• Published 17th Jun 2014
  • 616 Views, 7 Comments

The Adventures of Detective Whooves and Derpy Hooves - Purpleblackkiwi

A story in which Doctor Whooves portrays the famous Sherlock Holmes of his time

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ACT I : Chapter I- Meeting Golden Play

Author's Note:

Finally done after a week of studying and writing.
I do have to admit though this chapter seemed to focus entirely to much on the relationship between Derpy and the Detective.
The next chapter is currently being edited although the spot for a dedicated editor is still open.
Do enjoy and do comment.

The two arrived at the entrance of large stadium that show was suppose to take place in. Outside the entrance was a line seeming endless in length. Ponies stacked outside the door and those impatient, and yelling to take their seat.

"Golly that's long!" Derpy said in surprise. flying up to see the long line extending all the way to the entrance.
The Detective walking casually along beside the line, took a glance at it and the ponies waiting.

"Hmm. Glad I'm not them." The Detective said before skipping the entire line and walking to the entrance.

"Wait Detective!" Derpy yelled trying to stop the colt from angering hundreds of ponies.

Once Derpy caught up to the Detective he had already cut in front of the first pony in line with his and her name tag in hand.

"I need to get in for 2." The Detective said in a rather casual voice.

"HEY BUD WAIT YOUR TURN!" Yelled a Stallion boiling in anger.

"ARE YOU DAFT? THIS LINE IS WAY TO LONG!" The Detective yelled in return.

Derpy gave a facehoof as she saw her wonderful colt present their passes to the two guards standing at the entrance. To her surprise and everyone else's the guards urged them forward.

With a nod the Detective walked right on in. Passing the large guards leaving many ponies irritated at the unfair treatment. The two walking past lines to get their seat went up stairs to the box seats. where once again they had to show their ID's

Upon entering the room Derpy was over taken by the sheer effort put into the one room. One side of the room wasn't even a wall it was a large window over looking the entire stadium. At the back of the room was a large open bar and all around the room where TV's that displayed the current events of the stadium. Along the window where rows of seats with few patrons sitting in them.

"Whooves!" Yelled a Stallion sitting on one of the many seats facing the window.

Derpy snapped out of her daze and looked to see the Stallion that had called his name. The Stallion was in the least ostentatious

His Yellow coat along with his obviously dyed golden mane was blinding in the least. He wore sunglasses lined with gold and walked with a sense of pride and ego.

"Derpy I would like to introduce you to Golden Play. He is the pony responsible for the Wonderbolts routines, and the famous fiery geyser." The Detective finished while shaking hooves with the excited Stallion.

"Wait that was you!" Derpy said in surprise.

"That was one of my favorite shows!" Derpy clapped her hooves in glee.

"Yea and this is the Colt who figured out how I did it.... And won a good chunk of bits from it too." Golden said as he slapped the Detectives shoulder.

"It wasn't that complicated. Just a simple misdirection and a simple concept of embedding." The Detective said with a wave of his hoof.

Derpy stood slightly awkward not quite catching what they where saying. As friendly gestures were exchanged while Derpy seemed to be left behind.

"HAHAH you say the wierdest stuff Doc." Golden said while laughing hysterically.

"I told you I'm not a Doctor I'm a Detective." Whooves said with an annoyed look.

After Golden regained control of himself he extended a hoof toward Derpy.

"And who is this?" Golden asked.

Derpy accepted the hoof and shook firmly.

"My name is Derpy Hooves, please to meet you." Derpy gave her best smile despite her nerves underneath. She had never meet any of the Detectives friends or been a part of his works life for that matter.

"Oooooo Whooves you diamond dog you. You didn't tell me you had a wife?" Golden said once gain slapping him on the shoulder.

The two blushed and where quick to correct.

"No that not its." Derpy said before taking the time to think her words out. A blush appearing on her cheeks

"She's." The Detective attempted to finish.

"Yea I'm a....." Derpy still attempting to finish the conversation.

"Marefriend?" Golden said trying give direction to the confused ponies.

"No that's not it either." The Detective corrected

"Right that's not the right word." Derpy said this time hot and imaging scenes with the Detective within her head.

"Well what are you two?" Golden asked with a raised eyebrow.

The two looked at each other before both replying.
"It's complicated." The two finally finished together.

Golden attempting to avoid any other awkward moment asked them to join him for some cider before the show began.
The three sat at the bar enjoying the wide ranges of age and flavors of cider taking the drinks sip by sip avoiding getting drunk before the show even began. The Detective and Golden shared stories of wild parties in which the Detective seemed to be the life of whether he attempted to be or not, and wide ranges of cases that seemed impossible to even conceive.

" Hey DOC!" Said Golden in a burst.

"I said I'm not-" Whooves attempted to finish but again being interrupted by the ecstatic pony.

"Do you still do that think where you read people's mind?!" Golden yelled out. At the mention of reading minds few other ponies attentions where caught.

"Its not reading minds. It's just series of observations." The Detective said as he pointed to his eyes.

Derpy sat their confused and rather annoyed. What was Golden talking about? Nothing the Detective ever did gave her the idea he could read minds.

"Do it right now then." Golden called out, obviously having drunk to much cider.

The Detective looked around the room for other ponies then back at the two.

"Okay what do you want to know?" he asked casually.

Golden looked around until finding a suitable pony.

"Him." Golden said while pointing toward a large Stallion sitting at the edge of the bar.

The Detective was about to begin talking until this time Derpy interrupted him.

"What do you mean by observation Detective?" Derpy asked confused to what was even happening.

The Detective excited to teach and allow others to learn focused his attention on Derpy.

"Elementary my dear Derpy. When you meet somepony new we automatically make assumptions on them by their appearances and actions."

Derpy didn't seem to understand what he had meant by this. The Detective thought it be best to try rather than explain. He pointed at the same Stallion at the edge of the bar.

"What do you notice about him?" He asked.

"Uuuummm." There was a noticeable crease between Derpy's eyes as she tried her best to see what the Detective was trying to insinuate.

The Detective chuckled enjoying how adorable Derpy looked.
"Simple observations Derpy, separate fact from assumptions."

Derpy looked again this time relaxing a little, shoulders now sagging.
"Oh! He's a military pony!" She said realizing the Stallion was wearing Dog Tags around his neck.

"Good. Now can you tell me where he has been or what branch he's from?" The Detective inquired.

Derpy once again strained her eyes, but after awhile shook her head wondering how could any pony know where he's been or which branch. He didn't have a uniform on to discern branch or anything.

"He's a Marine. From the looks of it he just came back from a deployment from the middle east. Most likely not his first." The Detective said before finishing his cider in one last gulp.

Derpy shocked by what the Detective just said looked back at their military pony still had no idea where he could have gotten those from. The Detective noticing her perplexed look started to explain.

"The first question was where he is from. His tan could easily tell you that it was someplace hot and sunny. Second was how sleepy he is. Judging from how sleepy he is means that he must have come from somewhere far from here. In fact so far that he would be asleep by this time of day." The Detective said before pouring himself a second glass.

"The Second question the branch. First is back to the tanline. They stop at his forehoof. meaning he most likely rolled his sleeve. That factors out army since they don't roll their sleeves. Also his mane, that style is one that marines pride themselves in, although some select few in other branches still wear that style." The Detective finished.

"But what about Navy or Airforce?" Asked Derpy.

"Well he isn't a Pegasus so Air force is less likely. After that it was a 50/50 chance so I went for it."

"How did you know that this wasn't his first time oversea's?" Derpy asked.

"Simple. Our bodies build tolerance to alcohol. The more we drink, the more we can drink more next time. However if you go places where drinking is unacceptable your body losses this tolerance." The Detective then pointed to the marines drink.

"Some privates make the mistake after their first deployment of getting absolutely drunk. They don't realize after the second bottle they've already passed out. He however has been nursing that single bottle, realizing that anymore would put him on his flank." The Detective finished

With a smile the Detective began to drink his cider before spitting it back into the glass.
"Agh what flavor was that?" The Detective asked in a disgusted voice.
Golden Play picked up the bottle to read the label.
"Pear, why?" Golden asked before taking a swig himself.
"tastes fine to me, a little sweet maybe." he finished
"Agh I hate pears." Said the Detective through disgusted expression.
Derpy laughed as she remembered when she asked him to try out her pear muffins without realizing he hated pears.

A loud cheer roared out before the three looked toward the window realizing the Wonderbolts had walked onto the field and the crows cheering for the team. Derpy looked at one of the screens to see a close up shot of the Wonderbolts waving too the crowd.

"Oh you have Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot this time." The Detective said in glee.
"Big trick planned?" He asked Golden.
"Oh yea, One of my most dangerous finishes yet. I need my best flyers to do it." Golden said crossing his hoofs proud of his upcoming work.
"Do you have a name for it?" The Detective asked always curious at what new inventive name he created for of his tricks.

"The buccaneer blitz." Golden said in a proud voice.