• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 1,247 Views, 16 Comments

Punch Out! Big Mac's Big Challenge! Episode 2: Major League Drama!! - trahzo

It's the 2nd episode of the series and Applejack isn't approving of what Big Mac has been doing for the past nights!

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Ch.1: Disapproval, a Fight Between Siblings, Big Mac vs. Applejack!

"What do you mean you wont allow me to fight in the Major Circuit?"

"I mean, that you are banned from boxing!"

"That's not fair Applejack, just because you're the next head of the main Apple Family Branch does not in any way possible give you the authority to prevent me from doing my own thing!"

"I believe it does!"

"Big Sis, you're being unfair!" Applebloom interjected.

"This doesn't concern you youngun, go to your room!"

"Applejack, I am doing this so I can finally end the insults!"

"I don't care if you become the world's strongest! You are not boxing!"

"Applejack, please, Big Mac is an adult, he can do what he wants." Cheerilee joined in.

"Well what if your husband gets hurt? What if he dies, what will you do then huh?"

"Applejack, you know very well that Big Mac has the strength to power through anything right?" Granny Smith Asked.

"Now you're taking his side? Doesn't anyone in this house care about Big Mac's health except me?"

"Applejack, let me box. Trust me, just this once!"

Applejack looked all around, everyone was against her.

"Grrr...fine, do what you want, but only..."


"If you defeat me in 1 round!"

No doubt, Applejack & Big Macintosh were the strongest on the farm, but it was never established who was #1. So the family all gathered into the farm. Applebloom, Winona, Granny Smith, Applejack's husband Trenderhoof (Sorry), Granny Smith, Big Mac's wife Cheerilee, and of course the 2 who are about to fight!

"I've been waiting this whole time to physically knock some sense into you, now I can, I can beat all the sense I've always wanted to beat into you, but never had the moxie to do it! This will be for when you and Flutterguy tried to lip sync, this will be for when you made the decision that Applebloom could play with that delinquent looking filly, this will be for when you decided that..."

"Applejack, I may not be that bright, but I know what I am doing!"

"Why don't you show me?"

"Round 1, fight!" Trenderhoof declared. "Also, why am I the round whore?"

"Because you're so Feminine that Applejack's sexuality doesn't care that you're a guy." Everyone replied.

Then Applejack jabbed, but Big Mac blocked, and hooked her, but Big Mac blocked. Applejack pulled out her rope, and lassoed Big Mac's left fist, then it was a tug of war...until suddenly Big Mac managed to over power A.J. then sent Applejack flying towards him then slammed her with a straight down!

"You see now? I can take care of myself in the ring!"

"I see nothing!" Then A.J. quickly got-up and started throwing fast punches

"Applejack, you're just being stubborn, I swear you get that from your mother!" Granny Smith called out.

"Stay outta this Granny!" Applejack replied with anger.

"Sheesh, you know how how your wife's acting like a drama queen?"


"She didn't get that from her ma, she got that from her pa!"

" *Giggle!* "

Then A.J. glared at Trenderhoof, who quickly shut-up. None of her punches would connect with Big Mac, then A.J. threw an apple, which burst to juice and bits after Big Mac punched it back to the wall!

"Allow me to fight in the WVBA!"

"Never! I care about you too much to get hurt by those professionals!"

A.J. then went to kicking fast!

"Whoa, how is she moving those footsies so swiftly?" Trenderhoof asked.

"Oh yeah, you're new, Applejack takes kickboxing classes, that's how she keeps on bucking as many apples as Big Mac, and also...really? Who says footsies anymore?" Answered Applebloom

"I do!" Granny Smith replied.

Applejack tried to kick Big Mac in the left ear, but Big Mac blocked! Big Mac hooked Applejack in the face, receiving a star!

"Consarnet, I admit that you've hurt me a little, but that's all you get!" Then Applejack covered Big Mac's face with her hat, and A.J. backed-up and tried to kick him, but Big Mac ducked! Big Mac then punched Applejack straight into the stomach, he swiftly took the hat off, and threw it to the audience, Applebloom caught it with her head, replacing her bow. Then a light shined down on Applebloom, as if...foreshadowing something. Applejack tried to recover, but was left jabbed to the right, then left! Applejack was getting even more angry!

"You are noooooot goooooonnnaaaaaaa wiiiiiiin!" Applejack said with a demonic voice!

"(Oh-no!)" Big Mac and Granny thought with great worry!

And their fears were right, Applejack's eyes then glowed red, her hair turned spikey and red, then she raised her fist in the air allowing dark energy to gather! Big Mac had to stop her!

"Kongo Kokuretsu Za..." Applejack was cutoff as Big Mac gave her a star uppercut, sending out of the ring, and Knocking her out!

Applejack's hair tie burst to pieces letting her hair move freely as she landed on the ground! Everyone huddled around her.

"Gnh, what happened?" Applejack asked as she got up.

"Akuma took over again!" Said Big Mac

"Luckily Big Mac stopped him before he could blow this whole barn to smithereens!"

"Did he now?" Then she turned her head to Big Mac. "I'm sorry, go ahead and keep-on fighting, seeing that you managed to stop Akuma means that you have now gained my trust to compete with professionals!"

Then everyone went yay and group hugged!