• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 1,583 Views, 37 Comments

The Strange Case Of Doctor Pinkie And Miss Diane - Arreis Of Avalon

The twisted tale of Pinkie Pie and her attempt to bring laughter to everypony... and her 'monster', Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie. Crossover of Jekyll and Hyde - now with original songs!

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Element of -S-Laughter

Author's Note:

Side by side words are sung at the same time.
Wrote this totally super late, but WHATEVER

Pinkie took a deep breath as she walked along the ramp. Far below her was the pool. There was no doubt it was the right one. Its surface shimmered so… well, she could only describe it as magically. It seemed to reflect everything in precise detail, and yet, it seemed off. Water had that ability, she supposed. To create something. Something not right. Something… peculiar. To take a beautiful thing and transform it entirely into something hideous.

She sighed, glancing at the knife in her bag. She slipped the straps off and pulled it out, holding it in her hoof as she walked. She was going to do this. After all, it wasn’t like blood hadn’t been on her hooves before. It’s just that, this time… it would be her doing the killing. Herself, not some morbid, twisted reflection. She would be a murderer.

Somehow, only thoughts of her experiments came to her mind. Those potions she had constantly consumed, all those failures. All in the hopes of finding something splendid. Something worthwhile in this life. But she had only succeeded in ruining that beautiful thing, tarnishing beauty with crimson stains.

All my work, she said, her voice cracking as she walked towards the pool slowly from the ramp. All that effort… in vain…

All my trials have ended in pain…

My potions all failed…

My soul black with sin…

“How... how did I deserve this,” she asked no one in particular, sighing.

I tried to hard, I must confess…

I put each and every one to the test…

Deep in my labs, down below…

Only I… can know…

Pinkie stared into her reflection. She could swear that her eyes flashed a sinister green, a sickening, blood stained smile shining back at her frown. The mirror’s water was distorted by ripples as, one by one, tears fell into the pool. She was a murderer, and now the time had come to end it, once and for all.

“A-am I a good mare,” she asked in a hurried voice, pleading to the pool. She needed an answer, before the madness truly began. “Am I a good mare… or a mad mare?... Were my intentions good?...” She sobbed, tasting the salty tears on her lips as her lungs gasped for breath. All she could hear were the fading screams of Diane’s victims - of her victims. “T-there’s such a fine line… between a good mare… and a mad…”

She watched. She sank closer to the pool. The knife was in her hoof the entire time. She would go through. She would come out. And Diane would be there, for her to murder. “Such… a fine line,” she muttered as she closed her eyes. “Between us… Diane…” Her body became weightless. The world shifted. Reality skewed.

And she stood right side up, on dry land, not a drop of water on her. She opened her eyes in a rush…

To see nothing.

“It didn’t work…” She sank down, sitting on the ground by the pool, tears still rolling down her face. Nothing had changed. Nothing had worked. “T-tell me it worked… Tell me she’s gone…”

Did you really think that you were safe? Pinkie’s eyes snapped open.

Did you really think that you were free? A body was rising out of the water.

Did you know that you could kill? Pinkie backed away, her eyes wide.

Did you know that you could cry? Water streamed off the form of the grinning mare.

Did you know you had me inside, Diane asked, her emerald eyes shining through her dripping skull.

All is lost for you, Miss Diane Pie, Pinkie shouted, holding up the knife, despite her trembling, fearful voice.

It’s time to leave, it’s time for you to die!

All you are is a shattered reflection,

The last fading light of a hellish dream!

After tonight, no more will ponies scream!

Diane cackled, walking on the water, safe from Pinkie for now. Her fanged grin did nothing to settle Pinkie down. No ponies scream but you, my dear!

Let your horror thrive!

I feast upon your every fear

Every tear makes me alive, she said, her voice ringing with bitter laughter.

I don’t need you to survive - but you need me!

Come, oh you wearer of the mask of death:

Hear me rejoice as you breathe your final breath!

Can’t you see, they sang together, one in desperation, the other in pride.

It’s over now!

It’s time I leave you behind.

With these words

Let us be severed

No longer intertwined!
You are my secret I am your secret
And now I pray And you can pray
Your bloodied evil But blood will stain
Won’t see the day Your hooves today

And for your sins you’ll pay!

And as this nightmare goes on -

You will never be free -

I know that soon we’ll be gone -

Sing your eulogy!~

As death haunts out steps today
I know I know
In Hell In you
You’ll stay I’ll stay!

“NO,” Pinkie screamed as Diane lunged, her doppelgangers laughter echoing around them as Pinkie closed her eyes. She held up her knife, hoping beyond hope that the monster before her would be slain.

She felt the shift in her - Diane had never left, of course. The pool could only do so much. She panted as she opened her eyes, gazing at her reflection with dread. One eye was swirling with emerald madness; the other, simply with tears. This is what it had come to. To fighting an illusion. A reflection in a pool.

She looked at the knife in her hoof.

It was the only way, she knew. She didn’t know how her friends would ever be able to take the news… but it was the only way.

Can’t you see, she begged softly, holding the knife up to the peculiar light in the cavern.

It’s over now, a sly voice sang to her confidently. She knew who it was.

It’s time I leave you behind -

You will never be free -

With this knife…
Let us be We cannot be

No longer intertwined! Forever intertwined!

This is the moment, Pinkie sang, feeling the knife in her hooves even as she watched it draw ever closer to her chest. The die will be cast!

I’ve got a thirst, no one can deny, Diane’s cruel voice sang out in her mind, almost begging for blood to be spilt.

As I think of this day, I dream of the past!

A thirst for blood, for being alive!

From forever before, and henceforth hereafter -

And I know, that now and forever -

The name they all will remember
Isn’t yours, Diane! Isn't yours, Miss Pie!

May each and every forget, they cried out in unison as the cool steel touched Pinkie’s skin.

As we leave, with but one regret!

Forget all you’ve learned

That one can remember
About Pinkie

And I...
Element of Laughter! Element of Slaughter!

Her eyes opened as not a sound came from her gaping mouth; the blade felt so cool, despite the warmth of the blood now dripping down her stomach. No sound, in fact, seemed to reach her ears directly after the stabbing. Then, there was a bit of ringing… Her vision began to grow a bit blurry as she watched the pool become a beautiful shade of red.

She heard someone call her name. She glanced to the ramp to see her friends… such wonderful friends. But they all looked so terribly sad. That wasn’t what she wanted at all.

Her sight became lopsided. Oh. She had fallen on her side. She watched as Twilight began to run down the ramp. She was crying. Pinkie smiled weakly.

She only wanted ponies to smile.

The last thing she saw was her friends sobbing… and, the last thing she heard?

I’ll see you in hell… Pinkie...