• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 1,128 Views, 13 Comments

The Life of Vinyl Scratch - DJ nightmare night

a full story of all the way through Vinyl Scratch's life (still in progress)

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chapter two : old friends

chapter two : old friends

Cheerilee sat on her sofa in deep thought as she gazed at the beautiful little filly set beside her; she was sleeping on a deep fluffy red cushion. Her neon electric blue mane gleamed in the light that cast down from the ceiling. It was streaked with some hairs of a darker blue (which was notably equally as neon) and appeared to be perfectly straightened. However, also spikey which must have made it the cutest punk style mane Cheerilee had ever seen.

Her tail which was of the very same colouration and indeed style flicked back and forth as the filly slept, this caused a grin to tug up Cheerilee’s cheeks as she looked long and ernestly down at her.

How in equestria am I meant to find a suitable name for a filly who I know nothing about. A filly that isn’t even my own, I don’t even know who her real parents are!
No. No Cheerilee, you are her mother now, you are all that matters to this filly.

I know what i could do, inspiration came out of the blue; I should look for clues about her in what her parents must have left her. Yes, that’s a good idea, now let’s see what do we have? well the box, that much is obvious, and we have…… well what else DO we have?

Cheerilee lifted herself up and looked into the tarnished box which she had previously transferred the foal out of; there were lots of blankets and around the edges of the box a few odd looking rocks with strange shapes on them, next to them a pair of black goggles with purple lenses that must have been way too big for the foal to actually wear.

So we have a box, some weird looking rocks, and a pair of goggles which are way too big for a foal (besides looking like something Elton PON would wear).well what can we do with that?……… not much.

Maybe if we take a more detailed look at things….

Upon closer inspection of the collected pieces of evidence she realised that the box was actually once used to store LP records in. It had a picture of a huge dragon and in some lightning bolt style writing it said “Greyfelle and the sisters of harmony” only these where so faded and scratched away that she had only realised the design now, on her closer inspection. She also found sewn onto the inside of the strap on the goggles were the two letters V and S, how very strange she thought to herself.

Cheerilee knew she was getting closer to learning more about the filly but she had to sit down and get everything straight in her head.

My my, it’s just like being fetlock holmes, all this investigating.

Slumped down in her sofa next to the filly she resumed gazing at her. This time concentrating more on her pristine white coat and how the bright white contrasted, but in a strange way complimented the neon blues of her mane and tail. VS. VS what could it stand for.

V,v, v, vibrant? Well her mane certainly is vibrant.




NO NO NO none of those will do, they are good names yes but not…. Not quite suited for success.

Let’s see now, what things did we have; purple goggles, some weird ass rocks, I mean who in the hay gives a baby rocks??? and an old box which used to have LP vinyl records WAIT that’s it: Vinyl. Yes I shall call him vinyl. That must be the clue his parents left. It must.it must. It must.

“how does that sound to you little one, shall we call you vinyl” Cheerilee pronounced in a hushed whisper so as to not wake the poor little one. At this the filly wriggled over onto her other side and gave her new mother a gurgle. Instantly Cheerilee’s heart melt and tears pricked in the corners of her eyes.

So much had happened today and she regretted not a single moment.

For the first time that day she relaxed and slumped back into the comfort of the sofa. She let her fatigue take over and fell asleep, with a notable grin spread across her face.

As she relaxed and drifted off to sleep what she did not notice was a feint glow of deep indigo around her fillie's horn. Too diffused at first - when Vinyl's name was chosen - to visibly notice but soon becoming more concentrated till it formed a distinct mist.

Cheerilee awoke early the next morning, the sun permeating her living room through the violet curtains of the east-facing window. Although the sunlight was not what had woken her, it was in fact Vinyl lying on her side next to her; butting her head on Cheerilee's hind leg as if to say “wake up momma! it’s time to plaaay!”

Momentarily shocked by the scene, but soon remembering the events of the previous day Cheerilee tentatively scooped Vinyl up into a cradling position. Being this close to her filly instilled a welcome calm into the young mare.

It soon occurred to her that the filly must have not eaten in ages so she walked with her over to the kitchen whereupon she found the perfect snack; a small carrot. Walking around back to the sofa Cheerilee began to feed the carrot to Vinyl.

“you should like this, it’s packed with sugar just like sweets”

she noticed something queer about the foal but could not quite put her hoof on what it was.

Cheerilee's train of thought was interrupted by a firm knocking at the door, before she had even the chance to sit back down she was heading towards the door wondering who it could be; she had not been expecting anypony.

Unlocking the front door and allowing both top and bottom halves to swing inwards Cheerilee was happy to see a bright red stallion with a rugged orange mane framed in her doorway.

“Good mornin’ miss Cheerilee. We heard all ‘bout your new little lass from our Applejack an’ well I jus’ came t’ say if y’al ever be needin’ a hoof…. Well y’al know where ah am”.

It was big mackintosh, unexpected yet welcome never the less, Cheerilee stammered then blushed a little (luckily no-one could usually tell with Cheerilee on account of the colour of her coat, which was of immense relief to her).

“ahhh why thank you Big Mac your kindness is very appreciated and most welcome, please would you like to come in”. Cheerilee awkwardly gestured into her new house while holding her filly (no jokes readers that shit is NOT easy, you try gesturing with your forelegs while holding a filly)

“well ah aint got any jobs down at the farm today, why not. We aint spoken in a while an’ ill bet a catch up would be a mighty fine way to spend a day” Mackintosh gave a wide smile and his eyes seemed to become a little brighter (although Cheerilee could not visibly see his blushing on account of his bright red coat).

“So Big Mac how are things down at sweet apple acres these days” Cheerilee said as she courtly perched herself on one side of her sofa with Vinyl nestled in her lap, leaving the other half obviously inviting the other pony to sit in.

Big Mac took this opportunity with well concealed zeal and gingerly took his seat, his eyes drawn towards the foal in Cheerilee’s lap. “the last o’ the saplings for this year where planted up yesterday an’ ah gave the older trees enough water for this week, which is why ah’m off workin’ for the next few days”

“But what ‘bout you miss Cheerilee, ah hear you finally got that teachers job y’al always wanted. An’ then there’s this little one”

Mackintosh couldn’t help but smile at how proud he was of Cheerilee, they had gone to school together back when they were both young and Big Mackintosh had always kind of had a crush on her but she was waaaaay too clever, and hence waaaaay too out of his league, so he was content having miss Cheerilee as a good friend.

“O yes yes, it took four years of studying in Canterlot but I finally did it and now I’m finally here, back home with my old friends and doing the job I always knew I was destined to do. Hey Big Mac this must be how you feel all the time, isn’t it just great.”

“oh my, celestia, I had completely forgotten. I promised the professor I would be going to school at normal time yesterday. Oh darn, Big Mac I hope you don’t mind but I have to be going, oh and I need to find someone to look after Vinyl for me too. I can’t just leave him in the staff room all day” A sudden wave of panic came upon the usually calm pony as she began to rush franticly around the house.

“umm….. ah’ll take care o’ the little critter for y’al miss Cheerilee, you go get yerself off to work now, we’ll be just fine” Big Mac offered in a re-assuring tone, throwing in a smile to show her everything was alright.

Cheerilee hesitated for just a second “well if you’re really sure you don’t mind Big Mac…. Oh thank you old friend”

“ahh y’al aint gotta worry ‘bout us, ah’v had plenty practice with fillys what with havin’ applejack 'round the house”

“I completely trust you know what you are doing Big Mac, I’m so glad you came I don’t know if I would trust anypony else with vinyl. Not yet at least.”

And at that Cheerilee threw on her saddlebags and cantered off down the row of houses towards the school. How is he always such a nice pony to everypony, all the time, and how is it that he always manages to be there for you and willing to help out exactly when you need it most?

This thought nagged away at Cheerilee all through the day, she even found herself daydreaming in her own class which was possibly the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to the poor mare.

Twenty pairs of expecting beady little eyes looking up intently at her, then one studious filly on the front row put her hoof up and pronounced in a shy tone “ um miss Cheerilee are you going to teach us more about how to find out the area of a circle, or or has that topic finished, oh please say there’s more”

For the second time that day Cheerilee blushed and again for the second time she was glad nopony could tell. She managed to recover with some dignity by making some excuse about having paused on purpose to make sure everypony had all their notes down and nopony had any more questions before the class moved on.

When all of the ponies in the class had put down their pencils Cheerilee assumed it was clear to carry on “so to summarise class, pi R squared is how we find the area of a circle. Now we are going to see how to find a thing called the circumference which is the length of the line all the way around the edge of the circle”

“Applejack you should be good at this, ok so if for example you want to make the biggest circular field as possible but you only have a certain length of fencing in your stores.”

Cheerilee turned round to the board and drew a large circle, creating a grating screech as she did so.

“ How would you figure out where to put the fences to make sure you didn’t run out”

“aww shucks miss Cheerilee ah don’t believe ah know the answer to that there question, Big Mackintosh always does the fencin’ jobs round the farm” replied the young Applejack.

“indeed he does and the reason he does such a good job of it is that he always thinks things through on a mathematical scale before building them. Now class pay close attention to this next bit, this is how we work it out: first we have to find a number to call D as the diameter of the circle, then we times this number by pi”

the same studious young mare in the front row, Trixie was it came out with a good question; one that Cheerilee hoped somepony would notice “but miss how do we know what value of D will give us the circumference that we need to use the right length of fencing”

“ahhh yes a good question Trixie, the problem we have is that the equation does not work the other way around so we have to use trial and error until we get the answer we want”

Cheerilee directed to the class as a whole “now class I want you to each find out the value of D for a circle made out of 50M of fencing, the first to find the correct answer is the winner and gets to take home one of my special flowers”

Immediately there was a flourish of movement as everypony swiped up their pencil into their mouth and began to work out some answers. The promise of a prize made it every pony for himself, for some students this was good and for some not so good.

For Trixie and Applejack it became a one on one showdown to see who could work it out first. Trixie was franticly trying different values for D and getting progressively closer with each try. Applejack was sure there must be an easier way to do this, maybe, just maybe, if D timesed by pi gives circumference then circumference divided by pi gives the value of D. yes that might just work. So 50 divided by pi makes ………. 15.915.

“Miss miss ah’v got it, ah’v got it. The answer is 15.915” Applejack blurted out with great pride, flailing her forelegs about so much it looked as though they would either cause her to take flight or they might just fall off altogether.

“Why yes it is Applejack, my my, I shall have to warn your brother that he has some competition”

Cheerilee commended Applejack then emitted a soft chuckle as she thought about actually doing just that.

“And Applejack I believe that means you deserve one of my special flowers” opening one of her desk draws she pulled out a flower much like a large version of a daisy in her mouth and placed it on Applejacks desk

“this flower has been enchanted so that it will never die of thirst but be careful with it Applejack as it is still fragile and can be easily damaged” Cheerilee said kindly but firmly.

Applejack simply beamed back at her teacher “don’t y’al fret miss Cheerilee ah’ll keep it safe for ever”

The whole class clapped their front hooves and stomped with their hind-hoofs in time, the whole class but Trixie of course.

“Alright, class is dismissed for the day. Well done everypony for today’s work, I am proud of you all” Cheerilee said to the class as they started to pack their things into their bags and position their saddlebags onto their backs.

The class left the room through the door to the right of Cheerilee’s desk. As soon as the last pupil was out Cheerilee started for home where she knew Vinyl and Big Mac would be waiting for her. she hurried more than she would have usually as she had wanted to be back with her new daughter all day, or was it Big Mac she wanted to be back with?

No, no that is a wholly inappropriate suggestion Cheerilee, we should be concentrating on more important things.

It was as this thought was passing through her mind that she realised her house was already in sight, she must have rushed even more than she had imagined, what with her state of deep contemplation. That state quickly nipped itself in the bud as she approached her front door and entered her house, being very cautious about making sudden noises (like last time when she snapped a stick and woke Vinyl up).

Cheerilee was welcomed by a wonderful sweet smell wafting from her kitchen and…… was that Big Mac humming…… Cheerilee had never heard him hum before but this tune sounded beautiful, so eloquent and delicate; not too dissimilar to one of her own special flowers.

As the door closed behind her with a woody ‘thunk’ the humming abruptly stopped and the bright red face of Big Mac emerged around the corner of the partition wall which separated the kitchen from the living room.
“ah whipped us up some grub Cheerilee, ah knew you’d be home right ‘bout now, ah sure hope y’al don’t mind us usin’ ya kitchen an’ all” Big Mac announced with a wide grin on his face “this here’s a special dish ah don’t make for jus’ anypony”

Cheerilee, rather flattered that Big Mac had (rather covertly) pointed out she wasn’t just anypony; meaning she was special, could only reply in one way “oh Big Mac you shouldn’t have, and no of course I don’t mind you using the kitchen silly, you know you can make yourself at home here”

“we’ve been havin’ a mighty fine day me an’ this filly here, the little critter’s quite the mischief maker miss Cheerilee, ah should warn you” Big Mac called through to Cheerilee from the kitchen “hec I’ll be havin’ to tell mah sis she’s got some competition”

“she don’t open her eyes much though”

“Talking about competition old friend you may have some of your own” jibed Cheerilee

“Today your little sister proved to be the best at applying circle theorem’s to how large one could make a field with only a given length of fencing” Cheerilee joked with Macintosh, making out that his little sister was catching up with him.

Big Mac came walking through to the dining table where he set down three plates of food “my special recipe of hay doused in apple-family sweetest cider, blended with finely chopped golden delicious apples topped with a crown of sweet sweet molasses. Ah’d like to see Applejack manage that”

“okay, so maybe she’s not quite as good as you yet, but ill warn you she’s catching up” Cheerilee teased “now what was that you where saying about Vinyl not opening her eyes much”

As if on cue the filly manifested herself onto the table from seemingly nowhere with a bright flash of cyan light and began munching down on her mini portion of Big Mac’s special meal as if nothing odd had just happened, as if she thought everypony got around like this.

“y’ see what ah mean ‘bout bein’ a mischief, why she’s been doin’ that all day”

writers note : sorry it has taken so long to get the second chapter finished, lots of re-editing has been done to make sure i don't make the same amature mistakes as i did in chapter 1. also exams and shiz are hapening at college and most of my time atm is spent doing revision (btw for those who are interested i do biology, chemistry, maths, and geology. random info i know but meh i like waffling).

hope you guys enjoyed it and once exams are over i will be working on chapter 3, i have a bullet point plan of the whole story and where i'm hoping to go with it, little things are always on my mind and indefinately being added to drafts.

brony on