• Published 14th Jul 2014
  • 3,276 Views, 84 Comments

Nightmare's Weapon - Requiem17

An unexpected anomaly brings about a new and powerful weapon that inadvertently helped Nightmare defeat Celestia. Nightmare plans on exploiting this new weapon. Little does she know that when you play with fire, you get burned.

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Subtle Manipulations

Adam woke up slowly as a hazy heat radiated through his eyelids. Ignoring his body’s desire to awaken, Adam rolled over and allowed himself to fall asleep. Anywhere from five minutes to 30 seconds passed before he began to feel uncomfortable. The suns heat combined with the blanket laying upon him was starting to become too much. That, combined with nature’s call, made him groan in agitation before he opened his eyes. Blinking, he tossed the blanket off with one hand while rolling onto his back. He stared up at the stationary ceiling fan before taking a deep breath. He released it as he sat up rapidly and rotated to swing his feet off of the bed.

The young adult placed his feet in a pair of slippers before standing up, stretching his arms languidly in the process. Dressed in just his boxers and a shirt, Adam reached for his robe hanging at the foot of his bed. Slipping the warm covering on, he walked over to his window, peering through the already open shades. The second story window offered a large view of the uniform houses and low cut lawns of the street he lived on. He turned his gaze upwards, admiring the summer blue sky, a few fluffy clouds sluggishly making their way across the endless space. He looked down as a little bell rang twice, the paperboy passing by on his bike. His neighbor across the street waved at the boy as he tossed the daily paper onto his doorstep. The green suburbs were quite peaceful today, prompting a happy sigh from Adam.

Finished with his perusing of the area, Adam turned and headed out of his room. He headed along the hallway before making his way downstairs and into the kitchen. He quickly put together a bowl of cereal and sat down at the breakfast bar, turning on the small TV on the counter. Adam heard a door open upstairs and a pair of feet coming down the stairs. He briefly glanced towards his dad as he walked into the room.

“Morning. Beautiful day isn’t it?”

Adam nodded in response. “Think I may go to the lake today.”

His dad began tending to the coffee machine, his suits sleeves rolled up to prevent getting them dirty. A cheeky smile split his face. “Scouting out this years bikinis eh?”

Adam smiled and just shook his head. “I figured I’d give James a call, see if he can hangout for a bit. We need to finish planning for our hike this year.”

Adam’s dad checked his watch before he began buttering toast. “Mom’s plane will be landing at 11 today. Just make sure you don’t forget about her.You remember which gate she’ll be at?”

“Gate B,” Adam responded without fail. Leaving his dad be, he absentmindedly watched the news as he continued eating his breakfast. The weather report claimed that it would be clear today and tomorrow with a 30% chance of rain the following night. The cameras moved back over to the reporter.

“Another incident with an Equestrian occurred early this morning when a pegasus crossed international airspace. The AF responded with a pair of F-14s to escort the pony back into Equestria. The pegasus, apparently protesting for and I quote, “the pegasus right to fly anywhere they want,” did not comply with the AF pilots. As per the two century old Lunar Embargo, the pilots were given the green light to engage the pegasus by non-lethal means. 20 seconds and over three hundred CD rounds later, the bruised and battered pony was chased out of United States airspace.”

The reporter continued to drone on, but Adam was no longer paying any attention. His dad was currently sitting at the dining table nearby, glancing over paperwork as he sipped his coffee and ate his own breakfast.

“That’s the seventh one this month,” Adam frowned. “Ignorant tresspasses like this have been increasing all year.” Adam turned towards his father. “Why are the Equestrians lashing out?”

Adam’s dad took another sip of his coffee before placing it down. “The Equestrian’s haven’t been having a good year in the global market. More and more countries have been turning to man-made goods as it doesn’t rely on magic.”

That made sense to Adam. His dad, being a higher up in one of the largest international transport companies in the U.S., had informed him about the exorbitant prices Equestrians charged for their magically infused products. Said products didn’t even match the quality of the cheap goods made by the technologically advanced humans. Add that with Equestria’s aggressive imperialistic past and it becomes easy to see why most countries treated the ponies with animosity.

“Well, their princess still hasn’t addressed this issue.” Adam shook his head. “People are going to lash back pretty soon, especially after the incident with that unicorn and the amulet.”

Adam’s dad waved his hand. “Nah, only the extremists would, if at all, retaliate. Most people are satisfied with how the government has been handling the issue. Border security has been increased and there are more strict punishments for border violations.”

“Hmm,” Adam mused. “Well, let’s hope that works.”

Adam pulled his cell phone out and briefly messaged James, inviting him to the lake. With that finished, Adam quickly finished off his cereal. Tilting the bowl back, he drank the cold milk and stood up, making his way over to the sink.

“Before you head out, could you grab the newspaper? Add it to the others your mom’s missed. You know how she gets about her crosswords.”

Adam gave him a thumbs up in passing as he walked through the house. He opened the front door and stepped out, the awning shading the cool concrete steps from the sun. Adam bent down and picked up the newspaper, stopping briefly to look down a few houses when he heard a loud bang. A garbage truck was making it’s rounds, the sounds coming from the trash cans being knocked about. Something odd surfaced on Adam’s conscious, overriding the brief interest in the local trash collector.

He looked around, particularly eyeing the small amount of trees and along the powerlines.

‘Birds. Where are the birds?’

He stood for a few more seconds in mild befuddlement before giving a final cursory glance around. Eventually concluding that it must be the loud noise of the utility machine, Adam turned around and walked back through the front door. He stepped into the living room and tossed the paper into a nearby wicker basket filled with older papers and an assortment of yarn. Checking the time, he quickly made his way upstairs to get dressed. He grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a simple T-shirt before jogging down the stairs.

“You better hurry up dad! You’re gonna be late!” Adam pulled out his running shoes before slipping them on.

“You don’t worry about me. Have a good time alright? Stay out of trouble!”


Adam grabbed his car keys out of a bowl in the entryway before stepping back outside. Moving quickly, he moved towards his car. It wasn’t a junker, but being a recent high school graduate doesn’t mean you have the funds for a new car. Adam got into the drivers seat and closed the door, settling himself before placing the keys into the ignition. As the car jumped to life, a faint jingle emanated from his pocket. Adam pulled out his phone and viewed the response from James.

‘Sounds good. I’ll meet you there.’

Smiling, Adam placed his phone in the center console. He went to reach for the gear shift before his radio suddenly blared loudly with a long series of electronic beeps. Adam sighed.

‘Perfect timing as usual to test the EAS.’

Adam waited patiently for the normal man’s voice to declare that this was a successful radio test before he could continue on with his day. As usual, the man’s voice did come over the radio, but it wasn’t the pre-recorded message that he heard countless times throughout his life.

“This is an emergency broadcast sanctioned from the Secretary of Defense. As of 9:18 on Tuesday, the 15th of July, the United States has declared war against the Equestrian Provinces in retaliation to a surprise attack on the U.S. Naval Fleet. Anyone living within 100 miles of the Equestrian border are ordered to evacuate in anticipation of a ground invasion.”

Adam’s phone went off again, the sound failing to register as Adam gaped in shock at what he was hearing.

“Take only what is necessary and follow instructions given by your local authorities and military personnel. You are asked to keep calm and move quickly but safely.”

There was a brief pause on the radio.

“The President of the United States will now address the nation.”

A series of clicks, random technical chatter, and finally the president’s voice came over the car’s speakers.

“Today, the Equestrians have violated the centuries of peace we’ve struggled to maintain and nurture between our two nations. A combined group of naval and air forces attacked a small battle group traversing international waters, waters which we do not share with the Equestrians. Messages between the strike force and Equestria were intercepted, confirming that Princess Celestia sanctioned the attack.”


Adam opened the car door and jumped out, running towards the house as his dad ran out to him.


Adam’s dad grabbed him, “Pack some clothes, food, and grab the radio! I’ll be at the gun safe!”

Before the two could run inside a dull roar could be heard in the sky. Adam and his dad turned their attention upwards in time to watch a jet fly overhead. Adam spotted distant specks high in the sky, squinting to try and make them out. The jet turned towards the objects and throttled towards them, Adam watching in wide eyes as yellow and blue flashes began flying through the sky.

“They’re already here…” Adam whispered.

Just then the air suddenly became charged, static electricity popping in the air. Small portals began opening in the airspace above the town, frighteningly close to where Adam was standing. Groups of armored pegasi began unloading from the portals, strange devices strapped to their backs. They split up and began diving towards the ground in every direction. Adam began taking steps back when a blue pulse discharged from one of the closer pegasi. The blue bolt struck a house across the street and obliterated it in a bright blue fire ball.

Adam fell over as the massive concussion wave rolled over him, shattering glass everywhere. His jumbled senses registered screams and the loud droning sounds of the tornado, now air raid, sirens.

“Adam!” The young adult struggled to his feet, shuffling over to his dad as he was picking himself up. “Adam! We gotta go! Now!”

The two abandoned their previous plans and ran straight for Adam’s running car. Adam jumped into the drivers seat and immediately threw it into reverse, his dad barely getting in before he floored the gas.

“Head towards Olson’s! We’ll take the county road! Don’t stay out in the open!”

Adam was already speeding forward along the road, avoiding people in the street.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” Adam yelled as swerved around other cars heading in the opposite direction.

“They’re headed for the highway! We’ll be safer on the back roads!”

Adam barely heard his father as he continued speeding down the street. Another car was in front of them and seemed to have the same idea, Adam using it as his linebacker as they continued dodging the chaos. They were approaching an intersection when Adam saw a pegasus swooping in from the right.


Adam jerked the wheel left just as he saw the pony’s weapon discharge, the blue magic taking out the section of road, including the lead vehicle. The car bucked violently as it jumped the corner of the curb, the wheels struggling to find purchase on the wet grass. He gunned it onto the next street, temporarily evading the pegasus.

They traveled around the corner on the suburban road, a huge pile of debris coming into view. Adam slammed on the brakes, the car sliding forward and colliding with some of the rubble. The car stalled out when Adam attempted to put it into reverse. Adam grabbed the keys and attempted to start it again, the engine struggling to turn over.

“Come on, come on!”

“Adam, we need to go, now!”

“I’m trying!”

Pumping the gas pedal, the vehicle finally roared to life, Adam shouting in triumph. He looked up and grabbed the gear shifter when he spotted another pegasus diving towards them.


Adam’s foot became lead as the car screamed backwards, the pegasus heading right for them. Adam realized that there was no way that they would be able to outrun the pony. Luckily for them, a jet suddenly blew right over them, shooting down the pegasus with a quick burst from it’s cannons. Adam slowed the car down to a stop, his chest heaving as adrenaline made his lungs suck in air, feeding his muscles oxygen for extended use. Adam quickly turned the car around and drove.

He felt a hand grab his shoulder and squeeze. “We’re alright. Just stick to the plan.”

Adam looked over and saw his dad smiling reassuringly at him. A loud boom echoed in front of him, dragging his attention forward. An Equestrian Sky Carriage was trailing smoke as an F-14 gave chase, missiles screaming away from their locks. The rockets raced to their target and made contact, shredding the enemy vehicle. It began to drop before a secondary explosion ripped from the falling wreckage, no doubt caused from the magical ordinance located within. A piece was thrown at the jet and clipped its wing, causing it to become enveloped in flames.

Adam raised his arm to his face as the falling jet headed right at them.

“NOOO!” Adam yelled as he rapidly sat up, his voice box stinging and his lungs heaving. A cold sweat poured down his skin, causing him to shiver violently. His fists clenched the thin blankets, his grip threatening to tear the fabric. He jumped slightly when something cool caressed down his back. He turned to his right to find Nightmare’s cool blue eyes peering at him, a wing outstretched to rub his back.

“Shhh, it’s okay. You’re alright.”

Adam dook a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He closed his eyes and sighed. Nightmare watched as the human stopped shivering, fatigue settling into the exhausted being.

Nightmare moved a couple inches closer to Adam. “Did you have a nightmare?” Adam merely nodded. “Would you like to talk about it?”

Adam remained silent for a few moments before he responded, “I, I think I’m regaining a bit of my memory. I was younger and at home….” Adam struggled to think. “It was a beautiful day. It was, it was the day that we were attacked.”

Adam shivered again. Nightmare nodded a few times. “I see. What happened next?”

Adam shook his head. “I don’t want talk about it.”

“Alright, if that is what you wish,” the dark queen said. She rubbed his back a few more times before using her magic to pull the blanket up. “You should go back to sleep Adam.”

The human nodded before laying back down, allowing the nightmare to cover him with the blanket. Moon shuffled closer to him and shared her body heat with Adam. She did her best to comfort him, eventually easing him back to sleep. Confirming that he was unconscious by listening to his deep breathing, she moved her head to rest on his shoulder. Smiling cruelly, she lit up her horn, the dark magic coalescing over Adam’s head.

He wouldn’t be having any peaceful dreams tonight.

“Good morning Adam. How did you sleep?”

Adam watched as Nightmare walked into the bedroom, having just taken a shower judging from the steam that billowed out from behind her. Adam nursed the cup of coffee that the maid had brought in with the breakfast cart before responding.

“Could have been better.”

A small frown dragged across Nightmare’s muzzle. “As I thought, you were very restless last night.”

Adam winced. “Sorry about that. Uh, maybe it should be better that I sleep in t-,”

“Nonsense!” Nightmare interrupted. “I have slept in far worse conditions. A troubled friend is certainly no deterrent for me!” She moved over to the breakfast cart and picked out a few fruits. “Besides, the worst thing I could do right now is leave you alone to suffer throughout the night.”

Adam watched Moon begin eating before finishing off his coffee. He sighed before standing up, a robe draping around his body. He had woken up to find it hanging on the end of the bedpost.

“What’s the plan for the day?”

Nightmare swallowed before replying, “Well, Court is the first thing on the list. After that I have a meeting with General Steel. There is nothing else further scheduled for the day.” She took another bite of the apple she held upon her hoof. “You better clean up before we leave.”

Adam looked at himself and agreed having felt the oily sheen of his sweat upon his skin. He put a hand up to his head and felt the massive gnarl of hair that could have been mistaken for a bird’s nest. “Right. What about clothes?”

Nightmare snorted before mana built up around her horn. A quick pop later and Adam’s clothes were lying on the foot of the bed.

“Thank you,” Adam said as he moved towards them and swept them up into his arms. “I’ll be as quick as I can,” he declared before walking quickly into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later found Adam and Moon walking down the hallway together towards the courtroom. Adam idly scratched his chin, wondering if this would soon become a routine. It was at that point that he suddenly noticed the coarse hair on his neck and jawline.

“I need a shave.”

“Hmm?” Nightmare questioned.

“A shave. I’m starting to grow out a beard.”

Nightmare looked up to him while they still continued moving forward, her eyes looking a bit closer. “Yes, I was wondering what that was all about.”

“Do you have anything to shave with?”

“Well, we do have some hair tools, but they may be too rough for you. We’ll see to it later though.”

Adam nodded in agreement before they pulled up to a side entrance to the courtroom, the two pushing through it and walking towards the throne. Adam watched as Nightmare climbed into the stone monument before he stood to her left in a parade rest position.

Nightmare nodded towards one of the guards near the far door, waiting patiently as he opened it and stuck his head through, talking to the outside doors.

Several moments passed before he stepped back from the door while it was being pulled open. A small group of guards dragged in a pony with a black sack wrapped around it’s head, Adam guessing it to be a unicorn by the way the bag stuck upwards into a pointed tip. They stopped before the throne’s steps before forcing the dirty pony to their knees. A feminine grunt left the figure.

One of the guards bowed before reporting, “Your Majesty, we bring forth former Princess Celestia’s protege, now traitor to the crown, Twilight Sparkle.”

The bag was ripped off of the mare’s head, a brilliant pair of purple eyes blinking rapidly in the bright light; a pair of eyes that Adam could see were filled with a fiery determination and anger.

Nightmare Moon leaned forward, a cruel smile forming on her face.

“Well, things just got interesting.”

Author's Note:

I really need to stay on top of chapter updates. The time span between them is just getting worse. Hope this was alright :pinkiesmile: Catch ya soon. Req out~