• Published 3rd Aug 2014
  • 463 Views, 0 Comments

Godless now - Dungeon20

Equestria was under the watch of the last three gods. Their time to set up the world has now come to an end and they put the hope of the future into the hands of the subjects they carefully took care of.

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Celestia no more

Equestria, Harmony the base ruling concept for this land and so it was that the land was peaceful for the last few millennia. The earth ponies, unicorn, and pegasi collectively live, work, and trust in one another to keep everything in working order without the slightest help from the old gods. The three that remain that hold power over every other being remain, but why? They have as much opportunity to leave as those before them why do they remain? They have been needed for a while now, but with the ascent of Princess Twilight are they needed truly any more?

Celestia put her quill down. The time was closely approaching for her to finally take her leave of this realm. She looked from her scratching of aimless notes out her window. It was mid day now. She had retired from her courts early today so she may come to grips with this decision. This realm was filled with beauty much more than many foreign realms she traveled through. Some filled with desolation others with boundless horrors.

She was here from the beginning as was her sister as was Discord. Their time among mortals though was coming to an end. She more than saw through her mission to ensure this land was taken care of, remained peaceful, and bound to grow more so. She had seen many horrors and she was determined to ensure it no longer could be within the spectrum of possibility for this land.

She sighed deeply. She had had an unofficial meeting with her sister and Discord the previous night and it had been decided that this land was now taken care of well enough. With Twilight spear heading Equestria’s leadership and leading them into another golden era no harm could come to the land with the disappearance of one sun goddess, one lunar goddess, and of course the god of mischief himself.

Each of the old gods had taken a mission of their own when they had first convened. The elder of all the gods ordained Celestia the task of ensuring the land was well supplied with nourishment and that the mortals were well settled and could survive on their own and so it went she became the light of this world. Luna similar to Celestia charged with the task of ensuring knowledge and wisdom would be instilled in the mortals and that the night skies sparkled with the yearning of those that would delve into the unknown. She took the task of the harbinger of night and knowledge. Discords task much simpler, but just as highly needed was that he’d be a teacher of both patience and true appreciation of what is. He made the mortals understand the need of both harmony and why it is the basis of their society.

The old gods that had remained longest, but had left, what Celestia thought, was only a short while ago were the ancients who filled this world with creations. Promithus, the elder god who shaped earth ponies and all creatures who occupied the land from clay, he taught them to fend for themselves and to till the land even giving them the gift of fire. He left for another realm to create and ensure the prolonging of other mortal realms. Horis, the god who filled the air and skies with pegasi and all airborne creatures made from cloud, he taught them flight and the way of the weather. He remained a bit longer ensuring his own creations would be well looked after. The last goddess whose name came to Celestia's mind was Bocob the mistress of magic. She created all the magic that would fill this world even making creatures that inherently use it. She loved the world, but she knew when her time was up and she left in time as well.With the creators of all gone and forgotten it remained for the three of us to set this world on a path that would ensure its survival.

Celestia stood and looked around her room. Her possessions were packed she made sure to keep all items that had sentimental value to her. She would store them with the others in her own inter-dimensional space.

She sighed again, closed her eyes, and bowed her head. This was the hardest part of being a goddess. She grew so fond of her worlds she never wanted to leave. However, that wasn’t her choice she had to move on. The mortals had to choose the world they wanted to live in. It wasn’t her place to fix things as she saw fit. What good was free will if she could simply make things better? No, the mortals had been under her care for too long they needed to be thrown in the water to see if they sank or swam.

She straightened up steel entering her spine. She glanced around her room once more ensuring she had left nothing behind. With that she exited her room carrying her baggage close behind.

She entered the throne room and in the late afternoon light now she saw two familiar shapes. That of Discord and Luna neither were speaking the simply looked down trodden both with baggage of their own. Neither said a word as she approached settling down her bags she turned to Luna.

“Sister it is time to relinquish our binding ties to this world.”

Luna nodded. Celestia closed her eyes and began to focus. She pictured the entirety of her planet in her mind. With a force of effort and quite a bit of magic the world began to spin in a slow arc and began to rotate around the sun. Her tie was suddenly severed she opened her eyes and looked at her flank the image of the sun on her flank slowly dissolved into nothing but her white color.

She looked to Luna and found her sisters own flank blank as well and with that the diarchy of the sun and lunar princesses was over. Discord seemed content to sit upon his pile of pink clouds he had conjured up sipping the chocolate milk out of them with one giant loopy straw.

“Discord it is time for us to leave this mortal coil.”

“Don’t lecture me Celestia, I know very well what we must do now.”

He was uncharacteristically rational in the way he spoke despite the constant buzzer noises, croaking, and quacking coming from each sip he took from the cloud. With Celestia’s comment Discord banished his convenient couch and beverage and stood. He cracked his neck rolled his head off his shoulders and then re-grew another. With a simple word spoken in an ancient celestial language Discord called forth a door.

The door was not anything extraordinary. A wooden door painted white with a simple brass knob and a key hole beneath it. Discord withdrew a key from thin air walked up to the door unlocked it and opened it. Void was all that was beyond the door seamless fabric of realities. Discord gave one sad looked over his shoulder called forth his baggage and strode forth into eternity.

Luna much like discord walked up to the door levitating her bags looked back upon the throne room and exited reality. Celestia’s heart beat a million beats a minute. She withdrew a scroll from her bag and passed her final words to her former apprentice in Ponyville. She smiled sadly remembering everything all at once that had occurred in her life time here. She picked up her bags and tentatively stepped through the door. With that the door shut and the last of the immortals had left putting Equestria’s fate in the hooves of its own citizens.