• Published 3rd Aug 2014
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The Lost Pony Tales of Equestria Vol. 1 Meeting the Crowned Crew of Ponyville - Starlight Dragon

The Lost Pony Tales of Equestria follows an odd assortment of original characters as they live day by day. Their individual struggles become too much for them to handle alone. Watch as one by one they ease into friendships delicately balanced around

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Chapter 3 The Legend of Starlight Dragon is Born

The Lost Pony Tales of Equestria

Vol. 1 Meeting the Crowned Crew of Ponyville

Chapter 3

The Legend of Starlight Dragon is Born

Scarlet returns the next morning her bags were full again as she brought what she need for her show that morning. Last night she created a powder that when manipulated with small amounts of magic would create vivid illustrations of what is spoken. She sets up shop right beside town hall to gain the most attention she set her book up on the railing using her now empty bags to keep it from falling. She removed her cloak and began to try and draw a crowd by saying,

“Come one come all, to see and hear a story brought to life like never before. The show is free I only ask for donations to help a pony live out her dream.”

She repeated this several times before she almost gave up till a little earth pony colt came to her and asked her if she was still gonna tell the story.

“Of course I do but I have a question for you little philly, does some pony know where you are?”

The young pony replied, “Ya my brother and sister are here running errands and shopping I asked to see what I was hearing and they let me.”

Scarlet replies, “I didn’t want to lead ponies astray but if you say its ok they know you’re safe it’s time for me to weave you a story in a way never seen or heard before.”

“I’ll begin right away; all I ask is you not to be afraid.”
As Scarlet uncorks the first bottle of the powder and shakes it airborne she began to weave a story for this lucky philly. Her rather loud but gentle voice was heard clearly over the morning rabble.
“Long ago in a place just like this, a unicorn named Starlight lived in dark and hopeless times. For attempting to bring light and peace into this chaos she was stricken with a powerful curse.”

With the words she spoke the story came to life in the powder, the philly silently watched almost entranced.

“The once kind and caring pony became a cold and heartless dragon pony who feasted on little ponies just like you.”

The philly screamed in terror as the powder flew towards her in the shape of a dragon pony just before it reaches her, the powder suddenly returns to Scarlet.

“The pony with dragon’s blood, Starlight Dragon tormented ponies and frightened of all ages. Till one day the sisters brought harmony to Equestria defeating her dark master. Her curse followed her even with his demise. She was shamed and horrified for what she had done under his control, the broken Starlight Dragon, fearful of retaliation fled Equestria and NEVER RETUREND.”

With telling her shortened version of the story she swipes the dust out and away from her face and says,
“The End.”

But it was her that was surprised for not just one pony cheered at the story but several did. Unseen by her as she weaved the powder into images more ponies joined in watching the show. A rather eager pony in the crowd asked if she had any more stories. Her initial shock that was easily seen across her face was replaced with a smile.

“Certainly”, Scarlet said more confident than before, “More details I have hidden away for more stories today, but first a short intermission.” For all ponies to see my show here is twofold to get this, scarlet levitates her book for all to see, a little helpful advertisement as this is my first book only available here in Ponyville. Secondly I performed it hopeful of a few donations to help a pony fulfill her dreams of living in Ponyville instead of wondering from place to place and create more books. As I have said before the show is free, and I’m thankful to all of you for hearing my stories and grateful for any pony who donates any amount to help me out.” “With that behind us, on with the show” Scarlet loudly and happily said.

Scarlet did her story telling from morning till early evening after her last story she packed up her things she looked quite exhausted. She wandered into the shop she knew had book-making supplies after getting something to eat. The clerk behind the counter noticed her items a typewriter, 13 quills 20 book covers, 2 bundles of paper, and inks of many colors enough supplies to make 20 copies of her book.

She says, “My I think I see a blossoming writer, first book on its way?” Scarlet tiredly replies “no supplies to make more copies of my first book.”

She says, “We also specialize in restoration, book binding and reproduction of books.”

“Sorry” Scarlet replies exchanging her money for the supplies, “I wouldn’t be able to afford to have someone else do it plus I like the connection with the story and its quality.”

She packs her bags with the supplies and levitates the typewriter all the way home surrounded with a white aura. After unpacking her bag and setting down her typewriter on the table she pulls her cloak over her like a blanket and falls asleep. She intended to return to town in 3 days producing ten copies a day in order to fill the projected sales. The next morning she painted all the covers and drew the illustrations she then began handwriting the story over and over again. One day later it was almost over 19 copies completed, and all she had to do was write the story one last time on the pre-illustrated papers following her master copy…

The Legend of Starlight Dragon

Based upon a true story

Written by Scarlet

According to the stories passed from generation to generation and from written accounts dating far into the past. Tell the tale of the origins of the organization and early documentation of the stars and planets. The result of a unicorn with the encouragement and guidance of her mentor, she became driven to discover the great power hidden within her. Led by her confidence and curiosity she would create a powerful spell that shocked many. That would unfortunately brought her to the feet of the most powerful creature of her time, who's dark magic left her with a evil and powerful curse. That came to change her forever, turning a once kind and considerate pony into a cold and ruthless monster.

With so many different versions of the story out it’s about time I share the true story and full story of the Starlight Dragon. We must go back in time, back before the sisters brought harmony to Equestria. A time when Discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony, controlled all of Equestria. Born into these dark times was a young unicorn named Starlight, she was a rather curious little filly with her head constantly in the clouds. She was born with a Shimmering silver coat her mane and tail was a brilliant sky-blue with white faded tips. Her eyes were a bright blue; sadly she hid half of her face with the way she kept her mane. She was a smart, kind, independent, considerate and often outspoken philly by all accounts. She wasn’t a popular filly as she lacked her cutie mark, other ponies often picked on her and with the times no one put a stop to it. Obviously it wasn’t easy to make friends if you’re being picked on a lot but she did have a few, just none her age. Unlike many ponies that haven’t earned their cutie mark it really didn’t bother her she knew it would come eventually. But it did motivate her to try many things she never done before.

As she tried more and more things, she became driven not just to try, but to excel at anything she saw as worth trying. As we should all know it’s not always such a good thing that you push yourself to try to earn a name for yourself, let alone a cutie mark. The countless hours she spent alone toying with things far away from home in a lab she put together herself. Pushing what ponies were willing to accept in fields of magic and general knowledge. Her next big idea was to study the night sky and she came to learn of an alicorn whom we know now as Princess Luna, who shared in her interest of the night sky. Starlight sought Luna out and began asking her questions relating to what she knew about the night. Seeing the young pony’s interest she smiled and became a mentor to her. After a while Luna began to notice how Starlight has become obsessed with the few stars in the random and short night sky. Drawing maps of them fascinated by the way they dance across the sky. Luna urged Starlight to be weary of the dangers of Discord discovering her if she pushed too far. However, this warning fell on deaf ears; as she began work on a spell that she would cast every night that slowly was going to equal out the night and day. Her first casting caused her cutie mark to appear a shooting white star with blue centered lines and faded yellow contrails. After her excitement was contained she quickly began to draw the stars for didn’t have long to study the night.

2 years have passed Luna, fearing for Starlight’s safety, asked her older sister Celestia what to do? Celestia responds “There isn’t much we can do Luna, but warn her to be aware of the dangers. There was more work to be done to find the elements of harmony to combat Discord, and bring harmony to Equestria. I hope we find them before more suffer from his wrath.” As the young Starlight grew up her magical abilities and her confidence grew with her. Sadly no pony knew of Starlight’s true plans not only was she extending the night. She was trying to organize the stars and planets setting the way they would move. She needed to keep it quite no one could know, not many even watch the stars who would notice if she didn’t tell a soul. As she is making final preparations for her final spell, Luna’s warning drifted into her mind. She shrugged "No one noticed yet why they would now." The final spell she cast lit up the sky with a beam of bright light. As her spell forced night to roll in thousands of stars slowly began to appear. A beautiful moonless night the longest there has ever been, but it wasn’t going to be seen for some time for it wasn’t meant to be.

Starlight weakened by the spell she cast looked at her handy work but as she drank it in everything was about to change. This time someone did notice and it wasn’t just Luna a brief flash of light appeared behind her, a figure walks to her side. She knew this figure well as Discord and he wasn’t amused with her meddling in his “glorious night”. He would make a decision that changed her life forever, to make an example of this rebel pony. Greatly weakened by her spell she barely was able to run out of the lab, but she wouldn't make it far. This event was witnessed from a distance by Luna, who could do nothing but watch the horror unfold before her. He lifted her off the ground with his magic and began to surround her with it, she began to scream in fear and terror before it covered her completely silencing her briefly. Seeing a red dragon flying by he smiled as he plucked it from the sky combining the dragon with Starlight. After a minute he dropped the magical cocoon to watch her change, to enjoy his handy work. With cries of pain her beautiful mane falls out, replaced with sharp blue spikes growing out of her neck and head. Her tail slowly became solid gaining flesh as spikes grew out on the top of the tail all the way down. Her once shining silver coat became scarlet before scarlet colored scales grew painfully out from head to tail. Her horn disappeared completely in to her body replaced with a line of 4 spikes just above each of her darkening now teal colored eyes that became dragon like in appearance. Finally apparently flickering on the edge of consciousness, wings like a dragon's shot out just behind her front shoulders their membranes were black as night. She could not take anymore she finally blacks out, as Discord's cruel laughter was heard. All the changes forced upon her causing her great pain that created the piercing bloodcurdling screams heard that terrible night.

As she awoke she wished it was a bad dream but she noticed the changes that happened to her. Her mind is broken, still in pain, she realizes not just her appearance has changed but even her cutiemark has changed. The star appeared to be burning the edges of the white star darkened by flames licking around the star appearing to be consuming it. Discord who had waited for her to wake informed her of his plan. “You have gone against me destroying my hard work but I have plans for you. I have you fix what you did and help me spread my merriment across Equestria. My little dragon pet you will serve me until the end of time.” He used the existing darkness in her heart, he fueled it to the point where it over took her corrupting her soul and mind. She willing went out of her way tormenting, abusing and enslaving ponies of all ages, she was even seen to be smiling as she did it, to Discord’s pleasure.

That was until the sisters defeated Discord with the elements and sealed him in stone 4 years later witnessing him being turned to stone. She was seen with tears coming from her dark teal eyes and a grin from ear to ear, a rather terrifying and evil smile with her razor sharp teeth and muscular jaw. As the sisters glanced over to her the smile fell from her face, as their confident glance brought Starlight expression fear. Starlight flew away from them that day, as all Equestria rallied behind the sisters. The darkness he fed to her disappeared, as a result her eyes and scales slightly lightened in color. Her eyes changed from dark teal to a lighter shade, dried-blood red to scarlet. She wandered around town broken, fearful, and hated by all those around her. As time passed Starlight never returned to her former self the Starlight they knew, the Starlight Luna knew was gone. The sisters now had to decide her fate as ponies demanded justice; it has been a year since they beat Discord. Starlight’s crimes were equal to Discords too many ponies who suffered from her wrath. But the sisters, mainly Luna knew it was discord's magic to blame but, they also weren’t willing to risk her releasing Discord. But before they could act Starlight just vanished, they couldn’t find her anywhere. Many years will pass before the discovery of her hidden lab and what it contained created a legend. Not only were there papers that Luna knew Starlight had created but there were others, charts depicting the current night sky and a tattered diary signed by Starlight Dragon. No pony knows for sure where they were taken after being discovered, but its information was published with Luna’s orders though many may have stolen Starlight’s work claiming it to be their own. The final location of all her work disappeared in a week after its discovery although many believe it was a hoax to continue her being hunted down.

As no pony is sure if she ever addressed herself as Starlight Dragon before disappearing, and I’m not sure she did, the royal records also never mentioned it. It would be odd for her to take a name that was being used to belittle her, as her true name. What continues to fascinate ponies of all ages is that Starlight is rumored to be sometimes seen on the edge of the Everfree Forest to this day. Some ponies have tried to connect Starlight to a shy brown cloaked, red furred pony with a glowing teal blue eye the other covered. But it was seen once and appeared to be a dragon’s eye. Some believe that Discord’s magic finally wearing off created this pony, a shadow of her former self. As no one has spoken to them they always disappear if someone gets near them. I even stumbled across a possible prophecy relating to Starlight. “With the return of darkness and chaos unrivaled, at the return of her dark master, the dragon shall rise again serving her master once more.” Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic in the Legend of the Starlight Dragon after hearing the story, if she is in fact still alive after all these years of living in isolation. Is it possible that she lives alone hiding in fear not just from us? Trying to hide from her dark and miserable past that likely haunts her, seeking the forgiveness for all her evil deeds. Or is she waiting for the right moment of weakness to free Discord and continue to spread Discord’s “merriment” across Equestria under his leadership. Whatever you believe sometimes the answers are right in front of you, waiting to be found by someone willing to look in the right places.

With the last words written the last copy was complete, she quickly bonded it to its cover, binding all its pages together neatly. She smiled as it joined the others in her bags ready to go into Ponyville the next day. She went to sleep happy that her work was complete. Unknown to her, a pony wearing a cloak wanders the edge of the Everfree Forest, looking for the pony that legend spoke of.

Story created by Anastasia Newman

Characters Starlight and Scarlet belong to Anastasia N.

Luna, Celestia and Discord belong to Hasbro studios

Author's Note:

yes sorry guys if you read the other version The Legend of Starlight Dragon. This is the original format of the legend the reason why I started writing and a nod to the secret.