• Published 12th Jul 2014
  • 570 Views, 0 Comments

The One Reason: Her Number is Two. - Kerakin

Wanted to write something with vaugely the same powers as the Deadmen in Deadman Wonderland. (Watched it recently, and ZOMG!!)

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Why She's Here

The guards at the door were being changed out. It was like clockwork, every six hours I had to deal with six new fools outside my cell. It was so much worse when one or two were new to this place. They believe with religious fervor the stories about me. How I killed the ponies that called themselves my parents. Ha! As if I needed, or wanted such things. Besides that, it was quiet here, in the bowels of Prison One. One was also the closest to something I cared about more than killing.

One understood me perfectly, and I never doubted myself around them. They made me feel... whole. I... don't know how to explain it besides that. It's such a wonderful feeling, and yet... When One leaves, the feeling leaves with them, trapped in the same steel container, surrounded by fools who don't understand One, or me, or the power I have. They know of it, obviously. But they don't understand it like One. And the best part is One is mine.

"Mine, mine, mine," The only voice, the only breath, the only power. All mine. And the only one deemed worthy to share it with is One. Is One a he or she, you ask. Well, no use giving away a secret kept jealously by Celestia herself. Oh, yes. The pretty little sparkly mare with her damned sun knows of this place. Knows of One. Knew One intimately, in fact. Then I came along. Shall I give you the whole run-down? Excellent.

Celestia, the powerful, sole ruler of Equestria after her disgraced sister's banishment, had it all. A kingdom, a throne. A partner who loved and cherished the sun. Then who should come, but me? Tiny, insignificant, foreign, and treacherous. It was glorious, the way she screamed at me, that day in the throne room. In her throne room, no less. You lying, traitorous, filthy, disgusting, loose, lustful whore! Damned be the day I let you in, granted you clemency, and trusted you!" "Ah, but trust me you did. A fool's folly always comes back to hurt him, Celestia." I could not hide my grin. " In this case, her."

Prissy Miss Sunshine's mane was amazingly messy. Just like her rule. Just like her. One had stayed silent, standing beside the door. The servants had long since fled, and it was just the three of us. Celestia ranted and raved, magic flashing at me, but she did not yet fire upon her beloved. She did not yet lose her love for them. The throne room was torn apart by her fury, and a shard of glass, bearing Celestia's eye, sliced open her beloved's cheek. That was when the fight left her, but consumed me. She remained utterly still as I tore my flesh, the blood becoming solid blade as I raced to her. Within moments she bled from a dozen wounds, and I stood before her, blade to her throat. "You dare," no words could explain this rage, neither could words appease it. I wanted blood, and seeing Celestia's spilled on the floor only increased that demand. "You DARE to hurt--"

Celestia's dull magenta eyes sought her beloved's. "Sh--"
"You dare speak their name?! You, whose very tongue would defile it? No!"

Out flashed my blade, her mouth was forced open as she gasped for air. I healed the throat wound, but held her mouth open.

"Listen carefully, and listen well." I whispered in her ear. "You will not speak their name from now until Hell reclaims me."
Then, I cut out her tongue. Scarlet blood pooled at her golden-shod hooves, and she gagged and whimpered weakly.

"Really, Celestia, I expected better." There was no hiding the scorn I felt for this weak and thoroughly cowed mare. " You, who banished your sister with the Elements, cannot defeat a Deadpony such as me?"

Oh, I can.


She's standing.
Why is she not dying?
A cell. Why am I here? I had what I wanted! That wretch of a mare at my hooves, unable to fight back, and now....
Now, I am here, in the deepest cell, in the Max-Security prison known as Prison One.
I am here. And that is why.

Author's Note:

Hmmm... I think this will be the only chapter within Shavvy's viewpoint. The rest will be in third-person because it'll be easier. Also, d'you want to chance a guess at who One is? Of course, the story might need s'more chapters before you can piece it together, but it'll be a pretty short story, but I might enlongate it after my birthday which is in... Six months. Roughly.