• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 1,378 Views, 45 Comments

My Little Pony: Beyond Life and Death - MetroXLR99

Twilight befriends and falls in love with a timid stallion whom she loses to death. but, 'Death' isn't the end..but, a whole new beginning.

  • ...

Generosity and Laughter

"TWILIIIIGHT!!" called a voice.

Both Twilight and Alex looked and saw a purple, dog-sized, bipedal dragon walk down the staircase into the lab.

"I've been looking for you every-" Spike suddenly stopped upon seeing Alex. "where."

Alex stared at the 'frozen' dragon for a minute, then he finally spoke. "Let me guess: Spike," said Alex.

"Spike," confirmed Twilight.

Spike narrowed his eyes as he approached Alex. "And who, are you?"

Before Alex could answer, Twilight spoke up for him. "Spike, this is Alex Cosmos..." she grinned. "My new Coltfriend."

"WHAT!?" exclaimed both Alex and Spike in perfect unison.

"Kidding!!" chirped Twilight, with a cheerful look on her face. "But seriously, his name is Alex. He just moved to Ponyville, and I am being a good friend by showing him around and helping him out with some errands."

Alex, having gotten over the shock of Twilight's brief joke, spoke up. "Plus, she ran me over and beamed me on the head with an apple when we first met, and she feels bad about it."

Twilight cast a glare at Alex, while Spike just chuckled, finding humor in it. "Well...Alex. It's uhh, nice to meet you," said Spike, trying to be polite.

Alex lowered down to Spike's level, facing him. "And it's certainly nice to meet you, Spike. Twilight told me you were a nice dragon, she certainly wasn't lying."

Spike smiled. "Why...thanks, I'm glad you think so. Not many ponies like dragons too much."

"I find them fascinating," said Alex. "and it's nice to know that there are some who are polite and kind, not like what I read in all those tabloid newspapers."

Spike shrugged. "Yeah, well they're not that far off, either."

Twilight looked to Alex. "Well, since Spike is here, I'm a bit curious on how Rarity is doing. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for me to introduce you to my other friend, and show you her home place of business."

"And what might that be?" asked Alex.

"The Carousel Boutique," answered Spike. "It's a fashion store, where the lovely Rarity designs and creates the best clothing in Ponyville."

Alex raised a brow, causing Twilight to move over beside him. "He has a crush on her," whispered Twilight into his ear.

"Oh...I see," replied Alex in his own whisper.

Twilight then began to walk off. "Well, shall we be going?" said Twilight, stopping for a brief moment to eye the stallion. Alex shrugged, getting the message. "Yeah, I suppose we are."

Alex walked with Twilight towards the staircase leading out of the lab, with Spike in tow. "WAIT FOR ME!!" called the dragon.

In no time, the three were back at the ground level of the Golden Oak. Twilight was headed towards the front door, when Alex spoke up. "Hey, what's this?"

Twilight looked back, and saw that Alex was looking at some framed pictures on a shelf. She walked over, and saw the particular picture that Alex was referring to.

"Oh...that's my family," said Twilight. "That's my dad, Night Light..." Twilight pointed at a dark blue unicorn stallion with a wavy blue mane. "My mom, Twilight Velvet..." Twilight pointed at a unicorn mare with a pearl white coat, and a mane that was purple-and-white in a striped pattern. "My brother, Shining Armor..." Twilight pointed at a young unicorn stallion who was snow white, with a mane that was several shades of blue. "And that's me, when I was just a filly."

Alex examined the photograph. and saw an engraved plating on the lower part of the frame. "Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, circa April 15th, 2003?"

Twilight smiled wide. "Yep. that picture was taken on the first day I enrolled, shortly after I got my cutie mark."

Alex looked at the picture again. He stared intently at Twilight's mother and father, and noted how kindly they looked, as well as how happy Twilight looked in the picture. You all look so...so..." Alex trailed off, then at last choked out the last word. "H-happy."

Twilight approached her new friend. "Yeah, well...we may not have been 'high society' ponies. But, we were well off enough to be a happy family," began Twilight. "Dad works very hard to ensure we had enough bits to get by, and mom made sure me and my brother had happy foalhoods."

Alex looked at Twilight. his expression oddly somber. "Sounds like you had it made."

Twilight looked down. "No...not really. As much as my parents tried, our lives were far from perfect."

Alex raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

Twilight looked straight into Alex's eyes. "Dad could never hold a single job for very long, and found himself bouncing from one career to another. He's been everything from a garbagepony, newspaper delivery colt, a repairstallion and even worked at fast food as a fry cook."

Alex grimaced at this. "Poor guy."

"Yeah, and because he was away, my mom had to work very hard to keep our house neat and tidy. Me and my brother tried our best to help out, and make things easier for her, but it tired even us out." Twilight then paused, her eyes wetting a bit. "And...and I never had any friends growing up."

"You didn't?"

Twilight didn't answer. Instead, she just walked off, motioning Alex to follow her. Alex complied, as did Spike, and the three made their way back to the upper level of the Library where the living quarters were.

Twilight walked over to her bed, and moved her pillow aside, revealing a raggedy looking doll that appeared homemade. Twilight blushed as she levitated the doll for Alex to see. "This is Mr. SmartyPants, my mother made it herself, and gave it to me when I was only three years old."

"Oh," said Alex, processing what Twilight was telling him.

"He was...my only friend growing up," continued Twilight, her eyes getting watery. "As you know, I am a bit of a 'bookworm,' and all the foals in public schools teased and laughed at me." Twilight paused to wipe the tears from her eyes. "C-calling me a dork, and a nerd."

Alex's eyes looked at Twilight, feeling some guilt at unknowingly forcing Twilight to relive her worst moments. Twilight then took her doll, holding and stroking it in her hooves. "I...I began to consider Smarty Pants as a real pony, and not just a toy. He was the only 'friend' that I had who didn't laugh at me, or make fun of me..." Twilight began to cry a little.

"Surely you must have had some friends," began Alex, desperate to find some light in this dark cloud. "What about your brother? Surely he was there for you."

Twilight at last smiled, wiping her tears away as her mood brightened. "Y-Yeah...I did. Shiney was the Best big brother that I ever had. He always had time to play with me, and chased the bullies away when he was around." Twilight then frowned again. "But...at the same time I enrolled in Celestia's private school, Shining Armor went to the Canterlot Royal Guard Academy. So, I was again alone, left to face new bullies, new hardships."

"But, you weren't alone!" exclaimed Spike, at last. "You had me, remember?"

Twilight smiled. "Yes, Spike, you are right. I did have you, which helped me to not think about my own troubles too much." Twilight then exhaled sharply. "Still..the pain is there."

Alex looked down, feeling bad. he then approached Twilight, and placed his hoof on hers. Twilight look at him. "I'm sorry you didn't have any real friends growing up, Twily," began Alex. "But you have friends now, don't you?"

Twilight smiled, then nodded. "Yeah...yeah, I do."

Alex smiled. "Well then, try and not to think about the bad things that have come and gone, and think about the good things that are happening now, and will happen." Alex then paused, frowning a bit. "that's the hope me and my mother held onto for so long. From Manehatten to Appleloosa, We went everywhere searching for a new home, a new life."

"But, you found it here in Ponyville, right?"

Alex looked at Twilight. "I certainly hope so, Twily, I really do."

There was a long, uncomfortable silence that loomed in the room, which was soon cut off my Alex. "SO! Shouldn't we be going to this 'Boutique' place, now?"

"Uh, yes, of course!" said Twilight, suddenly brought back to reality.

"Then let's go." Alex walked off, quickly followed by Twilight and Spike.

In no time at all, the trio exited the Golden Oak, and all stood at the entrance. "So, where is this Carousel Boutique, anyway?" asked Alex.

Twilight was about to answer, but Spike beat her to it. "I do! I KNOW WHERE IT IS!!"

"Then lead the way, little buddy," said Alex with a smile.

Spike happily did so, promptly advancing forward. As Alex and Twilight began to follow, the green stallion looked to the unicorn. "I like your 'little brother'...he's nice."

Twilight smiled at Alex. "I told you."

The two ponies then chased after Spike, who by now had gained some distance.

Meanwhile, at the Carousel Boutique, things were winding down. Pinkie Pie was long gone once the cake she brought was reduced to leftovers, and with Pearl and Magnum off in town, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were now cleaning up. Well actually, Sweetie Belle was doing all the cleaning. Rarity on the other hand was in her workroom, sewing up some new dresses for no other reason than to keep herself busy.

Rarity had a piece of fabric in a sewing machine, which began to rapidly weave thread into it like a pile driver. Just then, the doorbell rang.


Rarity glanced at the door, the lenses of her glasses shimmering in the light. Sighing, Rarity spoke up loudly, "SWEETIE BELLE, COULD YOU GET THAT FOR ME?!" The curly-maned filly stood at the doorway and eyed her sister. Sweetie Belle wanted to tell her off for not helping with the house cleaning, but for whatever reason, she decided not to and made her way for the front door.


"I'm coming, I'M COMING!!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle, her voice high and shrill.

Sweetie Belle approached the door and opened it. She was greeted by a very friendly Twilight, who was accompanied by Spike, and some green stallion who she didn't know.

"Good afternoon, Sweetie Belle. May we come in?"

"Uhh...sure," said Sweetie Belle, stepping aside to let the three inside. "What brings you here?"

Twilight turned, and faced the unicorn filly. "No special reason. I just wanted to see how Rarity is doing."

Sweetie Belle looked up at the only 'stranger' in her house. "And who's thi-"

"OH! I'm sorry...I almost forgot," began Twilight. "Sweetie Belle, this is Alex Cosmos, he's new in Ponyville. I'm showing him around town, and I thought it would be nice for him to meet Rarity."

Twilight then looked to Alex. "Alex, this is Sweetie Belle, Rarity's sister."

Alex immediately knelt down to the Filly's level, and smiled his warmest, kindest smile. "Hey, Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle looked nervous, but politely obliged. "H-hi."

Alex smiled. "You are well named, you look like a 'sweetie.' So, what are your favorite things to do?"

Sweetie Belle smiled. overjoyed at a grown up pony taking an interest her. "I like to sing!" she frowned. "Although...I'm not very good at it."

"Well, you know that ponies say: 'Practice makes Perfect.'"

Sweetie Belle smiled, but then noticed the stallion's blank flank, gasping. "Ohmygosh...your FLANK!"


"You don't have a...I mean...y-you're a-" Sweetie Belle couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Oh..you mean this?" said Alex, bringing his flank into view. "Yeah, I'm a Blank Flank."

To Alex's shock and confusion, Sweetie Belle began to well up in tears. "Whoa-whoa-WHOA! What's wrong?"

"I'M GONNA BE A BLANK FLANK FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!" with that, Sweetie Belle ran out of the door, slamming it behind her.

Alex looked at Twilight. "Somepony mind explaining what happened just now?"

Twilight approached Alex. "Sweetie Belle...has issues about her not having a cutie mark." began Twilight. "Her and her friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They are constantly teased and bullied at school for being Blank Flanks, and I believe they formed their own club for the purpose of getting them by doing numerous activities."

Alex frowned. fully understanding now why the filly reacted out of fear towards him. "I see, she wants a mark desperately, and seeing a grown pony like myself without one scares her."

Twilight nodded sadly. "I hope you don't take any of this in offense. I am sure she will accept you as a friend once she gets to know you."

Alex placed the tip of his hoof gently on his chin, thinking. "Perhaps I should go talk to her."

"That sounds like a good idea, but I think you should wait until she calms down a bit. Besides, we still have to meet up with Rarity, and see how she is doing."

Alex exhaled sharply. He'd rather talk things out with that sweet little filly, but he also knew it'd be rude of him to walk out now without meeting this Rarity. "Oh...alright, then. Not like I really know where she is at, anyway."

"Great! Let's go, then." Twilight trotted off, prompting Alex and Spike to follow her. As the three walked, Alex examined his surroundings, finding the house he was currently in to be quite fancy. Almost like Canterlot itself. Twilight finally stopped at a doorway where a pearl-white mare with purple wavy hair was hard at work on a sewing machine.

Alex figured this was Rarity.

"Rar-iteeee!" called Twilight. "It's me, Twilight!"

"And SPIKE!" exclaimed the purple dragon, quickly.

"Hmm?" Rarity glanced back at the door. "Oh, TWILIGHT, Spikey-Wikey! Please, please, come in."

Twilight and Spike entered the room. Alex remained still at first, but soon entered as well.

"We just stopped by to see how you were doing." began Twilight "And, to introduce you to-"

"Oh, I am doing quite fine, darling." began Rarity, cutting of Twilight. "The party was smashing, simply SMASHING! Mum and Dad adored the cake you brought, and rather enjoyed their gifts." Rarity looked to Twilight. "Now, I am just engaging in som-" Rarity paused suddenly, staring straight at Alex with wide, saucer like eyes.

"You," said Rarity, her voice barely a whisper.

Alex looked confused. "Huh?"

"You...stay right where you are!" exclaimed the unicorn, who approached the frozen and still confused Alex. Rarity then began to circle Alex, examining every part of him. "Your coat. your mane. it's...it's STUNNING!"

"What?" squeaked Alex.

Rarity began to graze her hooves across Alex broadsides and haunches. "What a wonderful shade of green you are...like freshly picked limes," began Rarity, her mind in a world of it's own. Needless to say, Alex was beginning to feel violated, and Twilight and Spike both didn't like how Rarity was feeling on Alex, either. "And, your mane, your hair," continued Rarity, now fluffing up his tail. "It's a stunning shade of orange that goes quite well with you-"

"Ah-AHEM!" Twilight made a loud sound with her throat, indicating that she wanted Rarity's full attention - which she promptly got. As Rarity looked to Twilight, the unicorn marched right over to her. "When I came with the intention of introducing you to Alex, with hopes that you would give him a friendly welcome...this wasn't what I had in mind."

Rarity at last was brought back to reality, and found that her hooves were still groping the strange stallion's rump. Her face then turned every known shade of red as she jerked herself away.

"Oh, my goodness gracious!" exclaimed Rarity "I...I am so terribly sorry! I didn't mean to be so...I mean, I would never-!" Rarity slapped herself with her hoof. "this has to be tenth most embarrassing moment of my entire life," she muttered.

Alex got over his shock and approached the red-faced unicorn. "Uhh...hi. I'm Alex, Alex Cosmos. I just moved here to Ponyville with my mother."

Rarity looked up at Alex. Still embarrassed, she tried her best to be polite and proper. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Mr. Cosmos, and...I am so terribly sorry about...you know."

"Oh, don't worry about it-"

"NO! It was very unlady like for me to...touch you...in such a way. Please accept my humblest apologies."

Alex stared blankly at Rarity. "Uhh...okay."

Twilight approached Rarity. "I am helping Alex get some errands done in town, and showing him around." began Twilight "And, since you appear to be busy, I guess we'll just be going."

Rarity smiled. "Okay. Have a pleasant day." Rarity then looked at Alex. "And...it was good to meet you, Alex. I hope to see you again, soon."

Alex smiled at the unicorn. "Thanks, Rarity. It...was 'nice' meeting you, too."

As Twilight and Alex left, Spike lingered near Rarity. "You know...if you need an assistant, I can-"

"SPIKE!" called Twilight.

The purple dragon grumbled as he turned to join with his sister. "Nevermind."

Twilight, Alex and Spike were now walking down a path back into the town square of Ponyville. The whole time, Twilight was pointing at varied structures, and explaining what they were.

"Over there is the Spa. which is run by the masseuse twins: Lotus Blossom and Aloe. You should pay them a visit some time, they can really relieve stress, and leave you feeling like a brand new pony!"

Alex raised a brow a Twilight. "Aren't Spas usually a 'mare thing'?"

Twilight looked at Alex. "Weeeell...I admit, they do usually get more female customers. But, they also have specials for stallions."

"It's true," said Spike. "They've even done wonders for me."

Alex still felt unsure about this, but shrugged nonetheless. "Well...if you say so. Maybe I'll take my mom there, someday."

"Well, okay." began Twilight. "How about we visit the Sugar Cube Corner bakery? It's a popular hang out, and my friend Pinkie Pie works there."

Alex thought for a second. "Pinkie Pie...wait, she's one of those elements, right?"

"Mmm-Hm. Laughter," said Twilight. "She's the one pony in Ponyville who I guarantee will LOVE to meet you."

Alex smiled. "Seeing as how most every pony that I've met so far have been pretty friendly, I would be quite surprised if she wasn't."

"GREAT! Alright then, let's go!"

Alex trotted with Twilight and Spike down the street. "So, how far is this bakery?"

"Oh, not far." replied Twilight.

"How far?" asked Alex, again.

"It's right over there." Spike pointed at a nearby building that resembled a gingerbread house.

"Oh," said Alex, slightly sheepish.

The three approached the bakery and entered the building together. Inside, the strong scent of freshly baked cookies and cake frosting filled Alex's nose.

"Oh...wow." said Alex, feeling intoxicated by the aroma of baked goods. "This is...WOW."

Twilight smiled and gestured to a table. "Take a seat. I'll get us something."

Alex looked at Twilight. "Oh, you don't need t-"

"I 'want' to," said Twilight, refusing to take "no" for an answer.

Accepting defeat, Alex relented. "Well...okay. If you insist."Alex sat down at a table. Spike also sat down with him. As Twilight trotted off to get some food, the purple dragon looked to Alex.

"So, how do you like Ponyville so far?" asked Spike.

Alex smiled at the dragon. "'So far, so good' would certainly sum things up. It's been a lot easier with Twilight around as my guide. I honestly don't think I could have got done half the things I have without her help."

Spike smiled. "Yeah, Twilight is always doing her very best to help ponies. Though, sometimes I think she mostly does it so she won't fail Princess Celestia's task of studying Friendship."

Alex chuckled lightly. "Does she really know the Princess personally?"

Spike chuckled. "We both do. In fact, Celestia is kind of like my mother."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "She...is?"

"Yeah! I mean, Twilight did hatch my egg, but before that, my egg was in Celestia's possession, and while Twilight helped in raising me, Celestia was the one who really nurtured me."

"Wouldn't that make you a prince, or something?"

Spike pondered this. "You know, I never gave that much thought." Spike then shrugged. "Aww...probably doesn't matter anyway. I mean, what ponies would call a scaly, fire breathing dragon 'Your Highness,' or 'Your Majesty?'" Alex and Spike shared a brief laugh, then eventually grew silent.

Alex looked at Spike with soft eyes. "Forgive me if this is a tad personal, but have you ever wondered about your real parents? I mean, if Celestia had your egg, where'd she get it in the first place?"

Spike looked a little saddened. "You know, I have asked her that, but she keeps saying that I'm not old enough to know the truth, yet."

Alex frowned. "I hope it's nothing serious."

Spike shrugged again. "Doesn't matter, I know who raised me."

"Celestia and Twilight?"

Spike snapped his index finger and thumb at Alex, clicking his tongue. "You got that right, pal."

At that moment, Twilight returned. "Hey, Boooys..." Twilight sat down with the two. "What'cha talking about?!"

"Guy stuff," said Spike, quickly. Alex shrugged in response.

"Y-yeah. what he said."

Twilight made an expression at the two, and then shrugged herself. "Fine, you don't have to tell me."

"So, where's the baked goods?" asked Alex.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie is going to deliver them momentarily."

Alex raised a brow. "Okay, then where is Pin-"



Alex was caught off guard and knocked out of his seat by a sudden explosion of confetti, followed by a bright pink mare with a cotton candy mane standing atop the table. "I brought CUPCAAAAKES!!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, placing a plate of varied cupcakes on the table.

Alex had only just managed to catch his breath. in shock, he stared wide eyed at the strange mare before him.

"Ye-ye-you mmm-must be..P-Pinkie Pie," gasped Alex, still in shock.

Pinkie looked down at Alex with a wide smile. "YEP! That's me, Pinkie Pie, the greatest party planner in Ponyville!!" The pink mare hopped down off the table, and helped Alex onto his hooves. "And YOU must be Alex Cosmos. Twilight's new friend!"

"Uhh...y-yeah," said Alex, feeling a bit nervous. Pinkie Pie managed to relieve his tension with her cheerful smile.

"I like you. You're a NICE colt!"

Alex perked up at this. "I...Am?"

"YEAH!" exclaimed Pinkie with a bright smile. "I don't think you're a Gary-Stu at all!"

"What?!" exclaimed Alex, utterly confused.


Alex stared dumbfounded at Pinkie Pie, while Pinkie just stared blankly back at him. She then smiled a wide smile. "ENJOY THE CUPCAKES!" with that, Pinkie hopped, skipped, and jumped away to the other customers of the bakery.

Alex then turned to stare at Twilight, but before he could even say anything, she cut him off. "Give it time. You'll get used to Pinkie's randomness."



Twilight, Alex, and everypony else were suddenly jolted from their contentment by a loud crash, a crash that was followed by a shrill cry.

"What on equul-"

"OH MY CELESTIA!" exclaimed a female voice in a panic. "PUMPKIN!"

Curious, Twilight, Spike and Alex got up to inspect what the commotion was about, which the other ponies in the bakery were also doing. They all found Mrs. Cake crouched down to a mess on the floor, but it didn't appear that the spilled cake batter was her most pressing crisis at the moment. She was looking underneath a stove, where something was beneath it.

"Pumpkin? Pumpkin, sweetie...come on out," cooed the desperate mare.

In no time at all, Mr. Cake, with a male foal in hoof, walked up to his wife. "Cup, honey...what's wrong?"

Mrs. Cake began to have a panic attack. "It's PUMPKIN, our baby filly! She was crawling around, I wasn't watching where I was going, and I...I-" Mrs. cake began to wail out loud. "OHHH!, I'm a Terrible Mother!"

Twilight frowned at this. "Oh my...that poor, sweet baby."

Alex scowled as he watched the drama unfold.

"HERE, I'll get her out!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, who knelt down to the ground level. "Heeeeeey, Pumkiiiiiin! Wanna come out and play with your Faaaaaavorite foalsitter?" Needless to say, Pinkie's method didn't make things much better. The scared foal was now clear back against the wall. Finally, Alex had had enough. without saying a word, he hopped over the counter and approached the 'crime scene'.

"Here, let me try," said Alex.

"Alex, what are you?" Alex look to Twilight.

"Twilight..she's scared, and I know something about scared children. Please...let me try."

Twilight looked at him, then she nodded. "Oh...okay. I guess it couldn't hurt."

Alex looked to Pinkie Pie and the Cakes, who all stepped back so he could get closer. Alex approached the stove, and lowered down to the ground level. There, he saw the filly in question. A foal with a golden coat and a carrot-orange mane tied in a bow.

She looked very frightened.

"Hey," began Alex, speaking in a very soft voice. "Rough day, huh? One second you're playing, having the time of your life, then next thing you know, you're hurt, and you don't know why." Pumpkin kept her eyes trained on Alex. she didn't quite know who he was, but he at least wasn't scaring her with yelling, or making creepy faces at her. "I know how you feel," continued Alex. "You're hurt and scared, and right now, you just want to hide. To be alone. But you know, being alone won't make things better; you know what will? Having the comfort and satisfaction that somepony cares, and will make the pain go away." Alex then smiled. "And nopony does that better than mom."

Pumpkin began to emerge from her hiding place, her big blue eyes visible in the shadows.

"Come on out," said Alex. "I promise nopony will hurt you."

A few minutes went by that felt like hours to everypony. Finally, the little foal slowly came out of her hiding spot. Mrs. Cake wanted nothing more than to scoop her baby up, and shower her with kisses, but she restrained herself out of fear that Pumpkin Cake would become frightened again, and retreat back under the stove. The baby filly walked cautiously towards Alex, and stopped right in front of him. She looked up at him, and then raised up her forelegs, indicating she wanted to be picked up.

Alex gently put his hooves around her, and picked the baby up, prompting the crowd of ponies to clop in place, cheering.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" said Alex, softly.

"Ah-goo." said Pumpkin.

Alex handed Pumpkin back to Mrs. Cake, who wasted no time in cuddling her daughter. "Oh, my BABY!" Mrs. Cake showered her with kisses. "I promise, I'll always watch where I step, and NEVER hurt you again!"

The blue mare then looked at Alex. "Thank you."

"Oh, it was nothing."

"No, it wasn't," continued Mrs. Cake, who clutched her daughter close. "Alex, is it? For what you've done for me, I am going to give you a month of free purchases."

Alex looked stunned at this. "Y-you don't really have to do tha-"

"I insist! Will you accept my gift? Please?"

Alex thought for a bit. He didn't want to seem like he was taking advantage of the kind mare, and "cashing in" on a good deed. But, she was asking him, and he didn't want to appear rude. "Oh...okay, if you insist."

Mrs. Cake smiled. "Thank you ever so much." At that moment, both she and Mr. Cake looked at the crowd of ponies that congregated around the counter.

In less the time it takes to blink, Pinkie Pie was atop the counter with a megaphone. "ALRIGHT, EVERYPONY! SHOWS OVER, UNLESS YOU WANT TO PLACE AN ORDER, RETURN TO YOUR TABLES!" The crowd soon dissipated, leaving only Twilight there, staring at Alex with wide eyes. As Alex hopped back over the counter, Twilight walked over and faced him.

"That was remarkable!" she said. "Where did you ever learn to be so great with children?"

Alex blushed sheepishly. "I...learned from my mother. As a foal, I was always scared, and mom always knew just what to say to make me feel better."

Just then, Pinkie appeared between the two. "That was amazing!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, her voice as high as ever. "Say, would you like to help me foalsit the twins sometime?"

Alex looked taken aback at this. "Uhhh..."

"Oh c'mon, it'll be "F.U.N." FUN!" exclaimed Pinkie. "We could play the most exciting games, tell them super-duper stories, take them to Disneyland, and the morning...I could make WAFFLES!!"

Alex stared blankly at the pink mare. Pinkie then stared right back at him, her face just three inches away from his own. "So, how 'bout it?"

"Um...well, s-so long as it isn't today. I have things to do. Otherwise, yeah. I would like to help you with foalsitting."

"GREEEEAT!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, practically shouting. "SAY, when's your birthday!?"

Alex stared at Pinkie, which was beginning to become a habit. "Uhhh..."

"COME ON! Don't be Fluttershy. When's your birthday?"

Alex paused for a moment, then replied softly, "June the first, nineteen ninety-six."

"GAAAAAASP!! You're a JUNEBUG?! That's Great, and it's still only April!"

With that, Pinkie Pie jetted off in a pink blur. leaving Alex quite stunned and shocked. Alex then looked at Twilight. "Is she on any medication?"

"We don't think so," replied Twilight, bluntly.

"What about coffee?" asked Alex

"Dunno," said Twilight. "She eats a lot of sugar, though."

Alex cracked a smile, stifling a chuckle. "Yeah. That, I believe."

Author's Note:

This took a bit longer to do, due to me being distracted with posting colored artwork on DA.

but, lo. Here it is: The Fourth Chapter of what is to be a very, VERY long story.

The one thing I wanted to make real clear in this chapter, is that Spike WILL NOT dislike/hate Alex.

I wanted to have them really take off as friends from the get go (which is meant to payoff later in the story.)


As this part of the continues Alex meeting the Mane Six, This Chapter introduces Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

With Rarity, I wanted to show how sometimes she lets her creativity and profession/hobby as a fashion designer

overrule her common sense, causing her to do some pretty stupid and embarrassing stuff.

or, to put it simply: Her being mesmerized by Alex "coloring", and completely forgetting that it's a stallion she's "feeling up" like a piece of fabric.

Yeah, I know..I suppose this is a "sexual innuendo" joke. but, I don't think I made it "dirty" or anything.

and, I at least had Rarity apologize up-and-down for her crude behavior want she regain her head.


The scene with Sweetie Belle is a set-up for a later scene with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (which includes Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.)

So, nobody freak out Too Much over Sweetie Belle..freak-out.


Pinkie Pie was fun to write, as her status as a "Fourth Wall Breaker" allowed me to write some in-joke.

in this case, I had Pinkie poke fun at my OC "Alex Cosmos' being called a "Gary-Stu" by stating she she didn't think he was one.

(No offense of course to those that believe this to be fact. Nothing personal..but, I believe my Best Friend on DeviantART is right.

"The qualities that make up a Mary-Su/Gary-Stu is SO LOST, that any character can be one..Even Superman and Godzilla.)

I also dropped more subtle hints at Alex's dark past (as well as hint at things to come)
by showing Alex being real good with caring for babies with the Pumpkin Cake scene.

oh, yeah..and I also placed a set-up for a possible sequence with the "Spa Ponies".