• Published 26th Jul 2014
  • 310 Views, 5 Comments

Stripe's Corruption - Fluttershy Phoenix

After a tragedy, a young zebra only thinks about getting revenge.

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A flash of light surrounded him as he was blinded and sent a great distance. He felt pain and agony due to the spell before crashing into the desert sand.

As he looks around, he looks at the armor that laid on the ground. Celestia would pay for this. Twilight would pay, her friends would pay. They would all pay with their lives. Looking towards the sky, he saw the moon rise up and simply growled.

Walking through the desert, he soon found a cave. Setting up a fire so he could last the night, he began putting into effect a plan to get back at those that had wronged him. Looking towards the deep end of the cave, he saw that it stretched on. Getting curious, he headed through to see what he could find. Levitating a torch, he walked through the cavern and found it to be the entrance to a changeling hive. Levitating up his mace, he looked about as he took on a defensive stance.

Marching further in, he finds that the main chamber appears to be empty. A further scan of the entire hive soon reveals that it too is empty. Scratching the back of his neck, he puts his mace away as he looks around to see if he could find anything of use. Finding a pool deep within the hive, he sees it is glowing green. His amulets glow brightly as he looks towards it before glancing in the approximate location of his former home.

Looking back towards the glowing liquid, he removes what is left of his armor before removing his under clothing. Sliding in, he finds it is deeper than it looks as he completely submerges himself.

From the outside, the glowing pool glows ever brighter as bubbles began to rise up. They keep coming and then they eventually stop. Something then starts to rise out of it. A horn is seen as a pair of feathered wings stretch out. An equine form starts to take shape as the stripes become evident as the glowing green liquid flows off of him. As he opens his eyes, they show reptilian pupils as his teeth look jagged. His legs have holes in them much like a changeling would. The intricate designs of the amulets now adorn his flanks as the amulets appear to have disappeared.

A single outpost stands as a beacon of hope in the seemingly endless desert. A couple of zebras stand watch when one on a tower calls out that he sees something. The two zebra unicorns present charge up to the edge of the wall to take sniping positions. It was unlikely that this being was unfriendly, but they were not expecting any zebras.

The approaching figure is enshrouded in a cloak. Most of their features are covered, but they obviously have something bulky on their back and a horn can clearly be seen on their head. “Who goes there!?” The figure does not respond and continues walking undeterred. “I am Captain Hornet,” one of the unicorn zebras on the wall stated. The figure stopped.

“Captain Hornet!? The very survivor of those that first betrayed me!!”

Flinging the cloak and robe aside, Stripe revealed himself as he flapped his wings and hovered in the air. Most of the zebras backed away and darted off into the desert. None had seen a zebra turned alicorn, let alone one with the holey legs of a changeling.

Landing on the wall, Stripe glared at the captain. “Stripe.....you're....”

“Stripe is dead! Call me Captain Lunar Moon. Now, whose outpost is this!?” Hornet backed away as the zebra before him seemed to grow a little taller. A quick sound of metal was followed by a splash of blood as his head fell from it's place and rolled off the ledge. What remaining zebras there were fled the scene at the death of their captain.

As soon as he was alone, he glanced around at the now empty outpost. He tossed out most of the weapons and armor. He would make his own weapons and armor, as vengeance was on his mind.

Getting the smith shop working, he began making his armor. He wanted it to be strong and yet lightweight. It had to make the armor worn by any royal guard seem like nothing in comparison. Levitating a large bow over, he looked it over as he pondered the options.

Day in and day out, he works on the outpost to made it sturdier and stronger in case of an attack. Taking some time, he uses his magic to paint images of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and of course, Princess Celestia.

As he works, he focuses on training himself in magic and crafting the armor and weapons he will eventually use on those that betrayed him. Every single time he trusted anyone, he was turned on. From now on, he will trust no one. Letting loose a blast of magic, he takes out the western wall of the outpost and then uses his magic to rebuild it.

Hammering a piece of metal, he works on the armor. As it takes shape, he fits each piece to his body. The piece over his chest and barrel. The parts for his flanks. Custom sheaths for his sword and mace are set up as the time comes. Crafting a helmet, he puts it on and reveals the crescent moon he had carved into both sides.

Looking at the painted pictures, he uses his changeling magic to add fuel to the fire as he works to modify a bow. Putting it into the forge, he protects the wood from the fire with his magic as he pours metal over it. Keeping the string intact, he makes a multitude of adjustments to strengthen it and give it a lot of power. When he finally pulls the bow out, it looks like a hard metal club that can work as a blade if need be. Notching an arrow, he fires it and it bounces off the wall. The second one shatters. Shaking his head, he began to modify the arrows so that they would work better.

As another day dawns, he pulls the arrows from the forge and notches one. Letting loose, he watches as it pierces the wall with ease. Pulling it from the stone, he sees it is still virtually intact. Smiling, he nods and sets it aside. Turning, he forms spikes out of the desert sand and points them out from the walls of the outpost. “The war never bothered me anyway,” he notes.

As the days continue on, the outpost begins to shape itself into an actual base. Despite the fact only one being calls it home, it looks like it could house a thousand zebras with ease. Pounding out another piece of metal, he makes sure it has a full moon as an emblem in the center. As he works, it begins to take shape and looks more like a shield than anything else. Big, sturdy and able to be used as a weapon due to the sharpened edges. Sliding it over his back when finished, he straps several other sheaths to his side as he fills them with swords from the armory.

Pouring more metal, he begins to form the last piece as he keeps an eye on his quiver of metal arrows and his metal bow. Forming a pole, he works to form the blade. Pounding and working, he only thinks of revenge and getting back at those that betrayed him.

Sliding the bow over his neck, he sets the quiver up on his right side as he charges up his horn. Putting the finishing touches on his final project, he twirls it around and reveals a crescent moon scythe. “I will cut Celestia's heart from her body and crush it under my hooves.” Swinging it, he used his magic to bring the cloak over and cover himself. Turning completely invisible, he heads out into the desert.

Ten years pass after his disappearance. The zebras had been monitoring him, yet never ventured towards the base for fear of him. Such information never left Zebrafrica due to a fear of the strange alicorn zebra. In fact, the zebras never told their superiors what he was doing, just that the base was bigger each time they saw it. And then, there was no life.