• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 501 Views, 3 Comments

Stripe's Beginning - Fluttershy Phoenix

After suffering a terrible loss, a zebra warrior makes an incredible journey to find himself.

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Heat, absolutely unbearable heat. The desert shows no mercy to any within it's deadly grasp. The deserts of Zebrafrica are no exception. A lone figure is seen wandering, his destination a mystery to all but himself. Taking a deep breath, he bucks his head back to lower his hood. He is a zebra, noble and proud. Rearing up on his hind legs, he drops the robe and the armor he wore underneath is seen. Snorting, his eyes scan the horizon as he breathes in and out. His armor is made of leather, thick and light. Colored a desert brown to better help him hide amongst the constantly swirling sands of the desert.

Looking up towards the sun, he sighs and then glances behind him. His almost non existent mane blowing in the wind. His left ear twitches and he cocks his head slightly to his left. As his left eye scans, he reaches to his right and pulls a steel stick with a spiked ball attached, a mace. On his left side was a scabbard. It was ornately designed and looked like it may have been of his own language, but it was too well decorated for that. Inside it was a unique blade, a blade given to him by someone very close.

Holding the mace in his mouth, he looks out across the desert. His kind had been in a war with the changelings for nearly a year. Having been on the front lines the entire time, this zebra knew combat. He knew battle. He knew that generally, the changelings didn't take prisoners. When they did, there was usually an ulterior motive for it.

As he stiffens, he closes his eyes and lets the desert tell him everything. The wind blows constantly from the west as it always has, cooling him. The sound of the sand rubbing against itself can be heard as the wind continues it's onslaught. The heat of the sun can be felt as it beats down on everything he can see. It is then he stands at attention and opens his eyes. The sound of something moving in the sand catches his attention. The barely audible sound of quiet buzzing.

Swinging his head up, he lets go of the mace and lets loose a loud zebra whinny before catching it handle first as he charges.

A couple of dunes over, a group of half a dozen changelings are marching across the desert. Having gotten lost after they had attacked a battalion of zebras, they were trying to find their way back. The one in front stops as he turns to the others. Having heard a zebra, he nods to the others as each other takes on a disguise of some of the zebras they had ambushed earlier. As the leader's disguise takes over, he clears his throat, “Keep it casual.”

The charging zebra rushes over the dune straight towards them. The changeling leader is about to speak when he notices the attacker is not stopping. He barely has time to duck as that mace is swung with a fierce intensity.

Having discovered a group of zebras, the charging zebra had been about ready to stop when he saw those of his former battalion, the same battalion that had been decimated. Heading towards the one in front, he swung his mace and heard the crunch of metal on exoskeleton. The changeling directly behind the leader had taken the full force of that hit as his disguise dissipated.

Jumping off to the left, the zebra lets loose his hind legs and bucks a second changeling into several of the others. Having managed to catch the group by surprise, he went with the momentum and prayed he could take them all out before one of them got wise.

The changeling leader growled as he turned his head. “Get him!! Kill him now!!” He had orders to eliminate the troops and keep the zebras in disarray. The main contingent of his hive was elsewhere, working on a more important conquest. All he had to do was keep control of the warriors he had been given and keep the zebras busy. Other similar forces could be found in some of the other lands doing the same thing. Though he must admit, aside from the bulk of his hive, he'd lost contact with the other two groups.

The disguises faded as the remaining four changelings began to fight. Clashing with the zebra, one tries to get and edge only for his opponent to roll to the side at the last second.

The zebra watches as the changeling he was just in a fight with gets impaled by another changeling with a spear. Jumping up onto his back, the zebra brings his mace down onto the changeling with the spear. Smashing that head in, the zebra flinches and chokes, dropping his mace.

The leader had blasted the zebra aside with his magic. Nodding to his remaining subordinate, they begin firing. Grabbing his mace as he uses the bodies of the two changelings as cover, the zebra has to calm his breathing. Looking down, he sees his armor is charred but holding. Taking a moment, he hurls the mace and strikes the subordinate in the head before drawing his sword.

The leader turned when he heard the crack. His split second distraction was all the zebra needed as he charged forth and made a clean swipe with his sword. The razor sharp sword was slightly recurved yet thin, but very strong. A changeling katana, this very rare weapon was one he had made full use of when in a jam. Looking over the blade, he sees the green glean of the changeling's blood.

With the battle ended, the zebra recovers his mace and continues on. Looking up, he sees the sun as it is beginning to set. It was afternoon and would soon be evening. “Just another couple of hours and I'll be home. Artemisia, I miss you.”

In the major city of Caibra, zebras are seen walking around. They are heading to their own predetermined destinations. At the city gates, the zebra from the desert is seen approaching. Taking a deep breath as he walks, he exhales and nods to the two guards on duty. “Brand, Iron.....good to see you two.” The guards nod to him as he enters.

A slightly larger and older zebra is seen approaching. He has a scar over his left eye and a fierce look on his face. Stamping his left hoof, the younger zebra takes notice. The older one commanded attention due to his size, his age, and the shining gold of his armor. However, unlike the guards and warriors of Equestria, zebras rarely have metal armor. Instead, they frequently use leather armor since it is easier to come by. Plus, why spend extra on having someone make a detailed piece of metal armor out of gold when you can have the same made out of leather and painted gold for much less?

“STRIPE!” The younger zebra flinched as the older one yelled. “Yes sir?” “Good to see you. I thought the desert would have claimed you this time for sure.” “Not hardly. It came close, but never close enough.” “Just like always. Where is your mother? I haven't seen her in ages.” “Commander Zecorn, don't you remember? She moved to Equestria several years ago. I've received only a few letters since she moved. All she ever talks about is me moving up there to meet her new friends.” “She still rhyme?” “She never stops. She's like the elder zebra shamans or priestesses, always rhyming and never speaking plainly. It's a new age. Why can't she just talk normally? I know she can.” “Well, it's her choice.”

A flurry of movement is seen off to the left and just out of the corner of his eye. “Sir, if you'll excuse me. I think I have some personal matters to attend to.” The elder zebra turned to where the younger one was looking and simply chuckled before nodding his approval. Smiling, Stripe galloped off. As the elder zebra stared and watched, his smile turned into a frown. There was something that troubled him. Something that he probably should have mentioned, but he hadn't. Shaking his head, he turns around and makes a beeline for the center of town.

Stripe galloped through the city streets. He had only one destination in mind now. He was back home and that meant he could see her. He could be with her again. “Artemisia,” he states to himself and picks up the pace as best as he can. The sound of his hooves clopping against the cobblestone streets is clearly audible as zebras move aside. SMACK!!!

A hefty zebra mare had been unable to move fast enough when she'd been knocked down by the young zebra warrior. “Ooh, my side.” “Please forgive me,” Stripe stated as he hurried to help her up once the stars had been cleared away. “Oh, it's you. Dear me.” “Mrs. Blackhoof?” The mare nodded. Stripe looked over her frame after helping her up. She was a lot bigger than he remembered. “You put on weight?” In most cases, this is the absolute worst question to ask a female. However, Mrs. Blackhoof was a former teacher of Stripe's and was also a good friend of his mother. In fact, she'd kept an eye on him as per his mother's request. The old mare had always been a little overprotective of Stripe and vice versa. “Maybe,” she giggled. “If I answered truthfully, then Artemisia might think I was trying to steal you from her.” Stripe blushed noticeably at the mention of his wife's name. “Go, she needs you.”

Several blocks away, a typical looking home of the area blends into all the other buildings along the sides of the streets. Like many places in Zebrafrica, homes were made out of mud because of how plentiful it is and how it seems to moderate the temperature inside much better than homes made out of wood or even metal.

The inside is much the same as the outside. Mud brick walls lined the interior just as they shaped the exterior. Whereas the exterior was closer to a square in shape, the interior walls were slightly curved. Like in most homes in Zebrafrica, ornate masks were lined up along the walls. A number of assorted flasks and pots made of clay were also plentiful. A large sturdy bed was off to the side. The frame for it was made of rock and mud and topped with sticks that had been strewn together. Several thick blankets were laid atop it and that pretty much covered it. Some homes had more modern beds, (ie, mattresses), but Stripe had grown up in the Zebra Military and this was good enough for him. A few simple chairs are also set up. Like the bed, they are strewn together pieces of wood adorned with thick animal skins. However, these are much sturdier than the bed.

A little further in is the kitchen. A brick oven is the centerpiece of the kitchen. Zebras have used wood for centuries in brick ovens. The heat of the fire has always been noted to cook food better than any modern convenience created thus far. Most zebras do use modern stoves and ovens, but not Stripe. He also has a fire pit with a large pot on a metal pole. Again, a tried and true method of cooking that Stripe prefers over the more modern equivalent. Further in the back is the only modern part of the home. Stripe's wife had insisted on a modern shower system. It had cost a fortune to get installed, but it had been worth it.

Initially, Stripe was uncertain about 'plumbing'. He'd always bathed himself in the river and made use of an outhouse. He didn't see the point of having a shower and toilet installed. But, his wife Artemisia had convinced him to have modern plumbing installed. After trying it out himself for the first time, he was sold. The warm or cold water dancing across his furred body was more soothing than the rare rainstorms. It was also a nice way to relax after a particularly stressful and hot day. Plus, the bathroom sink was large enough to also be used for cleaning vegetables if necessary,

Stripe's home is mostly simple, but that is just fine for him. It is then that a figure enters. This figure is quite large, barely able to fit through the front door. Having squeezed through, the figure drops her hood. A beautiful zebra mare with a bright red mane sighs warmly before glancing back towards the door. Artemisia was very heavy, nearly 600lbs of fatty mare with a belly that swayed whenever she walked. Her thick flanks were nearly bulging out of her robe as she waddled her way across the main room of the home. Despite her weight, she was still fairly quick and agile. She always knew when her husband was at the city gates and was always there to give him incentive to hurry home.

Outside, the sounds of the city are heard as zebras walk past the front. Turning her head, she focuses intently on the door and then lets out the breath she had been holding. A sound is heard as the form of the zebra disappears. The black exoskeleton is outright noticeable from even a mile off in the open desert. The reddish colored mane remains behind as her thick black exoskeleton becomes more evident. She was still as big as she was in her zebra form. Looking at a mirror that was in the bathroom, she approaches. As she looks inside it, she sees her bright red colored pupils. Turning her head quickly, her eyes glanced at the door.

The creaking sound of the door opening was heard. Backing into the open shower, the changeling female peeks around the corner. A zebra is seen entering. He looks dusty and seems tired as evident by his walk. Tossing his robe onto the nearby chair, he sets his mace by the door before pulling his sword and it's scabbard off and setting them on the kitchen counter. “Artemisia?”

Being married to a changeling was dangerous. They were cunning and fierce creatures only after the emotions from those that love them. Changelings can feed on any emotion, but the positive emotions like love and happiness are the best for them. Most would do anything, even using trickery and deceit to get at these emotions. But, equally as dangerous is marrying a changeling that is not interested in doing any of that. When Artemisia first met Stripe, all she saw was a mark, a target. She had taken the form of a redheaded zebress he had always had a fondness for. She wanted to replace that mare so she could get at the emotions she needed for the changelings she was leading here in Zebrafrica. Doing so was easy, especially since that particular mare died in an accident. Better yet, an accident that didn't involve any of the changelings she had. As she got closer to him and felt his love become more present, something changed. She started to see something she didn't like. Months passed as she began to actually reciprocate his love. When he proposed to her, she revealed herself to him.

Stripe had been surprised to see the mare he had been dating for the better part of a year was a changeling. However, he didn't care. He could tell her love was genuine. So, he gave her a hug and kissed her. In the years that followed, he grew to be very protective of her. His mother had left a few years prior to his meeting her. She had wanted to travel and see the world, but he had wanted to stay because he felt he had an obligation to the Zebra Military. So, she left him with her old home and promised to write him a letter every month. It had been hard to separate like that. Then he met Artemisia and everything was better. After learning she was a changeling, he had had some mixed emotions, but knew it would be better to stick with the one being he still had with him that returned his love. He had been overprotective of his mother because she was his mother. He is overprotective of Artemisia because she is his wife, and also because she is no zebra. He knew his comrades in the military would never accept having a changeling married to one of their own. His own people knew of the war and also heard information suggesting that there was an invasion force in the neighboring country of Equestria. So, popular opinion of the changelings was not high.

“Artemisia?” Seeing her step out from the bathroom, his heart nearly jumped for joy. Every time he left to head into the desert, he feared what he would return to. An empty home. A home that was trashed and bloodstained. Word from the locals, guards or paper of a captured or killed changeling. He feared losing her to the neighbors that he knew and loved. Neighbors that couldn't possibly understand how he could love her and for her to love him back. Not as a changeling seeking emotions, but as a wife would love her husband.

“I was so worried about you,” she stated in a relatively odd feminine voice. It sounded as though she had a microphone stuck in her throat. Hurrying to her, he nuzzled against her. “How are your spells holding up? Are you able to maintain your disguise when you shop?” “Yes, dear husband. I am very careful.” Artemisia didn't want to worry Stripe, so she always tried her best to downplay the fears and worries she knew he had. The fear he had about her losing her disguise in the middle of the busy marketplace was not without merit though. But, her magic was strong enough to keep herself disguised when she needed it most. “Please, rest. I'll make supper.”

Stripe turned and watched as she sauntered into the kitchen to begin cooking. The belief that changelings only fed on emotions was a myth. Stripe had originally believed this till he discovered Artemisia's true shape. She ate everything he did and had no trouble with it. In fact, she even ate in excess to put on weight for him. She had asked him once what he wanted most when he next returned from an assignment. He had told her that just having her safe and alive would be more than enough. She asked him again and again until he relented and told her that he would appreciate seeing her larger. He further elaborated just what he meant by 'larger'. Fat zebras were not all that uncommon. Many zebra mares would eat in excess and show off their fatty forms as a sign of prosperity and wealth. Many males looked on this with approving glances, some for reasons other than a simple note that the female must fairly wealthy.

As the evening grew later, the smells of a thick and hearty vegetable stew began to permeate the entire home. Stripe had spent some time in the back courtyard he had practicing. The courtyard itself was nothing special. A patch of sandy dirt with several target dummies set up for him to practice his unarmed skills on. Very rarely did he train with his mace or sword out here. The main reason was he really hated rebuilding the dummies after every training session. He had learned through testing that they were sturdy enough to handle many sessions before needing some repair when he just used his hooves and his body. Letting out his breath, he turned towards the back door and inhaled deeply. He could smell the delicious smells coming from the kitchen.

As supper cooked, the heavyset changeling busied herself with tidying up the home. Typically, not much was needed to be done. Many days out of each month, she was the only one there. During any given month, she had maybe two weeks at best with her husband. Looking over the armor that was on one of the sturdy chairs (sturdier than normal because of her weight), she saw the blast mark over the chest area. Glancing towards the back, an look of worry crossed her face. Looking back towards it, she bit her tongue. Whenever she did this, she had to be mindful not to bite too hard because of her sharp fangs. “Stripe honey, could you please come in here.” Her voice was more airy and like velvet this time. The voice of the zebra she had taken over. She had to use it whenever she spoke in more than a low voice or whisper inside her home.

Entering, the zebra saw her worried look. “Mia, I'm fine.” “You were struck by changeling magic again. You need to be more careful! Our magic is not as refined as unicorn or even alicorn magic. It can easily kill you. It can poison your body for days or weeks afterwards if the proper spell is used.” Stripe looked towards the ground as he rubbed his left forehoof with his right. “I'm sorry. I do what I can.” “Maybe I should sit on you.” Looking up, the zebra was obviously confused. Artemisia had switched back to her changeling voice when she said it. It was in the same tone she'd had moments before, but there was obviously something different this time around. “I beg your pardon?” “I should sit on you,” she repeated, a smile forming across her muzzle. Walking over, Stripe wrapped his forehooves around her and gave her a big hug. Kissing her cheek, he looks her in the eyes before looking back towards her heavier form. “You gain anything?” “Later. I still have dinner to finish,” she stated as she headed back to the pot where the stew was cooking.

Stripe simply looked over her as she walked. He watched her belly sway to and fro while trying to catch a reasonable glimpse of something else that he knew was swaying to and fro. However, her robes made such things harder to see for him. She did look a little bigger than when he was here three weeks ago. He knew that before the night was through, he'd have some good times with her. The past few times, they'd had to get creative due to the sounds of pleasure she made. Usually, a gag or something else for her mouth was required till they were done lest someone find out that she was not as she appeared. This time, Stripe had some different in mind and wanted to discuss it with her before trying it. Now was not the time for such discussions. Such things were best saved for after dinner when she was more in the mood for experimentation.

Outside, as the sun set further into the western sky and the moon began to make it's appearance, a largish figure looked over the exterior of the home. Zecorn had just gotten back from the military command. His face had a forlorn expression. He was worried and fearful for Stripe. Stripe had been his friend ever since he had joined the Zebrafrican Military. The young zebra had always been so full of spunk and learned fast. He was very nimble and aggressive in combat. Stripe had also been the only one to top his own academy score. Unlike ponies, zebras were more ready to fight and enter battle because the desert landscape was less forgiving than the abundant one of the ponies. Plus, fights here were often more brutal for that fact alone. Sure, Equestria had it's own desert as well, but they at least had food and more friendly neighbors. It was nearly a month's journey to the nearest Equestrian border from Caibra. Few zebras lived outside the major cities, and those were dotted around Zebrafrica.

Hoofsteps garnered his attention as he cocked his head to the right. “You wanted me?” “Yes Iron, I wish to speak with you.” The guard simply nodded. He had gray stripes instead of the more traditional black stripes zebras had. His white stripes of fur were also more faded, much like his grandfather, Ironhide. So, he was called Iron White, or just Iron for short. “You know Stripe, don't you?” “Of course,” Iron replied as he cast a glance towards Stripe's home. “I am fearful for him. I have sent him on many missions out into the farthest reaches of the country. He's gone far out into the desert to scout, sometimes all by himself and sometimes with others. No matter what happened or how dangerous the desert and the creatures were, I always knew he would return.” “Then what could make you worry?” “I discovered something. I still am not completely sure what I discovered, but I've had my superiors look into it to try and give me some good news.” “Another mission? The one he just returned from? He didn't look injured when he entered the main gate.” “It's not that. It is also nothing he's seen or will see out in the desert.” “Then what?” “There may be one of them amongst us.” Iron gave his commander a stare before returning his glance towards Stripe's home.

Several hours passed as the sun made it's final farewells to the land before disappearing below the horizon. Stripe was washing some of the dishes off using the bathroom sink as he looked towards where Artemisia lay on the bed. The wood had cracked and splintered when she had laid down. He had always remembered it creaking and groaning whenever someone would lay down on it. Ever since his wife had started gaining weight to get fat for him, it groaned even more every time she laid down on it. She was tired, very tired. He wouldn't be getting anything tonight, but tomorrow was always another day. However, the fact she was tired did worry him. It took a lot to tire out and drain a changeling of their energy. Emotions provided a very steady and constant flow of magical energy that helped them maintain their disguises with ease. Queens usually use this trick when under the guise of someone to gain love and affection from those they are tricking. It feeds them, it helps them feed their armies and it also enables them to constantly reinforce the spell they have to keep their disguise active. Most changelings are thin though. They are lithe and tiny if agile and deadly creatures. Artemisia is neither thin nor small. She is taller than most queens, though Stripe has none to compare her to. She is also much heavier than any changeling he had ever seen. This compiled with her near constant need to maintain a disguise while taking very little if any emotions from the populace would be incredibly draining on her. If he wished to keep her safe, then he would have to move her out of the city. However, that had problems as well since food was scarce in Zebrafrica outside of the major cities.

A breeze moves through the city and rattles the few wooden shutters in the home. Seeing one fly open, he rushes to it to try and shut it. However, like all the other times it has flung open, it is caught on the window ledge. Trying to push it closed without breaking it is extremely difficult. He can spot several figures across the street. He doesn't know who they are exactly because of the fading light, but he recognized the fact that they had armor on. He was panicking now. If they saw her form as it was without a disguise, he wouldn't be able to protect her. “Close, damn you! Please close,” he pleads as he looks across the street again. With a final shove that was a bit more forceful than he had ever been, he manages to shut the shutter and locks it. Wiping his forehoof across his brow, he glances towards his sleeping wife. “Your magic is starting to fail you,” he mutters as he glances back towards the window. He needed a plan. He'd lost his mother near as he could tell since her letters had stopped coming a few months back. The last one had mentioned Equestria and new friends and the ever present questions that every mother would ask their son. When is he coming to visit? Is he going to move to Equestria? Has he found a wife yet? Are there any grandchildren forthcoming? It was embarrassing but distressing at the same time. “Why couldn't you have stayed mom. I need help,” he states on the edge of tears. Turning from the window, he walked to the kitchen and stopped as he looked over the sword.

A shine was seen, a glint of green. It was not from the scabbard or the sword within, but rather something off to the side. Approaching, he looked over what appeared to be an amulet or a pendant. It was a piece of changeling jewelry. He'd seen Artemisia wear something similar from time to time. This one was different though. He couldn't quite get what was different about it aside from the designs on it. Like the one she wore, it was ornate and very intricately designed. The interwoven patterns of the chitin that changelings had was interesting and fascinating. “It's magic.” Turning his head, he saw Artemisia had sat up somewhat. “What does it do?” “It protects the wearer and helps instill magic. It is said that when one that is not a changeling puts it on, they are given changeling powers.” “That can't be true. Is it?” “I'm not certain. I've heard some rumors of one being that had recovered one. It took time, but he eventually changed. As to how much or whether it was true or not, I am not certain.”

As they talked, the figures outside continued to watch. Zecorn and Iron had both seen the shutter fly open. He'd also seen how frantic Stripe had been to get it shut. “I've never been more afraid for him than right now.” “What can we do?” “Until we have the news, nothing.” “Sir, when will it arrive?” “In the morning. I pray it is not what I think.” Iron had been standing with Zecorn for several hours now and he had gotten no information on why he had been called. “Look, I want you to round up some guards and warriors. Pick ones you know and trust. Meet me here with them tomorrow morning unless I meet you to say otherwise.” “What are we going to do?” “I don't know yet. It's too early to tell.” With that, he walked off down the street leaving Iron sitting there bewildered. Why was his commander so paranoid about Stripe now? Looking towards the house of his friend and colleague, he decided to find out.

Stripe was just about ready to slip into the shower when he heard the knock. “Dammit,” he muttered as he slowly walked to the door. His wife was starting to stir again after drifting back to sleep. Walking over to her, he pulled the blanket to better cover her. With how the door opened, swinging inside and to the right, she would be blocked from view, but only just. So, this was just an added precaution.

The knocking persisted and he sighed as he walked over and finally opened the door. “Stripe. Mind if I come in?” Fortunately, Stripe had a pretty decent excuse to tell him no. “Sorry, Mia is asleep. She's had a rough day and I'd rather not disturb her if at all possible.” Iron knew of the pet name Stripe had for his wife and nodded, a smile forming on his muzzle. “Zecorn is worried. He thinks there is something wrong.” “What?” “I don't know. He wouldn't say. He was just worried for you. I get the feeling he thought you were about to die or something.” “That is a little telling,” Stripe stated, his tone changing. “Does he have reason to worry?” Stripe gave the grayish zebra a glance that was hard to place. Iron had noted the change in tone and was a little suspicious. He was even more suspicious at Stripe's glare. “Your career could very well be riding on this.” “I don't think it is as bad as he thinks. He's just getting a bit fearful. After all, him and Blackhoof promised to look after me. With the intensity of some of the fights in the desert, particularly that last one, he might be getting a touch overprotective.” Stripe knew it was bogus. He knew he was one of the best and that Zecorn was never overly paranoid for the safety of his troops in combat. He only got paranoid if he felt they couldn't be trusted or if he felt someone was deceiving them. Half the time, it was just his old age getting to him and making him paranoid. The other half.....well, things were a little different.

He felt a nudge and saw Iron peeking in and he responded by pushing him back. “Come back tomorrow. Please. Mia is really tired and may have something. So please, try again tomorrow when she is awake and potentially feeling better.” Iron simply gave Stripe a hard glare before nodding, “Fine. I'll be here tomorrow at seven on the dot.” “If she has something, we may be talking later. But, we'll see.” “Fair enough.”

Stripe actually stood at the door and watched as the guard walked off. Keeping his eyes trained on the zebra till he disappeared around the next corner and vanished from his line of sight. Once he was gone, Stripe shut the door quickly. Glancing to where his wife slept, his mind was racing. He needed a way out and fast. It was too dangerous to keep her around here. With some of the actions of his fellow guards striking him as suspicious, he was getting worried for the one he cared the most for. “Wait, Cervidas. If I could just get a train. A one way ticket in first class. I could get a singular car and no one would question it. No one would question if she were different.” It was a weak hope, but he knew enough that the deer were currently having no problems with the changelings near as he could tell from news and reports.

With darkness falling, a figure hurried through the streets of Caibra. The train station only operated during the waking hours, but the ticket counters would be open till ten. If he could get there quickly enough, he could get a ticket and then hurry back. He should have left once he was fairly certain his old comrade had left, but he hadn't. Fearful of the zebra coming back to snoop, he had waited till it was dark before making a run for the station. There was still a risk, so he hurried. Every corner he rounded, every step he took took him farther from his wife and made it that much harder to get back and protect her if someone found her.

Having waited for Iron to go to sleep, Iron was up on a roof. It was with great surprise that he had seen his friend rush out of his home and head off down the street in a big hurry. Having no time to even try to question where he could be going, he merely watched as the zebra warrior took off. Walking down some steps, he walked around to the street and peered both directions. He especially looked to where Stripe had taken off to. Seeing nothing, he carefully and quickly made his way to Stripe's home. Checking the door, he found it locked. Knocking, he heard nothing but the sounds of something large shifting and the creaking of wood. He had to stifle a chuckle at that as he knew how big Artemisia was. Knocking again got him more or less the same response. “Well, Stripe left and Mia is asleep, so I guess I'll take a peek.” Iron knew that Stripe was hiding something. Sure, he'd never let anyone in after a certain time, but he was usually more than willing to at least get a drink. Even if the last mission and trip had been particularly brutal, he still usually tried to spend time with his friends and fellow warriors. It was then that he realized he had never seen Artemisia by herself. He'd never seen her by herself after dark. She was always with Stripe.

“I wonder,” he muttered to himself as he walked around to where that weak shutter was. Pushing on it, he found it resisted. Even when it was locked, he'd seen it swing open if the wind was strong enough. Applying a little more pressure, he finally managed to open it as it swung and then banged against the wall. Ducking back, he heard Artemisia stir. “Stripe?” That voice. That was no zebra. Iron was shocked by what he heard. Ducking down, he heard hoofsteps and kept his eyes on the window. “Cursed shutter. Stripe?” Iron just stood, staring as he saw her head emerge as she tried to get some more leverage to shut it when it broke. “Curses! Stripe!? Stripe, where are you!?” The female sounded panicky. Iron waited till he figured he could make a move and then darted off to find Zecorn. There was a changeling and Stripe may have been influenced.

The clock in the center of Caibra began to chime. It was now ten o'clock. The zebra stallion behind the ticket counter yawned and stretched as he began to close up. His black and white fur showed some hints of gray in his mane. Apparently, he'd seen more than a few years and he intended to see more than a few more. It was as he had just locked the safe when he heard something smash against the outside. “What the hay!?” Outside was a frantic looking zebra stallion. He looked like a guard as evident by what armor could be seen under his robes. “Sorry, we're closed. Come back tomorrow.” “NO!! Please!! I need two tickets to Fawntaine now!” “Sorry, I said....” he began only to be interrupted. “You don't understand. I need those tickets! Please, I have money. Here, 15 rubies. It's all I have. Take it!” The zebra behind the counter looked out the window at the zebra before he looked at the gems that had been shoved through the slit where he would exchange tickets for payment. Usually gold bits or small gemstones. He had enough here to buy almost a hundred tickets. It was clear to him that this zebra was desperate. Something seemed off, but he knew he had to help him. “Okay, give me a moment.”

Stripe watched as the stallion got a couple of tickets and stamped them. “Alright, the train leaves the station tomorrow at seven. Can you make it?” “You bet your life,” Stripe stated and grabbed the tickets before darting off. He hadn't even bothered to grab the rubies the other zebra had pushed back.

On his way back, Stripe had the answer to his prayers in his robe pocket. Every couple of feet he kept checking to make sure the tickets didn't fall out. He was so focused on his destination and not losing the tickets that he nearly ran down his commander. “Whoa whoa whoa! Stripe, I need a word with you. Where in the world are you going so quickly?” “Home, no time to talk!” “Hold it!” Stripe was starting to panic. He was unarmed and eight blocks from his home. He didn't need this obstacle right now. “Please!! Sir, I need to get home!” Zecorn couldn't even get him to stay to listen as he pushed and hurried past. “Sir!” Zecorn turned as he heard somebody new. “Iron? I thought I said...” “Please, I have grave news.”

Moments later, Stripe burst through his own front door before shutting it quickly behind him. Naturally, this would have awakened Artemisia had she not already been awake. “Where were you?” “No time to explain. Please, get dressed!” “Stripe. NO! Stripe! Stop! You're scaring me!” “We can't stay here! It's not safe. Pack some food and some clothes. We will stay in a hotel tonight and catch a train to Cervidas tomorrow.” “The deer kingdom? But you love the desert.” “I can't lose you! I love you too much. I think they may know.” Artemisia had never seen her husband so scared before. He had fought changelings and wild beasts in the desert. She'd watched him stare down a massive dragon without even flinching. Yet he was panicky and scared like a little foal.

A sound was heard outside and Stripe turned, “Hurry.” It was nothing more than his neighbor folding up a chair, but Stripe couldn't see that. Grabbing his mace and sword, he made sure they were strapped tightly to his flanks and under his robes. Turning to his wife, he walked over and kissed her. She felt his tongue around hers and tried to pull away when he stopped her. She could feel his love and passion and felt a little more invigorated. He broke it off a moment later. “You'll need the extra energy,” he answered the unasked question. Nodding, she saw the pendant in the kitchen and grabbed it as she saw him head out the back.

Kicking out part of the fence he had put up, Stripe glanced around to make sure the coast was clear before motioning towards the house. Artemisia lumbered out as quickly as she could. “Why this way?” “Don't trust the front. Put on your disguise.” Nodding, she closed her eyes and cast the spell as she felt her changeling body disappear piece by piece until she looked like a zebra once more. “Go, I'll be right behind you.” “Take this.” “What?” “This pendant is for you. It will always protect you.” He wanted to argue but simply nodded and let her slip it over his neck. He could feel the energies emanating from it as it came to rest against his fur.

Squeezing out the small hole in the fence was difficult, but Artemisia managed with a little bit of help from Stripe. The wood had cracked and broke a bit more than what Stripe had already kicked out, but it didn't attract any unwanted attention so he chose to simply just move on. Hurrying along using the back alleys and side streets, he lead his wife towards the train station. Glancing back when he was just a few blocks from the station, he saw nothing. His breathing began to quicken as he looked around when he heard heavy hoofsteps. He waited a moment and saw her round a corner. She was out of breath and looked strained. He saw her form seem to 'flicker' and he gulped. “Mia, you are losing your magic,” he whispered worriedly. “Changeling magic cannot be lost. But it does need to be recharged. Rest helps, but so does love and adoration. You know this.” Stripe was very worried, but he knew that hope was just around the corner. “I'll use my feelings of love for you once we have reached our destination for the night. It'll help you replenish your magic some so that we can board the train without issue.” Artemisia smiled and nuzzled his neck before following him the last few blocks to the station.

A smashing sound echoed out as a dozen zebra guards invaded Stripe's home. Zecorn was just outside the front door as his warriors checked it out. “Without your testimony, they never would have agreed to do it till tomorrow. I cannot believe she was literally right under our eyes this whole time. It's going to kill Stripe when he learns the female he truly loves is likely dead.” “Well, we'll soon have our buddy back and out of her control.” “Commander! There's nobody here. They appear to have left out the back. We noticed a hole in the fence.” “Close off the city. No one leaves till we find her.” “Understood!”

Sighing, the elder zebra warrior started to head off towards his home when he glanced towards the north. Scratching his chin, he turned to where Iron was standing, “What were your words on her? What did she look like?” “Easily as big as Mia if not bigger.” “Thank you. Take your warriors and head to the train station. One of the stallions that works there said someone paid for two tickets with 15 large rubies. Said they were frantic and appeared to be in a hurry.” “There is a train for Cervidas in the morning at seven. First thing.” Zecorn raised his hoof but stopped before he spoke as if picking his words very carefully. It was a long few moments before he finally spoke. “Wait until morning and then make your move on the platform. Also, make sure every zebra gets out of there safely. I don't need any civilian casualties.” Iron nodded and headed off to take care of it.

Watching him leave, Zecorn sighed once more. He wouldn't have become suspicious had he not seen her disguise flicker when she was buying food from one of the local vendors in the market. The vendor might have noticed had he not been preoccupied with another customer. Of course, the more he thought about it, the more he began to wonder why some of Stripe's neighbors hadn't been experiencing any problems. How they still seemed the same and not....'faded'. He'd heard reports of what those that live with changelings experience. How they become someone completely different until they are the exact opposite of what they used to be, dry and emotionless. Stripe still seemed to be full of emotional vigor though. But then again, maybe that was the whole idea. To not draw as much attention to herself because of her weight and her new need for more energy. Course, why would she even put on so much weight and then not find a source of power to better fuel the energies she was losing? Shaking his head, he decided it was too late and that he would need some sleep to take charge of her capture the following morning.

The night passes without incident and Stripe makes his way to the train station an hour before it is scheduled to leave. Trains were not allowed to travel the zebra lands after dark because of the threat of bandits. Even more so now because of the threat of changelings. Taking a deep breath, he motioned with his right hoof for Artemisia to follow him as they slowly approached the boarding platform.

Hiding just out of sight behind one of the nearby trains, Iron watches until he spots the exact being he had been waiting for. Nodding to the others, he walks out from behind it slowly. They were to stay in their position till he directed them otherwise.

Stripe had a very bad feeling about this. It was nearly seven and yet there was not one being here. No zebras, no ponies, no gryphons, no nothing. There wasn't even a conductor or engineer that he could see aboard the train. “HEY STRIPE!!” Turning his head, he saw Iron walking up. The gray striped zebra was walking slowly and carefully towards where he was. “You leaving?” “Yeah. Going to go visit my mother after all these years.” He knew the answer was a lie. His mother was in Equestria, not Cervidas. However, it was much easier to book a trip to Equestria from Cervidas due to the closer proximity across the ocean. “Really? Going to introduce her to your bride there?” “Yes. After all these years and all those embarrassing questions, she finally gets her answer.” “Too bad she'll have to mend her son's broken heart.”

Stripe froze when he heard those words. The next few moments were not going to be pleasant, that much was certain. “Why?” “That's not Mia.” Stripe turned to his wife and saw her look of fear. He had to keep a straight face and urged her to do the same with a stare. “She looks like Mia to me.” “Trust me, she is a vile creature!” Iron looked up and saw Zecorn standing on a balcony of the hotel. As the elder zebra turned to head inside, he looked back towards Stripe. “I hate to break it to you, but she is a changeling. SEIZE HER!!”

Flinging off his robe, Stripe stood in front of Artemisia as he tried to push her onto the train. Iron moved up and knocked him aside. “Fight it!! Don't be her slave!” A blast of magic hit the doorway as a zebra unicorn, more commonly referred to as a zebracorn, destroyed Artemisia's disguise. Panic had set in as she tried to back onto the train. “DON'T LET HER ESCAPE!!!”

Stripe looked up in horror as he saw one of his fellow zebras, one that he had saved twice in combat, hurl a spear. It was all in slow motion as the spear cut through the air like a knife could cut through skin. It was then he heard her scream in pain. Glancing up, he saw the spear had pierced her fore area, pierced her chest. Her eyes grew heavy as she mouthed, 'I love you,' before collapsing. Her green blood pooling around where she had fell.

Up on the balcony, Zecorn smiled, but for just a brief moment. Raising his right hoof to his chin, he watched as Stripe stood up. His form, his look, his general stance.......something was wrong. He hadn't saved Stripe as he had thought. Lowering his head as he grimaced, he knew precisely what was coming.

Iron smiled and tried to get Stripe to hoof bump with him. “Come on!! She's dead! Look, I'm sorry about Mia, I really am. But she has to have been dead for years.” “Wrong! You are no longer my friend!” Drawing his sword so swiftly and quickly, he slashed out with it as he turned his head. He felt the spray of something hot and sticky on his face as he saw Iron's head fall to the platform floor.

With another whip of his head, he threw the sword and nailed the zebra that had thrown the spear. Grabbing his mace, he charged into the ranks of the guards. Smashing a skull of the first, he felt the bones crunch and the blood spray onto his form. His fur was slowly getting redder from the blood splatter as his mind turned from sorrow to anger. Zebras were quick to anger and viewed vengeance as the ultimate form of justice.

Zecorn could only watch from his perch on the balcony as his best and strongest began to fight his own kind. Stripe was hurting. All he saw was red as he sought to end those that had taken everything from him. It wouldn't bring her back, but it would make him feel better....or so he hoped. Over the past few years, Artemisia had taken a more pacifistic view to fighting and violence. She came to hate and deplore it. But even that couldn't soothe Stripe's now aching heart.

The clash of metal is heard as he brings his mace down on the shield a zebra was holding. Stripe now had the bit of tied rope at the end wrapped around his hoof to better wield it and put more force and power behind each and every strike. Knocking the shield away, he smashes yet another zebra skull as the bone crunches and the blood splatters everywhere. Seeing the zebracorn take an offensive position, he grabs the shield and takes a defensive as the zebracorn fires. The metal shield deflects the magic several times before Stripe is knocked back. He throws the mace and misses his target when he feels something sharp pierce his armor and his side.

A spear was now protruding from his side as he struggled to get up before falling down. It was then, the other zebras stopped. Zecorn had hurried up and had stopped the fight. 7 zebra warriors lay dead on the platform and stairs leading up to the platform. The dead changeling queen was still somewhat wedged into the door on the train. Zecorn had made a mistake. He realized it too late that he had killed someone that genuinely loved Stripe. Someone he truly did care for. It was his remorse that had him call off the guards. He gave silent motions to get a doctor and get him patched up.

“What do we do with him?” “Let me worry about that,” Zecorn replied to the zebracorn. “Just get him patched up. Then put him on the first train to Cervidas. And give him this. Or give it to someone that can give it to him when he awakens,” Zecorn ordered as he produced a letter.