• Published 7th Jun 2014
  • 1,829 Views, 15 Comments

Flowers for my valentine: A Fluffle Puff Chrysalis Fanifc - Brony117

Spike writes a fanfic about his two roommates, and with the help of Dan reading it things get werid and hilarious for the two.

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The Fanfic

It was another day at Twilight's apartment, things were really boring today. Twilight was hanging out with her friends at the library on a day that no one would really visit.

A Saturday.

But that's all on her since all her five friends call her an 'Egghead', mostly Rainbow Dash. It was a place that they would hangout together everyday after school, and chat on things about what is going on. Such as Lyra, saying that ponies can talk and live like humans, The CMC causing recklessness at the school and in public, and Derpy, braking the school record for eating the most muffins in five minutes.

Today however, is a boring day for one teen that has no plans for a Saturday that usually involves video games, watching videos on the net, reading comics, or spying on his one true love.

His name is Spike, and today is really boring for him.

"*sigh* There is nothing for me to do today," said Spike as he laid on his bed. "nothing on TV, no good movies out, beaten all the vid games I own, can't spy on Rarity since she's out, nothing!"

Spike sat straight on his bed to think on what to do today.

"What to do, what to do, hmmm...lets see...Twilight is out with the girls at library, Dan, is...well...I don't know...busy at the moment, and those 'two'...heh, the creator knows what those two are doing. I mean they got along very well ever since the two moved in, things were hectic at the beginning. But everything's back to normal now, thank goodness for that... ya know, those two got close, VERY close now that I think about it. Not that I have a problem with that, it's just weird for me to get use to it and seeing those two do almost everything together. I wonder what they are doing? Meh, I don't know... probably talking about the Valetines day dance that's coming up next week.

Spike looked at his shelf that has his action figures,he went towards it and grabbed two figures and messed with them.

"Heh, I bet when those two are together they act all romantic and stuff." Spike then mimicked their voice the best he could.

"Oh Chrysalis, you look so beautiful today. It makes me want to lick you!"

"Oh Fluffle, don't say that out loud! People could hear and see us if we do that in public!

"Then let them hear and see us do the things as any other couple do together, it shows our love to the people how much I love you!

"Do you really mean that Fluffle? Do you really love me?"

"From the bottom of my heart my love, and till death do to us apart!"

"Oh Fluffle..."

"Oh Chrysalis...

"And then they kissed..." said Spike as he put the faces of his actions figures together and made kissing noises." *Smooch* *Smooch* *Smooch* HAHAHA!!! Oh man that's funny! If only that actually happened..."

Suddenly, Spike had an idea. He looked at the action figures that he represented his roommates and the idea he just thought of.

"That may not actually happen...but it will if I wrote a story about it! Hahaha!" Spike turned around and spoke to his pet bird Peewee." Peewee, I know what I am going to do today! I'm going to write a story about My two roommates!"

"*Cheep* *Cheep*"

"Don't I mean a fanfic? It's the same word for story."

"*Cheep* *Cheep*"

"Hmmm...good point. Let me rephrase that. Today! I'm going to write a fanfic about my two roommates!"

"*Cheep* *Cheep*"

"Your right it does sound better! Now then, to write my fanfic!"

Spike walked towards his desk, sat down on his chair, grabbed some paper, and a pencil.

"Ok now that I'm all set, time to write my fanfic, Muwahahahaha!!!!

Later that evening.

After hours of thinking and writing, Spike, finally finished his fanfic.

"*Phew* Finally finished...now all I need is someone to read it see if they like it!"

Suddenly, Spike realized something.

"Oh man, I forgot that Twilight's not here! She's out with the girls! She's the only one who can help me correct any errors! *Sigh* Oh well, I have to take my chances. And the only who's able to read it right now, is 'him'. I just hope he not busy."

Living room.





In the living room was a teenage boy, sitting on the couch, looking at the TV with a game controller in his hands while wearing a headset and 'spoke' to the people on the built-in microphone.

His name is, Dan.




As this was happening, Spike came out from his room and saw his roommate, Dan, playing his XBOX 360 and the game that most gamers hated the most because of the sudden change of gameplay or the feel of it.

Call of duty: Ghosts.

Spike remember the first time he played the game, it was a total disaster! At least he got use to it as he played it longer.

"*Shivers* Note to self: Don't play Call of duty with Dan. We all know how he acts up when he's this angry."

Seeing his friend in trouble, spike walked behind the couch and saw how the other team was beating Dan's team horribly.





"Defeated...don't lets this happen again!"

Dan, Dropped his controller and stared at the TV screen with a blank stare.


Spike quickly ran towards the console and shut the game down before things got worse.

Seeing this made Dan relaxed.

"*Phew* Thanks Spike, another second and I would've broken the TV. Again."

"No problem Dan, glad I was here to take care of the problem."

"Yeah, usually Pinkie Pie would calm me down with a cupcake or telling me to think happy thoughts."

"Heh, you are the only one with anger issues, and problems with hating everything."


"What? It's true!"

"Alright, alright, I get it! So what's up? Bored?"

"Well I was bored until I made something I found interesting."

Hearing this caught Dan's attention.

"Oh really? what was it?"

"I made a fanfic!"

Spike showed Dan the paper.

"Whoa! A fanfic? Really? What is it? No, wait. Don't tell me, it's about you and Rarity, isn't it?"

"Wrong you are my friend! This fanfic is about our 'two' favorite roommates!"

"Favorite roommates...? Wait. You don't mean-"

"Yup! Fluffle Puff, and, Chrysalis!"

"And you made a fanfic about those two?"


"...Let me see that!"

Dan grabbed the paper from Spikes hand and read what was written on it.

"Flowers for my valentine? That's the name if the title?"


"Seeing a title like this...you paired them up?"

"That's right!"

"And you thought of this, by yourself?"


"And why me? Why not Twilight? She's better on this kind of stuff."

"I know but, she's out right now and the only person who has time for this you."

"*sigh* Alright, you want me to read it, and see if it's good? I'll do my best."

Dan looked back at the paper and read the fanfic. As he read it, his face when from plan, to weird out, to a smile, and broke into laughter.

Seeing this made Spike Happy.

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it! It's hilarious!" said Dan.

"Awesome!" said Spike. "How about we read it together and see if we can make if more hilarious! I have another copy, I'll Fluffle Puff, you'll be Chrysalis!"

"Alright let's do it!"

Both teen looked at the paper and began reading it.

"Flowers for my valentine: a Fluffle Puff Chrysalis fanfic..." said Spike as he began the reading.

Dan continued where spike left off.

"Today was the day...no going back on plans...Fluffle was going to come out and confess her love for Chrysalis...with a gift...." Dan snickered as he end his sentence as spike read the fanfic now.

"Today was valentines day...Fluffle had been nervous since last week...will Chrysalis reject her gift and love? Or...will she feel the same way as she is? Fluffle Puff sighed and left her house to meet her friend and pick up a gift that will hopefully make thing easier."

Dan read the fanfic.

"After picking up her gift, Fluffle Parked her car in Chrysalis's driveway and sat back in her seat...wondering if she was ready to make this decision in her life...she looked at the bouquet of flowers she bought and picked them up and hold it close to her chest and wished herself good luck as she exited the car."

It was Spikes turn to read now.

"She looked Chrysalis's house, and saw Chrysalis herself at the front window of her house with the curtains already drawn back. Noticing Fluffle, Chrysalis, smiled and waved. She then-"

"Oh hi!" Dan interrupted Spike which made him and laugh and quickly continued reading the fanfic.

"-She then ran towards the front door to answer it. Fluffle, noticed Chrysalis and walked up to the front door to knock on her door."

"Before she could knock," said Dan. "the front door opened and was pulled in by Chrysalis herself and spoke.

"F-Fluffle! Why are you here!? Aren't you going to spend Valentines day with Brad?" said Dan, as he tried his best to mimic Chrysalis's voice.

"She then noticed the flowers Fluffle, was holding and pointed at them." said Spike.

"Are those for Brad? There beautiful! "He'll love them!" said Dan as he mimicked Chrysalis's voice.

"Uh...oh...oh no!" Said Spike as he now mimicked Fluffles voice which stuttered.

Both teens then slightly laughed as they knew this was going to be even more funnier.

Spike continued where he left off.

"These flowers are for you!"

"Chrysalis was surprised to see that the flowers were for her!" said Dan. "F-Fluffle...what are you trying to say?"

"I-I'm trying to say I...I really liked you for a while now and...well..."

"But...But what about Brad?" Chrysalis interrupted.

"Well...I...may even have more feelings than 'like'..." said Fluffle as she slightly blushed.

"Won't he be mad? Er- I mean sad?"

"I...I think I love you..." Fluffle finished. Dan, almost broke in laughter as Spike continue speaking his sentence. "Chrysalis, opened her mouth to speak but was quickly shut. She looked at bouque closer and-"

"Bouque!? Its bouquet! it has a 't' that's silent.!"

"W-Whatever, lets continue!"

"Hehehe, okay!"

"Ahem! -Bouquet closer and took it out of Fluffles hand."

"Fluffle...I'm flattered...but I have to ask about-"

Fluffle interrupted.

"I left Brad..." said Fluffle as she stared at the floor as she twirled her thumbs.

"You...you left him!? Why would you leave him? You two looked so happy together!"

Fluffle looked up at Chrysalis, staring into her beautiful green eyes.

"I left her for you..." Er- I mean "I left him for you!" Spike corrected himself, as Dan once again almost broke into laughter.

"Chrysalis put the flowers down nearby and to speak again, but was interrupted by Fluffle as she took her hand before she could talk. instead, Fluffle spoke.

"I had a feeling I could be happier...with you...I don't know if you even like me...I don't know if you even like-"

"PFFFFFTTTT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!" Both teens laughed uncontrollably as they tried to calm down but they couldn't help themselves but laugh.

After a few minutes of laughing , the teens continued reading.

"-I don't know if you even like girls...But I do know that everytime I look at you...and everytime I hear your voice...I am hopelessly in love with my friend...

Dan laughed as he couldn't believe Spike wrote something like this.

Spike spoke.

"Come on Dan...finish it!"

"HAHAHA!!! Ok! Ok! Chrysalis stared at Fluffle, her face blushed pure red. she the looked down to she their hands were locked with each other. Fluffle stared back at Chrysalis, her eyes full of love.

"Fluffle...I...I never knew you felt that way about me before...I...I've always pushed back my feelings for you because of the same reason..."

"Hearing this shocked Fluffle." said Spike. "So...so all this time you..." "Chrysalis nodded with a small smile on her face."

"Fluffle...you could've confess sooner...you kept me waiting...darling..."

"I'm sorry my love...oh and Chrysalis?"

"What is it?

"Fluffle leaned forward, closer and closer to Chrysalis's ear and whispered."

"Chrysalis...will you be my valentine?"


"Chrysalis then pulled in Fluffle for deep passionate kiss. Fluffle then returned the kiss. As she knew that she had a -"

Dan snickered.

"Can I finish it?" said Spike.

"Its your fanfic, go for it!"

"-As she knew that she had a feeling that this was going to the start a beautiful...relationship!

The End...





Both teens laughed uncontrollably as they finished the fanfic, they still couldn't believe the read it like that.

"Oh man..." said Dan. " Spike, that fanfic made my day! I thank you for the laugh!"

"And I'm glad you liked it!"

"What did you liked?"

Spike and Dan turned around to see the two people they didn't expect to see.

Fluffle Puff and Chrysalis.

"Whoa!" shouted Dan. " When did you two get here!?"

"Just now." Said Chrysalis.

"PFFFT" said Fluffle.

"Anyway, you said something about you liked. What was it?"


Spike interrupted.

"Oh, look at the time! Me and Dan have a movie to catch!"

"We do?"


"OW! Oh! That's right now I remember! Come one Spike, we don't want to be late for the movie!"

With that said, the two teen left the apartment in a rush. Leaving Chrysalis, and Fluffle Puff alone.

"Hmmm I wonder what was that about..."


"What? They left something behind?"

Fluffle pointed at the couch to see a piece of paper laying there.

"What's this?"

Fluffle shrugged her shoulders, as Chrysalis grabbed the paper and read it.

"Flowers for my valentine: A Fluffle Puff Chrysalis fanfic?"

Both teenage girls read the fanfic together and blushed slightly.

"They made a fanfic...about us...?"


"How dare they make a thing such as this! How disgusting! When I get my hands on them, I will make sure they wish they were never-"

"Shhh..."said Flufle as she shushed Chrysalis and placed her hand on her mouth.

"Fluffle are you-"

Fluffle then plays with her mouth and repeats this for awhile as Chrysalis finds this awkward.

Suddenly, she was dragged to there room and was locked for no one to enter.

For only one sound came from that room.


Author's Note:

Hoped you Guys liked it. tell me what you think on the comments.

Comments ( 15 )

inspired by Pewdiepie

Equestria Girls

Fluffle Puff


4508872 I was thinking that too

I don't know if I should find that funny or rude...I'll go with funny!

Also, "honest" is a good one.

4509130 so I guess that means you liked the story?


4508872 :pinkiegasp: Permanent Temporary! I bow before you sexy avatar! Also, random; fav, upvote, and follow:ajsmug: 'cuse im me.

oh so you do hate it! I understand, not many people like a story like this one. I just made this out of boredom and I decided to make this fanfic. you could've just said "no sorry I don't like this fanfic." instead if putting that gif. would've been easier to understand.

Actually, I don't hate your story; in fact, there are very few things in the world that I could legitimately admit to hating. It's just that I find Pewdiepie, Equestria Girls, and Fluffle Puff to be annoying, so seeing all three of them combined here instantly makes me rather disinclined to read your story.

Also, I find that gif amusing, so I wanted to use it.

What, am I [in]famous for something?

I'm on the fence about this.

What do you mean?

5691324 I like it, but at the same time it was alittle strange in my opinion. I can't really elaborate much further than that because it's hard to describe. It's like the perfect sleeping position. You know what it is, but you can't just adjust yourself right for afew hours but when you finally do, you know exactly what it is.

I think I get it. Don't worry this was for fun and was bored at the time.

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