-to tea, because I like the light, bright flavors. White peony is a particular favorite for a few reasons. One of the reasons I like it is the fact that peonies bloom around the time of the Summer Sun Celebration. The other is that white peony has this delightful fruity sweetness, but still tastes just ever so slightly of the flower petals.”

Twilight took a sip. “Hmm, you’re right. Sweet and flowery.”

Celestia snickered behind her hoof. “I know you like the black varieties of tea. I can’t say I blame you; you’re bold and adventurous, and it shows. I think white tea is more about slowing down. Not as much caffeine. It can be serene, just sitting there, a teacup full of golden liquor, watching as the world unfolds and prepares to start its day.” Celestia sighed and smiled. “I would also hazard a guess and say you’re much more familiar with my sunsets.”

Twilight chuckled ruefully. “I hate to admit it, but yes.”

“We may have to change that.” Celestia winked. “Anyway, back to the tea. Peony is a great blend, but there are a few others to which I have taken a shining. Like Silver Needle. It’s lighter than peony, with a different sweetness. Peony almost tastes of melons; silver needle tastes much closer to honeysuckle and grapes.

“Then you have a slightly darker blend, Jasmine Phoenix Pearls. Very similar to the Black Dragon Pearls, but they use light green tea leaves infused with jasmine. It’s delightfully airy. I suppose that’s why they’re called phoenix pearls.”

Twilight raised her hoof to object. “Lots of dragons fly, too.”

“Yes, but how do I put this delicately? A phoenix is a bird: build for flight and soaring and gliding. A dragon spends an awful lot of time on the ground, collecting or protecting a hoard. Do you see the difference?”

“Yes, Prin— Celestia.” Twilight sipped her tea and took another small bite of her turnover. “And if I may ask, is that why you chose The Kettle and Hearth? Because of the tea?”

Celestia took a few bites of pie. She swallowed nervously. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell the story.”


“Yes, Twilight, a story. It’s long and old and goes back a long time, well before anypony but me could remember. See, they don’t advertise it, but The Kettle and Hearth is almost nine hundred years old. It’s gone through name changes and renovations and shifts in cuisine. But one thing has always remained eternal: this cafe has stood in this location, and always welcomed me as a pony. Not as Princess Celestia, but as any other patron.

“So I visit, often. When the mood strikes me, or I need a night off.” She smiled broadly at Twilight. “Or when I want to treat somepony special.”

Twilight blushed lightly and lowered her head, a small smile gracing her face. They both finished their desserts and drank the last of their tea. Celestia left a pile of bits, far more than enough to cover their bill.

“Come, Twilight, let’s see if we can’t sneak past those guards outside,” Celestia whispered. She giggled, and Twilight could almost imagine her rubbing her hooves together nefariously.

“Would it be cheating to use illusionary magic?” Twilight asked, already sure of the answer.

“Of course! What fun is it to sneak around when nopony can actually see you?”

Fair point. “Teleportation?”

“Even worse.”

“Want It, Need It?”

“Twilight, you know what happened last time. Although watching a bunch of burly stallions fight over whatever object you charm would be fairly laughable for a while...”

Twilight racked her brain, hoping to find an answer to slipping away from the guards, unseen, without illusions or teleportation. Ugh, she tied my hooves for my go-to solutions. Hmm... maybe it’s a test? To see if I perform well under pressure and can think creatively? Or what if it’s not a test of magic?

Twilight stared the ceiling, sat on her haunches. She wiggled her hooves like she was doing calculations. She rested her chin on a hoof, arms crossed on her chest.

“I have an idea, and it doesn’t involve magic. Watch me!” she said and dashed off to find the waiter. She whispered to him, pointed at the table where she and Celestia had been sitting moments ago, and gestured outside. The waiter nodded and returned to the kitchen while Twilight trotted back to Celestia. “Now, we wait.”

After several long minutes of idle chat, the waiter trotted past the pair with a half dozen trays of food balanced in his magical grasp, and he opened the door. He crossed the street to the parked wagon, being sure to cross the tinted window, and knocked on the back door. “Special delivery!” he shouted, clear enough for Twilight and Celestia to hear.

The “plain-clothes” guards quickly descended on him, first out of duty and then out of grumbling stomachs.

As he was swarmed, Twilight whispered, “Now! Quickly!” She got up and galloped out of the front door, giggling like mad. Celestia quickly followed suit, and both laughed once they were out of earshot.

Once all of the food had been divvied up, one of the guards bothered to look around. He paled, and his partner looked in the same direction: The Kettle and Hearth was now empty.

“Oh, buck. Shiny’s gonna have our tails, lads. We just let his little sister run off.”