• Published 1st Jul 2014
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First Impressions are Misleading - Luyten

Changelings. Black, insect-like creatures with holes in their hooves who steal love. Those were the only changelings Equestria had seen, surely there were others less...barbaric?

  • ...

Chapter Four: Dinner with Changelings

There was pleasant small talk buzzing in the dining hall. One or two of the changelings were talking with the Princess about integration into Equestria. The ones that were left were chatting with Odyssey and the nymph.

"What hive did you say you were from again?" The crimson-eyed changeling asked. He was the most social and friendly of the five newcomers.

Odyssey replied,"From Queen Archae's hive." The changeling nodded, turned to his purple companion, and whispered a few phrases before turning back to Odyssey.

Queen Omnis's messenger stood and began making an announcement.

"My Queen has requested that we begin negotiations immediately, are there any objections?" The entire table turned towards the purple changeling, and shook their heads.

"Good, let's begin with our requests and what we have to offer. I will begin. My queen's hive consists of seven thousand, nine hundred and two changelings. We can supply anything Equestria needs: gemstones, metal, magical artifacts, the list goes on. In return, my hive and the hives of those seated by me, would like to take up residence in Equestria." Odyssey narrowed his eyes at the female changeling. Something fishy was going on here. Celestia shared Odyssey's suspicion and questioned the purple changeling, who coughed.

"We were going to tell you when it we deemed it appropriate, Celestia. We mean no harm." Odyssey stared in shock and horror at the five changeling seated opposite him. He wasn't sure what to do in the presence of five queens.

And then it got even better when Celestia asked for the changelings to change into their original forms.

One by one, they shifted into their natural body: nearly twice Odyssey's height, and practically radiating power. Each of the Queens had a defining physical trait, Zephyr's being double-bladed wings, like a dragonfly. Gilfur's was the presence of scale-like chitin. Omnis..well she was just plain impressive.

Meanwhile, Odyssey stood stiff as a board as the six figures turned towards him with a gaze that said,'Are you going to change to?'.

The petrified changeling shook his head,"I'm myself, but I can get my queen if you'd like." he whispered. Nebula nodded,"That would be wise, little drone." If possible, that scared the poor changeling even further, seeing as Nebula had two rows of razor-sharp teeth. Odyssey whipped open his notebook and frantically awaited a response. When one finally came, Odyssey started to speak as fast and as quietly as he could.

"My dear Odyssey! What's gotten into you?" His Queen asked. In reply, Odyssey flipped the notebook to face the five queens patiently waiting.

Archae's expression was a serious one. "I'll be there shortly, don't fret." She said, and cut the connection, only to appear a few meters away with a loud pop, and began shouting with the other queens.

"What were you thinking? Having a quintet of queens just trot into Canterlot right after Chrysalis invaded? You should know better." She shouted. More shouting erupted as a retort, gradually increasing in volume and intensity until both Celestia and Odyssey shouted for them to be quiet. Archae stalked over to her drone and sat down, looking guilty. The other queens shared the same expression.

"Now, can we all be allies and not start shouting at each other and begin peaceful discussions?" Princess Celestia queried. Nod answered from all around the table.

With the situation under control, they could finally discuss what was originally intended: a mutual bond between the changelings and Equestria. Since both Archae and Omnis had already shared their proposition, the four others said theirs in turn, and they were all nearly identical to the first's.

Princess Celestia thought about the pros and cons of the deals being struck. On one hoof, Equestria was being offered millions of bits in raw gems and metals, but on the other, how would her subjects react to the sudden influx of changelings?

There was only one way to find out.

"I will accept your offers, on one condition: each of your hives will slowly move into Equestria. Otherwise, it would be the end of this partnership."