• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 1,436 Views, 31 Comments

MLP: Gaim Sengoku - Kamen Rider SEGADash

A Kamen Rider Gaim Sequel, a new legend is revealed, old heroes in a new worlds, and all with the powers of warriors and... fruits? Possible Spoilers warned. Takes place after Season 4.

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Arrival of Melon, Lemon Energy, Strawberry, and Banana

“Mitzuane! Why?!”

“Simple… you stole the woman I loved!” the person, who is Micchy now, roared in an obvious rage before punching at the man he claimed stole the woman he loved.

“Micchy… if this is how you feel… then I’m going to have to stop you! Henshin!” he announced, taking out a bulky looking Lockseed.



He glared at his former friend, as he took out the Melon Energy Lockseed.






“Mitsuzane… I’m going to tell you this once… I don’t want to fight you…”

"But I must fight you!" Zangetsu-Shin snapped before he pulled back on the Sonic Arrow.

“Then… I have no choice!” Gaim shouted, taking out an item, that looked similar to a Lockseed, but was gold and had multiple fruits in its design with the code "LS-Infinity" before pressing one button on to to reveal a key in the bottom.


A huge load of Zippers appeared above him, and then the Rider Indicator changed into something else that looked like a piece blocking off the side of the Kachidoki Lockseed from what would be plugged in on the other side, which ended up being the new Lockseed with the key, which was turned to show four new designs. The tops showed slices of almost every known fruit while the lower two showed the helmets of Kachidoki arms and a Silver Gaim with a large gold helmet crest, and a rainbow visor.


Thus, all of the Armor Parts converged into a new armor.

Dash continued running, not looking back before she suddenly tripped. She sighed, before hearing someone approaching again. She looked up to see it was just an Inves, and she was easily able to kick it away and keep moving.

She kept running until she noticed something white. Hiding behind a tree, she took a quick look. The result somewhat confirmed her original suspicion, it was Zangetsu-Shin. However, it wasn't quiet the same as the visor was more of a pale green-yellow, not as much black on the bodysuit, and the suit was an even suit of melon-themed samurai armor holding a shield and a sword.

“He’s using two belts… grand,” Dash muttered, knowing she would have to move. Thus she began to try and run, when she bumped into somebody.

This someone was another human male, this one in a sort of blue bodysuit with a belt like Zangetsu-Shin's, but his suit showed a knight/royal theme with silver accents, and a yellow lemon armor with a matching cape, visor, and somehow lemon-themed headphones.

“AH!” Dash screamed scared, rushing around the Rider. But, the two both looked at her, and saw she was about to run into some Inves. Both Riders loaded ther Lockseeds into their weapons with Lock Ports.





Suddenly, Dash ducked, just in time to avoid a couple energy arrow blasts that impacted hard against the Inves.

“Man… where are we?” Rarity sighed annoyed.

“I have no idea,” Twilight admitted as they’ve been searching for some time now.

They both sighed, and Twilight glanced over to a fruit on a nearby tree, and plucked it. “It looks… good,”

“Twilight! You don’t eat food you know nothing about while in the wild!” Rarity shouted, knocking the fruit away.

“Oh… right, sorry about that…” Twilight replied with a nervous smile. Rarity sighed, and then tripped down a nearby cliff face, and crashed into what looked like some sort of minor ruins, and then something flew into the air before landing on Rarity.

“Are you okay, Rarity?!” Twilight shouted as she flew down and landed next to her unicorn friend.

“I’m fine darling…” she responded, when Twilight gasped and saw something on Rarity, “What? Do I have something on my face?”

“No…” Twilight responded, as Rarity looked down to see a Sengoku Driver on her! On it’s indicator were a few vines and a pink Japanese archery hood on it.

“Huh?! What’s this doing on me?!” Rarity gasped, finally seeing the Driver.

“I don’t know…” Twilight admitted before looking around the ruins and seeing they were familiar, “Wait… this place looks like the shrine to the Armored Hero back in Equestria.”

She glanced over to see another Sengoku Driver and she put it on. This one ended up with some orange vines of sorts before a red and silver knight’s profile appeared. She then looked over to a fruit and heard her stomach growl.

“Don’t get any ideas,” Rarity responded, but Twilight didn’t listen as she reached over and plucked the fruit, “Oi vey.”

However, it then began to change shape, turning into a Lockseed that had the design of a banana and the code “LS-08” on it, but the fact that a fruit turned into a lock really surprised the ponies. She held onto the Lock for a moment in amazement, before Rarity also took a fruit, and it changed as well. The lock had become a pink semi heart shaped strawberry, with the code of “LS-14”.

“What magic is this? Fruits becoming locks?” Twilight gawked.

“Who knows…” Rarity responded.

“Gotta… keep… running. That shiroi guy wants to kill me!” Dash panted, galloping as fast as her hooves could carry her.

She simply sighed, and found somewhere to sit down for a minute.


“Aw come on!” Dash groaned.


With a flash and the sound of a splash, Dash turned to see Zangetsu-Shin running towards her, wielding his Sonic Arrow.

“I just can’t get a break, can I?” she panted, quickly running again. She looked at the Locks she got, and randomly unlocked one.


Ignoring the energy crackling above her to form the Armor Part for the Ichigo (Strawberry), Dash put the Lockseed into her Driver.


“I hope this helps me out,” she muttered slicing it open.



Similar to the orange, the strawberry fell on top her head, forming the Gaim suit with the tip forming armor on her right shoulder before unfolding to create the Ichigo Arms.

“Leave me alone!” Gaim shouted, tossing a kunai at Zangetsu-Shin.

The kunai was merely deflected by the Melon Rider’s Sonic Arrow.

“I won’t rest until I know that sinner is gone for GOOD!” Zangetsu-Shin roared, charging towards Gaim.

“Quick, duck to your right!” a voice shouted, however, only Gaim could hear this voice, and thus she did so, perfectly dodging Zangetsu-Shin’s attack.

“Whoa… how’d I do that?” Gaim gawked to herself.

“Impossible! There’s no way she could’ve dodged that attack… unless…” Zangetsu-Shin started, but he shrugged the thought off. And then he rushed forward.


And thus, Gaim managed to jump above the Melon Rider, and was able to throw a few kunai at Zangetsu-Shin’s back, causing him to falter.

“Now, slice the Lockseed twice!”

When Gaim landed, she was able to slice the Lockseed twice just as ordered.



Thus, she charged up a bit of energy, and then tossed some of the kunai at Zangetsu-Shin, who growled angrily.

“Tch. I’ll have these guys finish you…” Zangetsu-Shin scoffed, as an Inves walked by, he plucked a fruit, caused it to change into a sunflower Lockseed with the code of “LS-00” and then tossed it over.

The Inves soon caught the Lockseed before happily eating it.

“What… how’d that thing eat that?” Gaim said confused.

Suddenly, the Inves began to convulse before its skin shed and it transformed into a sleeker monster that looked like a blue humanoid mantis.

“Oh come on!”

“Use the Pine Lockseed!”

The, Gaim pulled out said lock and opened it.





With that, Gaim’s Ichigo Arms vanished before being replaced by a Pineapple, forming the Pine Arms, equipped with a chain array weapon with the mace shaped like a pineapple.

“Alright… let’s do this thing!” Gaim shouted, twirling the mace with her front left hoof.

“Kuso~!” Zangetsu-Shin roared, knowing full well what would happen.

Gaim rushed forward, and used her back hooves to kick the Inves down to the ground. Then, twirling the mace known as the Pine Iron, she swung it at the Inves, destroying a lot of them in one shot.

“Wow…” Gaim smiled.

“Stupid… Gaim! Why… if only I could use this… if only that dumb time train didn’t break down!” Zangetsu-Shin growled angrily, looking at a ticket showing a humanoid Gaim in Orange Arms with the date of 10/6/2013.

“You!” he heard Twilight’s voice shout angrily.

“Ah mou!” Zangetsu-Shin growled in irritation, turning to see the alicorn and her unicorn friend gallop towards him. “And… they have Drivers…”

“Here we go…” Rarity said, unlocking the Lockseed.


Energy formed above her, and an upside down heart shaped pink strawberry appeared above her. It slowly began to lower over her as Twilight showed her Banana Lockseed and unlocked it, too.


With that, the two mares set their Lockseeds into the Drivers before Rarity smiled.


From Rarity’s Driver, a techno version of Gaim’s horagai music, and a European trumpet sound with the beat of a galloping horse played from Twilight’s Driver. Then, both mares sliced open the Lockseeds.


Rarity’s fell first, and it formed, a pink bodysuit with violet accents on her ankles and legs, and then the fruits split open to reveal a strawberry helmet with a red and white visor through some bug-like eyes and a green top with the strawberry forming the armor of an archer, and her chest had a heart shape to it.


At the same time, the banana fell on top of Twilight’s head, forming a red and silver bodysuit, similar to a knight’s armor.


“Eh? Banana? A banana?” Rarity gakwed.

“That’s Baron!” Twilight shouted in response, while the helmet on her indicator formed on her head, a slice of banana coloring the visor and giving her banana horns on her helmet before the banana split, forming a new armor over her shoulders, back, and chest.


‘Oh great… Baron’s back too?!’ Zangetsu-Shin growled in his thoughts.

“Oi… did you see where that blue pegasus went?” the Lemon Genesis Rider asked the Melon Sengoku Rider.

“I’m afraid I didn’t,” the Melon Sengoku Rider answered.

“She had Kota’s Sengoku Driver…” the Lemon Genesis Rider responded.

“How about that… a new daidai’s around,” the Melon Sengoku Rider responded.

“Let’s see if we can find her…” the Lemon Genesis Rider responded.

“Right. Let’s get looking,” the Melon Sengoku Rider nodded.

(As the scene ended, Duke’s current Lockseeds, Lemon Energy, came across the screen, and they closed along with a zipper with the Duke Symbol on it)

Author's Note:

Well how about that? We get the appearance of new four riders total. These include the Zangetsu, Duke, Baron, and an OC Rider of Pikatwig's (the pink suited Strawberry Rider). She was made for our story on fanfiction, Mega Kamen Rider Gaim, while someone else there (who was given permission to use here) has her appear in his story with a modification in that her main Lockseed is a Pineberry instead of a heart-shaped strawberry as Gaim's Ichigo Lockseed is also a strawberry.

Overall, what did you think? Look forward to more next week. Until next time, this is Kamen Rider SEGADash, Jaa ne.