• Published 24th Sep 2016
  • 612 Views, 0 Comments

Diary of a Madmare - The Corset

Hey you. Yeah you random reader girl, boy, or whatever you are. I just wanted to let you know if you read this you will be in for a ride. A ride with mutants, insane ponies, and rads. You'll be taking a look at my life, the life of a mad mare.

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Chapter 2: Rainbow Aren't Always Nice

Chapter Two Yeah! Sorry for making you wait Reader but Corset is lazy. YEAH! Indeed. Anyways onto the story!


“Do you even know where you’re going?” Rain said annoyed.

“Uh...Yes, I mean I’m pretty sure.” I said while scratching my muzzle. We’re lost aren’t we? NO WE ARE JUST EXPLORING WITHOUT A MAP! So we’re lost.

It was at this point that I noticed Rain’s eye was starting to twitch. OH SHE MAD! It seems she has a bit of a temper. Yeah I mean she looks a bit pissed right now. Reader she looks downright murderous.

“I swear I am going to kill you” she said while gritting her teeth.

I laughed and said “You can try!”

She then looked away and pouted for a bit probably realizing that she was outmatched. It would be stupid for her to try. SHE CAN’T DO SHIT! I don’t think anyone can win. I believe our strongest opponent is still around. Maybe we could challenge her again. OOOOOH, THAT WOULD BE FUN! It would be nice to have a worthy opponent again. You know what let’s head there!

“Rain I know exactly where to go, follow me!” I said in excitement of facing my strongest opponent again.

“Fine but if we get lost again I will blow your brains out!” she said murderously. YEASH TOUCHY!

“Fair enough, they’ll just grow back anyways.” I said with a smile.

As we walked along in silence through this wasteland I couldn’t help but get the feeling we were being watched. And Reader if I have learned one thing in the wasteland it is trust your instincts. I looked left and right and then I realized I need to look up! I looked up and locked eyes with a pegasus with a grayscale rainbow mane, gray eyes, a light gray coat, and sharp metal wings. I could just barely make out her cutiemark, several knives stabbing into a pony’s body with a rainbow coming from the hilt of the knives. She then smiled at me and flew off at a speed I didn’t think pegasi were capable of. That was strange. YEAH WHY DID SHE SMILE AT US? I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. WAIT! THE RAINBOW FACTORY JOURNAL! What about it? I know that pegasus is in it! REALLY!?! BUT THAT WOULD MAKE HER OLDER THAN US!

“Rain we need to stop.” I said.

“Why?” she asked very confused.

“For very important reasons.” I said with a serious tone.

“Ooooook then?” she said still confused.

We set up camp and after that I cracked open the journal.


Dear Diary, I think I think I should introduce myself to you. My name is Bloody Rainbow. I am a pegasus with a grayscale rainbow mane, gray eyes, a light gray coat, and sharp metal wings. I have a cutiemark of several knives stabbing into a pony’s body with a rainbow coming from the hilt of the knives.


Dear Diary, I start work today at Cloudsdale. I’m so excited! I wonder where I’ll work? The weather factory maybe? Cloud construction? I can’t wait!


Deary Diary, I found out where out where I’ll be working! It’s called the Rainbow Factory. What could be more fun than making rainbows?


Dear Diary, I was WRONG! I WAS SO SO SO WRONG! This place is hell! They kidnap and murder any filly or colt that fails their flight test! They grind them up into rainbows! This place is sick.


Dear Diary, they went too far. I was on vacation in Zebrica but when I came back I found out my little sister Night Heart failed her flight test. They destroyed one of the things I cared for most. Now I will take everything from them.


Dear Diary, I killed Steel Wing today. I shoved him into the rainbow machine and laughed at his screams. Next on my list is Eagle Eye. I will kill them all. They will pay. They will all burn.


Dear Diary, Eagle Eye is now dead. I dropped knives on his wings which caused him to plummet to his death. Next is Sweet Heart. This is starting to get fun.


Dear Diary, Sweet Heart is dead. I drowned her in the rainbows they make in the factory. She tried to struggle but I’ve always been the strongest at the factory. Next is Happy Thoughts. I am really starting to enjoy this. Is this what serial killers feel?


Dear Diary, the ponies at the factory are terrified. They know somepony or something is out to get them. Some are even saying that it’s the ghosts of all the little fillies and colts we murdered. Little do they know the true monster is right next to them acting nice and friendly. I love watching them squirm.


Dear Diary, Happy Thoughts is dead. I disemboweled her with my wing tips. I also wrote on the wall in her blood using my wing “We remember what you did to us.” I have 4 different styles of penmanship. They will never know it was me.


Dear Diary, today was beautiful. When the ponies started to come in for work they saw Happy Thought’s disemboweled body and the message painted in her blood. I heard some ponies scream “ I knew it! They’re out for revenge! They’ll kill us all!” “I quit!” Now that was interesting three quarters of the ponies filed out of the building never to come back. There were only 5 left, myself, Flower Garden, Carbon Dating, Yandere Love, and Rainbow Dash. I set up C4 in the factory. I just have to wait.


Dear Diary, it’s finally over. I destroyed the factory with the employees inside. I poisoned myself to make it look like I had the flu. But I killed them, I killed them all. And I loved every second. Night Heart you have been avenged. I just realized there are other ponies like these, and I am so good at killing that I could avenge or protect many ponies from the monsters that escape Celestia’s sight. I truly understand my cutiemark. My talent is killing monsters like the ones in the rainbow factory.


Dear Diary, I saved a child today. I brought her back to her parents from the stallion that tried to kidnap her. I am a monster I know that but to fight monsters sometimes you have to be a bigger monster than them. I killed the stallion brutally and with glee. I now know for sure that I am a serial killer……..and I love it.


Dear Diary, I earned a nickname from the ponies of Equestria. The Vengeful Ghost. I like it. They are even starting to make myths and legends about me! They say I am the mother of a filly that was killed at the rainbow factory and that I died from grief. Some say that I am the ghost of a pony who died protecting their family and now decides to seek vengeance on all that would hurt others. Others say I am a spirit of vengeance straight from Tartarus, come to punish the wicked. I guess it is because I kill and disappear without a trace.


Dear Diary, 214. That is how many ponies I have killed. Nopony gets away from me, nopony survives me. The idiot doctors think I am a unicorn due to the multiple stab wounds simultaneously into the body. They clearly never thought of a pegasus with bladed wings.


Dear Diary, I am visiting Night Heart’s grave today. I know there isn’t a body in the coffin, just her favorite toys and her picture. I buried her coffin under her favorite flowers and made her gravestone out of her favorite rock, Tiger Eye. I had a several unicorns enchant it so nopony could steal it, heck they can’t even touch it without overwhelming pain and there is a geass that causes ponies to shy away from that area. I am the only one who can touch the gravestone and usually the only one that can get past geass. I go there every holiday, her birthday, my birthday, and the anniversary of her death. I go there and weep. I weep that I live and she doesn’t. I weep for all the the children that died at that wretched place. I weep for everything that could have been but will never be. I tell her what has happened since she died and I keep no secrets from her. She is my sister after all.


Dear Diary, I had the greatest experience of my life today. I heard Night Heart and saw. I was weeping when I heard “Don’t cry Big Sis.” I couldn’t help but look around and stutter out “N-Night Heart?”

And right in front of me a little halo on her head and with light all around her was Night Heart! “Hi Sis, been awhile hasn’t it?” I ran up and hugged her weeping tears of joy at just being able to hold my sister again. I couldn’t help but keep repeating “I’m sorry.” over and over again. Night Heart just hugged back and said “It’s ok Sis I don’t blame you. You have saved so many ponies, you destroyed the Rainbow Factory with your own hooves. And you’re still protecting ponies. Me, Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa are proud of you. Just keep it up.” I wiped my eyes and said “OK. I-I will.” Night Heart suddenly looked sad “I am sorry Sis but I have to go but know that I and eveypony else are watching over you.” And then she disappeared.

I closed the journal not sure if I could take much of that. THAT HIT ME RIGHT IN THE FEELS! For once we agree Cray-Cray. That mare has suffered so much and we’re not even a quarter of the way through the journal. I know that’s the scary thing. If there is this much suffering this early on I can’t imagine what happens later on.

“Hey Rain.” I called over to her.

“What?” She called over in almost constantly annoyed voice.

“I don’t feel like moving any further today. Let’s just camp here for the rest of the day.” I said, I am feeling an odd emotion. Is this sadness? I HATE IT! It is extremely unpleasant.

Author's Note:

Chapter two YAY! YEAH STAY TUNED CAUSE NEXT CHAPTER YOU GET TO SEE OUR MYTSERY OPPONENT!If it is anything like last time it will be a fight to remember. So stay tuned and don't forget to comment, like, or favorite it really helps keep Corset motivated. Well this is Slaughter Fest, Cray-Cray, and Athena signing off.