• Published 17th Jun 2014
  • 1,016 Views, 8 Comments

Elder Scrolls 5.5; Equistrea - HonestAJ4President

The Last Dragonborn dies and is stolen out of Sovngarde by Discord

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Prologue; Death of the Final Dragonborn

Author's Note:

This chapter is semi in 3rd person

The Death of the Final Dragonborn

The Last Dragonborn laid in bed, surrounded by his family, the years of adventuring catching up with him. Nearby on an armor mannequin and a weapon rack, his dragonbone armor and weapons hung, weathered by time, adventures and many battles. The helmet had a horn missing after the battle with a Legendary Dragon, the armor dented from the battle with the spectral Karstaag and the cloth around his legs slashed from the epic battle with the Ebony Warrior. He began feeling the life begin to fade from him and his life began to flash before his eyes. From his early days as a simple farmboy and a courier. Then came the fateful day when he was captured for trying to illegally crossing the Skyrim/Cryodil border and nearly being executed before Alduin sent him on the way to his destiny. Then came the day he fought his first dragon, Mirmulnir.

Quest; Dragon Rising

"Gods, here it comes again!" said the guard who survived the Western Watchtower dragon attacks. I raced to the top of the watchtower with my Hunting Bow drawn and watched as Mirmulnir swooped down. I nocked an arrow and fired at him. It hit but it only mad it angrier. It took notice to me and began to hover a few feet from the tower. It began launching fire in my direction as I ran off the roof and onto the second floor. I caught my breath and heard it land outside. I threw the bow over my shoulder, drew the steel sword that I had recently took off of a bandit's corpse and ran outside. I reached the doorway, saw Irileth slashing at the dragon and began sprinting towards them. As I reached them and ran by with a running blow to dragon's head. After minutes of slashing, I saw the dragon become disoriented and jumped at the chance. I ran in front of the dragon's head and delivered a devastating blow to the dragon's head and as it recoiled, I jumped on it's head and began slashing it's eyes. After I doing that for a few moments, I thrust my blade into the side of it's skull. As I hopped of it, the skin began burning and streams began flying into my body. After it finished, I felt the need to speak. However what came out wasn't what I expected. "FUS!"

Quest; Dragonslayer

Felldir shouted "We cannot fight the foe in this mist!" Gormlaith responded "Clear Skies - combine our Shouts!" We all shouted "LOK VAH KOOR!"

Gormlaith said "Again!"

Alduin responded "Ven Mul Riik!"

Felldir said "We can shatter his power if we Shout together!"

Again we shouted "LOK VAH KOOR"

Alduin responded "Ven Mul Riik!"

Hakon began to lose hope "Does his strength have no end? Is our struggle in vain?"

Gormlaith responded "Stand fast! His strength is failing! Once more, and his might will be broken!"

Felldir also said "His power crumbles - do not pause for breath!"

For the final time we shouted "LOK VAH KOOR" Finally becoming angry enough to attack, he flew over the mountain.

I used dragonrend to bring him to the ground and taunted him to draw his attention "JOR ZAH FRUL! COME ON ALDUIN, LET'S FUFIL A PROPHECY! ONLY QUESTION IS, WHO'S IS IT! YOUR'S OR MINE!" I was already on top of him as he landed, bringing one slash after another from my recently forged dragonbone sword, which I had enchanted and named "The Final Dragonborn's Sword". After many slashes and uses of Dragonrend, the World-Eater was killed.

He shouted his final words and just to taunt him I yelled back "The ironic thing is, you saved me!" His scales burned off and he started screeching and I covered my eyes as he exploded.

Quest; At the Summit of Apocrypha

Sahrotaar warned me "Beware, Miraak is strong. He knew you would come." After a brief flight we landed at the Summit of Apocrypha.

"Sahrotaar, are you so easily swayed. No not yet. We should greet our guest first" remarked Miraak. Miraaks armor were clean and fresh robes. Mine was made of dragonbone and it was dented, dirty and covered with mementos of people, animals and dragons who had tried and failed to kill me. I walked to the middle of the platform where we were. In the middle there was a pool filled with whatever they called water here. I drew my sword as did Miraak and we crossed them in the middle. Miraak began monologuing as we did

"And so the First Dragonborn meets the Last Dragonborn at the summit of Apocrypha. No doubt just as Hermaeus Mora intended. He is a fickle master, you know. But now I will be free of him. My time in Apocrypha is over. You are here in your full power, and thus subject to my full power. You will die. And with the power of your soul, I will return to Solstheim and be master of my own fate again. Kruziikrel! Relonikiv! Now!" I immediately dove at him with whirlwind sprint and delivered a slash across his chest. After many minutes of fighting, both of us knew that Miraak was losing. Before I could deliver a killing blow, he turned etheral and summoned one of the dragons that had been circling the summit. He killed it with a shout and used it's energy to heal himself.

The fight continued and whenever he was close to death, he killed a dragon with his voice and healed himself with it's soul. However, he ran out of dragons and before I could deliver a killing blow, Hermaeus Mora showed up and took Miraak in his tentacles.

He said "Did you think to escape me, Miraak? You can hide nothing from me here. No matter. I have found a new Dragonborn to serve me."

Miraak responded "May he be rewarded for hi service as I am!" Miraak's skin began to burn like a dragon and I absorbed his soul.

Hermaeus Mora said "Miraak harbored fantasies of rebellion against me. Learn from his example. Serve me faithfully, and you will continue to be richly rewarded"

Lakeview Manor

After he relived his life in a matter of seconds, he died.


He awoke at the same place he awoke when he came to Sovngarde to kill Alduin in the armor and weapons he had dubbed "The Last Dragonborn's Armor" and he walked down the same path he walked many years ago. Out of the corner of his eye he kept seeing what looked like a dragon thing. He saw the bridge to the Hall of Valor and the many people that helped him during his life. He saw Kodlak, Vilkas and Farkas, in the place they always wanted. As well as enemies as he saw General Tullius and Legate Rikke. As he approached Tsun, something happened that no one could expect.

"So sorry, it looks like that this guy is something of a big thing. But, I need him" said the thing that he had kept seeing out of the corner of his eye. After the place he had been waiting for for years has ripped from him, he felt such a rage against the creature. "A well sorry for that, but I and my world needs you. But you can't do much in your current shape" said the creature as he snapped his fingers and the dragonborn looked at his hair, which used to be gray, now restored to the light brown it had been in his youth. The creature spoke again "I am Discord and while I love chaos, it isn't the same when there isn't anybody to suffer for it. An evil has been awakened in my world and I need you to clear it up. I've been watching you for a while. Have you run into M'aiq the Liar in your adventures? Now, what say you."

The Dragonborn spat "Damn you Discord, I lived my life. Your lucky that I try my damnedest to help everyone I can."

Getting his answer but not liking the way it was said, Discord said "Good, get ready. Oh and the inhabitants of my world aren't of your, eh species. Not mer or humans. Now prepare yourself."

After a bright flash of light they stood in a large white room. And they were surrounded by ponies.