• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 620 Views, 5 Comments

Beautiful Lies - ashiida

  • ...

The Creature

"Luna? Luna, where are you?" Celestia called, glancing down hallways for her sister. She checked the Organ to the Outside, the throne room, even Luna's bedroom. Her sister was nowhere to be found. "I swear to Faust, if she's out roaming the forest again--"

"Celie? I'm right here." Luna called to her sister, alighting inside through one of the castle's many open windows. "Sorry about that, Melvin was showing me this great place to collect blueberries." Melvin was Princess Luna's manticore friend. She seemed to be the only pony that could understand manticores, so she had befriended one. Celestia let out a relieved sigh.

"You had me worried. I was afraid that you'd wandered away again, kind of like you did with the zebras." Celestia said, trotting forward and embracing her sister. "I wanted to tell you that I was about to go out for one of my midday reads. If I'm not home before twilight, come find me." She said, levitating her saddlebags (which were filled with books) onto her bare back. "Tell Starswirl to cancel our afternoon study session. I need a day to relax."

"Yes sister." Luna said with a vigilant nod. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" She asked. "Me going into the forest alone is one thing, but I'm not quite sure...." Luna said, her voice trailing off.

"I'll be fine, Luna. I've ventured into the forest many a time to find you. I've discovered many places in my quests to seek you out, and if it makes you feel better, I'll fly above the tree line." Celestia said reassuringly.

"Alright... But do be careful," Luna said, and gave her sister a small hug. Celestia nodded, and began trotting for the castle entrance. She knew exactly where she wanted to go.

Now mind you, back in this day and age the Everfree was much bigger than it is in the present times. Back then, it was completely covering where Ponyville, Appleloosa, and Dodge City. The forest stretched past the Macintosh Hills, and connected with the Haysead Swamps. There were many more rivers entwining in the forest, much more than there are now. Now, let us resume our story.

Celestia flew high above the trees, the castle now far from view. She was now searching for a particular clearing that she had discovered on the day that Luna had run off to a cave filled with huge vampire bats. That day hadn't ended well. It didn't take her long to rediscover it when she reached the small hills it rested upon.

She stopped flapping her wings, and glided down to a patch of soft grass, inhaling the sweet scent of honeysuckle flowers and other various wildflowers that grew in the place. The grass grew tall and untamed here, and the place was surrounded by talk trees, oblivious to one who was not looking. A stream flowed through the center of the clearing, and bees buzzed around. There was a lone weeping willow tree that leaned over the river, and Celestia decided that it was the perfect place to lie down and read some of her books.

Using her magic, she levitated her saddlebags off of her back and placed it under the soft shade of the tree. Before lying down herself Celestia decided she should drink some water. The flight from the castle wasn't a short one after all.

The alicorn dipped her muzzle into the water, quietly drinking the fresh stream water. It was so peaceful, she felt as if she could just fall asleep...


Celestia was snapped out of her trance at the sound of a twig snapping in two. Her head jumped upwards, her ears swiveling around to detect the source of the noise. She quickly turned her head in pursuit of the mysterious noise, only to be greeted with nothing. The mare cautiously approached her opened saddlebag.

Wait. Her OPENED saddlebag? Celestia frantically took her books out of the saddlebags and counted them. One, two, three, four, five, si--- where was six!? Celestia knew that she had brought six books with her to the clearing. She had checked and rechecked and checked again, but where was it? Starswirl was certainly going to be unhappy if she didn't return all of his books. She checked her books again. Three magic book, and two story books. She had brought three story books. Cinderneighla, The Little Seapony, and Beauty and the Beast, which was gone.

These were classics! The actual ORIGINAL copies! You can't replace those!

"Whomever took my book, I suggest you step forward, or else you will defiantly regret you ever laid hoof on it." Celestia said to nothing, a stern, stone cold expression on her face.

"Not until you inform me or why you decided to invade my home." Came a voice in response. The voice sounded like it came from a young male, about her own age. Well, at least the mortal equivalent of her age. There was nothing quite the age of Celestia or Luna, was there?

"Your... home?" Celestia said, glancing around the clearing. "I see no house!"

"Implying one would need a house to call a place home." Retorted the voice. Celestia furrowed her nonexistent eyebrows.

"Don't you know who I am?"

"I don't know who you are or what you are. I haven't even gotten a good look at your face."

"Where are you?"

"Look up."

Celestia looked up, squinting to see the figure that was lying in the branches of the willow tree. All she saw was the silhouette of the creature, which was blurry against the beating light of the sun. "What are you..." Celestia whispered, her mind obviously playing tricks on her. She saw the outline of a pony face, but the body wasn't recognizable at all. She squinted harder, trying to get a better look at the creature.

"You won't get any answers until you answer my question first."

"I... I found this place a while back, and I found it quite... beautiful. It was unique. I came to read some books in the peace." Celestia said somewhat shyly. Would this creature harm her? "I'll leave if you wish."

The creature peered at Celestia through the branches, it's bright yellow eyes narrowing. "I'll allow you to stay on one condition."

"What might that be?"

"You may stay if I may keep your company. I hardly get any visitors. The ones I do get are often scared off." The creature responded, a hint of sadness in its voice.

"Why would anypony be scared of you?" Celestia questioned. "Do you steal others things on a regular basis?" Upon hearing her response, the voice laughed a hearty laugh.

"Hardly." It responded, and Celestia could hear the leaves rustling as the creature climbed down from the tree. Celestia's ears slowly laid back on her head. She felt her heart begin to race.

The creature's head was of a pony, but it had one large fang jutting from the right side of its mouth. It had a white tuft of mane on its head, as well as two thin eyebrows over its mismatched eyes. He had two antlers upon his head, and a blackish neatly cropped mane trailed down the back of its long, slender neck. Though his head was a grayish brown, his body was more of an amber brown, and connected to it was a lion paw, eagle claw, goat leg, and some kind of reptilian leg. His tail resembled the skin of a snake. Celestia's ears raised back up in curiosity. She wasn't scared, but she was bewildered by this amazing creature. She had never heard about these things, and she had read many books about mythological creatures. He was unlike any that she'd studied on. "W-Wh-What..."

"They call me Discord." He said softly, he yellow eyes intently focused on her big, beautiful, Violet colored eyes that went so well with her pinkish colored mane. Though he recognized her head, he was confused by the rest of her body. "I'm a draconequus, but what in Equestria are you?"

"I'm an alicorn. One of the last of our species." Celestia noticed the confused look on his face. "An immortal combination of an earth, pegasus, and unicorn pony." Discord's ears perked up at the mention of immortal.

"Wait. Wait. You're immortal?"

"Yes... why?"

"I'm immortal as well."

If his appearance hadn't captured Celestia's attention, this certainly did. Another immortal creature? Celestia only knew of two. Those two being herself and her sister, Luna. How could this 'draconequus' be immortal as well? "I-I don't understand. How could you possibly be immortal?"

"I'm an entity." He responded.

"An entity? May I ask of what?"


Chaos. Chaos? As in the complete OPPOSITE of all the Tree of Harmony stood for? "So, you're evil."

Discord looked taken aback. "Evil? Hardly. I help keep balance. I would never, ever a use my power. However, it is nice using it for other things...." With a quick snap, a fancy wine glass was in the paw of Discord, filled with a light brown liquid.

"What is it?"

"My own creation. I call it chocolate milk. It's a combination of chocolate and milk. Who would've guessed?" Another glass appeared in his claw. "Care for a glass?"

"Su-- no." She shook her head frantically, realizing what time it is. "No, I've got to go now." She rushed and took her book from Discord, placing all six back into her saddlebags and levitating them into her back.

"Wait, where are you going?" He said, dropping onto fours and running to catch up with her. Celestia noticed his wings. "Surely you can't be leaving so soon?"

"I have to, or else my sister will come looking for me."

"Can I see you again?"

Celestia stayed silent for a moment, and then nodded. Though still a bit cautious around him, Celestia was beginning to like this 'Discord'. "You may." She unfolded her wings.

"May I have your name?"


"Celestia," he repeated. Saying the name in a sing song voice. "It is a beautiful name."

Celestia nodded, and took off. "Farewell, Discord," she called before heading for the castle.

She had so much to tell her sister.

Author's Note:

I have started a third fanfic. Sob. Why have I done this.

I needed a Dislestia fic. NEEDED IT. So this one takes place in the past, a little bit after the Journal of the Two Sisters was written. Be warned, it shall contain sadfeels.

FYI, I will continue working on Forgiven and Date Disaster. I decided to start working on them in order, starting with Forgiven, then Date Disaster, then this one.

Inform me of any mistakes.

Comments ( 5 )

Your mistake is to not continuing it.

I'm continuing it, don't worry! :pinkiehappy:

Oh dear, you got me hooked to such a good starter and story. Hope to read more, fav and like :twilightsmile:

When will you make more?

I will be reading this when chapter two is up! Also: Adorable cover image for the Fic! :pinkiesmile:

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