• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 968 Views, 15 Comments

the supreme? - liondragon

a story in which a interdimensinal being comes to aquastria and says he will destroy it

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“Who are you and what your business is?” a dragon said flying next to Jack.
“Jack and my business is peace.”
“Well then you must know they attacked us first.”
“They told otherwise and I don’t like one sided stories and neither do gods.”
“You still believe in that stuff. And this is why you are here.”
“Yes it is. But I don’t only believe it I know it for sure. Never seen the wonders surrounding us?” Jack asked grinning.
“Coincidences!!!” The other screamed.
“Why and how did the universe start?” He narrowed his eyes.
“By the Big Bang and by coincidence.”
“What created the Big Bang?” His grin grew wider.
“We don’t know yet.”
“I do but won’t tell you!!!” Teased him very hard and long.
“Where do you come from?”
“You would be afraid if I answered that.” He said keeping his smile and eyes perfect.
“I would be afraid… now I am seriously getting curious.”
“I will tell you if you guess how hi up I am and in which places of influence.” He kept his appearance in check
“The top phoenixes at least and…… Hint?”
“I have four places of influences three I got by heritage two have to-do with fire and the other two you don’t believe in.”
“Dragon bottom divine and demonic middle?”
“All wrong.”
“You came through the gate, didn’t you?”
“Yes guy. Shall I show you my true self?”
“Y…n…ye…n…yes?” and jack showed him and then he didn’t know what to make of it.
“I am the supreme of the dragons’ phoenixes and the ruling divine and demonic being, I am the Supreme. Or that is my multidimensional name.” He explained.
“You created the universe?”
“Yes I did.”
“You did nice. Did we do what you expected us to do?”
“No but that never happens only you screwed up worse than at my place. I only altered one thing at my place big change and I have never been born here but I never expected you too go at war against the humans. What have they done?”
“They attacked our nest because they said we did steal their royalty.” He said agitated.
“Did you? I found out they also hatch if they are from two dragons and if a human pets them the DNA gets in their reproductive organs and they might not likely awaken but the ritual of transgression is the same.”
“We did and I didn’t know that.”
“They were right to attack.”
“Why are you siding with them?”
“Being a sixed human makes me neutral and me impartial in this question.”
“You are a sixed human?”
“Yes you need to be to also be a phoenix.”
“That’s why we didn’t get any results. Other things you need to have or do?”
“The only species are the lions and they may not feast on phoenixes and need another source of power.”
“Can you negotiate between us?”
“I may but you don’t have anything to say about that.”
“Well since you have shown your true self why don’t I show mine?”
“Do so but I know you are a liondragon.”
“How… how did you know?”
“You got agitated and well ruined your cover.”
“Did I? Well you still want to know if I am the dominant liondragon.”
“You know me, already.”
“Let’s go to council and you can be honest to them we aren’t afraid of the gate.”
“Nice good plan.” They flew to the capital where the council would be held.

When they arrived all dragons greeted them said hello. The houses were in caves like was the customs of the dragons were.
They flew to the biggest cave of all the nearest to the foot of the mountain and above all the deepest. And there they found a well a group of elder dragon women. “Let me be direct is he the dominant dragon here?”
“Ok I will arrange a get to gather with you and if they want to kill you for sure. I have a plan B.”
“What’s plan B?”
“Well shape shifting to a human form.”
“Is that possible?”
“Yes it is.”
“You aren’t going to tell them that.”
“Of course not. By the way I didn’t hear your name.”
“O my name is Bahal.”
“Is one of your parents called Seth or Athena?”
“How did you know my mother is called Athena?”
“Mine is two and my divine/demonic name is Bahal two. Some things don’t change.”
“Well maybe yes.”
“And I seem to need to make everything right everywhere I go. Maybe that’s my purpose and maybe all of that didn’t happen in my dimension because I was there.”
“What are you talking about?”
“In mine a similar thing happened but an ancient dragon activated what now is my plan B but then the humans were much younger.”
“Who was that ancient dragon?”
“Wasn’t written down but you know who it was in your heart.”
“Bahal let thou go to consult with the humans.” Said one of the women out of the blue.
“Yes we will. How shall we travel flying or swimming and walking?”
“How about teleporting and walking?”
“You can do that? But if you can then yes.” They teleported to a wood several meters outside of the capital of the humans.

“Let me change to something more… or should I say less outstanding?” And he changed to his phoenix form.
“How is that less outstanding?”
“Less outstanding then something that doesn’t yet exists here.”
“You are right about that. But how do you want to do the consult.”
“We walk in there. I want to see if they attack. If they do I will cover you and I will try to get them to the point of talking. If they don’t want to talk or think you that you are an unintelligent life form we fly away then dive in the nearest water and then teleport.”
“And if they don’t?”
“Then we say we want to talk.”
“So basically observe and try to talk.”
“That’s the easy form to say it. But it is less detailed and doesn’t include the exit-strategy.” And with the details of the plan worked out they walked to the city, the capital, the place where it needed to happen.

As they walked through the city people stared at them as if they were well dangerous and ravaging beast who suddenly popped up in a crowded city. They took out their phones and called. After a while a policeman came and said: “What are you two doing here?”
“Well to be completely honest we would like to have a conversation/council with your government about well ending this war.”
“I will take you to them.” With that said the policeman walked away and they followed him. They looked at the city and it was only big dull buildings mainly skyscrapers there was only one odd building and that was the for which they were heading. It looked like it had a big dome on top of it but wasn’t suited for the big living creatures to enter. So the chances were big that they were going to have the council somewhere else which was better suited for the big creatures. Or even at neutral grounds. “Wait here please.” The policeman said. So they waited until the policeman came out with a other person. He said: “how do we know he is valid to talk for the dragons and did he or you phoenix come up with the plan.”
“I will answer both with one sentence.” Jack said starting to smile. “I came up with the plan and I went to ask the dragons if they wanted to go through with if they said yes and they sent their highest dragon to negotiate.”
“Who are you sir? I asked the phoenix officers they didn’t send a negotiator to us or the dragons.”
“I am acting solo and hi up.”
“How hi? And you haven’t answered my first question.”
“I will answer those in one answer. I am the Supreme nice to meet you.”
“Is the Supreme seriously your name?”
“It’s more of a title; I use it as my interdimensional name.”
“Interdimensional? You came through one of those gates.”
“Yes I did.”
“Are you alone?”
“Are you that afraid of that what you don’t know?”
“Answer me!!!”
“I won’t. I can if I wish blow up so much maybe, even reshape your entire world but I would do with this country.”
“You aren’t alone, are you?”
“That is an option. There is always the option that I am.”
“May I ask you how you got through the shield?”
“Bahal would plasma stop you? Or would any phoenix be stopped by heat?”
“The heat would be to lo to meld diamond-dragon diamond. And a phoenix wouldn’t be stopped by heat he would just be reborn outside of the plasma wall.”
“There you have your answer.” Jack said smiling.
“How do we know you are impartial?”
“I have unlike other dragons or phoenixes four faces my phoenix, a dragon, a combination and lastly a human face. I could also take a human form if you like that better?”
“Do that.” And he shifted forms.
“I know that guy from somewhere.” Said a soldier moving towards him with a person of great power.
“I know him and I gave him a small case of amnesia while moving away of the plasma shield with my friends” Jack whispered to Bahal.
“And was he alone when you saw him soldier.” The person asked. Jack overheard that and used the old amnesia spell again.
“I… I don’t know any more I remember him talking to me but nothing more.” The soldier said shaking his head.
“Did you use it again?” Bahal asked in a whispering tone. Jack nodded confirming.
“Will you stop whispering already?” The person which the soldier came with.
“Why should we? I don’t trust you any more or less than what you show me.” Jack said insulted.
“We don’t show you any trust in your eyes, do we?”
“You do only the fact that you didn’t tell you names or actually talk about what we came here for is so very very little. It’s as small as a cell a bacteria not much more.”
“About that you are right and you have already told us your name… sort of. And we have shown you nothing but distrust you are right. My name is president Obama”
“Barak Obama? You got to be kidding me. People are always afraid in the face of the unknown, gods or they how are powerful than them. I know that. But I also know there is always good in the hearts of them and wanting for peace.”
“How do you know my name? And do you still believe in such nonsense?”
“An president in my dimension is named the same. I don’t believe I know.”
“You are also a god or demon or both are you?”
“Yes. But when do we start negotiating?”
“If we dismantle the useless plasma shield which cost us a lot of energy we will do it in the temple.”
“Nice plan so simply cut the power.”
“Why that?” Bahal asked shaking his head.
“It won’t stay up long because of a power shortage.”
“He is right. He certainly knows his physics.” So they cut the power to the shield generators. And started to travel towards the temple.

Within seconds the shield collapsed upon itself a huge round table and several chairs were moved in and for the fun of it posters were put up. Each entered at his turn first went jack because he was the negotiator. Secondly was the president Obama to show the dragon that there was nothing to be afraid of. Last went Bahal because of the distance between his and his land was the greatest. Jack started “I would like to start with thanking you all for joining the negotiations. Further would I promise to say that the dragons already have agreed not to grab any human.”
“I never said such a thing.” Bahal reacted surprised
“No but I am forcing you to do so. I accept no no’s on this bit because it would make my job so much easier.” Jack threatened.
“With what you have thought me we don’t have to… So yes. And we have only three demands: first stop attacking us, secondly we want compensation for your attacks and lastly we want access to the gate system.”
“The compensation is a no go because we are hurt two. The others we can do.” The president reacted angry and frustrated.
“He will have to do for it I found that unreasonable as well.”
“Then we have an agreement.”
“Sweet! Let’s see… Here I have the contracts.”
“You had those prepared?”
“I predicted a bit and am a fast writer.”
And with their differences spoken they signed the contracts and left for home, all but one. Jack headed from the temple to the place where they left off.