• Published 11th Jun 2014
  • 796 Views, 11 Comments

Shard: Harmony in the Clouds - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

The group travels to Cloudsdale to find one of The Elements of Harmony

  • ...

Sun Down Show Down

The sun was touching the edge of the horizon, starting to set. It gave the normally white clouds a glowing, pink hue. It looked like it was going to be the start of a beautiful sunset.

Unfortunately there were several ponies that were unable to enjoy.

Twilight Sparkle dangled over the edge of the clouds from what looked like an over-sized fishing pole. Her hooves were tied together, wrapped around the hook. A black ring rested around the base of her horn, keeping her from using her magic.

Nearby, Lightning Dust floated in the air just above the clouds. Her wings were spread wide, flapping to keep her up, and her front hooves were crossed over her chest. Electricity flickered across her coat, and her eyes glowed green with dark magic. Lightning Dust tried glared and snarled, waiting for Rainbow Dash to show up.

Or she was trying to anyways.

"All I'm saying is that this whole thing is extremely cliche," Twilight Sparkle called out. "I mean come on. Kidnapping a pony and holding them hostage to coerce the hero into doing what you desire? This is along the lines of comic book level supervillainy... not.. not that... I read comic books or anything... I just mea-"

"SHUT! UP!" Lightning Dust bellowed. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP! I swear, ever since you've regained consciousness, all you've done is complain, complain, complain. You think you could do better?"

Twilight narrowed her eyes and smirked.

"Yes," she replied. "I could. Let me down and I'll prove it."

"Don't tempt me," Lightning Dust growled. She gave a slight tap of the rope, causing Twilight Sparkle to let out a squeak of fear as she rocked back and forth high above Equestria.

"That's enough," a voice from behind the pair said. "I'm here, just like you wanted."

Lightning Dust stepped back from the edge and turned to look at the new arrival.

"And the stone?"

Rainbow Dash lifted one of her wings and reached under it. She pulled out the stone orb, holding it for them to see.

"It's right here. Now let Twilight go like you promised."

"Promised?" Lightning Dust asked, rubbing her chin. "I don't remember promising anything. I said you would see her again, and you did." She gave Twilight a pat on the flank. "Besides, I still need her to make sure you don't try to run away."

Living up to the first part of her name, Lightning Dust shot across the field of clouds and directly at Rainbow Dash. There was a burst of crackling electricity as Lightning Dust's hoof slammed directly into Rainbow Dash's nose.

The shock caused Rainbow Dash's body to tense as the impact knocked her off her hooves and sent her rolling across the field of clouds. Instinct, experience, and training kicked in. Shifting to roll with it, twisting and flickering her wings to land upright on her hooves.

The electricity still caused the tip of her mane to stick out. She gave her head a shake before lifting a hoof to her nose, checking to make sure it was okay. A snort escaped her as she turned to look at Lightning Dust. Rainbow Dash's ears pinned back against her head as she narrowed her eyes at her opponent.

"So that's the way you want to play it?" she growled. "Fine!" With a flap of her wings, she took off and barreled straight at Lightning Dust.

The two slammed into each other in an explosion of rainbows and electricity. The impact and burst of energy destroyed the patch of cloud directly beneath them and knocked the pair back.

"We don't have to do this," Rainbow Dash said as she got back up.

"Yes we do!" Before she even finished the sentence, Lightning Dust shot toward her opponent once again.

Seeing the attack this time, Rainbow dropped low, pressing her body against the clouds beneath her. Waiting for what seemed like the right moment, she kicked out with her hind legs. Her hooves slammed into the sternum of the pegasus above, knocking the air from her lungs and sending her off to one side. Rainbow Dash's jaw clenched in pain as she felt a shock of electricity through her backside.

Lightning Dust roared with frustration as she came back around, slamming into Rainbow Dash and pinning her.

"It's your fault!" she shouted, her wings flicking to touch Rainbow Dash and send small shocks of electricity. "You cost me everything! You got me kicked out of flight camp! You destroyed my chances of ever being a Wonderbolt! You took a way my dream. You ruined my life!"

"No.. I... didn't!"

Rainbow Dash shoved up hard, slamming the back of her head against the underside of Lightning Dust's jaw. A loud crackle filled the air as Rainbow Dash pushed up and shoved with her wings, throwing her opponent off her.

"Yeah, I told on us and got us kicked out, but we all came up with the prank and thought it was a good idea." She ruffled her wings. "We got what we deserved, and at least we can still fly."

"Shut up!" Lightning Dust yelled, throwing herself at Rainbow Dash again.

This time, Rainbow Dash let herself get hit. Falling backwards, she grabbed at her opponent. Shocks of electrical pain shot through her body, causing her to wince and grunt in pain. She continued to grab at Lightning Dust as the two of them rolled, managing to land on top with one of her front legs wrapped around her opponent's throat.

"Part of your problem has always been to blame others," Rainbow Dash growled through clenched teeth. "For all your talk of pushing yourself to the limit, you were never willing to admit your mistakes. Always willing to put a pony at risk, but never your fault if they got hurt. Not your responsibility."

Lightning Dust growled and shifted, biting down on Rainbow Dash's leg. Rainbow Dash grunted in pain, but kept her grip.

"Well guess what? I may have gotten you kicked out of flight camp, but everything after is your own doing. Maybe if you accepted it and took responsibility, things would be better for you."

Nearby -- where it had landed and been forgotten about during the fight -- the stone began to glow with orange energy. Slowly, it rose up, hovering just above the clouds.

"NO!" Lighting Dust shouted. Shoving hard, she managed to get her wings loose enough to spread them wide. She gave a hard flap and a burst of electricity, hitting the stone. The lightning and the stone both went flying, the stone going over the edge of the cloud field and falling. The electrical shock hit Twilight -- causing her to cry out in pain -- and the device that was holding her up. There was a crackle as the device released its grip, letting the unicorn drop.

Both pegasi watched as Twilight Sparkle and one of The Elements of Harmony started plummeting toward the ground far below.