• Published 2nd Dec 2014
  • 812 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Pony: Uncovering the path to Friendship is Magic. - Uncontested

In this story we will be following Twilight Sparkle in her quest to save her friends. In order to achieve her goal she must find the right ponies who point her in the direction to the ponies that she became friends with in the very beginning.

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The beginning

I don't know what happen. One moment everything was fine until... I don't even know. Why did this have to happen and why now, but I know that this isn't some sort of dream or illusion. I just wish none of this happened... I just wish...

As we look into the Canterlot Castle, we look upon a dazed and exhausted Twilight Sparkle continue in all her efforts to defeat Queen Chrysalis in battle in which she is in uneven ground with chrysalis being a greater opponent she never wanted to face. "I have to at least hold at bay until my friends get here to help me in banishing Chrysalis." In midst of battle, Chrysalis had started to grow bored with this meaningless fight.

Twilight Sparkle even some ponies had a sense to back down from this fight, like your dear Princess Cele-" Twilight interrupted Chrysalis by taking advantage in firing a high level incantation on Chrysalis.

"No! Your wrong Chrysalis, Princess Celestia would never back down from the likes of you!" Enraged, Twilight fires another spell and surprised on how she can continue on firing spells without getting exhausted.

"Twilight Sparkle... no matter how much you struggle, I am going to win and take over Canterlot... wait no actually all of Equestria!" Chrysalis laughs evilly all the while Twilight thinks of a counter measure in at least making this battle evenly far so she can hold off Chrysalis on even ground.

"I will not allow that! Once the girls come with the elements of harmony we will defeat you Chrysalis." As in on some random miracle, Twilight's friends appear next to her.

"Girls you made it, thank Celestia." Twilight felt relieved by seeing her friends and she looked directly at Chrysalis with eyes of determination."See Chrysalis now my friends are right here by my side and now we will defeat you together."

Chrysalis at first looked afraid and baffled, but upon closer exception Chrysalis saw something odd about the rest of the elements of harmony. What looked like puppet strings tied on their body and it lead all the way to a mysterious creature."Muahahahahaha!" Chrysalis laughing caught Twilight off guard, that she started to wonder if something went wrong, but disregards the idea.

"What's so funny Chrysalis... we are going to win and you're... laughing?" Twilight was confused at why Chrysalis was laughing, but then she realized something. Her friends aren't saying anything about the matter at hoof. Twilight starts to sweat and she looks over to where her friends were to get some reassurance that they were actually there. Upon seeing them... she froze in place. Her friends were there yes, but they were not conscience at all. They were in-cased of some magically shield of sorts plus she noticed the puppet strings on her friends. She gulped and followed the trail of the puppet strings to the source and saw some pony or actually some dracon that she didn't want to see.

"Viola!' Discord was there holding the puppet strings in his talon/lion paws. "Well Twilight my dear it looks like I have won this round again. Muahahaha!" Twilight looked at discord petrified and she started to shake in fear as her pupils shrank to pinpricks. "Twilight Sparkle... you should know that you never turn your back on the enemy."

Upon hearing Chrysalis say that, Twilight turned around and saw Chrysalis's horn charge up. Twilight stood still for a few seconds and saw the spell fire. She jumped out of the way, but unfortunately the part of the spell hit her and she started to get dizzy as a result. Walking back, Twilight almost tripped over her own hoofs, fortunately she caught on the wall for balance as her forehead started to ooze with blood. She notices that the wall she is holding on to is actually a window pane showing the image of herself and her friends around her with the elements of harmony."Well Twilight... I think it's time I put an end to your element of magic or better yet... your very own life!"

Twilight's face turns pale as she looks up only to see Chrysalis fire a spell directly at her. Time seems to slow down as Twilight tries to move her body out of the way, but to no avail. Twilight hoped to be saved by some pony... any pony! Sadly that was not going to happen. The spell comes in contact with Twilight in hitting her through the window pane and now... Twilight started to fall down to her grave. Twilight tries to teleport, but her magic reserves had run out. ("This can't end like this... it can't!")

As Twilight continue to fall she already started realizing that no pony is going to save her. "It's happening... isn't it." Twilight said those words with a lifeless expression on her face. For some odd reason Twilight saw that time seemed to slow down for her... not that she cared or anything really since she is going to die very soon. "Might as well make my sentence last longer," she thought. Suddenly, she started to feel as though she is recalling some old memories she had in the past when she was small.

As we look the city of Canterlot, we see an early riser or eager filly waiting in front of her house at the mailbox. She seems excited as she is smiling and also jumping non stop. She gasps happily upon the sight of the mail pony coming down the streets of Canterlot doing his daily routine. "Let's see here... got a letter for Twilight Velvet." Twilight hears the mention of her mothers name and starts to have a questioning look. "Thats it?" The mail pony nodes his head in confirming to Twilight's question. "Yes, that is all I got." The mail pony notices the purple filly in front of him and sees her once happy smile to a frown.

"What's wrong kiddo?" The mail pony's mind clicks as he remembered seeing this filly from somewhere. "Oh! Aren't you one of the few ponies that went to take a test to get into Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns?" Upon hearing the school name Twilight's frown deepens even more than it already is. "I am guessing you were waiting for your results." Twilight nodes her head to confirm. Twilight takes the letters with a sigh and turns to head inside.

Before Twilight closes the door, she hears what the mail pony says before leaving. "Don't worry, I am sure you will get it later on today." With that said, the mail pony walk of to continue his job routine. Upon hearing that, Twilight brightens up and was determined that on what the mail pony said was true. She headed inside to eat breakfast with her awaiting family.

Later on that day, Twilight is in her room reading a new book that she recently got from the local library. A knock resounds from the front door, but Twilight does not hear it since she has zoned out all noise so that she can read without any pony disturbing her. Twilight Velvet goes to answer the door and sees the same mail pony that was was delivering the mail this morning. "Good evening ma'am, I have letters for ponies named Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor." Twilight Velvet takes the letters and reads the front from each. "Thank you very much," Velvet looks up and smiles to the mail pony. "No problem ma'am and have a very good evening," with that said the mail pony turns to leave with a grin on his face.

Velvet quickly examines the two letters, only to beam with excitement. She quickly, but quietly goes to show her husband. Upon showing her husband, he also has the same expression as his wife. They both thought of a quick way to bring the news to their kids at dinner. They both look at each other and felt as though they both had the same idea. Nodding their heads, they went ahead and started to prepare for dinner.

At dinner they waited for their kids to get down to eat. Upon hearing hooves galloping down the steps, they switched their expressions from happy to serious. When Shining and Twilight arrived to the dinner table, they both saw their parents in a serious mood. Automatically they both started to sweat and wonder if they were in any trouble. "Twilight, Shining... we both need to tell you two something important." Twilight and Shining immediately looked at each other with shifting eyes."Now will you two please have a seat." Both nodded their heads and did what their mother said.

"Now that we are all here. Lets get to the topi-." Velvet was interrupted by Twilight gasped loudly. "Okay,Okay mom I stole from the sweet cabinet!" Velvet and Nightlight raised their eyebrow at this." What do you mean Twily?" Twilight looked at her father with a shame of guilt. "I also help steal from the cabinet!" Now all eyes were on Shining with the parents having a raised eyebrow at this too. "Hold on... let me get this straight... both of you stole from the sweet cabinet?" Both guilty parties looked at their father and nodded their heads in shame. "Well then... I guess both of you are not allowed to eat dessert for a week." They both groaned in disappointment, but accepted what was given to them and listed to father.

"So honey... should I break the news or do you want to do it?" Twilight looked at her father with confusion and surprise look. ("News? I thought...?") Nightlight sees his wife giving a practical ‘I will do it’ type of look. "Shining Armor," Shining looked up to his mom with nervousness. "Yes mom?"

There was a few moments of silence looming over the room until Velvet speaks her peace. "Let me tell you how proud I am of you, Shining." Velvets expression switched from serious mood to overjoyed smile. Shining looked at his mother in confusion at what he had heard.("She's proud of me? For what?") "What do you mean mom?" Shining asked this with a still confused expression. "I think it's better for me to show you then tell you "'What I mean?'" She levitates the letter over to Shining for him to look it over.

Curious he opened the letter and read the letter word by word. Each time he finished a single sentence his eyes would widen and widen that they look as if they would bulge out of their sockets. Twilight was curious at what got her brothers attention so she scooted over to see the letter. Upon finish reading the last sentence Twilight is also surprised, but overjoyed mostly for her brother.

"Twily, lets not forget about you either." Twilight looked over to her father and sees the letter in his magical grasp. Twilight's eyes are glued to the letter and she freezes upon seeing it. Twilight's heart skips a beat, now wondering what could it be? "Is it my results?! Did I pass or did I fail?!" With that said, Twilight's curiosity gets the better of her and she gets the letter with quick precision. Twilight looks at the closed letter as she gulps and opens it to read the contents inside.

Dear Twilight Sparkle, You have been invited to join the prestigious school of Princess Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns. After reviewing your test results we were more than glad to allow you to come and enjoy this wondrous opportunity to join us in this event. Also Princess Celestia herself will be viewing how all exams go so be ready for that. We will hand out your dorm room number for which you will be staying. We hope you enjoy your stay in this wonderful school.
Principle Berry Weather

After Twilight finished reading that letter, well lets just say there was a lot of yes's, jumping,squee's, and practically a lot of excitement/joy.

Twilight re-opened her eyes to see that indeed she is still alive, but she is still falling. Twilight was actually starting to get intrigued that even though she is falling, time seemed to still be slow. She would had like to study this, but what will that do when she will fall to her death pretty soon. Again she started to remember another memory that happen when she will still just a filly.

"Alright Twilight Sparkle, whenever you are ready to begin." Twilight looked at her judges as well as Celestia next to them. Her eyes started to show a might sheer of determination, but on the inside she is actually more nervous than ever before. To the point that she is having doubts. Twilight looked at her parents for reassurance.Both Twilight Velvet and Night Light smiled and nodded for their daughter in body language saying,’You'll do good, we know you will.’ Twilight acknowledge the message and turn to try and hatch the dragon egg with her magic.("Alright Twilight... you can do this! If you can pass any test in a breeze, then you can pass this one!”)

After giving a self motivational speech to herself, she was ready. Twilight charged up the spell that she was told to use to hatch the egg successfully. The spell start's up making a ‘hum’ noise and Twilight focuses on succeeding this spell with no problems. Her face contorts due to how much the spell is taking a toll on her being. Suddenly Twilight feels too exhausted to continue the spell, but continues anyway. The spell starts to die down as Twilight opened her eyes to find that... the egg had not hatched! Not even a smig showed that she had done anything with the egg. Twilight start's to have a sweat and she closes her eyes to think that maybe she was seeing things. She opens her eyes again and.... the egg is not smudged in any way. Now Twilight starts to have a mental breakdown... in the inside of course and on the outside she is wide eyed with shock to no ends.... she starts to get depressed.

("It... It didn't work... I didn't succeed! Oh no! I am going to fail... I'm going to fail...") The judges look upon this with a frown of disappointment while shaking their heads from side to side. Twilight see's this and her frown deepen.

You might notice something going on in the sky. A rainbow streak of sorts is flying straight down. Although, its not just a rainbow projectile, it was a cyan colored pegasus flying straight down to reach its destination. A spiral cone started to form around the pegasus starting from head to hoof. The spiral cone all of a sudden consumes the cyan colored filly and a ‘Boom’ could be heard from any distance close to the scene.

Back to Twilight who is now going to attempt on trying the spell again. She will not back down until she succeeds on hatching that dragon egg. She feels her spell starting up, but suddenly feels a disturbance in her magic. She feels the need to stop her spell. Only to suddenly feel her magic grow strong with no signs of stopping. If one were to know what is happening, Twilight is going through a magic disruption. She is engulfed in her magic that her eyes shone white and then Twilight releases the spell and hatches the dragon egg with no problems. If it weren't for the fact that when the egg hatched, you see the small baby dragon turn into a big dragon that grew so much, it practically destroyed the roof of the test exam. Then she shots another spell and turns her parents into plants.

Celestia notices the problem and goes to calm Twilights magical disturbance. As she arrives Twilight notices what she is doing and sees Celestia at her side. Twilight cancels her magic with quick precision. Once her magic is disappearing, the supposed big dragon goes back to its original form as well as her parents. Celestia sighs happily that the problem has now been defused. Twilight comes back to her senses and looks to see that indeed the egg has been hatched. (“Have I done it? Did I pass?”) She surveys the area to see that all eyes were looking at her direction. (“I don’t think I passed… after what happened… how could I.”)

“Twilight Sparkle…” At the mention of her name, she looks to Princess Celestia knowing full well that she had messed up the test. “I am impressed, I have not seen any other unicorn filly with that much potential as you do with your magic. How would you like to study under my wing as my personal protege?” Twilight looks upon that question with mixed emotions. She wants to be excited, she wants to jump at that opportunity, and etc. She looks at her parents way and see that they are telling her in just on how they look. ‘Accept the offer. Go for it!’ Satisfied she jumps in the air in excitement, but is interrupted by Princess Celestia, “Now hold on, there is something else that also happen in that exchange.”

Twilight settles down with a questionable face. “More?” Celestia sees this reaction and just simply points at something on Twilights flank. She follows the hoof and comes upon something or no actually it is a cutie mark. It looks like a six pointed star surrounded by five other stars. Twilights confusing face turns to one of joy. As you can guess, the purple filly is jumping up and down in excitement with a lot of yes’s.

While Twilight continues to revisit her memories. She doesn’t notice a certain projectile coming her way. It looks like a dark blue blob coming down. Twilight looked at the falling pieces of the broken window pane and sees herself with the rest of her five friends. That right there brought back some happy memories.


“My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!” Spike was informing on what Princess Celestia has informed for Twilight to do.

Twilight sighed heavily upon hearing the news. This was a turn of events that she did not like what so ever.

Look on the bright side, Twilight. The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn't that make you happy?” Twilight looks at Spike with a look saying ‘No duh.’

Yes, yes it does. You know why? Because I'm right! I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return.”

Then... when will you make friends, like the Princess said?” Spike looked at Twilight with an awaiting look to see what she will respond with.

She immediately responds with confidence saying,She said to check on preparations. I am her student, and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.”

“But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends! You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!” As Twilight finish saying her peace. The element of magic that was mentioned descends down onto Twilights head as a crown piece.

Once it sets itself on Twilights head. It activates as well as the other elements with it. Twilights friends float as in the air with confused, but bewildered looks. Twilight is last to float up as her magic is activated with her eyes glowing white as all the elements glow and started to form together with the rest forming a rainbow color like beam. Said beam launches in the air and descends down upon Nightmare Moon whose eyes are filled with regret and terror.


As another memory recalled or last memory. We come to see Twilight celebrating her birthday with her birthday dress that was made by Rarity herself. Well actual it was made in an immediate process. Twilight is located outside of the Canterlot ball that was going to be held as the Grand Galloping Gala or the three G’s. Rarity looks upon in shock at her friends who are doing a kind of dance that we know as ‘Follow the leader’ with Twilight being last holding a music recorder.

What an exciting day for the mane 6 or well actually mane 5 ,excluding Rarity, who later on join her friends once the realization hits her.


Twilight once again, opens her eyes and see the speed of time, speed up in a sense. She just closes her eyes awaiting her life to end as what Chrysalis said. Though, what she didn't expect was for Luna to sweep down and break Twilight's fall. Twilight has just fallen asleep by this point from the lack of magic inside of her as well as the blood loss.

Luna looks at the sleeping Twilight with a sadden look on her face. It looks like she came in too late to attempt anything. What she will do is take Twilight and pick up Spike to move them far away from Ponyville and Canterlot to get both of them to safety. Luna will know in time as the prophecy said, “Once Twilight has lost, she will have to find and continue to search the hidden objects that will lead her to her destination of victory against all evil.”

“I am sorry dear Twilight… I have failed to come assist you in your time of need against... those vile villains.” Luna looks ahead at the Canterlot castle and sees Chrysalis looking down at them with a disappointed look, but just walks back inside. Luna looks at Twilight once more with a look of appreciation that Twilight has indeed survived.

“Twilight… You are going to carry on your friendship.” After saying that, she flies off to Ponyville in order to get the prophecy to come true.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed to what's to come to this story.
I have gotten this idea from a video called My Little Pony: Friendship was Magic.
I will take this to another level of things. So I hope you enjoy how the rest of the story will come out.
So criticism is always accepted. Tell me what I should fix or edit. It will improve me to become a better writer. :pinkiesmile:
So stay awesome and see you in the comments!