• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 715 Views, 5 Comments

The Lone Trader. - FalloutFilly

Lunar Dusk gets his final courier job to Ponyville and decides to stay a while, maybe permanently, he's leaving that to certain purple unicorn.

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The Last Delivery

-September 1st, 2013 12:00 Noon- Dusk/Journal Entry #1

I just arrived at Marewaukee's CEESIC post, one of the head caravan organizers told me that someone requested me for a private courier job to Ponyville. He said the pony requesting it knew I only had on one final job left on my contract, then it was scrapped, I could sign back on, I had no doubt about that, everypony in CEESIC respected me, a little more than I care for. Problem was, not many ponies knew my contract was almost up, as far as I knew only the brass at the company knew, as well as Mom and Celestia, thinking about it Celestia had a student in Ponyville. What the Hell was her name? Twinkle Sprinkle or some shit. Oh well, odds are that's not who it is, and if it was I would give them the package, get payment, and be done with it.

-September 1st, 2013 1:30 PM- Dusk/Journal Entry #2

Well, everything's settled for my last job. As I suspected Celestia was having me take a book to Ponyville for, oh what was it, I just had the damn invoice. Oh here, 'Twilight Sparkle' huh, I was close, what's the difference between stuff you put on ice cream and stuff that happens in the sky. Well on a unrelated topic the company gave me a stash of old military clothes and equipment because word got out I wanted to open a small trade booth in Ponyville, well actually anywhere I was going next, it just happened to be Ponyville. So in addition to my ALICE saddlebags and leather backpack I also had a small crate and a couple duffle bags of random military surplus clothing, on the bright side in addition to the payment I get for the job I also got a bonus of 1,500 bits as a thank you from the company. I sent a piece of mail to a friend of mine I meet on a caravan and got me a vendor permit, relatively large tent and other various supplies for the trade booth, at this point I'm happy, but there's something burning in the back of my head. Twilight, when I was running a caravan to Appleloosa it happened to be a time when she was there, I didn't see much of her, didn't hear or talk or anything, just a quick couple glances, but it seemed she was busy at the time, I guess one of her friends AppleJack I think it was had a tree she wanted planted in the field by the town, but some buffalo assholes stole the whole car and pretty much declared war on the town, that's all I know though, I finished the caravan and left before the conflict happened. I noticed something about the mare, she had a certain..... personality, not like you would think, her plot or something, she had an attitude like a, well, a Canterlot snob, but she also had a sweet and caring radiation to her. I only mention her because she's the closest thing I've had to a love interest, never had many others, the military was just stallion after stallion and caravans were just walking and walking, not much interaction, let alone mares. Well, I got to head off for the job in a few minutes, they arranged their private train car for me and the stuff for my, for a lack of a better term, store. Better get ready, the train leaves at 2:10.

-September 1st, 2013 2:25 PM- Dusk/Journal Entry #3

I'm actually surprised, the crate they had with stuff was incredibly light and low sized, no more than 4' x 4' x 5', me and a couple others got it on no problem. The train left the station about ten minutes ago and with nothing else to do I thought I'd think a little more about my drop off. Apparently the book is very valuable, so that's why Celestia hired a courier, specifically me, to do it. But the invoice and other forms had a picture of Twilight for visible conformation, I don't know why, but I have a large urge to keep it. You know what, I just might to, I know Celestia didn't need it, I don't think the company even knew about it, and Twilight probably has dozens more, so it's either I keep it, throw it out, or sell it, but no pony would want the damn thing, and throwing it away seems....... wrong, not in a 'environmental' way, but almost a emotional way, and that says something, most ponies, even Mom, knew I was not an emotional stallion. Hell, I'm just going to keep it, but brush it off as something like a mare in heat, a one time thing, but not yearly. On a new subject Ponyville is only another 45 minutes away. Somepony I caravaned with often, asked if I'm going to miss the life of a caraviner and courier. I told them yes, but I planned on returning in a few years, maybe sooner if I get bored, I just wanted a break. Plus my injury from the Battle is flaring up, it's not to painful, it's just awkward, that and the caravan medic said I need to take some time off it, it was wearing at the cartalidge in my hip. I have the money to fix it, I'm not worried about that, I just don't feel it's necessary to, it's one of the few reminders of my time of service, I left all my medals, uniforms, and other stuff with Mom and Celestia, the medal, Medal of Honor, I know it's the highest award, but I just feel I got it because Luna is my mother, so I didn't want the damn thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm honored to receive it, but not only that, that's a memory I wouldn't mind forgetting, I do have a picture of my old squadron and my old bonnie cap and jacket, that's all I want. Fuck, I just got the image of Twilight wearing it, without anything else, it was surprisingly vivid, I'm chalking that up to nerves of leaving CEESIC. The conductor gave the ten minute signal until we get to Ponyville. I'm dropping off this damn package and moving on, hoping not to have to hear or see about her again.

-September 1st, 2013 3:10 PM- Ponyville Trade Center

Once Dusk had all his stuff off the train and on a wagon he headed downtown where his friend set up the booth. It was a rather large tent, about 15' x 15' with plenty of head space, even for him. He got the stuff for the store and put it in there, he wanted to finish up the delivery as fast as possible, so once he had his stuff in the tent he put the package in the left side of his saddlepack and headed to the Ponyville Library.

Twilight heard a rather unpleasant sounded knock at her front door. She walked from the bathroom where she was finishing brushing her mane. She didn't want to open the door fearing who ever was there.

"Hello?" Twilight said, minusculy frighted by the rather harsh knock.

"Crystal Empire International Caravan And Courier services, I have a package for a Miss. Twilight Sparkle from Princess Celestia." Dusk said the phrase they were taught to, but in a rather annoyed tone.

"Oh, okay." Twilight said slightly quieter than normal. She opened the door and felt her heart flutter in nearly an instant.

"Are you Miss. Twilight Sparkle?" He asked in the tone, it may have been his last delivery, but no matter how annoyed he didn't want to make a bad name for him and the company.

"Yes, you said the package was from Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked. As she asked she tilted her head curiously, making the sun reflect off her purple eyes. He noticed this and lost thought for a second, but quickly snapped back, fast enough Twilight didn't notice.

"Yes, that is correct. If you can sign here as well as the date." Dusk said reaching in the right side of his saddlepack pulling out the invoice, confirming she received the package. Twilight nodded and levitated the pencil and signed the paper. While she was doing this he noticed how beautiful Twilight looked in the late summer, early fall sun, he even saw a tiny bead of sweat flowing down between her ear and eye.

"Alright then, here you are." Dusk said as he saw Twilight finished signing and he pulled the package out and handed it to her. She levitated the package over her shoulder.

"So how much do I owe you?" Twilight asked reaching in the jacket hanging by the door for some spare bits. While doing this he actually thought of paying for her and saying it already was paid, but at the same time a part of him said don't, but without reason.

"It was already paid in full by Princess Celestia." He said halfway between complete calm and utter chaos.

"Well surely I can give you a tip or something?" Twilight enforced as she pulled out a small handful of bits.

"Not necessary, we don't usually accept tips." He wasn't lying, but he wasn't telling the truth. They didn't accept tips as a formality, but ponies would still slip it in there quite often and didn't say anything, except to the pony giving the tip.

"Surely there must be something I can do, I'll feel bad if I don't." Twilight said in semi-sad tone. Dusk sighed, he noticed the back of his neck was starting to sweat from the rather humid heat.

"How about a glass of water or something?" He said with a half smile, even though he wasn't really thirsty, but he just wanted to end the matter.

"I suppose I can accommodate that." Twilight said with a full smile as she turned and walked to the back of the library, where the kitchenette was. "Feel free to come in, it is a public library you know." Twilight said with a giggle. Dusk didn't say anything, he just walked in and stopped at the door frame lining the kitchen. "So what do you want exactly? Water, lemonade, iced tea? Actually, I might some cider left if you like." Twilight asked opening the door of the refrigerator.

"I'll have some cider if you don't mind." He said leaning against the door frame.

"Alright, I have a couple jugs left actually, wow didn't think I did." Twilight said digging back in the refrigerator. Unknown to her her plot was wiggling as she moved around. Dusk fought the heavy urge to look, but gave up and looked at her.

"Hey, dumbass! This isn't 'getting it over with!'." Part of his head yelled at him. "But it's so perfect, no pun intended.' The second part shouted back. Twilight's butt hit the door and she realized what was happening and her face burned red, even though her head was all they way in the refrigerator. She decided to have a little fun and acted like her rear hooves were sliding under her and jumped up and pushed her hooves back, making her plot jiggle like fresh jell-o. Twilight was loudly giggling in her mind. He had a feeling what she was doing and didn't say anything, just stood there.

"I'm going to Hell for this, but hey, mares gotta have fun to, right?" She told herself. When Twilight felt like she was dragging it on a little longer the it should have she grabbed the jug of cider and pulled it out.

"Alright, sorry about taking so long, something was sticking to the bottom of the jug and I couldn't get it unstuck." Twilight said giggling. Dusk smiled in return, seeing Twilight push the door shut with her flank, but caught a glimpse of the shelf it was on and there was a problem, it was clean. He shot his eyes to the bottom of the jug, just as clean as the shelf, if not more. Twilight looked at him, he hadn't heard him talk or even move.

"Is everything okay?" She asked with a legitimately without any sort of unforeseen hints. He looked around for an excuse of sorts.

"Yeah, you just have a little ice crystal on your bangs." Dusk said pointing at her mane, just at the tip of the pink streak nest to her horn.

"Oh, here?" Twilight said raising her hoof to her mane and nudged the opposite side of her mane.

"No other side." Dusk said with a semi-laugh, barley audible to himself.

"Here?" Twilight asked, this time to far to the right.

"No, right there." Dusk said walking to her and putting his hoof on the crystal and removing it.

"Oh, thanks." She said looking up at his hoof with a smile. He brought his hoof down slowly, gliding it along the side of her face on her soft coat. Both their cheeks turned red, well Twilight light purple and Dusk dark purple, in contrast to their coats. He brought his hoof to the ground with a high-pitched thud on the tile floor. Twilight jumped lightly at the sudden sound.

"You have very nice eyes." Twilight broke the silence. "Who do you get those from?"

"That would be my aunt, her eyes are a little darker shade of pink compared to mine." He explained quickly.

"Oh, that's nice, who's your aunt, is she from around here?" Twilight asked very curiously.

"Umm, no, she's from Canterlot actually." He continued as Twilight levitated the two glasses of cider out to the table and couch in the main room. On the way out of the door she whipped and brushed her tail against his side. She made a small smile to herself as she gently bit her lip and blushed, trying to keep it hidden. He thought it was an accident and brushed it off then walked up behind her as she bent down and set the glasses on the small table in front of the couch. He didn't even pay any mind that she was using magic so bending down was completely unnecessary. She walked in front of the couch and jumped up, using her hooves to push herself up further.

"Come on, sit down. I don't bite, hard." Twilight said laughing, trying to mask the flirtation. He walked over and sat in the middle while she was on the left side.

"You never told me who your aunt was, I'm curious." Twilight said as she levitated her glass over to her and took a long swig. He watched her as a small drop leaked out and landed on her fur. He had to grab his and drink or else start babbling incoherently.

"Oh, my aunt is Princess Celestia." Dusk said as-a-matter-of-factly as he finished his sip. Twilight's eyes widened and she put her glass down as she nearly choked on what was in her mouth.

"You mean the Princess Celestia?" Twilight said dumbfoundedly.

"To my knowledge there is only one." Dusk said with a sly laugh, getting his first joke in.

"So wait, who's your mother?" Twilight asked though she had an idea she knew who it was.

"That would be Luna." Dusk said heavily, but quickly as he started drinking again.

"Wait a second, you're Lunar Dusk aren't you?" Twilight's expression went from shocked to giddy.

"That is my name, yes." He said with a semi-sarcastic tone and look to match.

"I thought I recognized the pink eyes, with that night blue coat." Twilight said as she moved closer to him.

"Yeah, that's where it came from." Dusk said looking away from her towards the unlit fire place.

"But why are you here? Why aren't you at Canterlot with them?" Twilight said as she had a hint something bad happened. He sensed this vibe and told her why.

"Well before you ask, no nothing bad happened. I just didn't like the royal life and after I got WIA when the Changelings attacked I decided it would be best to leave and travel as well as bringing stuff to ponies who requested it, I liked that job, paid good, had fun, got to travel a lot." Dusk explained as he took an occasional swig of cider.

"You were WIA? And what do you mean you liked the job?" Twilight said in a sweet, but concerned voice.

"Yes, I was WIA, I don't want to explain it though, those are memories I could enjoy not remembering, that's another reason I left, I always saw right where my career ending injury was, plus that I didn't want to see my ribbons and uniform and Medal of Honor every god damn day. But as for the job I did it for a year and my contract ended so I decided the town of my last delivery is where I would settle down for a while, start a small trade booth for some military surplus the company had."

"Okay, let's hold the first topic real quick. So when you say 'the town of your last delivery' would be where you settled down and you're here now...." Twilight said, but was cut off by Dusk.

"Yes, you were my last delivery and I'm settling down here in Ponyville for a while." Dusk said, knowing it's mostly what she wanted to hear, but it was the truth though. Hearing this Twilight's heart fluttered again more than last time.

"Well where are you staying?" Twilight asked curiously.

"I had a friend of mine get me a tent and permit to sell stuff at the market, so basically I sleep where I work." Dusk said laughing to himself.

"Oh, that seems rather uncomfortable and boring." Twilight told him. Unknown to him Twilight was trying to convince him to stay at the library.

"No I used to sleep in tents all the time, once you get used to it it's actually quite comfortable." Dusk said speaking from experience in both the military and caravan service.

"Oh, okay, well if you ever need a place to stay or want to get away from it for a while you're more than welcome to come here." Twilight said flicking his side with her tail. Dusk being as ignorant as he is he figured it was just an accident.

"Okay, well I might take that up if needed." He said continuing to drink the cider.

"So back to the other topic. Why don't you want the MoH?" Twilight asked him. Hearing this he had the scene of him getting hit and wounded, at this he looked down and shut his eyes as tight as he could. Twilight noticed this and could tell it pained him.

"If you don't want to talk about it then please don't, I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Twilight said quickly. He sighed heavily.

"No, it's fine. There isn't much to it though. When the Changelings attacked my squadron got full brunt of it, no loses thankfully, but mass casualties both military and civilian, I was able to get multiple injuries and get them to an emergency medical station. After I was injured and discharged they presented me with the medal. Don't get me wrong, I felt honored, but I also had a small feeling I just got it because Luna is my mother and Celestia is my aunt. I'm being paranoid or just not ready to accept it, but I felt like I didn't feel I deserved it 100 percent." Dusk told her the small story.

"Oh, well, I don't think they would give it to you if you didn't deserve it, I think you're just not ready to face the fact you were discharged." Twilight gave him some psychological advice.

"Yeah, that's what I always figured it was, but I'm happy not having it. I gave it to Mom as a reminder I'm still here, but I joined CEESIC and headed off." Dusk explained. Twilight felt a relieved feeling in the air. Dusk looked out the window to see his mother's night and moon.

"Damn it, I should get going, I still have to set up my tent as well as the trade booth. I hate to cut this short, thanks for the cider, it was really good." Dusk said smiling and bringing his empty glass to the kitchen counter.

"Well, like I said if you have to you're welcome to be here." Twilight told him getting up and putting her glass next to his to wash later.

"No, that's fine, I appreciate it, but I have to get it set up eventually anyway." He said as he walked to the door and left without another word. Twilight's emotions got the best of her and she ran after him and flung the door open.

"Do you need some help or something?" Twilight said in a rather desperate voice. Dusk caught this and anger took a hold of him.

"Look, I just got here, I wanted to finish this last delivery and move on, okay?!" He said it a little louder and harsher than he meant to. Twilight's emotions took over again and she turned around and started crying softly.

"Okay, I'm sorry, it's just I like you a little more than you think." Twilight said weeping.

"God damn it." He whispered to himself. "Way to go dumbass, you really wowed her with that one." One part of him said. Who cares? We don't need her anyway, we came here to kick back and relax." Another part interrupted. "Lay off, okay? He feels bad he did that, can't you assholes tell it hurt him?" A third part defended.

"Look Twilight I'm sorry, I just, well, I...." Dusk started to stutter. When he couldn't get the words out he walked to her and hugged her very lightly. She noticed, but didn't react.

"Listen, ever since I figured out that I was delivering that book to you I was having conflicting feelings. One moment I don't even remember you, the next I can't forget you, then I just wanted to get the delivery done and move on, then I feel like......" He rambled on, only to get cut off by Twilight turning to him. They moved to kiss each other, but stopped and pulled back. They looked at each other for a quick few seconds.

"Oh, fuck it." Dusk said giving up. He pushed his mouth on to hers, making her eep a little, but she returned it.

"Hey way to go dumbass! You really fucked us now." The part told him it was a bad idea. "Oh, shut up, if anything it's a heat of the moment act." The second part told them. "How about both of you shut up, can't you see it means a lot to her?" The third part told the rest. "I'm going to kill all of you later." Dusk thought to himself. Afterwards he didn't hear anything. He pulled back and looked at Twilight, her face was in shock, love, and awe at the same time. Neither of them spoke or moved for a minute or two. Finally Twilight broke the silence.

"I think you're trying to say you don't know what you feel, is that right?" She said monotonously just so she wouldn't make him mad. He made another sigh.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I'll make you a deal, I'll let you help me with my tent tonight and when I'm settled in, we can go out somewhere. Sound good?" Dusk offered, knowing she had those kind of feelings, but also hoping to convince himself.

"I can live with that." Twilight said smiling and moving closer to his cheek, waiting for him to say something, but he didn't so she gave him a soft kiss.

-September 1st, 2013 10:30 PM- Ponyville Trade Center

Twilight and Dusk finished setting up Dusk's area, just a plain military cot and other basics, after that they put the table and shelves out front for the stuff Dusk was selling. They put up a couple large poles and large and heavy military tarp over it to protect everything from rain or whatever. Unknown to either of them Rarity was watching them through her boutique's window while she was finishing up an order. After they had finished setting everything they could up they talked a little more.

"So what do you think for our date?" Twilight said with a slight flirtatiousness in her voice. Dusk laughed a little.

"It's not actually a date, okay? We're just hanging out to see if we could date." Dusk said with a laugh.

"Whatever, I'm still calling it a date." Twilight said biting her lower lip and digging the tip of her hoof in to the ground.

"Okay then, whatever makes you happy." Dusk said putting his hoof under her chin. They inched forward and before either of them knew it they were sharing another kiss. Rarity was watching this and seeing them kiss she smiled and made that gossip-girl gasp. Twilight released and sat there.

"Alright, as a thank you for helping me feel free to help yourself to a jacket or something." Dusk said taking stuff out of the crate and organizing it. Twilight looked around and saw his jacket sitting on the cot, unseen to him she walked over and put it on.

"I like this one." Twilight told him.

"Alright, well, like I s..... Oh, shit, deja vu. Not that one, that's mine." Dusk said turning around and smiling at her.

"I know, it smells like you, strong and musky, yet sweet and citrusy." Twilight said pushing herself into it.

"I bet it does, now, can I have it back?" Dusk asked walking to her slowly.

"Hmm, no." Twilight said with a teasing tone and smile to match.

"So, I have to take it then huh?" Dusk asked still walking.

"If you want it that bad." Twilight said in a sultry voice. Dusk made a quick bolt of speed, gently tackling Twilight on his cot, she made an excited squeal.

"Now?" He asked.

"Nope." She teased. He dug his muzzle into her neck and and started kissing her gently.

"What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing?! One voice scolded. "He wasting his time, what does it look like?" The second voice said sarcastically. "Again, both of you shut up! He's in love, and you bastards need to accept that and quit your incessant babbling." The last voice told him. Dusk ignored them and continued kissing Twilight's neck, who was giggling and sighing rapidly.

"Okay, you can have it back. But you have to give me something first." Twilight said as she bit her lip softly.

"Alright, what is it?" Dusk asked, knowing mostly what she was going to say.

"A kiss." Twilight said plainly. Dusk surprised both of them with his answer.

"Happily." Dusk said leaning and and kissing her softly. For a few moments all you could hear was an awkward sucking sound.

"Alright, here." Twilight said squirming and pulling the jacket off and setting it on him.

"Thanks." Dusk said kissing her and getting off.

"I have a jacket like this if you want, well a little newer." Dusk said asking as he pulled out a brand-new still in the package MCCUU jacket.

"Oh wow, when you say newer you're not kidding." Twilight said taking it out of the package and using her magic to put it on. Dusk watched as she flipped her mane out of the collar, seeing how it hugged right around her lower back and barrel, just around her hips.

"You look very good in that." Dusk told her. Twilight looked at him.

"Well, it's late and I need to get ready for our date tomorrow." Twilight said winking and flicking him with her tail.

"Not a date. And OK, I'll see you tomorrow." Dusk said walking out with her, when they got outside they kissed goodbye and Twilight trotted off happily to the library. Rarity saw the whole scene and watched Twilight head home in her new jacket.

-September 1st, 2013 11:45 PM- Twilight/Journal Entry #1

How do I put this, today was full of surprises. First Celestia told me I was getting a new book, which I haven't even opened yet. Then the courier who brought it made me fall in love, but in contrary to that he's Luna's son, that'd be weird if I started dating my mentor's sister's son, well not really, it'd probably be funny to a point. Back to Lunar Dusk, well Dusk mostly. When he showed up he seemed annoyed and pissed, but then he seemed nice, we hung out for a few hours. After he left he scared me, he snapped and yelled and I thought I messed up, but he's under stress and had confused feelings, so I understand, I just hope it doesn't happen again. Afterwards I convinced him to go on a date, well he says it's not, but we both know it is. I helped him set up his tent and stuff and in return he gave me a really cute jacket. I have to cut this entry short, it's almost midnight. I'm going to bed and in the morning I'm going to make myself look so good he'll want to do me on the spot.

-September 2nd, 2013 12:00 Midnight- Dusk/Journal Entry #4

Well things with Twilight went the opposite of what I wanted, but I'm glad it did, at first I thought she would be stuck-up and snobbish, but it turns out she really nice, and playful to. I don't know what will come out of this, we have a date tomorrow, I told her it's not actually a date, but I say that so she doesn't think I'm soft. I noticed two things about her, on she had a nice plot and two she looks really sexy in a MCCUU jacket. Fuck, it's already midnight. I'm getting my ass to bed.

Author's Note:

I'm adding a Fallout: New Vegas mechanic to the story, so the leather backpack Dusk has is just like the one in the game, with the Stimpak, water, and all the other stuff.