• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 2,655 Views, 57 Comments

New Reign - Dream Seeker

Celestia has finally left this world, and Twilight has to step up to her place as Princess beside Luna, becoming Regent of the Sun.

  • ...

Clues:Arc 1, Chapter 5

Simmering Steel was nervous. He had been tasked, by Shining Armor himself, to find out where the terrorist group that tried to assassinate the Princess. If they almost killed the Princess, what would stop them from killing him? He was in charge of a large group of soldiers, all looking for clues. As they turned a corner, Simmering Steel thought he saw a dark shadow flit away down the streets, leaving a shadowy trail behind him.

"Just a trick of the light!" he yelled to his team, "Don't try to follow it!"


"Bonk. Thunk." went a pony with a light blue coat and a blue mane's head as he smacked it head repeatedly into the table. "How could they pass up a clue like that? They must be stupider than I thought. I even considered ditching this idea because it was too obviously a trap!"


A note swirled in the wind in front of Simmering Steel. He reached out and grabbed it, reading it to himself.

Thank you for agreeing to do our... "Business". Our target will be in the throne room on the 7th of this month, which is when and where you should fulfill our deal. Our address, in case you want more highly paid jobs of your category of work, is the only warehouse by the docks near here.

"Nothing but a receipt for hiring somepony, probably a professional party thrower, meant to set up a party on the same day as the Princess was nearly assassinated. What a pity the assassination had to cancel the party. It also has their employer's address." said Simmering
"Do they have professional party planners now?" asked another guard.
"Sure. Ever heard of Cheese Sandwich?" replied Simmering


A pony with a light blue coat and a blue mane groaned. "How could they possibly mistake an assassin's hiring recipt for a party planner's?" His head lay flat on the table now. "I suddenly worry that they won't catch any of our clues."
"Give it time." the Shadow replied. "I have an idea that will surely bring them right where we want them."


Simmering walked forward, then suddenly came to a halt as he saw a sign.

Evil Ponies Secret Base Is At The Warehouse Near Here!

"Huh. So the party planner's boss was evil? Good thing they placed this extremely convenient sign here! What could possibly go wrong? Let's go!"


The light blue pony's jaw dropped in disbelief. "They don't see that its a trap? How could they not see it?"
The Shadow grimaced. "It's a pony thing. A surprisingly large amount of them can't see a trap until it hits them. This is going to be a real disaster for them."


Simmering trotted into a nearby hotel. After buying every room for his guards, he began preparing for the next day's battle. Oh, they'll be so surprised to see me! he thought. They'll never see me coming! So I should probably bring a couple of magic suppressors, maybe one for each of my guards. Meanwhile, the other guards were thinking about how easy it would be as well, all except for one. Radiant Sword was worried. Can't they see it's a trap? he thought. He could not believe that Simmering could have fallen for it. Maybe an extreme form of sarcasm? Just please let him be joking... he hoped. As he prepared himself, he decided to try the invisibility spell he had learned recently. He didn't know it would save his life.

In the morning, forty ponies trotted into the warehouse. Ten minutes later, one trotted out, invisible. He got a free trip on the train due to his position as a guard, and got back to the castle at about midday. His ears sagged as he stumbled into the throne room.

"Dead!" he cried. "They're all dead!" Then he collapsed.

Twilight gasped. Of the entire party she sent out, only one was left? How could this have happened? She didn't have time to continue this line of questioning with herself. After checking his body for wounds, and finding none that would merit this collapse, she summoned Luna to take a look at the guard's mental state. Luna arrived a few minutes later.

"This is a very grave situation." Luna reported. "His mind is damaged from witnessing the slaughter of thirty-nine guards. I saw it through his eyes. I suggest I remove the memories, and store them in a Memory Jar. Then, we shall consult him. If he wishes, we shall return the memories, but it would put him back into this state."
"Why would we return his memories, if they would do this to him?" asked Twilight.
"This counts as a complex medical procedure, and we must have his consent. However, as we cannot get his consent in this state, we can get him out of this state before asking him. I doubt he will ask for the memories back, at least not all of them."
"Do it." ordered Twilight.

Luna's horn glowed and pressed against Radiant's head. A ball of memories was removed, and stored inside a nearby jar. Radiant woke up a few moments later.

"What happened?" Radiant asked groggily. "All I remember is walking into the warehouse, and then walking our, invisible and alone. Where am I?"
"You're at the castle, in the throne room." Twilight replied. "All of your comrades died in a horrible, bloody battle. We had to remove the harmful memories from your head. We are required by law to offer your memories back, but a word of warning: You will return to a vegetative state."
"Your Highness!" Radiant struggled to his hooves and bowed. "I am fine without the memories, if they're really that bad."
"They are." Luna put in. "Only centuries of living in the darkest times of Equestria prevented me from falling to the floor when I carried them."
"How did you find the warehouse? What else happened during the mission?" Twilight asked.
"Of course. This is what happened..."

Author's Note:

Can't all be tragic, can it? I had to have some comic relief for the beginning. No, I don't plan on adding a gore tag, that battle's not going to be seen here. All I can say here about the battle, is that it was the singular most bloody battle in all of history, except for a few ancient battles.

The battle scene is now created and available for you to read. Maripony Massacre