• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 614 Views, 3 Comments

The Foals of the Prophecy - animeyasha66

two foals find out their prophesied to save Equestria But is a prophecy enough to make sure they win

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It was like nothing that Hope Feathers had ever experienced in her short life. She was flying for the first time, and there was not a single word she knew that could describe the joy she was feeling as the wind blew through her russet brown with speckles of caramel fur and forest green mane, the feeling of accomplishment, everything was perfect. She flew higher and higher, to the tops of the trees that that were the whole world to her and her brother, and then she flew higher still; and that’s when it happened. That's when she saw It.

All of the happiness she felt merely seconds prior vanished; replaced with fear sorrow and longing, her heart was racing, and tears blurred her vision as she ran to find her brother, Silent Peace.


“Silent Peace!” she called out as loud as she could into the forest, scaring all the fauna into silence. A young earth pony a messy brown mane approached her in his usual silent manor and whispered “I'm here, sis,” into her ear as he pulled her shaking body into a caring embrace, allowing her to soak his gray fur with a river of tears.
“Better now?” he asked when her shaking subsided. Hope responded with a nod pulling away to look him in his pale golden eyes. He smiled warmly. “What happened?”

“Well I was flying- oh yea! I can fly now!” a large smile illuminated her face. Silent Peace smiled back proud of his little sister’s accomplishment. “I was flying really high! Like a bird! Then I flew above the trees then…” her smile fell and her voice lost its enthusiasm, “then I saw these things. I know I never saw them before or at least I don’t think I saw them before.” She cocked her head to the side, “but they made me feel sad, and scared.” The young pegasus looked at her forehooves. Silent Peace put a forehoof under her muzzle direct her head back towards his own allowing him to look her in her large, teary, golden eyes. Brushing a stray lock of her short messy forest green mane off her face, he smiled and said: “you’re gonna have to be a bit more descriptive than that…”

The pegasus opened her mouth to reply; then closed it to pout. Finally Hope angled her eyes, tilted her head up and to the left and slid her lower jaw to the left and went silent. Silent recognized that position; it was her thinking pose. She assumes it whenever she’s planning something elaborate, this was no exception.

“Got it!” she exclaimed jumping up and ran off in the direction of the hallowed tree that has served as a home for her and her brother for as long as they could remember. The earth pony followed the eager foal back to their tree for her to collect her building supplies before going to the tree to create a mechanism to lift him above the treetops. Hope Feathers had a realization upon arriving at their home, one she shared with the earth pony: “this will take awhile; I’ll find you when I'm done!”


The sun was at its highest when the excited pegasus brought the curious colt to one of the tallest tree in the forest. On that particular day, vines and twigs had been seemingly randomly tied together and to branches of that tree as well as those of neighboring trees. Despite Silent Peace having no idea how it worked, or was even possible, he trusted his sister; therefore he trusted her all of her crazy contraptions.

His trust was rightfully placed, for with in a reasonably short amount of time it safely brought the colt to the very top of the tree, allowing him to see the objects that saddened his younger sister so much. And he recognized them as well, as if they were from a dream. Then it came back to him; He remembered the last time he saw them. Six summers ago.


It was the middle of the night, clouds covered the moon. He was only 5 winters old as he stood at the edge of the village, right by the forest, scared, tired and confused. His vision was blurred with tears.
“my little pony, There’s not much time,” a mare, his mother, told him, she was crying as well, but to the point that she couldn't continue speaking, a stallion, his father, bent down to look his son in the eyes.

“Silent Peace, it’s not safe here for you and Hope Feathers,” he put a saddle bag on the young colt; a saddle bag that contained the precious cargo of a sleeping foal, of less than 14 moons of age. “You need to run away from here, run into the forest, take care of your sister, you’ll have to be strong and survive, and never forget,” he took a long breath, “never forget who you- ” he was interrupted by screams of pain and terror from within the village, “Run! Go you need to leave now!” the little pony obeyed, and ran deep into the forest and kept on running. Stopping only when his young body failed him, and he could run no farther, and fell into a deep exhausted sleep.


Silent Peace awoke in a cold sweat. He heard the crackling of a small fire and a chunk of wet moss on his forehead. He opened his eyes to confirm his location; he was back in his home tree, lying in the pile of moss, grass and hay that served as his sleeping area. His sister, who had been drawing nearby, noticed his movement and tackled the now conscience earth pony with a hug.

“wha-what just happened?” the colt stammered, not yet fully conscience.

“I showed you the objects and you fainted, so I brought you back here.”

“How long was I out?”

The pegasus glanced at the window to see that the sun was setting before answering with: “the whole day.”

Silent closed his eyes and took a deep breath processing what had happened. Then proceed to give his sister a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Come on Hope, let’s start making dinner.”


Later that night, they were lying in their respective sleeping areas in their shared sleeping room, ready for sleep. Of course, sleep doesn’t come easily after a day like theirs. They both knew that the other had yet to fall asleep do to their breathing patterns.

“Sigh’, what’s wrong? You’ve been really quiet all night.” Hope asked.

He took a deep breath, “I guess that I should tell you…” Silent Peace took another deep breath and told her what he remembered.


Silent gave his sister a comforting nuzzle, a simple gesture that provided both of them with the courage to take those final steps. Those final steps out of the forest; out of the only place they had known for the majority of their short lives.

They squinted and blinked as they witnessed the blinding brightness of the early morning sun; in its full glory, no longer obscured by the thick forest canopy.

Albeit the darkness had never hindered the siblings’ sight, the sun’s shimmering rays left them momentarily blinded. In order to compensate for the lack of sight their bodies made their normally acute sense of hearing even keener, allowing them to pick out a single sound from nature’s symphony. A sound that was oh so familiar; a song softly song, a sound that brought tears on nostalgia to their eyes and a single word to their lips: “mommy.”

Once their sight returned with a single glance they confirmed what they were to do: find the source of the music.

They stopped at the edge of a large garden, merely paces away from mare whose voice beckoned them like a moth to a light. They sat there and watched the mare as she harvested her garden and sang. Her mantis green and light sky blue mane was held in a braid down her amaranth pink crest.

Once the song was finished she looked up from her harvesting and at the foals. Her lime green eyes depicted her bewilderment and that feeling only intensified when her children remained visible after a few rounds of blinking.

The three of them merely look at each other in salience for a few moments before their mother spoke in a voice barely louder than a whisper, “Silent Peace, Hope Feathers… is it really you?” aforementioned ponies nodded and tears of joy rolled down her face as she galloped towards her foals and embraced them lovingly, which Hope and Silent hesitantly returned.

“My little ponies,” she whispered breaking the embrace, “I'm so glad that the two of you are both alive and well, but it’s not safe for you here.”

“Why not?” Hope innocently asked.

“I'm sorry,” she looked down at her forehooves, eyes glistening with fresh tears, “I'm sorry… it’s jus-” she was interrupted by the rough voices of stallions joking as they walked in their general direction.

“You need to go. Now,” her voice was quiet but serious and demanding. The siblings had no choice but to subserviently flee to their woodland home.