• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 2,650 Views, 259 Comments

Soldier of the Night - Skyfire Storm

The life and love of a young Pegasus Royal Guard and his search for a sense of belonging and purpose.

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5. New Beginnings

No more than eleven hours later the airplane had finally landed at the Cloudsdale International Skyport, and while Equinox was busy preparing herself and Storm for entering Equestria Storm continued slumbering away in dreamland, the constant traveling yesterday having really done a number on him.

It was a rather warm and sunny day in Cloudsdale, and the humidity made the inside of the cabin quite stuffy even with the air conditioning on. The airplane soon came to a complete stop next to the arrivals concourse and a loud ping echoed through the aircraft to signify that it was now safe to stand up, while also having the knock-on effect of causing Storm to awaken at last. When it came to sleep Storm was a strange case—he could sleep through just about anything if the occasion called for it but this sleep pattern was pretty susceptible to being interrupted. Groggily as the world came into view, he scanned his vicinity to see ponies and Griffons alike getting out of their seats and packing their bags, and his mom sitting beside him getting ready to disembark.

"We're here, son," Equinox beamed before glancing down at the paperwork she held in her hooves, scrutinizing it closely to ascertain that everything they needed to enter the country was indeed there.

As his mom scoured through their papers Storm impulsively turned to look out of the window at the tarmac ahead and looking past neighboring aircraft saw a large building made of cloud and water ice, which he presumed was the arrivals building; there was also a huge and imposing control tower, slightly similar to the one in Gryfino, far off in the distance. Storm looked at the cloud buildings in awe. He had never thought that he'd see architecture like that in his own lifetime, and it reminded him of the fancy, futuristic towers and domes that he often saw in old and cheesy science fiction movies.

"Storm, sweetie. It's time to go," said Equinox, snapping him out of his thoughts. He stood up and looked to see ponies and Gryphons alike getting off the plane.

"Alright mom," he replied and followed his mom down the aisle, before waving goodbye to the flight attendant mare and walking out of the airship. Storm looked around and smelt the fresh Cloudsdale air, which was nothing like the air back in the Griffon Empire, before following his mom through a revolving door, which led to a baggage carousel and two passport booths, one for domestic arrivals and one for international arrivals.

"Mom?" asked Storm, walking down the hallway which led to the passport booths. Both were marked "domestic" and "international" and had ponies, Gryphons and other species that Storm had never seen before, including eagles and dragons, lined up at each one. "What are the papers for, if you don't mind me asking?"

"They'll allow us entry into Equestria, son." replied Equinox. "Without these documents, we won't be allowed in."

"Alright..." he replied, growing slightly nervous as they approached a gray Pegasus stallion, sitting at the "international" arrivals booth, wearing aviator shades and a dark blue peaked hat, currently tending to a Gryphon couple and their children, who were on vacation in Cloudsdale. There were also two Pegasus stallions, standing beside the booth and wearing golden armor, marked "BORDER PATROL" on the front and back plates, who Storm presumed were Equestrian airport guards. One of the stallions held a spear in his left hoof, while the other one had a crossbow sticking out from underneath his armor. Storm gulped. He had never seen airport security like that, not even at Gryfino Airport, where the security was said to be the tighter than in any other airport in Aerovis. The Guard with the crossbow turned to look at Storm, who was staring at him nervously, and gave him a friendly smile, as if to say "Relax kid. We aren't going to hurt you.". Storm sighed in relief, but his nervousness persisted. He knew that the stallions were only protecting the airport and everypony in it, but he also knew that if he'd step out of line, he'd get in huge trouble with them, which he didn't want.

"Alright, next please." said the pony at the passport booth, dismissing two dragons who were visiting Cloudsdale, and motioning for Equinox and Storm to come to the booth. While Storm watched nervously, Equinox handed him their passports, which he read.

"Equinox Moon?" he asked, looking at her.

"Yep, that's me." she replied, giving him a friendly grin.

"Alright. Stormfire?" he asked, looking down at the colt. He waved at him awkwardly, before hiding behind Equinox.

He then proceeded to read the documents.

"So, it says here that you two are seeking to move back into the country, am I right?" he asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we are." replied Equinox.

"It also says here that you lived in Gryffsvale during your stay in the Gryphon Empire, and that you were a weather pony, ma'am." the stallion explained. Storm's hooves were shaking like a rattle as he listened to the passport stallion. What if they don't get into the country?

"One final question." the stallion asked. "Are you staying at somepony's home or do you have your own?"

"We'll be staying at my friend's house for the time being, sir." Equinox replied.

"Ah. Alright." the stallion said, giving her an approving smile. "Welcome back to Equestria, ma'am."

"Thank you, sir." she replied, returning the smile. Storm sighed in relief and followed Equinox through a metal detector, before entering a different hallway, which led to another revolving door. After going through the revolving door, Storm and Equinox found themselves inside a large building, with a magnificent dome made of water ice serving as the roof of the building. Storm looked around to see hundreds, if not, thousands of ponies, Gryphons, zebras (using magic to walk on the cloudy floor) and numerous other species, all waiting to get their baggage. Equinox and Storm walked up to the conveyor belt and waited for their luggage to come out (the boxes with more of their stuff were scheduled to arrive a week later). A moment later, Equinox's suitcases came out, followed by Storm's suitcase. They both took the suitcases off the conveyor belt and carried them to the main concourse, separated from the baggage claim building by a long bridge, at least three-four floors above ground.

Both of them took the moving walkway in the middle of the bridge in order to save them time. As they neared the main concourse of the airport, Storm turned to look outside at Cloudsdale. The city took his breath away. There were several tall buildings made out of either cloud or water ice around ten miles in the distance, surrounded by a seemingly infinite expanse of lower rise buildings, cloud forests, shopping malls and more cloud buildings. There was even a large arena, unlike anything Storm had ever seen before, towering intimidatingly over the surrounding city, and close to it stood a large building out of which clouds seemed to come out, similar to what he had seen at his mom's workplace on 'take your kid to work day'. Oh yes, Cloudsdale was something, alright.

Just then, Equinox noticed Storm staring out of the window, looking at the magnificent cloud city before them and smiled at him.

"So, what do you think, son?" she asked, looking at him staring at the city, with the delight of a small foal.

"It looks so freaking awesome..." he replied, still not turning his eyes away from the city.

"I agree." she said. "It's the best city in the entire country. Me and your dad grew up here..."

"It must have been great growing up here." he replied, finally turning his eyes away from the expansive metropolis towards the end of the moving walkway.

"It sure was, son." she replied.

A moment later, they reached the end of the moving walkway and stepped off it, before going into a glass elevator, which gave them a clear view of the terminal. The elevator arrived at it's destination, the lobby floor, and Equinox and Storm stepped out of it.

Just then, their eyes caught a sign saying "EQUINOX MOON/STORMFIRE", being held up by a rather tall, buff, light yellow stallion with a white-gray mane and a gust of wind as his cutie mark. This was a stallion whom Equinox recognized very well...

"Oh, my gosh." she gasped. "It's High..."

"Who?" asked Storm, looking rather confused.

"High Wind." replied Equinox. "He's waiting for us."

"Oh, him." said Storm, finally remembering who High Wind was.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's go." she said, motioning for Storm to follow her. Just then, the stallion noticed them approaching and gave them a warm, welcoming smile. The stallion's foals were also present; his oldest foal was a light gray colt with a mane just like his father's, and a guitar for his cutie mark, while his youngest was a yellow-white filly with a blue mane and no cutie mark yet.

"EQUINOX!" shouted High, pushing past some ponies passing by and trotting towards her. Equinox noticed him trotting up to her and dropped her suitcase, a tearful smile forming on her face. Storm's jaw dropped as he watched the muscular stallion trot up to his mom and hug her tightly. Who the hay was this guy? Why the hay was he hugging his mom? Storm did not know, but he wasn't liking him one bit. The hug lasted for a minute or so.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're here..." he said, tears streaming down his face.

"I missed you so much, High..." she replied, also in tears. "I've been wanting to get home for the past ten years... I honestly can't believe I'm really here. Thank you so much..."

"My pleasure." he replied. "And thank you for keeping me company these past few years... ever since she left me, it's not been the same."

"Who left you?" asked Equinox.

"My wife...She passed on four years ago now." he explained, wiping his eyes with a cloth, and then wiping her eyes with it. "I'm sorry for not telling you before, but I just didn't feel like telling anypony back then..."

"I'm sorry for your loss, High..." she replied, genuinely feeling sorry for him. "I know how you feel."

"You helped me through a tough time for me, you helped all of us." he said, still tearful, before motioning for his two kids to come to them. Equinox motioned for Storm to come over to them. "And you must be Stormfire." High said, giving him a warm and friendly smile.

"Yes, I'm---Stormfire, sir." he replied rather nervously. High then let out a hearty chuckle.

"You don't need to call me "sir", Stormfire." High replied. "Just call me High."

"Are you alright with that?" he asked.

"Yeah, go ahead." High replied. "Oh, and meet my kids. This is my son, Gust Wind..." he explained, pointing to the Pegasus colt, who looked to be at least a year or two older than Storm.

"Sup?" asked Gust, outstretching his hoof.

"Eh, not much." replied Storm, shaking his hoof.

"And this is my daughter, Mist River." he replied, looking at the Pegasus filly who was around a year or two younger than Storm.

"Hi." he replied, smiling at her. "I'm Storm."

"The name's Mist." she replied, putting on a mafioso accent, before changing it into a British accent. "Lovely to meet you."

"Likewise." Storm replied.

Both parents chuckled to themselves at Mist's accents.

"Mist here likes imitating characters from movies that we've seen together." explained High Wind. "And Gust likes to rock out on his very own guitar, like the guitarist from his favorite band, Cloudsdale's Crazies. It's a ridiculous name if you ask me, but he likes it."

"So, anyways..." replied Gust. "Shouldn't we be heading home by now? I have guitar practice in an hour."

"Oh, alright." replied High Wind. "I forgot about that... come on, let's head home."

"Wait!" shouted Equinox. "Storm can't fly..."

"What?" asked Gust, his jaw dropping. "He's a Pegasus, for Pete's sake!"

"He can't...fly? asked Mist, bewildered.

"That's a shame." replied High Wind. "Luckily, I can teach him."

"You don't have to, High." said Storm. "Really..."

"Well, okay then." replied High, sighing. "Let's head home."

Twenty-five minutes later, they reached High's house, which was a modest suburban home, typical of North Cloudsdale.

He opened the door, carrying two of Equinox's suitcases (much to Storm's disgust) in one hoof and led everypony in.

"Welcome home." he said, putting down the suitcases beside an armchair. While Gust went to get his guitar and Mist went to get a snack from the kitchen, High and Equinox talked about their lives up to this point.

"So, how was the Gryphon Empire?" he asked.

"Well, it's nothing like Equestria, that's for sure." she replied, chuckling slightly as Storm watched with a cold glare from beside the door. Already he felt like High Wind was... taking his dad's spot. Nah, that's ridiculous... he thought to himself. Dad's been dead for the past eleven years... get over it, Storm.

"I've been working as a weather pony as well... just a year ago, I made the most important weather event in Cloudsdale's history; a double rainbow." he bragged. Storm groaned in disgust. What a braggart. No one can make a double rainbow.

"Really?" asked Equinox. "Wow..."

"What's the best weather you've ever created?" asked High Wind.

"A snowstorm." she said rather modestly. "I know it's nothing special or anything, but I can't do anything better."

"Hey, that's not bad." he replied, smiling warmly at her. "That's actually very impressive."

"Really?" asked Equinox, her smile widening.

"Yeah. I mean, almost nopony in the Cloudsdale weather center can make a snowstorm." he explained. "Hey, how about I get you a job there?"

"You'd do that?" asked Equinox.

"Why not?" replied High Wind, with a question of his own.

"Thank you..." Equinox replied. "You're like a guardian angel..."

"And you're like one as well..." he replied. "A beautiful, beautiful angel."

Just then, their eyes met and they chuckled rather awkwardly at their little moment, much to the disgust of Storm.

He fake coughed several times, getting the attention of Equinox and High.

"Mom?" asked Storm.

"Yeah, sweetie?" she asked.

"Where am I going to sleep tonight?" he asked.

"Oh, sorry. I was going to show you around the house and I got a bit carried away with talking to your mom." he said. Just then, Gust trotted down the stairs, carrying his guitar on his back. He turned to look at Equinox and High, before turning to look at Storm with a disapproving stare.

"Alright, dad." Gust begun. "I'm heading out for guitar practice. See you later..."

"Bye son." High replied, waving at him.

"Bye, blank flank loser." he said, looking at Storm with a glare, before opening the door and stepping out of the house. Storm had no idea why he called him a 'blank flank loser', so he decided to ask Equinox later on.

"Alright, you guys." said High. "It's time to tour the house. Come on, let's go upstairs."

Equinox and Storm followed High up the stairs, which led to a large hallway. The first room they checked out was Gust's room, which was rather large and was decorated with posters of famous rock stars from Cloudsdale and the surrounding area. There was also a fancy digital radio in the corner of the room and a small TV right next to it, its antenna towering ominously over the room and casting it's shadow on Gust's bed.

"This is Gust's room." explained High Wind, letting them take a look inside, before leading them towards the next room. The next room was fairly different from Gust's room. It had pink walls with posters of famous pop singers and a poster of the Bitalian crime film Mafia Nights. There were also toys and memorabilia from various other movies lined up on the dresser. Interesting collection... Storm thought to himself.

"This is Mist's room." explained High.

"I see Mist's a fan of gangster films." said Equinox, looking disapprovingly at the poster of Mafia Nights hanging on the wall.

"Yeah, she loves crime films. In fact, we both do." explained High Wind.

"Isn't she a bit too young to be watching crime films?" asked Equinox.

"They let us both in to see a re release of Mafia Nights two months ago, so I think she's fine." replied High Wind, before moving onto the next room. The final room wasn't as interesting as the previous rooms, but it was fairly large and spacious, with a large bed and a wardrobe in it.

"And this is my room." High said. "You two will sleep downstairs if that's alright until we prepare proper rooms for you, alright?"

"Okay." replied Equinox. "Are you happy, Storm?"

"Yeah, happy..." grumbled Storm, unhappy that he doesn't have a proper bed.

"Oh, are you hungry? I have tomato soup ready." explained High. The mention of tomato soup made Storm's stomach growl like a vicious dog. He hadn't eaten anything since breakfast on the plane.

"Oh yes, please." said Equinox, before turning to look at Storm.

"Uh, okay." replied Storm.

"Alright, let's go to the kitchen." said High, leading them downstairs and into the kitchen.

Storm had to admit, while he didn't really like High that much and thought that he was an imposter trying to take his dad's place, his tomato soup tasted heavenly. He had never tried soup like that back in the Griffon Empire, where the soup was highly sour and acidic. In comparison, the soup in Cloudsdale was completely natural.

"So," begun High, trying to break the ice. "Liking your soup, Storm?" He only nodded in reply as his mouth was full of tomato soup. "That's great. What about you, Equi?" Equinox turned to look at him and gulped down the tomato soup in her mouth, before being able to speak.

"It tastes wonderful." she replied, smiling warmly. "Thank you, High."

"My pleasure." he replied. "You'd be surprised to know that the soup we make in this part of Equestria is made from 100% natural ingredients and nothing artificial at all."

"That's ridiculous." complained Storm. "How can something be completely natural?"

"Well Storm, it must be different back in the Empire, but here in Equestria, we only source the best ingredients from the best plantations around the country." High explained, before rinsing his bowl of soup under the faucet.

"Yeah? And how do you know?" asked Storm.

"Storm, High worked on a tomato plantation near his grandpa's ranch." Equinox explained, finishing off her soup.

"Yep. I spent two months working at my grandma and grandpa's ranch in the San Palomino Desert." he explained, putting on a thick southern accent at the end of his sentence.

"Maybe that's why you're so muscular..." said Equinox, attempting to flirt with High. A small blush begun to form on his face, and that blush begun to slowly become more visible to everypony in the room, including to Storm, who seemed most disgusted. A stallion whom he only met a few hours ago was attempting to flirt with his mother. If only Storm's dad was here, then he'd beat the living daylights out of High for trying to romance his mother.

"Yeah, you look even better than I do. No seriously... you do, Equi." he replied awkwardly, before his entire face turned red and he begun to shake. Suddenly, his wings unfolded rapidly to their full size and they froze in place. Both Storm and Mist spat out their soup in shock and Equinox, blushing furiously, turned away from High, in order not to look at the handsome stallion sitting beside her.

"Nothing to see here, kids... he he." High begun rather awkwardly, much to the disgust of Storm and Mist. "I just think your mom is rather... hot, Storm. Go play upstairs, both of you. Like I said, nothing to see here."

A few moments later...
After eating lunch and witnessing High's little 'wing malfunction', Storm and Mist went to play upstairs in her room. While Mist went to look for a game for them to play, Storm was busy thinking. Thinking about his mom and High and whether they were right for one another. While Storm did think his mom deserved to be happy and settle down with a stallion, he still couldn't trust High, no matter how friendly and helpful he seemed. What if he tried to take advantage of them? What if he kicked them out during the cold, merciless winters that north central Equestria is famous for? Or what if he tried to attack them? Questions like that raced through Storm's head as he tried to decide whether High can be trusted or not.

"Hey Storm." begun Mist, pulling out a board game. "I found a game we could play together."

"What is it?" asked Storm, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Chess!" she replied enthusiastically, opening the box containing the game and spilling out its contents. Storm groaned as he looked at the chessboard and the different pieces scattered around the floor. As much as he enjoyed playing board games, he could never learn how to play chess properly. "What's wrong?" asked Mist.

"Oh, nothing nothing..." Storm replied. "It's just that I've never played chess before."

"You can't?" asked Mist. "Why not?"

"I could never fully learn, Mist." explained Storm.

"Me and my dad could teach you, if you want." she replied.

"NO--I mean, no. You don't have to." said Storm.

"Okay..." she replied awkwardly, but shrugged the awkwardness off. "Hey Storm."

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Why can't you fly properly?" she asked in reply.

"Because I just can't, okay?..." replied Storm. "And it's definitely too late for me to learn."

"You know what my dad says?" asked Mist.

I don't really care, but okay..."What?"

"You can't give up on your dreams." she explained. "Does flying mean anything to you, Storm?"

"Yes." he replied. "I've been wanting to fly for the past few years."

"Then why not fly?" she asked.

"Because I can't, okay?!" Storm replied, now agitated.

"Okay, no need to shout..." she said, as calmly as she could. "Chill, Storm."

"Okay..." Storm replied, calming down noticeably. "Sorry."

"It's okay." she beamed. "What do you think happened to my dad's wings today at lunch?"

"Oh, that..." Storm begun, chuckling sarcastically. "I don't know."

"I think he likes your mom..." Mist replied, smiling wryly.

"You think?" asked Storm, a glare forming on his face. "He likes my mom?!"

"Isn't it obvious dude?" she asked.

Storm gritted his teeth in anger and jumped off the bed, before giving Mist a deathly glare.

"Dude, chill..." she said, trying to calm Storm down. "Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

Storm sighed and lowered his head in shame, before turning to face Mist.

"My mom, she had numerous coltfriends back in the Griffon Empire, who promised her that they'll help us get to Equestria." Storm answered, with a rather angry tone in his voice. "However, instead of helping us, they took advantage of mom and me. One of them even made my mom his 'pleasure pony', whatever that may mean."

Back in Aerovis, Equinox tried her hardest for her and Storm to move back to Equestria, keeping every Gryphon coin or note she earned in a box hidden very well inside their basement, however all that money was lost after their house was bombed.

Before Ava and Vortex helped them, they had to stay with several male Gryphons, two or three of them being Equinox's love interests. They promised them tickets to Equestria, but they lied. One night, they were kicked out of one of the Gryphon's houses after Equinox had some 'private time' with him, and another night, they were attacked by a Gryphon after Equinox refused to give him the money she earned that day at work.

"Pleasure pony?" asked Mist. "I've never heard that term before..."

"I don't know what it means either, but I think it is something bad..." replied Storm.

"So, lemme guess." Mist begun. "You're scared that my dad might turn out like one of your mom's previous coltfriends."

"Exactly." Storm replied.

"Well, he won't." said Mist. "I don't know, just try and get to know each other better. Who knows? Maybe you'll like my dad more?"

"How do you know he won't?" asked Storm.

"Well, you can trust my dad, no matter what happens." Mist explained proudly. "My dad is the best dad in the world."

Just then, they heard hoovesteps coming up the stairs.

"Hey, kids." begun the voice, belonging to High Wind. "We're going to go get Storm a place at North Cloudsdale Elementary School. We're waiting for you downstairs."

"Elementary school?" asked Storm, having never come across the term before.

"Yeah, in Equestria, you go to elementary school until you're 12. What age are you?" asked Mist.

"I'm turning eleven in six months." he replied. "What about you?"

"I'm eight and a half." she said. "And Gust is thirteen."

"So, what's Gust in?" asked Storm.

"Middle school." Mist replied. Storm nodded in reply and both of them made their way downstairs, where Equinox and High Wind were waiting for them.

"Hey kids." said High Wind. "You ready, Storm?"

"Yeah, I am." Storm replied rather nervously.

"Excellent!" replied Equinox. "Alright then, let's go."

They made their way to North Cloudsdale Elementary School, which was situated a few blocks away from High Wind's house. As they walked towards the school building, which had an Equestrian flag fluttering in the warm wind, Storm couldn't help but look at the building. It was a lot smaller than his school back in Gryffsvale, but it looked a whole lot nicer.

The group of Pegasi walked through the open gate and up the water ice stairs, before walking through the main door, and while Equinox and High Wind were being Interviewed by the principal of the school, Storm and Mist were sitting outside his office.

"So, Storm..." begun Mist. "Are you excited in being a Cloudsdale student?"

"Yes.. and no." he replied, rather awkwardly. "As much as I'm looking forward to starting a new school, I'm a bit worried about starting school. I'm worried if anyone will like me and if I'll do good."

"Don't worry." she said, putting her hoof on his shoulder. "I know you'll do great. I believe in you."

"Thanks Mist..." Storm smiled at her. "I only know you for a few hours and already you seem like the sister I never had."

"I do?" she asked. "Thank you, Storm. And you're like my second brother."

"I am?" asked Storm, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"Well, of course, silly!" she said, smiling at him. "I always wanted a second brother."

"And I always wanted a sister." he said.

Just then, both High Wind and Equinox Moon came out of the principal's office, both wearing smiles on their faces, Storm knowing very well why they were so happy.

"Great news, sweetie." begun Equinox.

"They accepted you into the school." High continued, with pride in his voice. "You're starting tomorrow, Storm."

"I am?" Storm asked, his pupils shrinking.

"Well, yeah." Equinox replied. "I know it, son. You'll do great!"

"Well, maybe I will." concluded Storm. "I am a bit nervous though."

"Don't be!" replied High. "This was the elementary school I went to when I was your age. You'll love it."

"Uh-huh." Said Storm awkwardly. Can I take your word for it? Of course not.

The next morning.
"Good morning, everypony!" said a rather cheerful teacher by the name of Mrs. Horseshoe to her class, around twenty mostly bored fillies and colts. "I hope you all had a great weekend. Have you?"

"Yes, Mrs. Horseshoe!" said the class in unison.

"That's great!" she said, turning away from her students to face the chalkboard. "Have you all done your homework?"

"Yes, Mrs. Horseshoe!"

"That's great. We also have a new student today joining our class." she explained cheerfully, motioning to the door, behind which stood Storm, looking into the classroom with a look of fear on his face. What if they don't accept him? What if he makes no friends? Or what if he gets bullied? Questions like that raced through his mind as he tried to decide whether to go into the classroom. Eventually, a few moments later, he plucked up the courage to go into the classroom.

"Everypony, this is Stormfire." explained Mrs. Horseshoe, turning to face the young colt. All the colts and fillies in the room turned to face Storm, which made him extremely nervous. "Why don't you tell us about yourself, Stormfire?"

A moment or two later, the nervous colt managed to speak.

"Uh, hi..." he begun, shaking like a foal's rattle. "...I'm Stormfire and I just moved here from the Griffon Empire... and uh, uh.."

Some of the colts and fillies begun to whisper and snicker amongst themselves, which unnerved Storm even more. Was it something he said? He did not know, but he wasn't liking it one bit.

"Can I please sit down, ma'am?" asked Storm.

"Why certainly!" she beamed. "There's a vacant seat between Singer and Hurricane Force." she explained, pointing to a vacant desk at the back of the class beside which sat two colts; one of the colts was navy blue and had a red mane, while the other colt had a light blue mane and gray coat.

Storm walked between several desks, trying to get to his desk as fast as he could. However, before he could get to his desk, something very unpleasant happened...

"Hey guys." whispered a colt to his friends, pointing at Storm's flank. "He doesn't even have his mark!"

What mark? thought Storm, turning to look at the snickering colts, who were all looking at his flank. Oh... so that's what Gust meant by 'blank flank loser'. he concluded, before continuing towards his desk.

He sat down between the two colts and looked at the chalkboard where the teacher was writing down some multiplication, before turning to look at the two colts sitting on both sides of him. Maybe I'll make some friends here...

"Hi." beamed Singer. "You're Stormfire, right?"

"Yeah, hi..." Storm replied awkwardly.

"Hi loser," jeered Hurricane Force. "So, you're from the Gryphon lands, huh?"

"Yeah? What's wrong with that?" asked Storm, his nervousness returning to him.

"Oh, nothing nothing," replied Hurricane. "So, your mom's a Gryphon?"

"No, she's not!" said Storm, visibly offended.

"Yes she is, you half-Gryphon freak." he barked back. "Don't think we're all going to be your friends just because you stand out."

"Hurricane, leave him alone." replied Singer. "What did Storm do to you?"

"You stay out of this, Dinger." threatened Hurricane. "And look, he's a blank-flank..." he explained, pointing to his flank, where there should be a mark.

"Why is everyone talking about my flank?" groaned Storm. "Can I just go sit down please?"

"Because your cutie mark shows who you are... and if you don't have one then you're nopony." explained Hurricane. "Bucking loser."

The words Hurricane said hit Storm harder than a crossbow hitting him on the head. If he wanted to be considered 'somepony' he needed to get his mark, and he needed to get it quickly, or face endless torment by bullies like Hurricane. But how was he going to get his mark?

"Leave him alone, will you?" asked Singer, with a firm tone in his voice.

"How about... no?" replied Hurricane.

"Hurricane?" asked the teacher, who was obviously aware of what he was doing to Storm.

"Yes ma'am?"

"If you're going to continue your behavior, then I'll put you in detention for a week." she explained. "Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."


"You're gonna be sorry you even came here, you blank-flank piece of crap." threatened Hurricane, turning to look at Storm.

"Okay..." replied Storm, feeling rather awkward. Well, so much for making friends...

Around forty-five minutes later, the bell for recess rang and every colt and filly in the class trotted outside, including Storm, Hurricane and Singer. Hurricane left the classroom first, giving a rather nervous Storm a death glare. After Hurricane left, Storm and Singer went to play outside.

"Hey, it'll be okay..." said Singer, trying his best to comfort Storm. "He's just a bully."

"Is what he said about me being a blank-flank true?" asked Storm.

"No! Why would it be, dude?" answered Singer. "There's nothing wrong with being a blank flank according to me."

"Really?" asked Storm, his smile returning to his face.

"Yeah!" beamed Singer. "I mean, look at my best friend Violet. She's your age and she doesn't have her cutie mark yet, but I still think that she's the greatest, most amazing filly I ever met."

"Cutie mark?" asked Storm, struggling to contain his laughter. "Is that what it's called? It sounds kinda girly if you ask me..."

"Well, yeah..." replied Singer. "It sure does..."

"So, what can I do to get my... cutie mark?" asked Storm, still trying his hardest not to laugh.

"Just do something you're good at." replied Singer, giving him a friendly smile. "I got my cutie mark because I'm good at singing." he explained, turning to look at his cutie mark; a microphone with the cord cut off.

"Yeah, but I don't know what I'm good at." sighed Storm.

"You'll find out someday, dude." said Singer, putting his hoof on Storm's shoulder.

"Maybe..." said Storm, his unsure expression turning into a grin.

"Can you fly?" asked Singer.

"Uh, not really..." replied Storm, rather reluctantly, not knowing the reaction he'd get from Singer.

"That's okay." said Singer. "There's this new flying club at lunch that's just started up. I could get you a place if you want."

"You'd do that?" asked Storm.

"Of course." he beamed. "You seem like a cool pony to hang out with. Maybe we could be friends?"

"That would be great." said Storm, smiling. "I'd love to be your friend."

"Me too. So, what do you say?" begun Singer. "Friends till the end?" he asked, extending out his hoof.

"Friends till the end." replied Storm, bumping his hoof. Maybe I have a chance at making friends here...

A few hours later...
The school day went by fairly quickly, much quicker than Storm had expected before. Despite being constantly pestered by Hurricane (who continuously tried to torment him by saying that he's a "blank-flank") and failing to get enrolled in the flying club, Storm remained cool and calm. Why? Because he had a friend to spend the day with, and that friend was Singer. After the final school bell rang and everypony left for home, Singer walked with Storm back home (as his mom was at work at the time) and so decided to start up a conversation.

"So, how was your first day?" asked Singer.

"It wasn't as bad as I expected it to go..." replied Storm, smiling awkwardly.

"It isn't as bad here as you may think." said Singer. "In fact, it's actually a great experience."

"You sure?" asked Storm.

"Yeah. Trust me, it can seem hard at first trying to fit in, but I know you'll do great, buddy." explained Singer.

"Thanks, dude." replied Storm. "How's Violet? I haven't seen her at school today."

"Oh, she's off sick with the feather flu..." explained Singer as they begun to near Storm's house (Singer's house was a few streets away). "She should be back at school by next week."

"That's good to hear." replied Storm. "Anyways, thanks for hanging out with me, Singer."

"No problem." he beamed. "See you tomorrow, Storm."

"Yeah, see you as well." said Storm, turning left and walking down a rather short pathway to his new, well, current home. A few moments later, he arrived in front of the house and opened the front door, before walking in.

"Hey mom, I'm home!" he said, dumping his bag beside the door, however, he got no answer from his mom, or from anypony else in the house. That's strange. It's 3 PM. She should be back by now... Storm thought to himself, growing more and more nervous with every passing second. He knew that Mist was away on a class field trip to Canterlot (which Storm had never heard of in his life) and that Gust came back home half an hour later (as he was in middle school), but where was his mom, and where was High Wind? Did he kidnap his mom? Did he do anything bad to her? Storm did not know, but he was soon about to find out.

"Mom?" asked Storm, walking ever deeper down the hallway, which led to a closed door, behind which could be heard... conversations and laughing? Curious, he turned the doorknob and pushed the door, before walking into the room. However, what he saw in that room shocked him beyond belief. His mom was sitting on the couch, resting against High's body, his wings wrapped around her own body. Both of them were enjoying some fresh apple cider, and were listening to the local smooth jazz radio station. Storm's shocked expression slowly faded into a disgusted glare. What the hay did High Wind think he was doing to his mom? Was he trying to seduce her? Was he trying to take advantage of her like the male Gryphons back in the Empire? And why was his mom... letting him do that?

"Well, it's a great thing you got into the weather team, honey..." he said, nuzzling her.

"Yeah, all thanks to you." she replied, resting her body against his.

Storm cleared his throat, hoping to get the attention of them both.

"Oh, hey son." said Equinox, moving slightly away from High.

"Hey mom." replied Storm, rather nervously.

"Hey sport!" begun High. "How was school?"

"It was great!" said Storm, turning to give him a quick glare, before turning back towards Equinox. "It was really interesting. I made a new friend and stuff."

"That's great, sweetie." replied Equinox, returning to nuzzle against High Wind. "Told you you'll make friends here."

"What do you want for lunch, Storm?" asked High, wrapping his wing around her. "We have hay pizza."

"Hay pizza sounds good, I guess..." he replied, with an emotionless tone in his voice, still unhappy about what they were doing together.

"Alright, then." replied High, getting up and heading off to the kitchen, leaving Storm and Equinox in the living room. "Pizza will be ready in half an hour."

While waiting for his pizza, Storm was in Mist's room, writing a letter to his friends back in the Griffon Empire. A tear dropped out of his eye onto the piece of paper he was writing on, as he thought about his old friends and what they were up to right now. It saddened him deeply, having to leave the first friends he's ever made back in the Empire, but he knew that there were new friends waiting for him in Cloudsdale, however, nothing could change how he felt about his old friends. Absolutely nothing. They were like brothers and sister to him, and it hurt him horribly having to leave them back there.

Hey guys,
How are you all doing? We landed in Cloudsdale yesterday, and I got a place at the local elementary school (basically Equestria's equivalent of a 'junior school'). Life is great here, well, sort of. You see, there's this guy who's growing increasingly attached to my mom. My mom knows him, but I don't trust him one bit. I'm scared he'll turn out like one of my mom's previous love interests. Remember these guys? Yeah... they weren't the most pleasant of Gryphons.

Anyways, how's your weekend been? Did you go anywhere? Did you do anything cool?

I look forward to hearing from you soon! It's a shame we can't see each other in person, though... yeah. I miss you all so much.


A few months later..
The months seemed to pass by in a flash and the warm, late summer air slowly became more and more colder as winter approached. Eventually, sometime in November, it started to snow, rather lightly at first, but as December begun, the city of Cloudsdale was often hit by huge blizzards, which moved down from a large mountain range to the north west of the city. While the winter weather created problems for the vast majority of adults from Cloudsdale and the surrounding area, the foals didn't seem to mind. In fact, they loved it. One of the foals who loved the winter weather was Stormfire, who had experienced a snowy winter before several times in the Griffon Empire, but never among other ponies. This was Storm's first Equestrian winter. While he wasn't at school, he often played with Singer in Ponyville Park (which had some really deep snow, especially during December), visited the local ice rink in downtown Cloudsdale or just played in the snow.

Eventually, it was time for a national holiday, one that Storm had never come across in Aerovis; Hearth's Warming Eve. He wasn't sure exactly what the point of the holiday was, but he learned from his mom and High Wind that it had something to do with the Founding of Equestria itself, several thousand years ago. However, it also had something to do with a certain "Santa Hooves", who according to Mist, would bring presents to all the good colts and fillies, and burning coal to the ones who misbehave. As today was Hearth's Warming Eve, High's relatives from places all over Equestria were visiting him, which meant the house had to be virtually spotless.

By evening, the Hearth's Warming Eve party was in full swing, with loud music playing downstairs and great food, prepared by Equinox, being served. Storm and Mist sat down with some of High Wind's cousins, watching Gust Wind jam on his guitar to a holiday tune.

"Whoo!" Gust shouted in delight, finishing playing along to the song.

"That was great work, Gust!" said Mist.

"That's a really hard song to play, and you nailed it." explained High Wind's brother, Fast Wheels, who worked as a carriage dealer and a part-time musician (he was the one who first taught Gust how to play the guitar) in Detrot. "Well done, nephew."

"Aww, Uncle Fast, it's no biggie,” Gust responded bashfully. "Thanks for teaching me this song."

"That was brilliant, kiddo!" said High Wind's sister, Blossom Wind, a fashion model who was visiting from Vanhoover. "You nailed it!"

"Yep, that was great!" said Storm. "I wouldn't be surprised if you start your own band in the future."

"Thanks, blank-flank," said Gust, shooting him a quick glare. “And you won’t be invited to practice, I’m not having you embarrass me in front of my friends like you always do.”

"Gust, don't talk to Storm like that!" shouted Equinox, from the kitchen.

"Sorry, ma'am." he answered modestly, before continuing to glare at Storm. "I'll deal with you later..."

"Okay." replied Storm, rather confused and slightly nervous about what Gust would do to him. Was it because he was a blank-flank? He did not know, but he wasn't liking this one bit.

Meanwhile, High Wind and Equinox were enjoying a glass of champagne at the table with several other relatives.

"So, what is the Empire like?" asked one rather fancily-dressed mare by the name of Glittery Dream, one of High’s cousins.

"Well, it's nothing like Equestria is, that's for sure..." Equinox replied, chuckling slightly. "It's different in almost every way."

"Just how different exactly?" asked one stallion.

"Well, I just said it's different in almost every way." replied Equinox awkwardly. “It’s not quite up to par with Equestria but it’s getting there, I guess.”

“What made you want to leave?”

“Why didn’t you stay here?”

"What were the Gryphons like?"

"Woah, let's not ask too many questions, ma familia." replied High Wind, holding Equinox's hoof underneath the table as he gave her a comforting smile. "I have an important announcement to make."

Everypony in the room, including Storm stopped what they were doing and turned to face High Wind, who looked incredibly nervous.

"Equinox?" begun High, a blush forming on his face. He then knelt down in front of Equinox and pulled out a small, velvet box and flipped it open, revealing a golden ring. "These past few months I've spent with you have been the best few months of my life. You're an amazing pony, and I would like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me?"

Everyone sat facing him, speechless, especially Storm, who had a look of disgust grow on his face. So, he's going as far as trying to marry my mom? he thought to himself. He's probably trying to take advantage of us even more...

"Yes, High Wind..." replied Equinox, tears rolling out of her eyes. "I will!"

"Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, honey." he said, kissing her passionately and putting the ring on her hoof. Storm grumbled angrily, and walked up to High Wind.

"Excuse me?" asked Storm. "What do you think you're doing to my mom?"

"Huh?" begun High Wind. "I proposed to her. What do you think I did?"

"Why?" asked Storm.

"Because I love her." replied High Wind.

"That's a lie, right?" said Storm, anger boiling inside of him.

"Why would it be a lie?" asked High Wind, perplexed.

"You're only saying that because you want to take advantage of us. That's what everypony does." explained Storm, trotting upstairs and locking himself in Mist's room. While everypony wondered what the hay just happened, High Wind and Equinox Moon followed him upstairs.

"Son, it's mom. What happened?" asked Equinox from behind the door to Mist's room.

"Look, Storm." begun High Wind. "I know you're stressed, and I'm sorry about that, but you have to chill out a bit."

"How am I supposed to chill out?!" shouted Storm from behind the door to the room. "Just leave me alone."

"Daddy, what happened to Storm?" asked Mist, who followed them upstairs.

"Okay." High Wind sighed, before making his way downstairs. "Come on, Mist. Let's go."

"Can I come in, son?" asked Equinox.

"Go ahead, mom."

"Alright." she replied, and gently pushed open the door and walked into the room, before noticing Storm sitting on Mist's bed. She closed the door and sat down on the bed beside Storm, who was crying into his hooves, before wrapping her wing around his body.

"I'm scared, mom..." he explained, leaning in against her body.

"Of what, son?" she asked.

"Of High..." he replied. "I'm worried he'll turn out like those Gryphons back in the Empire..."

"Well, he won't." explained Equinox. "High Wind is a gentlepony like no other."

"I'm just scared, mom." he said. "I don't know if I can trust him."

"Well, let me tell you something." she begun. "I can understand why you don't trust him, but acting like this isn't going to get you anywhere. If you two at least try and get to know each other a bit more, then you'll very likely get to like each other."

"You sure?" asked Storm.

"Yep." she replied, winking at him. "Come on, let's go downstairs."

Well, I felt rather stupid and foolish after my little outburst at the Hearth's Warming Eve dinner. I guess my mom does deserve to be with a stallion she can trust, but I was just scared that he'd turn out to be like the Gryphons who treated us so badly back in the Empire. However, I still don't know if I can trust him. I guess, only time will tell. Only time will tell.

Author's Note:

Singer Case and Violet Petals belong to Auto-Buscus. (Violet is only mentioned in this chapter, but I am planning for her to make an appearance in a future chapter.)

Chapter 6 will be up very soon.

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